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☆☆☆ The Official JUNG YUNHO Thread (정윤호 ☆ ユンホ ☆ 鄭允浩) ☆☆☆

Guest fanda4000

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Guest yoyo_yoyo

Cat1177: I see, it's complicated XD
but we can edit without mod ^^, look at button next of Quote. click it and edit our post lol

love all part Yunho said :)) YunBoa in winwin show, they're so adorable.
they looks so comfortable with each other <3
I just lol forever when Yunho's laugh, it make MCs interested. they even laugh like him =))
his laugh is unique ~

this fancam cutest 

he like cute boys here ><


cute fanarts ;)




credit: @tumblr + CYH


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Guest yoyo_yoyo

Yunho's Pic at "I AM."



More Pic here :x





credit: baidu

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Guest lovelyunho

Pic of Yunho in 2006 during the stage greeting for the screening of the movie Vacation in which he had the lead role~



pic credit:  withyoonho.com


Here's a very touching fanaccount of Yunho's stage greeting appearance for the movie Vacation back in 2006~

6년만의 무대인사. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Stage greeting of 6 years ago

그때도 에셈에서 제작한ㅋ 
동방신기 각각 멤버들이 주연을 맡게 해 옴니버스 식으로
제작한 극장판 영화인 vacation이라는 동방신기 영화가 있었음.

It was for sm production at that time too   it was for omnibus which DBSK members each had lead roles.  There was a movie theater production called vacation which was a DBSK movie. 

물론 그 당시엔 이번처럼 cgv같은 극장에서 상영한게 아니라
서울 연세대 대극장에서 상영했었음(.........) 에셈 많이 컸근 ㅋ 극장 진입이라니 ㅋ 얼 ㅋ 무려 6년이나 걸렸지만 ^^;;

Of course, during that time, they didn’t screen it at a theater like cgv like this time.  They screened it at the main hall at Yonsei University in Seoul (………)  SM has grown a lotgoing to be in  theatersㅋ 얼 ㅋit only took them about 6 years^^;;

윤호는 옴니버스 시리즈 중( 3편이었나? 4편이었나 그랬던듯. 윤호가 1편의 주인공
1편의 주인공을 맡아 당시 신인 여배우인 고은아와 함께 연기 ㅇㅇ

During the omnibus series, Yunho was (there was a total of 3? or there was 4 of them.  Yunho was the lead for one)  Being the lead for one of them, he acted with rookie actress Go Eun Ah oo

이 때는 다만,
윤호가 아파서-
윤호가 인대에 부상을 입어 한달이 넘도록 잘 못걸어서 휠체어나 목발에 의지했었음.

At this time, Yunho was hurt- Yunho injured his ligament and couldn’t walk very well for over a month and used a wheelchair or crutches.

에셈이 표를 팔려고 멤버들에게 무대인사를 뛰게 했었는데
당연히 윤호만 무대인사에 참여하지 못했지.
윤호가 행여나 나오지 않을까 하는 그런 기대감으로 보러간 윤호팬들은 멤버 4명만 봐야했고.
나 역시 그런 기대를 안고 갔는데 윤호가 안와서 속상 ㅜㅜ  
그래도 그가 올수 없는 상황이란걸 아니까 이해했음.
허나 팬 마음이란게 참,
윤호가 아프다 하니까 얼굴을 더 보고싶은 그런 맘이 컸지.
허나 이것도 팬의 욕심일뿐ㅎ

SM had the members do stage greetings to sell tickets.  Of course, only Yunho didn’t get to participate in the stage greeting.  On the chance that Yunho might come, Yunho fans went with that hope only to see  just the 4 members.  I went of course hoping for that but I was upset (heartbroken)  Yunho didn’t come ㅜㅜ  but I understood that he was in a situation where he couldn’t come.  But a fan’s feeling is really,  since they said Yunho is sick, I wanted to see him even more.  However, this is also just a fan’s greed(selfishness)

무대인사를 꽤 여러 차례 했고
윤호를 제외한 멤버 4명만 무대인사를 다녔기에
팬싸이트나 팬까페 등지에선
각 멤버 팬들의 후기가 속속들이 올라오고 분위기 화기애애~
윤팬들은 속상한 마음 반, 그래도 그동안 윤호는 쉴 수 있어서 다행이다 마음 반.
이 마음을 안고 있었음.

