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Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 [Current SBS Variety Show]'My Little Old Boy'; [completed MBC Drama 2023] "Numbers"; [completed JTBC Drama 2024]"She Is Different Day and Night 낮과 밤이 다른 그녀"


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Thank you for more thoughts I don’t think you should be concerned. I read enough your comments to know that you always stayed in that proper and reasonable boundary. Besides most of the time your interests are about a story and characters. You have fun talking about it and it shows. Haha After reading your comment I have this urge/or curiosity to watch it but then it is a 08 drama and I’m a bit hesitant. Btw Jang Hyuk is 37 and I’m sure the writer has to change the whole premise about the lead(?) It’s funny to think about the lead because he’s a bit like OCM perhaps(?) I just translated Lee Joon Hyuk-GFI character and he is quite a handful to be described. He seems to be nasty but I decided to translate because the writer wrote him bad yet hilarious. At least in Korean the writer did a really good job.

Thank you about the video clip. I'll have to watch it tomorrow.    About the article the woman in the picture is going to have an interview with Y-Star and she is going to say something about CJH.  good night!!  


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Guest sunshine4ever

Thanks @PolarisCat for posting the newest preview of Granpas Over Flowers Investigation Team with Jin Hyuk in it. We were anticipating the drama, but did not see any previews with him in it. lol. From the preview I was looking at the way he moved his hand....seemed like he was about to fight or something with those movements in his hand..

@booha, I didn't watch all of Fated to Love You in Taiwanese version, but I remembered watching it and then dropping it. I will have to defend Chang Min's characteristics because I highly doubt that Jin Hyuk's character in Emergency Couple is anything like that of Ethan's character in Fated to Love You since CM behaved very immaturely to Jin Hee in EC because he was hurt due to his circumstances and it wasn't because he was immature because he was spoiled. CM's approach towards JH is definitely different. Maybe we can talk about this in a different level, no @mdolphins? But I'm not sure if we are allowed to talk about those here in Jin Hyuk's thread since this thread is dedicated to him. I'm not sure if we bother other people (lurkers) who frequented this thread. But I think it's a good idea to use spoiler tag like @mdolphins had been doing to not disturb anyone not wanting to be spoiled. Thanks @mdolphins for the insightful post about Dylan's character (Jin Hyuk's role in Fated to Love You). Seriously, ladies, I so want Jin Hyuk's character to not be a third wheeler, but an equivalent to a third main lead!~~~ Seriously if only the scriptwriter will do this...lol...I saw it happened to Marry Him If You Dare since it had an open ending which leads to people thinking that the female lead could end up with either of the male leads. Hahaha....I so want that to happen...but then I understand what it means and I totally can relate to what @mdolphins was saying under the spoiler tags. Like you mdolphins, really hope the drama will be a lot different from original version.

Anyway, some captures of our cutie from the preview PolarisCat posted in prior page. I like his hair. :) His gestures very much like the other grandpa? haha. I think it is going to be funny.


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sunshine4ever said: Thank you @booha, it's hard not to connect with him. I don't know, but I guess it's a bridge between him and me since I know how hard it is to overcome, but once your struggle is over and if you've overcome, you should celebrate. Not sure if Jin Hyuk did celebrate, lol, so maybe I should remind him to celebrate himself ^^. If he isn't yet, I will and can celebrate for him. *coughs* Guess today I did realize that I really admire him after reading how much he just wanted to give up on acting....I did celebrate him today for not giving up on this career because otherwise I won't be able to meet him in Emergency Couple. Before getting to know him in EC, I wondered why he starred in so many dramas in a row like that and to think that he had been around for a while really shock me. I thought he was a new actor. Anyway, I'm going to send him post cards via that address you gave me. lol. I just hope it gets to him. ^^ (I'm not too good when it comes to present as I'm trying hard not to be attached to material things, but I will try to find something inspirational --- MAYBE --- for him....we will see...but I will try to do it before he goes off to the army or maybe I will send him post card every once in a while as a reminder that I will always be around to support him. ^^)

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Hi all,  I just found out that CJH was also included in the nominations for Most Popular Actor in the 50th Baeksang Awards, and not just that of Best New Actor for his role as GWR in Gu Family Book.  (At least that's what I think it means - someone pls correct me if I'm wrong.)

