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☆☆☆ The Official JUNG YUNHO Thread (정윤호 ☆ ユンホ ☆ 鄭允浩) ☆☆☆

Guest fanda4000

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Guest pippy

Hi guys! long time no post^^ again. Too busy on twitter-rama these days.  I got my Tone Dvd! and i've almost finished disc 3! Yunho's voice is just so @#$%@%#@%!!! Amazing! So flawless! and honey funny bunny *O* Such a mind blowing performance. Just perfect! ohh i cried like three times thanks to Yunho!  So emotional. Not that i needed to see him like that to know how much feeling he has in everything he is involved in. AMazing leader, dancer, vocalist, performer, Artist!

Thanks for all the pictures^^ Yo, Cat,

thanks for the trans, that was sweet. Miyun (thread mum) ^O^! ugh some people just need to leave others alone. I have twitter friend from Yungall. sigh. Anyway there so much I've wanted to ask you about, but I think spazzing is best right^^

Ah *O* so jealous of Yunho's skin! mine sucks T___T lol^^ Tom and Jerry couple aka YunBoA makes me so happy. a lot of comparing going on between the three boys BoA danced with. But seriously the only one who actually got the song and dance was Yunho.  Dance is an expressive art form, being a technicaly great dancer is NOT enough. If you can;t emote through you movement, well. ya^^ anyway, not being biased but BoA is a powerful dance and Yunho is too so, match well. Well that's my personal opinion.  I did read trans of lyrics and Yunho with BoA capture the push and pull of the story that the lyrics tell. Wanting to be with someone but having to let them go, that's a struggle for sure! wanting to be close but having to push away.

Finally Yunho gets to do something other then Just TVXQ at SM Town. First time i've been happy with Sm Town this year. I'm a TVXQ fan but Yunho is always my Priority. i find it strange that people seem to think that's like wrong or something. Its not. lucky im strong so doesn't upset me but does some other Yunho fans. So its nice being here for a bit for some peace.  ^____^ i hope we can have fancam of YunBoA Only One Sm town soon. Really want to see *O*!

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Guest yoyo_yoyo

Hi Pip ~ ^^ long time no see you here ;)

I heard today SMT recording for DVD, unfortunately no Yunho dance T_T


anyway, this fancam yesterday concert :)

Yunho today~


credit: Haroo + as tagged

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Guest sweetsammora

The best thing that happened to me was to finally rediscover my soompi account.. now I have all these photos of Yunho  ♥.

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Guest lovelyunho

Yo~thanks for the pics and the video :) 

Pippy~ It's been a long time.  Hope you're doing good.  Hopefully twitter world is being good to you.  Happy you're enjoying the tone dvd.  I just received mine yesterday along with my android cd+dvd.  I'm going to have to find complete alone time so I can watch it on the big t.v. screen without interruption.  lol A few years back, I got one of those dvd players that will play all regions just for DBSK/THSK dvds.  My family thought I was nuts to spend money on a dvd player only to use it for DBSK but it's worth it to be able to watch them on the big screen. 

As to Yungall, keep an open mind Pippy. It's so easy to get swept away by some fans' propaganda especially when they're "popular" fans.  Ask yourself why some group of people (and it is a group and not just a single person) are so h3ll bent on badmouthing Yungall openly or infer in a round about way that Yungall is bad.

Yungall is an open forum like Yunho thread here in soompi.  There are active regulars/posters, regular silent readers, and occasional visitors.  It is a place to go for anyone who is curious/interested/likes/loves Yunho.  There are even lots of times when people who dislike/hate Yunho, his fans, and his fansites come and post just to cause problems and create unnecessary controversies.  By attempting to attack Yungall so that people will not visit the site and to try to discourage fans from sharing/spreading Yungall's data which is data about Yunho/DBSK with other fans who like Yunho/DBSK, who are they ultimately trying to attack and why? 

If fan(s) doesn't like Yungall for whatever reason, don't go to the site.  It's really that simple.  Yungall may not be everybody's cup of tea and that's okay.  However, their motives are suspicious, especially those that stress that they are Yunho fans/Yunho biased, but try so hard to convince other fans to dislike/hate Yungall too and not visit the site or use its data containing Yunho videos, info, etc. to share with other fans by giving only selective info which puts Yungall in a negative light.  Why don't they give full explanation of why Yungallers say or do something and put it in a complete context if they're going to mention Yungall and not just portions which benefit their agenda?  

Some are going around saying that Yungall does not represent all Yunho fans and that's true but I don't remember Yungallers ever saying that they do. However, it is a popular place many Yunho fans go to in order to get Yunho/DBSK data since it is an open forum.  It seems that some people feel threatened by Yungall.  Why?   