They had the stage greetings quite a few times.  Except for Yunho, just the 4 members went to the stage greetings.  In the fansites or fan cafes, thorough fanaccounts of each members were going up (posted) with a cheerful atmosphere~  For Yunho fans, we were feeling half upset but feeling relieved on the other half because Yunho could rest.  This is how we felt.

그런데 어느 날,
각 멤버별로 한 명씩 무대인사를 한다고 하더라구.
각 멤버 이름 뒤에 ~day를 붙여서윤호day 이런 식으로.
윤호day 물론 떴었는데 윤호가 무대인사에 나올지 안나올지 모르는 상황이라고 <미정>이라고 했었어.
다른 멤버는 <확정>이라고 했고 ㅇㅇ

However, one day,  they said they were going to have each member do his own stage greeting.  After each members’ name ~day was attached~ like Yunho day.  Of course Yunho day was announced too but they said they weren’t sure if Yunho would come for the stage greeting.  They said it was <undetermined/unconfirmed>.  For other members it was <confirmed> oo

윤호팬들이 갈등하길
만약 갔는데 윤호가 안오면 어떡하지???????
그래도 윤호가 오지 않더래도
내세운건 윤호day인데 윤호 얼굴 생각해서라도 자리는 채워야 하지 않겠냐- 라는 이야기들로 의견이 모아졌어.
그래서 적지 않은 윤호팬들이 말하길 우리 윤호가 꼭 오지 않더래도 윤호day니까 가자!!! 이래서 팬들이 많이 갔음. 순정순정...
오면 정말 기쁜 일이지만 안와도 다행이다. 쉴 수 있으니까 ^_T 뭐 이런 마음? (물론 팬들은 정말 많이 왔음!!)

Yunho fans were conflicted.  What if we went and Yunho didn’t come.  Then what???????  Still, even if Yunho didn’t come, the name is Yunho day so there was talking going around shouldn’t we  fill up the seats for Yunho (save face for Yunho).  That’s why a lot of Yunho fans said, even if our Yunho doesn’t come, since it’s Yunho day, let’s go!!!  This is why so many fans went.  Innocent, so innocent…if he comes, it’ll be a really happy thing but if he didn’t it was fine since he could rest ^_T  It was this kind of feeling?  (of course lots of fans really came!!)

근데 그 날 윤호가 왔음.
진짜 윤호가 나타났음.
극장 입장을 하고난 뒤에도 윤호가 확실히 온다는 이야기는 없었거든.
후기 등지에선 윤호가 걷기 힘들다고 무리해서 걸으면 안되는 상태라고 했었는데

However, Yunho came that day.  Yunho really appeared.  Even after we entered the theater, there was no talk that Yunho would come for sure.  In the fanaccounts, it said that it was hard for Yunho to walk and he wasn’t supposed to walk too much but

윤호가 등장하자마자 걸어서 들어오는거야.

Yunho was walking as he was entering the theater.





-0- ㄷㄷㄷ

걸으면 안되는 윤호가 걸어서 들어왔음.

Yunho who wasn’t supposed to walk was coming in walking.

뭐 물론 천천히,
매우 천천히 걸어왔음.

Well, slowly of course,  (he) walked in really slowly.

엄청 수척해진 윤호가
머쓱한 표정 지으면서 잔잔한 미소를 띄고 천천히 걸어오는데 팬들의 표정이 다

Yunho who had become so gaunt, walked slowly with a calm smile but all the fans’ expression was

-0- ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ
다들 이게 꿈이야 생시야 하는 표정

Eveyone’s expression was like is this real or is this a dream


윤호가 걸어나와서 무대에서 서 있자
팬들이 다들 염려하기 시작.
빨리 앉아야하는데(안절부절) 서있으면 다리에 무리가 가는데;; 하면서
팬들 표정이 다 안좋아지는데
아니나 다를까 의자가 바로 등장해서 스텝이 윤호를 앉게 했음.