Most Popular Actor (nomination list - CJH's the last one)


Based on the live voting results, it seems like our CJH is currently number 8.  I did a screen cap below.  With the massively popular Kim Soo-hyun and Park Yoo-chun fighting neck and neck for the top 2 spots, of course there's no way our dearest CJH can win.  But it's nice to see him holding his own, given his fan base is nowhere near the size of the rest.  His role in GFB was also so long ago.  So I'm quite happy about that.  I'm just wondering if there's anyway I can go in to cast a vote somewhere - not that it'd make much difference in the whole scheme of things, but its the thought that counts. 



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Guest mdolphins

@celes80 said:

Hi all,  I just found out that CJH was also included in the nominations for Most Popular Actor in the 50th Baeksang Awards, and not just that of Best New Actor for his role as GWR in Gu Family Book.  (At least that's what I think it means - someone pls correct me if I'm wrong.)

Most Popular Actor (nomination list - CJH's the last one)

Based on the live voting results, it seems like our CJH is currently number 8. 

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OK... finally, I'm done with translating this 18min video... It's rather dated (posted online in Jan 2014) and was probably done quite some time back judging by his hairstyle.  He said he was filming The Heirs and God's Trick at the time of doing the interview.  Most of the stuff said is not new, but what I thought was nice was how they included snippets of his previous dramas as the interview progresses, which allowed me to better appreciate some of the stuff that he was saying.  Some bits of it e.g. when he taIks about his saddest moment as an actor I thought were pretty sad and insightful.  Btw, I skipped some captions cos I was getting very tired, but the gist of his interview can still be understood. 

My brain is seriously fried now... :( 


0:14   Greetings, this is CJH.

0:44 「Caption」 10 marks out of 10!  A meeting with CJH, which made my heart flutter!

0:47   Q: How have you been?

A:  I’m currently filming ‘The Heirs’ and ‘God’s Trick’ so I’ve been rather busy.

0:56   Q: Please give us a short introduction to “The Heirs”

A:  According to the scriptwriter, the drama will be sexy and intense.  Because there will be students acting in the drama as well, the drama can be said as being a high-teen romance.

01:13 Q: Please introduce Kim Won.

A:  The role spans across the ages from his teens to his thirties.  I play Kim Won in his thirties, when he falls in love.  His character is a little sad and in quite a lot of pain.   He is the type of person who puts a wall between himself and other people, and tends to be wary of those who try to come close to him.

01:39 Q: Any episode during filming which left an impression on you?

A:   I said this to (Lee) Min Ho.  We had a scene where I spoke very harshly to him, pressing him for answers.  I did not make eye contact with him. 「Cut scenes from The Heirs」 To have spoken so harshly to your own brother… He was so cold to him.  That’s the kind of character Kim Won is.  Min Ho appeared to be heartbroken. 「Cut scenes from The Heirs」(Celes80: This part appears to be cut off.  The video suddenly cuts to this dialogue, but it doesn’t really link with the earlier part)… I want to inherit the acting skills (laughs).  A bit of the money would also be good too.

03:10 「Caption」The best character in 2013 - GFB’s GWR

03:16 「Caption」Even after the broadcast is over, the GWR fever continues…

03:22  「Caption」A recap of the best moments in GFB

03:33  Q: CJH, what is GFB to you?

A:  Actually, I just went to the awards ceremony yesterday.  2013 is a really special year to me.  I feel like it is the start of my acting career.  [GFB] was critical in making that happen.  To have been given the role of GWR, as an actor, it is the greatest gift that anyone can receive in their lifetime. 

03:56 Q: What were some of the difficulties you experienced in the role?