If Yungall does not equal all Yunho fans, not all fans who have Yunho pics or say they like Yunho are necessarily Yunho fans or Yunho biased.  Am I the only one who thinks it's a little odd when people say they are Yunho fans/Yunho biased but they spazz more about someone else, help share more data about someone else, have more "friends" who are fans or biased towards someone else rather than Yunho?    If a person is really a fan of Yunho, shouldn't her words match her actions regarding Yunho?

It's not a crime to like only one, nor is it a crime to like both.  It's just personal preference.  Fans should be left alone to spazz about whoever they like instead being made to feel guilty or made to seem like they're a bad fan if they don't like both equally. 

I loved Yunho's and Boa's dance and they have very good chemistry.  (Love the song so much, I even bought it from itunes)  However, it would have been better for me as his fan if Yunho actually got to do a true collaberation with her with equal singing and dancing time of another song at SMT instead of a 46 second guest appearance as basically her backup dancer or better yet, just have him do a solo for SMT. However, fat chance that SM will give that opportunity to Yunho.

SME, are you interested in promoting Yunho's career at all or are you just interested in using Yunho only to help promote the company and other artists? It would be nice to see Yunho do a drama!  Why are you blocking him? 

LOL Considering how some fans are so quick to manipulate certain things, I should put a disclaimer that all the above are my own personal opinions from observing the fandom for a while now and what has been going around.  My opinions do not represent Yungall nor all Yunho fans.  It's just one fan's thoughts.


Very Cute Fanart~


credit: on pic


Uknow Yunho Hwaiting!!  Jung Yunho Hwaiting!!

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Guest yoyo_yoyo

@Miyun: I agree with you!
if dislike/hate so don't go, why they go then judge right or wrong and spread for people to know. it make me feel annoyed - -'
yes, about sm always I wonder what they will do for his activities during the upcoming ( okay comeback for sure >< )
but I don't patient enough to stand with the way they doing with him, why the block him =*=
i was wait for drama or some from him forever but nothing... now i've understand :(  

I love his hairstyles like this, plz keep this for long time :x


cutee fanarts ~ :D


credit: onpic

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Guest lovelyunho

DBSK's having a Missa fansign event on August 14, 2012~


Lucky 100 fans who get to see Yunho and Changmin in person up close!!!



Yo~The fanarts are adorable!  Thanks for sharing.  Yunho looks so breathtaking in the pic taken by Chubee. 


Uknow Yunho Hwaiting!!  Jung Yunho Hwaiting!!


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Guest yoyo_yoyo

Secret NO.1 - Idols Dance Olympic Games (Men's group) NO. #1 U-Know Yunho

More pics at SMT~




credit: CYH + as tagged
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Guest lovelyunho



Credit:  on pic

As a Yunho fan, Yunho comes first before SME!  I trust and support Yunho all the way! 


Uknow Yunho Hwaiting!!  Jung Yunho Hwaiting!!


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class="entry-title" align="center"BoA Chooses TVXQ’s Yunho as Person She Would Take to Deserted Island

BoA has been receiving attention for her statement regarding TVXQ‘s Yunho.

The singer appeared on August 8th’s airing of 89.1 KBS Cool FM’s ‘Hong Jin Kyung’s 2:00‘ where she discussed performing her new track “Only One” with Yunho, SHINee‘s Taemin, and Super Junior‘s Eunhyuk.

DJ Hong Jin Kyung asked BoA who out of the three would she take with her to a deserted island, and she chose Yunho.

BoA explained her choice, saying that because she is so close to Yunho, he will take initiative and take care of everything without her having to tell him.

She also talked about her song “Only One”, sharing she was inspired by the songs of the young dreamers while she was a judge on ‘K-pop Star‘ and that the experience lead her to try out a new music genre.

Source & Image: Hankook Ilbo via Nate

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Guest yoyo_yoyo

^ Hi girls~ thanks for share pics/news   :)

More HQ photo Yunho at Gimpo ~


cuteeeeeeee :P

credit: theking_tvxq + EOU + onlyone_uknow

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Guest lovelyunho

Here's Trans of portion of news article pertaining to DBSK~

SM Exhibition, First Day of Opening, Dong Bang Shin Ki, SJ, and Exo Surprise Visit, Fans Go Wild


credit: SME

이날, 동방신기, 슈퍼주니어 신동, 성민, EXO는 관람객들과 함께 전시회를 관람하며 즐거운 시간을 보냈다. 이들은 ‘S.M. History’존에서 깜짝 무대 인사도 진행, ‘SM 전시회’를 다섯 글자로 소개해 달라는 MC의 요청에 동방신기 유노윤호는 ‘파라다이스’, 최강창민은 ‘기가막히다’라고 표현했으며, 슈퍼주니어 성민은 ‘상상을 초월’, 신동은 ‘우와우와와’라고 재치 있게 답해 현장을 웃음 바다로 만들었다.