Yunho came out walking and was standing on stage.  All the fans started worrying.  We were all like (figeting), he needs to sit down quickly, if he’s standing, it’s too much for his leg;;   the fans’ expression was all getting worse .  Just as expected though, chair was brought in right away by the staff  to have Yunho sit down.

근데 윤호가 이야기 하길 바로 앉는건 예의가 아니라면서
오랜만에 보는 팬들 앞에서 인사를 할 때 앉는건 좀 그렇다고 잠시간 서서 이야기를 하겠다고 했음.
(인사 비롯한 몇마디 먼저 하고 그 다음에 앉았어)

But Yunho said that it wasn’t polite to sit as he’s talking so he said he would stand just a little bit because he said sitting down while greeting the fans whom he hasn’t seen in a while was not the thing to do. (he said some words of greeting and then sat down)

윤호가 말하길,

Yunho said,

팬들이 보고 싶어서 왔다고 담담하게 말했음.
다들 건강 조심하라고..
가벼운 안부인사와 함께.

He said as a matter of fact, he came because he missed the fans.  Told everyone to take care of their health..together with a light hello.

그 날 "윤호팬들만" 모인 자리였거든 T_T

That day was a gathering of “only Yunho fans” T_T

무대인사치고 이야기를 길게 나눴었어.
, 맞다. 팬들이 이벤트도 준비했는데
동행에서 준비했던걸로 기억.
이 이벤트도 윤호가 올지 안올지 확실치 않은 상황에서 준비^^;;
팬들이 2층으로 올라가서 현수막 같은거? 펼치게 하고 윤호에게 거기에 써진 문구를 읽게 해줬는데
잘은 기억 안나지만 윤호에게 힘이 되는, 윤호에게 힘을 주는 그런 문구였음.
그걸 보고 윤호가 많이 기뻐했어 ㅎㅎ

The stage greeting had a long talk.  Oh, that’s right.  Fans prepared an event too.  Remember it as Withyoonho preparing it.  This event was prepared too not knowing for sure if Yunho would come or not^^;;  Fans were on the second level with a banner?  It was spread and  Yunho was made to read the phrases but can’t remember what it was but the phrases were so that Yunho can get strength, give Yunho strength.  Seeing that, Yunho was really happy  ㅎㅎ

암튼 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 윤호가 영화시작 전에 왔었는데,
영화 재밌게 보시라고-
나도 사실은 영화를 아직 못봤다고
팬분들과 같이 그 영화를 잠시간 보고 가겠다고 마무리 이야기와 동시에 끝인사를 했음.

AnywaysㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋYunho came before the movie started, he said have fun watching the movie- he said he actually hasn’t seen the movie yet either~ he said he would watch that movie with the fans for a little and then go, concluding the talk with a final greeting.

곧바로 극장에 불이 꺼지고 스크린에 영화가 나왔어.
그리고 윤호도 맨 앞자리에 앉아 팬들과 영화를 봤음.

The lights then turned off right away and the movie came on the screen.  And Yunho was also sitting in the very front seat watching the movie with the fans.



팬들은 영화를 하나도 안보고 윤호 뒷통수만 계속 봤음

The fans did not see a single thing of the movie and just watched Yunho’s back continuously.


영화 속에도 윤호가 있지만
실물 윤호가 바로 앞에 있는데 그게 보이겠냐고!!!

The movie had Yunho in it but who’s going to see that when Yunho was right in front for real!!!

ㅠㅠ  ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

윤호는 영화에 집중했는데
간간히 자기가 연기하는거 보고 혼자 웃고 리액션을 보이는데
윤호팬들은 윤호만 뚫어져라 관찰 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
"우리 윤호가 웃었어"  "우리 윤호가 박수를 치네" " 우리 윤호가 자기 머리를 만졌어" 라며 
수근수근이수근 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ(팬들 무섭ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)

Yunho was concentrating on the movie,  he was watching the movie he was acting in and laughing and showing reactions by himself but Yunho fans were only watching Yunho intentlyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

그러나 행복은 잠시..
윤호가 서서히 나갈 준비를 하고 ㅋㅋ
근데 윤호가 나가면서 그냥 걸어나가면 되는데
팬들에게 방해될까봐 허리를 깊게 숙이고 나가더라. 스크린을 자기가 가릴까봐 ^^;;;
매우 조심조심 걸으면서 ㅠㅠ