A: When I was acting, the supporting staff carried little electric fans with them.  They were in charge of turning on the fans and blowing it at me.  I had to respond to it accordingly.  There were instances where I had to close my eyes because the wind was blowing so strongly at me. 「Cut scenes from GFB」At the beginning, I was really quite embarrassed when they were shooting the scenes where I move very fast.  When they were filming those scenes, I had to crouch down slowly. Then they fast-forwarded the scenes to make it appear like I moved in an instant.  When they were filming it, I really felt like an idiot.  (Lee) Seung-gi was there at the time and he laughed out loud at the beginning too.

05:36  Q: What are your favourite scenes in GFB?

A:  There are many.  When you read the script, almost all of them are great lines.  Amongst all my lines, the one that left the greatest impression on me was the scene where I was about to die and I asked “Why?”「Cut scenes from GFB」「Dialogue: “Why?  I loved you so.  I loved you so much”」I had practiced those lines many times over.  He had asked “Why?” because he could never have imagined himself in such a situation.  I thought I’d expressed empathy for his character well.  Because I thought that I had delivered a strong performance in conveying GWR’s sadness through my actions and facial expressions, I was not worried (about those scenes).  On set, I was actually quite immersed in the acting, but saying the lines “Don’t touch her! She is my woman!” was actually quite embarrassing.  Cut scenes from GFB」「Dialogue: “Stop! Don’t touch her! She’s my woman!” “What are you saying?  Capture that woman!”」I was worried about whether there was any way to say those lines in a cool manner, such that it would deliver a sharp, numbing pain to the hearts of anyone who heard it.

07:38  「Caption」 The story behind CJH

07:44  Q:  You first debut as an actor 8 years ago, but was relatively unknown until only recently…

A: To say it wasn’t difficult would be lying.  Any actor would have found it difficult, not just me.  I was only able to overcome everything with sheer willpower. 

08:02 Q:  What has changed compared to when you first debut?

A: In my case, my situation happened to be the reverse.  Under normal circumstances, I think that most people start off by gritting their teeth and putting in a lot of effort to succeed.   At the beginning, I think that I was rather conceited.  Because I’d won first place in the Audition programme, I had taken everything rather lightly and neglected to put in any effort.  As I learnt more about acting, I started to become passionate about it and wanted to take on more roles.  I had worked really hard to grapple with my role in GFB.

08:42   Q: Which were the roles that left the greatest impression on you?

A:  That would be my roles in “I Need Romance” and “Gu Family Book”.  In INR, except for the fact that he was very wealthy, the character, Bae Sung-hyun, was actually very similar to me in real life.  Sung-hyun was the son of the President of a hotel. That part notwithstanding, his personality and his attitude towards love and romance closely resembles mine.  I wanted to show that I could act as someone romantic. GFB was like a fantasy that exists only in our dreams; to have taken on such on a wonderful role in GFB I am very thankful for that.   

09:31  Q:  How do you prepare yourself for new challenges at work?

A:  As I take on more and more roles, it will keep changing.  But what has changed recently is that when I take on a new role, I will think about how I can best express the charms of that character such that the viewers will also be able to sympathise with him.  If I am sincere and earnest in my acting, the viewers will be interested in my performance and along the way they will also enjoy themselves.  I hope to be able to present that to everyone.

09:59 Q: Your happiest moment as an actor?

A:  When I’m acting on set. Because that is the moment when everyone’s eyes are on me.  My fans have also increased by a lot this year because of GFB.  2013 is a truly happy year for me. 

10:18 Q: Your saddest moment as an actor?

A: There are many types of people in the entertainment industry.  Actors, singers, emcees – they are all entertainers, but I think that actors are the loneliest of them all.  There is no one to teach you how to act and you have to worry about it alone.  Even if there were someone to teach you, whether or not you can do it well still depends entirely on yourself.  And that’s where the loneliness comes in; at least that’s how I see it.  In reality, I’m not the sort of person who can readily express myself in front of other people.  That’s why I’ve always thought that I’m not suited for this industry.  I’m also not the kind of person who can tell white lies.  Perhaps it’s a good thing (that I can’t tell white lies).  But, on the other hand, it is stupid not to have this skill as an actor.  Actually, I still have difficulties coming to terms with this even now.  Depending on the time and place, it is necessary for us to hide our true emotions but I still can’t do this very well.      

