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Your Ideal Guy

Guest ZeroFungus

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i have a weakness for:

- men in suits [black suit +white shirt+black tie *droool]

- really nice white smiles

- short spiked hair - asian haircuts are usually good, like faux mohawks, mullets etc. [long hair is a turnoff]

- men who are slightly more effeminate [manly macho macho men dont appeal], but NOT girly....i think of YUNHO/SHIWON/MICKY/JUNSU/KIBUM/HANKYUNG yeaaaaaah^^

- guys who dress preppy - shirts, vests, blazers..i LOVE the blazers+jeans look.

- honky/korean fashion is pretty hot too

- emo glasses look really hot on some people...

- brains are UBER SEXY

- dont like piercings on guys, but i dont mind eyebrow/some lobe ones

- dont like tattoos either unless small and few.

- over 5'8"? 180cm+...im tall, i LOVE TALL GUYS.

- can dance/sing/play a musical instrument

- is a gentleman!

that is all. ideal guy: choi shiwon x jung yunho. ROFL

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Guest babii.lani

lol my ideal guy wouldd be:(i get called shallow EVERytime i tell this to someone)

-tanned/darkish skin

-big eyes..to match mine LOLOL

-nice nose? not a flatt nose..idunno

-well dressed(labelw*ore)...nice taste in clothes..(g-star, hugo, lacoste etcetc)

-not a wussie...has to be able to fight lol

-popular...or at least has friends to hang out with

-not cocky

-nice jeans....R&R, tr etc..

-has a jobb

-taller than me...i'm 5'5

-older than me

-have a nice, sweet smile...nice teeth

-NO LONG hairr i'm serious...has to be short or spikes...NOT bald either

-be able to speak vietnamese would be nice....haha i'm learning right now

-be slim but not boney...well builtish

-rebelishh..not the nice guy everyone's friends withh...iguess..i like bad boys lmao

-funny...be able to make me laugh lots...& trust me..thats not hard, once i laugh i never stop

-has to be a virgin rofl

-smart..but naturally..thats hot!! lol & can't be all showoffey..

-can cook for me!! LMAO i can't cookk...

-can't be clingy..>_<

omfggg just realized my ex..well not really my ex...but yea this guy i liked a lot..he meets all my standards..<3

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+ taller than me

+ doesn't have to be very handsome, just... "look-able" is fine xD

+ fatter than me || to a point that he can actually piggy-back me for 20+ minutes without being extremely exhausted xD hahaha [seems impossible... :lol:]

+ has bigger hands

+ nice smile

+ Asian [somehow preferably Viet]

+ knows how to dress up appropriately and "look-ably"

+ intelligence > or = mine xD

+ doesn't wear a lottt of cologne [i'm allergic <.<]

+ can serenade me with either guitar or piano [optional =P]

picky much?! =/

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Guest onatoko

Have you guys been to the "Ideal Asian Girl Look"? Though they say that its retaliation for the comments in this thread, I feel like guys are comparably more concerned with looks than girls. o.o

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Guest domo_kun


-taller than 5'6

-nice smile

-ridiculously amazing hair xD (or just really softish looking hair, not doused with gel)

-smooth skin

piercings are always good too :D

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kamenashi kazuya

he's one of those rare hot asian guys i like


akanishi jin

buttttt if i meet them in real life, i would probably think they are too good for me anyways.

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Guest Autumn1430263885

hmm...only ideal asian? Okay..


+nice fashion sense

+mysterious~~like Ikuto

+Japanese preferably

+Emo glasses

+can be quiet but also talkitive..like me : D


+hot piercings on the ear lawl!

+ability to cook

+Has to be somewhat slim

+Great personality :D

+Can make me laugh

WOOT. Basically Kyo(FruitsBasket)+Ikuto(Shugo Chara)+Shin(NANA)+Jaejoong

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hmm. I realized that even though I have written in this thread, I never gave an actual description of my ideal Asian guy look.

- skinny is all right :) but I'm kinda chubby and I don't want him to be too skinny next to me. if he likes to work out then that's ok but big muscles are scary :o and I would rather not have a guy with a perfect sixpack.

- same height as me or taller (I'm 5'5") but not over 6'

- big eyes are nice but I especially love small eyes with single eyelids <333333333333333

- adequate skin. like not full of acne but if his face isn't totally clear then I don't care. my skin isn't perfect either -_-

- I don't mind crooked teeth as long as they are not severely crooked. and no yellow or decaying teeth! :vicx:

- "refined" hands with long fingers

- shortish black hair

- cute face ^_^ or perhaps even a "clever" face :D

- no facial hair. any hair on the rest of the body should be a normal amount or else I'd make him wax :o

- ear piercings are all right. if he has any piercings on the face then they shouldn't stand out too much.

