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Your Ideal Guy

Guest ZeroFungus

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Guest parkie871

I dont have a specific qualities or looks that i go for. i like guys cuz, i like them (no reason). but some things that would help are:


nice sense of humor

Crazy (in a good way)

smart (both street and book smarts)

clean clothes

seems to have a purpose in life

religion also plays a factor

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Um.. Of course there's all these celebs that I like but.. I'm just gonna list the characteristics of guys IRL that I tend to like/have crushes on, haha XD;;

Just gonna list the looks, since that's what the thread is about but there are other ideals of course ;D

- Clean

- Dress neatly (as long as it looks neat and cool, I don't really care what style they have)

- short hair (kind of like Tim's but a bit longer is also ok too as long as it's styled nicely)

- NICE SMILE (lol.. sometimes it's just the smile that makes me swoon ^^;)

- looks pleasant

- black hair for asians, otherwise, it doesn't matter

- not skinnier than me o_o;; (I don't want to stand next to them and look fat, lol. I like guys that make me feel secure <3)

- not super muscular either >.>;;

- 175cm would be the ideal height but as long as they're not too short/tall it's fine XD;;

- no piercings

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Guest mishELLE

- nice hair

- good style (i like the nice jeans + crisp tee look)

- small sexy eyes XD

- eye brow piercing <3

- tall and fit (toned arms and abs)

- clear skin

- nice kicks : D

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-i LOVEEE tall guys :]

especially cuz i`m short ; i`m 5 ft 1 and a half XD!

-funnny ; i love to laugh ;D

-nice bodddy , not too skinnnny , & tonedd

-cute smileeee [dimples would be a extra plus too ;P]

-can danceee [i love bboys XD] or singg

-doesn`t smoke ... i can`t STAND the smell >.<;;

***but most importantly ,

a guy who`ll love me for who i am ;

even witout my make-up & even after seeing all my flaws & is understandingg ~ <3

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Donghae? [=

HAHA! exactly what i was going to say :lol:

but in reality..

-any kind of asian heritage

-has to be tall like around 5'9, 5'10

-a toned body, and not too lanky.

-killer smile

-doesnt matter if they're tanned or fair.

-can at least play a sport

-doesn't have to be musically talented

-knows how to dress. dont want them to be wearing some rag over their :vicx: lol

-nice hair is good. short or long


-can make me laugh

-a dork (we can be dorks together^^)

-i dont really like facial hair, but if you must have it, i'm okay.

-someone who can be satisfied with my cooking skills :lol:

-knows when to be serious and playful

yeah...list stops there. cant think haha

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Guest EHNerJI


5'7"+ xD

niiice hair... does something with it haha

in touch with his culture.... not white washeddd ><

^ that is also reflected in his clothing style

pretty eyes xD

fashionable (: fob style? wheee or... skater ;) wooot

good teeth -____-

nice lips ;)

uhhh smiley? ^^

no drugs plz T_T

not err... breakable? ---> too skinny

can sing xD dance doesn't matter lol but it's also good~

play piano?

not stoooopid -__-

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Guest yooniceland

nice eyes

pretty tall or at least a good 4-6 inches taller than me. I'm 5'3"

good hair, idc if its long or short, as long as it looks good

good skin


SMARTY PANTSS but very modest

good driver but can drive fast w/o getting in an accident. (WOW.)

prefer BLACK or at least natural asian colored hair

good sense of style. preppy or semi preppy. fobby is nice too. just no weird jeans and an oversized basketball jersey.

i like dimples!!!

yeshhh i'm picky xD

OH YES. AND AN AMAZING KISSER. has that been mentioned already??

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Guest love990024501

- intelligent (someone i can tell my ideas to without receiving criticism or having an impression that i'm a psycho)

- understanding

- nice hair (either very natural or very styled... the type of hair that dior boys have. very natural, classy, and cute)


- taller than me

- nice nose (not some chunky crap like mine, LOL)

- nice chin line

- lean toned muscles (not bulky)

- musical

- open minded

- not awkward

- long nice hands

- well educated

- nice manners

- someone that would enjoy shopping

- good at financial management

- responsible

...wow. i'm so idealistic, haha. but since you were asking for my ideal guy, it's okay :).

i wonder if there's someone like this in real life that's not taken.

