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Guest o0oNari

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Guest juki_love

i was gonna say.. convert the format.. but then again.. the size was only 3.24mb.. so nvm..

and haha that's wt i thought first wen i got my mic ><..

r u too close to ur mic??



- u sound airy and u should work on ur breathing (.. improve it)

- i think ur slurring ur words a bit.. but that mayb how the song goes or there's something wrong with me +__+

- it would've been better if u had bgm


- u sound shaky in this song

- u seem a bit scared of the mic ><.. don't b if u r++ so sing with more emotion~

- i noticed this in both clips.. --> try to make a really gud start and end to ur singing, it helps set the mood of ur audience (wt am i on abt -__-;;) --> don't end ur songs by making ur voice quiet or stopping ur recording

but u hav a nice voice either way, it's peaceful~

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