11:24   Q: Actually, are you someone who succumbs easily to loneliness?

A: Yes, I am.  That is why when I am home I talk to my mom, or if I’m outside I meet up with my friends.  I want to be always connected to people.  Since I was young, whenever I was alone by myself, I always felt lonely.

11:47  「Caption」"I rely a lot on my fans and derive strength to carry on because of their existence.”

11:52 Q: How did you feel about your fan meeting in Japan in September?

A: I was grateful that it even took place. Of all days, the typhoon had to arrive on the day of the fan meeting. Because of that I was worried.  But I was very touched that many of them came from far away to meet me in spite of all that, and I was very thankful for the time that we spent together. 

12:18 Q: Moments when you were touched by your fans?

A: Whenever I attend official events or functions and my fans give me gifts or pass me letters, I am very touched.  Also, whenever I enter fan cafes and I see the many messages they leave behind for me.  I am grateful for that. 

12:37 Q: What is CJH's charm?

A:  Actually I have 2 inferiority complexes. When I first started acting, I felt inferior about my voice and my face whenever I smiled.  I hated it, but in GFB those were the parts which I was being praised for.  I was happy about that.  But I still couldn’t really believe that I was being praised for that. To know that what I had initially regarded as being inferiority complexes was actually considered charming, I was really very happy.

13:24 Q: Regarding your looks, which part are you most confident about?

A:  CJH: None.  Staff: There must be something.  CJH:  Where?  Staff: There must be something.  Your eyes perhaps?   CJH: Absolutely not! (Blushes)  You must have an ulterior motive for saying this in front of the camera right?  Nothing of that sort.  It’s really not good at all. 

13:41 「Caption」“The actor, whose existence in itself, is attractive”

14:16 Q: Your happiest moment in 2013?

A:  The fact that GFB aired.  I was really happy during that time. After it finished airing, the fact that my performance won praises and was well-received.  It was the first time I’d gotten such a positive reaction from the public on the internet, as well as in the forums.  I found it unbelievable that my name was constantly found in internet search terms.  People had also put in extra effort to specially edit out the scenes that I acted in. I could not believe that people were collecting these but I was really happy about that.

14:50 Q: What is the year 2013 to you?

A:  Now that I look back, there were many good things that happened to me in 2013.  It was the year that allowed me to regain back my self-confidence. Now that I have a lot more supporters, I must be more careful and steady.

15:14 Q: What do you believe in?

A:  My personality is such that I would never betray the people who believe in me.  I make an effort to remember and am always grateful for the kindness that others have shown to me.  This is the only thing that I’ve been trying to protect.  Yes, that’s right. 

15:33  Q: From now on, what type of roles do you want to challenge yourself with?

A:  I want to act in many different roles.  I want to act in comedies and take on roles which are bright and cheerful.  In the drama ‘Panda and Hedgehog’ which was broadcasted in Japan, I acted as someone who was a little silly.  I had a lot of fun then. 

16:03  Q: Outside of acting, anything you want to try?

A:  I like music and am interested in it.  I listen to it every day.  

16:14    Q: You have sung songs for OST before, any plans to debut as a singer?

A:  Yes, but I don’t have any plans as yet.  If the opportunity comes along, I don’t mind singing for OSTs, but I don’t have concrete plans as yet regarding singing. 

16:31    Q:  Your final goal as an actor?

A: When someone said I was sexy, it felt good!  Generally, women consider seniors Lee Byung-hun and Jung Woo Sung to be sexy right? So it felt good when I heard those words.  I also like it when people say that I am charming.  I like it best when they say that my acting is good.

16:59   Q: What do you think about your own acting? 