On  this day, Dong Bang Shin Ki, Super Junior's Shindong and Sungmin, and Exo had a good time looking at the exhibition with the visitors.  They even held a surprise greeting on stage at the 'S.M. History' zone.  At the request of the MC to introduce SM exhibition in 5 letters, Dong Bang Shin Ki's  Uknow Yunho said 'paradise' and Choikang Changmin said 'amazing'.  Super Junior's Sungmin said 'beyond imagination' and Shindong gave a witty answer, 'wow  wow wow' creating a sea of laughter.

동방신기 유노윤호는 “’S.M.ART 갤러리’가 가장 마음에 든다. 각 가수들의 개성이 돋보이는 작품이 많았는데, 개인 소장을 하고 싶을 만큼 멋진 작품들이었다”고 소감을 전했으며, 슈퍼주니어 신동은 “전시회가 상상했던 것 보다 웅장하고 잘 되어 있어서 놀랐다. 많은 분들과 함께 관람해서 더욱 좋았다”고 소감을 밝혔다.
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Guest lovelyunho

Jung Yunho's Beginning started from 2002!!!!!!!!!!!!!

윤호가 중국에 알려지고  사랑받기 시작한것은 동방신기 데뷔전
2002년도 부터라고 해.

Yunho started being known and receiving love in China starting around 2002 before DBSK debut.

정식 데뷔도 하지 않은 상황이었지만  이미  중국에서 가장 유명한 잡지인 "COOL"에  개인 단독 인터뷰가 실릴정도로
중국에서의 윤호의 인기는 이미  높았다고 해

Even though he didn't officially debut, Yunho's popularity was already high enough for the most famous magazinein China "COOL" to publish an exclusive personal interview

Yunho's Interview by COOL Magazine Before Debut~



credit: dcyungall

Trans of COOL Interview~

-COOL  에디터의 코멘트 <?xml:namespace prefix = o />

-COOL  Editor’s Comment-

에셈 중국 콘서트를 통해서 중국팬들이 dana 댄서로서 나오던 에셈 신인,랩퍼 정윤호에 대한 관심을 생겼어요.

There is a huge interest by Chinese fans regarding an SM rookie, rapper Jung Yunho who appeared as dana’s dancer during an SM concert in China.

이런 관심을 갖는 이유가 생긴 외모뿐만아니라 무대위에서  빛나는 카리스마 때문이예요.

The reason for this interest is not just because of a handsome face but because of the bright charisma on stage.

이런 매력은 사람들이 그냥 넘길수 없는거 같네요. 

It seems like people can’t just get over this kind of appeal.

한국가수를 좋아하는 중국팬들이(특히 에셈 소속가수를 좋아하는 )”정윤호라는 이름을 모르는 사람 거의 없네요.

There's hardly any Chinese fans who like Korean singers (especially fans who like SM singers) who don’t know the name “Jung Yunho.”

아무런 자료가 없는 상황에 인터넷에서 윤호의 사진  이미 넘쳤어요.

Yunho’s picture has already spread on the internet even though there are no information (about him).

정윤호 언제 데뷔하냐고 물어보는 편지도 끊임없이 저희 잡지사로 들어와 있어요.

Letters are also constantly coming into our magazine office asking when Jung Yunho will debut.

항주(杭州)콘서트 끝난 후에 받았던 편지중에 윤호를 관한 부분 많았어요. 모르는 상황에서 이런 관심을 받은 ..윤호가 처음이죠?

Lots of them were about Yunho among the letters that we received after the Hangjoo (Hangzhou) concert finished.   Not knowing much and receiving this much interest…Yunho is the first right?

신인이기때문에 윤호의 모든 것이 여러분한테는 미스터리죠.

Everything about Yunho is a mystery to all of you since he is a rookie.

미스터리 풀어드릴려고  저희가 에셈 해외부문 팀장 이우영님께 연락드리고 스패셜 인터뷰를 진행하도록 하겠습니다.

In order to solve this mystery, we will contact SM overseas business team leader  Lee Woo Young and try to hold a special interview.

윤호에게 질문을 물었어요.아래는 바로 빛나는 신인의 진지한 답이네요~여러분 읽어보십시오^^

We asked questions to Yunho.  The sincere answers of this bright rookie are inside~Everyone, please enjoy reading it^^

Q 지금은 여자친구 있어요?어떤 여자를 좋아해요?

