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Your Ideal Guy

Guest ZeroFungus

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Guest candysyrup

- Taller than me (I'm 5'6" which is kinda tall for an Asian girl.)

- I don't care that much about looks. Presentability and good hygiene is more important than knock-my-socks handsome. Bad skin can happen to anyone, and it's workable.

- Someone that doesn't has a more Western, open-minded mentality rather than the old-fashioned Asian kind, not someone who looks for a submissive girl that answers everything their husband says, not someone that looks down upon the female race in general. Not "bad boy," which in my world, translates into "assh---."

- No MMORPG, video game obsessed guy.

- No lazy guy who lives off me. Even if he's an aspiring artist or writer, with that I look for passion and action, not idle words that don't get anything done.

- Confident, but not cocky.

- Someone with a sense of humor, but not too silly.

- Basically, a man who I can feel comfortable around, someone who will have mutual respect for me as a woman and shares the same mentality as I do and can deal with the fact that I'm hardworking, and very much a workaholic. Also, someone that gets along with my father. I'd rather not marry an infatuation, I don't have time to deal with such things.

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Hair: Not too done up and crazy where it looks like he spends more time on it than me 0_0. TAMED

Body: Not skinny/lanky... Not obese... no parts that resemble a woman's figure. HEALTHY

Skin/Face: Not scruffy or too baby-faced (creepy). Healthy well-rested complexion.

Style: Casual/Semi-Formal... no super baggy or super layered looks. MATURE & TRENDY/COOL.

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Guest Jasmine<3

TOP.! he's not pretty and girly looking ( YUCK ) and he's got some nice eyes <3 very masculine.VERY EASY ON THE EYES.


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seriously, for me:

+nice smile

+taller than me would be nice :)

+a little build is always a nice thing

+honestly, im kinda drawn to the "bad boy" kinda guys, who are really sweet inside...hehehe

+some level of hygiene is always a plus

+i guess i wouldnt want a guy who smokes/does drugs. but if i really loved him, i would want him to stop for his health....but i guess its something out of my control...you know?

but, overall, a sense of humor. PLEASE. you can be skinny, fat, tall, short, have horrible acne, whateverr i really dont care, but please have a sense of humor. you really dont have to be "HAHAHA" all the time. just someone able to understand little jokes and things. call me unrealistic cuz i look for personality, but thats pretty much it for meeee :blush:

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Guest bigfatPANDA

taller than me (so at least 5'5''-5'6'' so he can still be taller when i wear heels)

nice hair~ i like fobby cuts but if it doesn't suit him, it's ok xD

nice style, no specific style, as long as it matches them :]

nice clean skin, shaved!

lean~ not too skinny, cause bulky is nice to look at.. but its kind of freaky every once in awhile.

a sunny, happy go lucky aura? XD

a nice smile~

my ideal guy: changmin >W<;; or junsu!

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- Tall(er) guys -- taller than 5'7"

- fitting hairstyle - not too long, not buzz cut

- pretty eyes -- because when I talk, that's what i look at

- broad shoulders.. muscles are nice

- manly appearance/aura -- some fob boys are very girly and it bothers me

- sexy smile

- shaven/clean

- a guy with style... I like my guys wearing Abercrombie & Fitch

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Guest xxxLoveHolic

My IDEAL non-existent Asian guy would be:

+tall; only because I'm very short.

+black hair.

+body like Rain or Gong Yoo; not too buff but nicely toned.<3

+his eyes go like ^^ when he smiles... it's so adorable!

+no facial hair; makes people look too mature.

+ear piercings are hot.

+cute smile.

+fashionable; can look good with any outfit.

+smart; not necessarily intellectual but can carry interesting conversations.

+funny without trying too much.

+quiet, not too talkative.

+impeccable taste in music.

+does his homework. I'm not kidding, that's really SEXY.

+handy-man; can fix stuff 'cause I break things easily. Ahaha.

+a jack of all trades kinda guy; can do a little bit of everything.

+a cool guy who's not aware that he's so cool which makes him even cooler.

+smells awesome.

What can I say, I girl can only dream. Haha. If all else fails, he can simply be someone who doesn't necessarily have to be good-looking but has confidence[not arrogance], can carry himself well and definitely not lazy. Also someone who could love me more than I could ever love him [in a non-creepy way]... and smells awesome. :)

It may seem like I'm very picky and demanding but in reality, I'm not really looking for a prince charming, but a pauper with potential. If you know what I mean :P

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Guest bigbangsmex

I'm not too meticulous, just as long as his chest is not as big as mine. >_>;

i.e. Kim Dongwan:


-- credit: one of those picture threads

BIG no no no!

He should be fluent in his native tongue as well as my own. English, too, and not 'Engrish.' Killer bod, but not so overly done. Some guys are just scary looking and disturbing... A sweet smile that could make any girl go crazy. Slightly crooked teeth like Lee JiHoo is soo adorable. Medium skin tone; definitely not darker than me! Non-smoker. Clean. One or two pimples is fine, because no one is perfect. He cannot be prettier than me because then I would feel like the man in the relationship. Manly men are hot, but they can still be slightly metro sexual. Reasonable sense of style that suits him is always a plus. Intelligence is major points, too, so he could tutor me. I'd love to watch k-dramas with him, as long as he doesn't tear up before I do!

No plastic surgery, please. x_x;

I don't care for double or single eyelids on a guy.

Ideally, if he looked like Lee Donghae, that would be perfect. <3

Espeically how Donghae's face is versatile different hairstyles.

Stussy is love, haha.