A:  It is common to feel stressed.  However, relieving stress is very difficult.  When I am filming, I am under a lot of stress, but even after I am done with filming, I still want to continue acting and I become quite stressed over it.  It is quite amazing.  (Celes80: I think what he is trying to say is that because he is deeply immersed in his characters, he has difficulty getting out of the roles that he plays in even after filming is over, and that is a stress point for him.)

17:25   Q: Your goals for 2014?

A:  I want to become more firmly established in my position as an actor.  I want to be known to more people as someone who is charming. 

17:40 To the viewers of KNTV?

A:   When my dramas air in Korea, the fact that my fans in Japan also get to watch it, I find that fascinating. I have achieved a lot in 2013 and I hope that 2014 will be the same.  Dramas which are televised in Korea will eventually be televised in Japan, but it seems like you all will get to see me at the movies as well.  Please look forward to it.  Please look forward to my future works and to CJH. 

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Guest mdolphins

celes80 said: mdolphins said: In a way I am just happy to see him nominated in that category and he is somewhat holding his own. I hope his new projects yet to be released bring him even more of a fan-base. Thanks for the info.

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@celes80   So well spent your weekend time!   I just clicked on how to vote about it.   There will be a fee charge for using a mobile phone.   It also said anybody could vote 10 times per day.   I don’t understand about this voting 10 times.   I think there is also a cap on how much each person could spend doing it(??)     I wonder if some devoted fan might go bankrupt in order to promote their idols.   Keke      bwt This voting just started: from 4/28 to 5/24.
PS I just saw your interview video. Translation for 18min… So amazing     I’ll watch it later.  Thank you a bunch   haha

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Guest mdolphins

booha said: @celes80   So well spent your weekend time!   I just clicked on how to vote about it.   There will be a fee charge for using a mobile phone.   It also said anybody could vote 10 times per day.   I don’t understand about this voting 10 times.   I think there is also a cap on how much each person could spend doing it(??)     I wonder if some devoted fan might go bankrupt in order to promote their idols.   Keke      bwt This voting just started: from 4/28 to 5/24.
PS I just saw your interview video. Translation for 18min… So amazing     I’ll watch it later.  Thank you a bunch   haha 

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Guest mdolphins

booha said:
mdolphins said: booha said: @celes80  

PS I just saw your interview video. Translation for 18min… So amazing     I’ll watch it later.  Thank you a bunch   haha 

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Guest sunshine4ever

@celes80, wow, thank you so much for the 18 minutes translation of the video that you found. I can understand why you're saying that your brain would be frying because the interview is indeed long! But I'm sure you enjoyed seeing him, hehe, and thanks so much for translating such a long length video for us!

Reading your translations helped me become more connected with him and understand him when he said that he is similar to Oh Chang Min. He said in his latest interview that he wanted his girlfriend to have full attention on him, no? Or that he would like to see his girlfriend even just a little bit when he's busy. It's going to be tough on him later if he's growing attached to attention/affections. ~~~ But it's good to know your personal preferences. I'm glad he was truthful about who he is inside. Since he knows himself so well, then he will know how to protect or take care of himself.

Your translation below in red:

12:18 Q: Moments when you were touched by your fans?

A: Whenever I attend official events or functions and my fans give me gifts or pass me letters, I am very touched.  Also, whenever I enter fan cafes and I see the many messages they leave behind for me.  I am grateful for that.  

Oh my. I wonder if we get a chance to hand over our letters to him. He will wonder what were written in them since they more likely will be English? lol. Oh my gosh!!! Now it will motivate me more often to write something to him via mail. He'll see my sloppy writing, but it will be so personalized lol..addressing to Choi Jin Hyuk ssi~~~ (By the way, wish I can call him oppa --- whoops --- maybe I'll be like Jin Hee in saying it hahaha)...I'm glad now that we are writing letters to him. ^^ And *coughs* so he likes getting gifts and letters. I seriously hope that he will get our letters and will come visit us sometimes even if he might have no clue what we're talking about, no? Why do I feel bad for him if he get a stack of our letters and wonder what's in them? That'll be interesting if he is playing our part when we were watching his dramas live, no? lol.