Q Do you have a girlfriend right now?  What kind of woman  do you like?

A 당연히 없죠(웃음)제가 좋아하는 여자는 자기 하는 행동에 대한 책임을 있는 여자예요.

A Of course I don’t (laughs).  The kind of woman I like is a woman who takes responsibility for her  actions.

Q 가장 좋아하는 음식?

Q Favorite food is?

A 보통은  잘먹어요~근데 좋아하는 음식은 한국의 김치와 불고기예여~

A I normally eat everything well~but my favorite food is Korean kimchi and bul go gi (marinated boneless beef slices)

Q 나중에 하고 싶어요?(직업)어떤 사람을 되고 싶어요?

Q What do you want to do later? (profession)  What kind of person do you want to be?

A 글쎄월드스타는 꿈이예요~나중에는 프로듀서나 배우 되고 싶어요.

A Well... my dream is to be a world star~Later on, I would like to be a producer or an actor.

Q 어떤 음악을 좋아해요?

A What type of music do you like?

A 힙합.R&B 좋아하는 음악이에요..저랑 어울리는 같아요.

A Favorite music is hip hop and R&B..I think it suits me.

Q 연예계에 어떻게 들어오는 거예요?

Q How did you enter the entertainment industry?

A 예전에 댄스 공연을 많이 참가했다가 에셈 저를 발견했어요.그후에 청소년 선발대회를 통해서 에셈에 정식으로 들어갔어요.

A I participated in lots of dance performances before when SM discovered me.  After that, I officially entered SM through a youth competition.

Q 가장 좋아하는 영화는?

Q Favorite movie is?

A <반지의 제왕>(The Lord of the Rings

A <The Lord of the Rings> (The Lord of the Rings

Q 정식적으로 데뷔 공연을 하면 어떤 노래를 해보고 싶아요?

Q What kind of song do you want to do if you officially have a debut performance?

A ..여러가지 요소를 표현할 있는 음악이에요.

A Umm..music that will be able to express various elements.

Q 중국에서 좋아하는 것은?음식?풍경?

Q What's your favorite thing about China?  Food?  Scenery?

A 좋아하는 음식은 북경오리 그리고 산동()요리.중국의 풍경이라면..

A Favorite food is Peking duck and Sandong cuisine.  For China’s scenery..

가장 인상 깊은 것은 사람들이 자전거를 타고 출퇴근하는 거예여..그리고 택시 안에 기사님과 승객들 사이의 난간이 있는 ..

The most impressive thing is people riding bicycles to commute..also, the guardrail (like a shield) that’s between drivers and passengers inside a taxi..

Q 제일 잘하는 요리는?

Q What do you cook the best?

A 김치찌게와 피자예요!~ 진짜 잘해요

A Kimchi soup and pizza!~I'm really good at it.

Q 컴퓨터 게임 좋아해요?어떤 것을?

Q Do you like computer games?  What kind?

A 시간 있을때 해요..STREET FIGHTER?그런거

A I play when there’s some time..STREET FIGHTER?  That kind…

Q 중국팬들에 대해 어떻게 생각해요?

 Q What do you think about Chinese fans?

A 중국팬들이 너무 열정적이네요~!

A Chinese fans are very passionate~!

Q 자신평가는?

Q Self-evaluation?

A 저는 하는 일은 끝까지 해야돼요..책임감 강한 사람이에요~ㅋㅋ(부끄러운듯 웃었다^^)

A I have to do what I’m doing until the very end..I'm a person with a strong sense of responsibility~ㅋㅋ(laughed seems embarrassed^^)

 Q 이상한 잠버릇 있어요?

Q Do  you have a strange sleeping habit?

A 없어요~그냥 사선(?)으로 자는 거예요..

A ahh…I don’t~I just sleep at an angle (?)..

Q “보물1?

Q “#1 treasure” is?

A 수집한 CD 그리고 팬분들이 주신 편지는 보물1번이에요!

A Letters given by fans and collection of cds are my #1 treasures!

Translation from Chinese to Korean thanks to an acuaintance of 뉴키슬 at DCYungall

Thanks to 뉴키슬 at DCYungall


I don't remember seeing this interview but reading it, Yunho hasn't changed much at all.  He has stayed true to himself and achieving his dreams. 

Uknow Yunho Hwaiting!!  Jung Yunho Hwaiting!!

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Hello lovely yunho's fans. I'm Niki. Feel bad that I haven't stopped by for a long long time, but my ultimate love is still with Yunho and only Yunho.
Anyway, for now I ship YunBoA like crazy. LOL
PS. I hate the new(?) soompi layout.

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