- glasses can add a nice touch.

- looks nice in a suit :blush:

- will wear a scarf just for me. I have a thing for guys in scarves. <33

as for non-physical aspects:

- should respect that I like to be independent. FEMINISM FTW

- not too cheap but I probably wouldn't like him spending too much money on me either.

- shows he cares in simple ways. not extravagant.

- enjoys our moments together even if we don't do anything special.

- non-smoker. I don't want him to die young.

- has good personal hygiene :blink: doesn't need to smell "good" as long as he doesn't smell bad ._.

- artistic <33 into art and/or music. I have a liking for string instrument players and photographers O_O

- smart and interesting. likes to talk about historical or current (especially political) events.

- speaking of politics, if he has any affiliation, he must be at least moderately liberal.

- open-minded, willing to learn and try new things

- at least somewhat ambitious. a little laziness is tolerable but I don't wanna have to push him to do everything.

- honest, a bit of a goody-goody (not gonna use a fake ID to get into bars or anything) but not a party pooper

- can speak his native language fluently or at least adequately, perhaps likes to learn other languages as well

- dresses smart ^^ but doesn't necessarily need to spend a lot of money on his clothes.

- fobby accents are really cute :blush:

- likes to listen to the same music as I do

- funny and silly, but knows when to be serious.

oh yeah, and Asian guys who speak French are HOT. B)

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Guest EchoOff




-british accent *melt* (optional, of course)

-nice hair as in like short asian hair but with a twist to it?

-street fashion sense, cause god know i don't have any.

-can fight

-nice personality & won't beat me up if i touch his hair




-intelligent. i would hate to have stupid conversations with him :[

-know an asian language

-not cocky/look down on girls/stingy

-get along with my friends & family


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Guest I_broke_a_nail!

Did I post before? Maybe I put a celeb as my ideal man.

1) Handsome in his own way.

2) Kind, polite, well mannered -- someone I can show to my parents.

3) ***Willing to pick up a few HAINANESE or CANTONESE terms to woo my parents.***

4) A guy that likes video games but not to an extreme level

5) Smarter than me.

6) Weights more than 120 lbs

7) Stronger than me.

8) ***FUNNY! Even if he tells me something online and I could still laugh. BEST.***

9) Has a good future.

10) Patient and doesn't have a bad temper.

11) ***A guy that likes kids and elderly people.***

12) Taller than me. Which means taller than 5'6"

13) ***If he's not strong enough to defend me, he should have the will or courage to defend me.***

14) ***Someone that doesn't force me to watch a scary movie.***

I can't stress 3 and 8 and 11 and 13 and 14 enough.

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Guest whohungjen?

i'm too lazy to go through 15 pages

and i cant remember if i've posted in this but

if....based on looks i had to choose someone...



sometimes i really hate what he wears though

like, i do NOT dig his ... superbright cap.

and his LV glasses.

style wise i would go for a guy who dresses like tablo from epik high

he wears the most...eccentric things sometimes but they suit him so well

and i always love his shirts

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Guest bLufurBaLL

Did I post before? Maybe I put a celeb as my ideal man.

1) Handsome in his own way.

2) Kind, polite, well mannered -- someone I can show to my parents.

3) ***Willing to pick up a few HAINANESE or CANTONESE terms to woo my parents.***

4) A guy that likes video games but not to an extreme level

5) Smarter than me.

6) Weights more than 120 lbs

7) Stronger than me.

8) ***FUNNY! Even if he tells me something online and I could still laugh. BEST.***

9) Has a good future.

10) Patient and doesn't have a bad temper.

11) ***A guy that likes kids and elderly people.***

12) Taller than me. Which means taller than 5'6"

13) ***If he's not strong enough to defend me, he should have the will or courage to defend me.***

14) ***Someone that doesn't force me to watch a scary movie.***

I can't stress 3 and 8 and 11 and 13 and 14 enough.

Good luck with that.


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Guest flyingpotatoes


- cool hair 8D with layers, dyed(?), spiked(?)

- honky style! or just casual should be nice

- nice skin

- good-looking

- can streetdance! eg breaking, cwalk etc

- smiles a lot

- not fat. lol. average should do

- not too much muscles haa

- 10cms taller than me

- chinese since im chinese ^^;

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