I think we can at least translate that we love him in Korean, no? I think @booha can help with that. I got a lot of long letters from Jin Hyuk's fans and I think we should just send them in long length the way we want to express ourselves to him. I guess if Jin Hyuk wants to understand it, he might be able to find some fans who understand English and read it. Otherwise I think we should at least tell him to check us out and say we're international fans at Soompi Forums. :)

Some captures from the interview with Japanese subs that celes80 translated. Interestingly enough Jin Hyuk likes 2013 and thinks it's his good year. I do have a favorite year like him, too, where I think I had grown a lot. I hope he will think of that year always and know how much he had accomplished knowing how difficult it is to survive in the entertainment world. ^^ I so agree with him about how being an actor you kind of have to rely on yourself on how to act a character since every actor/actress has his/her way of showing how a character should behave.



Kim Won

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@celes80 THANK YOU so much for the translation, really enjoyed reading it! Unbelievable that he doesn't has any...we should tell him from *head to toes*! :D  :x   :\">

@sunshine4ever  I think we don't need to worry too much about our English fan letters, I think he should know English too if not fluently.  English is taught as a required subject from the third year (8-9 yrs old) of elementary school up to high school, as well as in most universities in South Korea. He had attended university so I'm sure he will managed. My niece & nephew is from Germany and they only learn English from year 3 onwards too, initially during their childhood trips to visit us, they hardly speak English and now that they are teenager they can communicate comfortably with us.

@booha Hmm I don't really have anything to discussion on FTLY even though I had followed it live back then after getting the buzz but I don't really remembered much about the whole drama except why it was ever that popular then? It is enjoyable to a certain extend but the the 4 mains characters are not my favourite. Even though the 2nd lead is so likable but Baron Chen's acting was rather limited. As for the 3 characters it does get annoying some times. So with Jin Hyuk as Dylan, I'm confident that he can really shine in this role and like @mdolphins said "I can totally see Jin Hyuk playing someone kind and adorable like him, he is going to make so many women fall in love with him if he does. SLS here I come lol."

@Ihjj Sorry I can't help out at the MDTF thread since I'm busy with the fan letters graphic at the moment. Why don't you ask permission from *Just Drama* so that we can post those episode recaps at the thread?

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Guest Yi0481

@celes80‌ whoa you translated such a long vid?! Props to you. That's insane. Thumbs up!! =D>

@sunshine4ever I think it'll be too much for @booha... too many letters. Lol. He can always use Google translate or ask friends who know English. Shouldn't be too hard for him to find out, I think? At least I hope so. Fingers crossed!

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@sunshine4ever and @Yi0481 and  to others..
Please don’t worry about sending a long letter.  There are many ways he can translate it.  It shouldn’t be that hard besides he should be very curious about them.   To him it is all about one’s thought and one’s effort.    When he sees a long letter, he will know someone wants to talk him and to show him how much he is appreciated etc..      However you mentioned about some Korean short phrases. I made a few and some could try it along with their letters.    I hope they sound okay to whomever…

최진혁씨 / Dear 진혁 / Dear 최진혁씨

당신을 사랑합니다    I love you
당신을 많이 사랑합니다     I love you a lot/ very much
당신을 정말 사랑합니다     I really love you
당신을 정말 많이 사랑합니다
당신을 정말 많이 많이 사랑합니다
당신이 좋아요      I like you

무사이 입대마치고 돌아오세요    please return safely after enlistment
응남드라마를 잘보았습니다      I enjoyed watching EC drama
열심히 일하시고 그리고 재미있게 지내세요     work hard and enjoy
열심히 일하시고 그리고 앞으로 많이 기대합니다      work hard and great expectations from you
행복하세요    be happy
많이 행복하세요
재미있게 지내세요     (be) enjoy
꼭 기다리겠어요     will wait for you (surely)
열심히 기다리겠어요     will wait for you patiently

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