However, happiness was brief..   Yunho stood up getting ready to goㅋㅋ it would have been alright if Yunho just walked out but he bent over deeply going out because he didn’t want to interrupt the fans.  Because he might cover up the screen^^;;;  he walked so very carefullyㅠㅠ

그거보고 팬들은 또...
헐 ㅠㅠ 윤호야 ㅠㅠ 그냥 상체를 펴서 걸어가지!!!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
실물윤호 니가 앞에 있는데 니 팬들이 영화에 눈이 가겠냐고 ㅜㅜ

Seeing that Yunho fans were again...like Yunho-yaㅠㅠ just walk standing straight!!!!  ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ  You’re in front of the fans for real, do you think fans are going to see the movieㅜㅜ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

바보윤호............ ㅠㅠ
Dumb Yunho………ㅠㅠ

암튼 ㅋㅋㅋ
그렇게 나간 윤호를 따라서 적지 않은 팬들이 곧바로 극장 밖으로 뛰쳐나갔다더라는..
6년전 여름의 이야기 (..)
난 일반인 친구를 끌고 갔는지라,
그 친구가 넌 나가지 말라고-_-+
내 손을 꽉 쥐어잡고 강제로 앉게 하는 바람에ㅋ
난 눈물을 머금고 영화를 끝까지 보고나옴 ㅜㅜ

Anywaysㅋㅋㅋ  the fans who weren’t small in numbers ran out of the theater after Yunho went out that way..the story of summer 6 years ago (..)  I dragged a non-fan friend (to the theater), that friend told me, do not go out -_-+  she grabbed my hand tightly and forced me to sit down   with tears, I watched the movie til the end and came outㅜㅜ

아이엠 무대인사 하니까 갑자기 6년전 일화가 떠오름.

Suddenly thought of what happened 6 years ago since they’re doing the I AM stage greeting.

, 맞다.
그 날 집에 돌아와서 확인해보니

Ah, that’s right.  When I came back home that night and checked

아니나 다를까 그 날 에셈은 윤호보고 무대인사 가지 말랬다고 했는데
윤호가 내 팬들이 보고싶다고..
 가고 싶다는 의지를 피력해서
쉬어야 하는 상황임에도라는 정보가무리해서 갔다팬사이트에 올라와있었음 ㅠㅠ

Just as expected, SM told Yunho not to go that day for the stage greeting but Yunho said, I miss my fans.. he was adamant that he wanted to go.  There was information that even though he should have been resting, he pushed himself and went-it was posted at fansiteㅠㅠ

Fanaccount credit to 점쟁이at dcyungall: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=uknow&no=156876&page=1&recommend=1&recommend=1&bbs=

I remember this time, he was very sick and you can tell by the pics above, he had lost a lot of weight.  This account just shows you how much love there is between Yunho and his fans.  Yunho shows up even though he can barely walk and the the fans show up and plan an event even though they're not sure if he would even come. 




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Guest yoyo_yoyo

I have never known this story before, thank you for trans Miyun <3
i was tear up when reading it TT__TT
his fans and his love for fans really valuable, i'm respect this indeed :)

120623 Yunho at Music Bank K-Pop Festival in Hong Kong



Back Korean~


cr: onpic

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thanks for the trans  lovelyunho! he did look very thin and gaunt with his clothes hanging over his body like that  :( amazing idol and amazing fans :D

WOOOOOWWWWWWW  :x :x  =P~ol0sf.jpg
cr: personalyoonho

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Guest yoyo_yoyo

More pics at MB


http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1687793840 || http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1687181293

http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1687522405 || http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1686395970

 at Airport HongKong~


Click More:

Yunho At I AM. Event ~


http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1686495720 || http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1686665041

http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1685541782 || http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1685523341

http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1685531376 || http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1685545370

http://blog.naver.com/lhuknow0206/90146203767 || http://www.tvxq-theking.com/

credit: onpic + baidu


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Guest ringdingdongjun

TVXQ’s U-know Yunho and Park Soo Jin Found Watching Musical Together

TVXQ’s (DBSK) U-know Yunho and Park Soo Jin went to watch a musical together.