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Guest linuhhparkk

probably manly/tough/gangster?/cute/nerdy.


-uhhh nice hair?

-cute smile

-fluent in english please

all i can think of at the moment, haha



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Guest annabeelee

nice smile. enough to captivate me. soccer playing bodies are hot ^^

taller than me. cannot be more feminine looking than me

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Guest swagarina

has a nice smile

wears glasses once in a while instead of contacts all the time

smells good

doesnt spend a lot of time trying to look good doing his hair.. and whatever else

MAKES ME LAUGH idc if its not a physical characteristic

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Guest toiletpaper

-at least 6 feet tall. i like tall boys =]

-nice, clear, white as paper skin

-skinny. small muscles. don't like jacked guys.

-dresses like a goth or punk

-feet can't be too small.. small feet gross me out. has to wear converse. i wont accept anything else

-little to no body/facial hair

-straight white teeth

-nice hair

-showers daily and smells delicious

-looks clean. i don't want no dirty boy

-cute smile

-dimples are a plus

-nice hands. i don't like ugly hands

-has nice eyes (no double eyelids. just has to be nice,shapely, and dark)

-narrow face. face can't be too big.

i think thats it haha.

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Guest Xiaoba1tu


^ hahah !! true true.. his one's are bigger than mine >_____>


- at least 175cm or more but not too tall.. & short guys are a turn off, seriously..

- non-smoker/druggy. Knows how to control his drinking..

- Chinese.. preferably, or half chinese/half japanese/korean etc. oh, & literate in English.

- nice back, shoulders, hands

- not overweight/too thin

- must be same age or older (max. 4 years older).. eh, no youngies cos I have younger bros.. *shivers* & I've seen

them w/ very little clothing.. kz, I'll stop at that..

- short/med. hair

- non-flat butt

- can make me laugh

- smarter than me

- not too loud

- nice smile

that's all I can think of atm.. u____u

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Guest bLufurBaLL

Look no further ladies; your ideal man is here. I meet the criteria of every single person.

-sexy bod.

and the list goes on...

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I'll join in (:


Nice hair, nice style overall. Metrosexual, but doesn't overdo it.

Has a smile that fills my tummy with butterflies the first few times I see it. [big Bang's G-Dragon]

Smart. [Kim Jung Hoon]

Funny. Has to be able to make me laugh when I'm sad [&that's not hard at all.]

Can dance well. [G-Dragon or Yunho]

Gentle, but can fight. [Hana Yori Dango's Rui]

Lets me hit him.

Is younger than me by one year.

Can't be too muscly. I don't like buff guys. Big turn off for me.

Has good alcohol tolerance. Can't be a smoker kus I have//had TB.

Nice skin.

No facial hair, please.

Does aegyo. [Lee Sung Min]

There's more, but I think I'm already asking for too much :\

V lol i meant just younger in the time gap of one year [ohgosh, don't know how to put it into words lol]. Kus I didn't want it to come off as "can be younger than me by 3+ years XD

& I totally didnt realize the contradiction in the muscle thing LOLS.

But the alcohol thing, I just like guys who can handle drinks well, lol. Nothing to do with me forcing him to drink kus I'm underage anyways rofl. & he doesnt have to be able to drink now. Just be able to handle it well later on.

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Guest Gofishus

I'll join in (:


Nice hair, nice style overall. Metrosexual, but doesn't overdo it.

Has a smile that fills my tummy with butterflies the first few times I see it. [big Bang's G-Dragon]

Smart. [Kim Jung Hoon]

Funny. Has to be able to make me laugh when I'm sad [&that's not hard at all.]

Can dance well. [G-Dragon or Yunho]

Gentle, but can fight. [Hana Yori Dango's Rui]

Lets me hit him.

Is younger than me by one year.

Can't be too muscly. I don't like buff guys. Big turn off for me.

Has good alcohol tolerance. Can't be a smoker kus I have//had TB.

Nice skin.

No facial hair, please.

Does aegyo. [Lee Sung Min]

There's more, but I think I'm already asking for too much :\

lol some of these made me laugh. Gentle but can fight? Like when the need arises? And also not have big muscles?

Lets you abuse him? lmaoo

good alcohol tolerance? what are you gonna get him drunk all the time?

Younger by one year haha..."oops I'm only younger by 11 months, guess that means I can't be your bf" roflll

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Guest kibi kibi

if were just talking about appearance then...

-cool hair, but not hair that you spend an hour on to do ;;-_-

-muscular, but not like arnold schwarzzengar or anything!

-taller than me in heels (im only 5'3" so thats not to difficult)

-pretty good skin, doesn;t have to be perfect

-pierced ears are really hot to me, weird? lol

-looks good in under armor :blush:

or someone who looks like kkr in this picture(when he didnt have blond blond hair)


so cute :D

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Guest tempuraicecream

nice body, chubby boys can be cute too

cute boys

innocent looking

nice smile

manly at times but can be in touch with their femininity.

silly and goofy knows how to have a good laugh.

doesnt fake who they are

acts boyish. gets along with "the boys"


likes guy things (video games, cars, sports)

nice hair!!! hehehe XD

can pull off the backwards hat look

earrings are hot too...

god there are so many! i sound like such a picky girl now okay ill shut up! NEXT?

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Guest cathyy_

my ideal guy

- has to be taller than me

- i want him to smell nice unless he just played a sport or something

- piercings would be nice, but if he doesn't want to it's okay

- decent hairstyle, i hate guys with extreme spikes

- a guy who dances or sings would be nice

- intelligence is sexy =)

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