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Guest lilyl1127

- tall (5'9" - 6')

- short hair (long hair bothers me)

- bangin' abs (like jang hyuk, won bin, choi si won, etc)

- smells good (i love guys who smell good)

- funny (like yoo jae suk--love the guy)

- smart

- sophisticated, classy, can wear a tux or a pair of jeans and still look hot

- kissable, soft-looking lips

- i kinda like guys with some facial hair (not mustache or beard or goatee, but like a I-didn't-shave-for-a-day)

- good taste in shoes

- skills (in anything...whether it's instruments or singing or dancing, ect. --as long as he has a talent in something cool)

- nice eyes

- romantic

- a flirt (i like guys who knows how to talk to girls)

- no metrosexuals (they take way too long to get ready)

- normal (no psychological problems or defective personalities)

- tattoos and piercings are okay, just not too much

- nice car and a fat wallet (lol..jk)

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Guest simplejoy

my ideal asian guy would definitely be TOP from big bang.

- tall

- charismatic

- can rock the short hair and long hair

- funny

- cute, handsome, AND sexy

- talented


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Guest Lindoodoo

Omg. I CANNOT believe i didn't post in this thread yet... *is shocked* O_O;;

- CANNOT be shorter than 5'7". No taller than 6'2" >:P

- Not super tan. Not super pale.

- Man hair is nice. But not gorilla hair. :ph34r:

- Play the guitar or the bass.

- Should know more than one language. o_o;;

- A few tattoos and piercings.

- Badass. :D But not "OMG RUN THE COPS ARE AFTER YOU!" bad.

- Hot, manly voice.

- Not super buff, not flimsy. In between.

- Can't be stick-thin. =0=;


- Nice, unique style.

- Warming smile.

- Fun to be with.

- Can make me happy at any given moment. :)

Oh gawd I should stop now. This list will go on forever if I don't. x.x


I feel like adding more stuff, LOL.

- MORE than 125 pounds. =___=;;

- Nice, wide shoulders.

- Large, protruding adams apple. : D

- Manly hands. ^^

- Gentle, but rough. o_o

- Decent posture.

- Opinionated but not blunt. >_>

- Mysterious! >;D

- Accepting.

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Guest witchery






and ummm...

nice smile

good posture

broad shoulders <333333

emo style clothing (optional)

will wear eyeliner for me (optional)

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Okie doke heres my ideal guy...I guess :P just someone I'd prefer

- taller than me (5'7 and above would be nice)

- nice hair ^^ or just the natural style

- simple style when it comes to dressing, I don't want anything dramatic xD

- has a cute appearance ---> meaning naturally, no need to act cute

- has a sense of humor

- athletic...he doesn't really have to be one, but which guy doesn't love sports? :D

- average skinny

- killer smile (dimples can make me go crazy!)

- nice and friendly

- knows how to start a conversation with me

- has a special talent (if possible haha)

- not a smoker please (I'm allergic to smoke -__-)

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Guest justlovely12

shim changmin or mike he.

nuff said :)

every male that have seen them (including my dad :x) says they look like girls buh whatevs!

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Guest xiadane

Eeegh. I kind of have weird taste. xD I have an ideal type, but I have a HUGE soft spot for chubby guys.

...I think Kang Ho Dong is adorable... and the guy I like right now is around 90kg/200 lbs.


I mean yes... I love all the pretty boys but when I see a chubby guy I just melt. :blink:

I like guys that are:

Self confident, but not too arrogant

Athletic types

At least 5'10"

Strudy build and strong... they shouldn't weigh less than me ><

Good sense of humor, laughs a lot with a good smile

On chubbier guys I like short hair. On other guys I like medium length.

Carefree and easy-going

Takes note of the little things and won't be annoyed if I send them 50+ texts a day

Very open. Someone that I can talk about anything with

Not prettier than me (well maybe a little would be okay)

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My ideal guy. :D

  • TALL 5' 7"-6' 2" (cant be shorter than me)
  • Nice teeth/cute smile like junsu
  • small eyes
  • tall nose
  • not skinny. semi-chubby like kangin
  • nice hands and fingers
  • sexy voice
  • big feet (I don't want their feet to be smaller then me lol)
  • light skin
  • nice styled hair (not too short)
  • good style (fob or gangster)
  • smells good
  • ear piercings
  • no facial hair
  • Funny/kind

^^--im so picky aha. If only there was someone to fit this discription. LOL. :P

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