The two were found at a performance of the musicalFinding Mr. Destiny

When news that the two were together spread among netizens, many started to become suspicious on whether or not the two were in a serious relationship.


A rep from SM Entertainment, U-know Yunho’s agency, told enews on June 27, “U-know Yunho and Park Soo Jin are just old friends. Because they’re so close, they just went to watch the musical not caring for what others would think.” 

The two are actually so close they even put together the ’85 Club’, which admits celebrities that were born in the year 1985. 

Their relationship is fairly well-known, which brought them to watch the musical together in such a carefree manner.

Finding Mr. Destiny stars another of U-know Yunho’s friends, Kang Dong Ho. Kang Dong Ho and U-know Yunho became friends after starring in the 2010 musical Princess Hours. The two even went on a trip to Pohang together.

U-know Yunho is currently promoting around the world as a member of TVXQ, and Park Soo Jin is appearing in the KBS2 drama Unexpected You as the annoying doctor Song Su Ji.

Photo credit: Hea Jung Min

source:enewsworld (enewsworld.com)
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Guest yoyo_yoyo

120628 Yunho at CGV for I AM






Yunho Heading to Japan ~


credit: onpic +  tvxq_theking

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Guest lovelyunho

This is fanaccount by a male fan (pic posted by Yo above) who was selected by Yunho to go on stage for I AM 12/6/28~

(I posted in Telzone Donggall so I just copied and brought it over~)
Hello~~I’m the male fan who went to see the stage greeting wearing a military uniform.
After seeing the whole movie, I came out at 12 a.m., rode the subway and the bus, and have now arrived at home, first I washed up and while

eating ramen (instant noodles), I’m spitting out (?) a fanaccount like this.
To be honest, I thought a lot about whether or not I should go wearing a military uniform....because the time is so late....
If something bad happens late at night while going around wearing the military uniform…(my) vacation could be revoked immediately so I

thought about it a bit…however!.....what would make yunho hyungnim notice more....thinking about it, in the end.....
I went wearing the military uniform……I was going to change clothes when I came out after watching the entire movie so I put the clothes and

shoes in a bag and came and those who have seen the stage greeting with me already know, Yunho hyungnim called me…..(actually…I was

somewhat sorry to the other Cassiopeia) That’s how I received the 32 photo cards with a signed autograph in it…wow...so deeply touched...

and a handshake with a hug…he even remembered me…(even though I asked him first ‘Do you remember me?’)....
I felt it last time too as well as today when I shook (his) hand…Yunho-hyungnim’s hand is solid(?)...or dependable??
There’s something that gives you the deep feeling of dependable strength~and a hug that I didn’t get at the last fansign (event).....
I felt really good…(this is that innocent feeling of male fan and role model.........I am not gay..)
And Yunho-hyungnim’s wise saying today.....’if one lives (make) each day special....he will become special…’ training very hard in the army…

I forget my dreams occasionally.....and I think what am I doing.....when I become skeptical......The words can get me out of that skepticism....

I was very grateful.
Then, the stage greeting ended.....the movie finally started!!
Throughout the movie, I couldn’t be still watching it......watching the videos.....videos of the singers’ stages......videos of the singers’

rehearsals....etc. etc.....I just kept wanting to go out and dance....but....on the other hand, I also felt inside of me that I wanted to continue

to watch the movie until the end.....I really was not bored watching it all the way through.
(My) heart kept fluttering....getting goosebumps......and when a stage came out that I practiced to, it would make me dance.....Dong Bang

hyungnims’ ‘Why’ or Super Junior’s ‘Sorry Sorry’ Shinee ‘Lucifer’.....etc.etc.....
Watching it.....I thought about a lot of things.....I’m 24 years old....born in ’89.......
Born the same year in ’89.....Girls Generation Kim Taeyeon. Jessica, Tiffany, Hyohyun, Kwon Yuri.....and Onew from Shinee....have already

debut a long time ago....now, they’re flying high......
I want to be flying high with them too.....failing each time.....and then....eventually to end the anguish, (I) enlisted in the military.....When I

finish it all, I’ll be 25 years old...at that time....if I go to the auditions again.....others (around me) will definitely ‘only’ see the bad side....

if not, will look with pity....
Person who would cheer me on....is very little....(I) could count (them) in one hand.....
When I receive hard training in the army....or get in trouble for making a mistake....I kept starting to have fears regarding my dreams....Why

did I enter the army?.....I should have just tried harder and gone to auditions a little more.....Can I really do it.....frankly....seeing me like this,

I’m afraid Yunho hyungnim might even tell me, ‘because of your age....how about trying to find a different path?’
I only keep having regrets....’Why, just like other singers didn’t I try during middle or high school....’
‘Why, did I get a dream at the end of 19 years old...almost 20 years old....’
However....watching this movie.....I only thought of one thing.....’I want to stand on that stage...’
‘I will by all means do it...’ I don’t know from which part of the movie I watched that gave me that conviction but.....it’s just.....I think I can do it...
Now....what I need to do is......firmly believe in that conviction.....don’t waver and head towards the dream with a whole lot of effort.....I will only

go in one path.....I felt that today seeing that movie.....umm...writing it....how should I put it....it (words) has just become long-winded.....
If I were to summarize it simply, Yunho hyungnim is cool as ever~~
The movie is really good~it is~

(I did not translate the p.s. parts where he’s talking about going to see SNSD, etc.)

Fanaccount by 엑스제로 at dcyungall: http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=uknow&no=157699&page=2&bbs=  


I hope this male fan makes his dream come true and get to stand beside Yunho on stage one day as an artist.  Best of luck to him.


Loving Yunho's soft perm hair.  He's looking really gorgeous.


<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 


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thanks for the fan acc lovelyunho! now his reaction and umm enthusiasm makes much more sense. i was LOLing so much when he wouldn't leave the stage after he got the autographed cards and stayed to speak with Yunho. so it's not his first time either and he wants to be an idol...good luck to him. 

super gorgeous Yunho *deaddddd*XMqeb.jpgoDtOu.jpgitH4M.jpgzKxhH.jpgW61Q7.jpgSowRk.jpg
cr: besang+aya

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Guest yoyo_yoyo

Yunho's Pic at Fanclub meeting

so cute :-*



credit: onpic+ as tagged

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest yoyo_yoyo

Yunho's Pics At The Shilla Duty Free 2012 Fan Festival in Seoul~




credit: tvxq-theking

Fancam at The Shilla Duty Free 2012 Fan Festival in Seoul



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest lovelyunho

Beautiful Yunho~


pic credit:  yoonhostar.com


Very touching and poignant words from a Japanese fan who posted her feelings in Japanese and Korean @ DC Yungall~ 






Thanks to 나비 @ http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=uknow&no=160018&page=1&recommend=1&recommend=1&bbs=



To the people who like Uknow Yunho.


Do you remember Yunho's Korean age?

Yunho is 27 years old in Korean age.

Not just Uknow Yunho but all Korean males cannot avoid the 2 years absense because of military duty.

The words, in a blink of an eye, are words that can (only) be said when Yunho returns from the army.

Can you imagine what it's like not being able to see him for 2 years?

This world is changing at a rapid pace.

If there is a person who suddenly likes Yunho today then there could be a person who suddently dislikes him today too.

It's not anybody's fault that a person changes.

Accepting all that and going on is Yunho's fate/destiny.


Do you like Yunho?

Have you laughed out loud just thinking about Yunho?

Have you felt your heart flutter just at the thought of Yunho?

Have you shed tears just at the thought of Yunho?

Have you ever thought about not being able to see Yunho's beautiful laughter, Yunho's warm heart, and Yunho's brilliant dance for 2 years?


When I think about not being able to see Yunho, it hurts like my heart is going to rip apart.


Are there those who are looking at Yunho Gall with bias (negativity)? (literal translation is:Are there those looking at Yunho Gall with sunglasses?)

Like fools, people at Yunho Gall are frank (straightforward) and can't write with clever (sneaky) skill.


Only..just only..want to protect Yunho.

♡윤호야, 사랑해♡

♡Yunho-ya, I love you♡

Thanks to 나비 http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=uknow&no=160022&page=1&recommend=1&recommend=1&bbs=



Yunho!!!!!!  OMG, He looks so lovely!!!


credit:  on the pic


Yunho's  and Boa's dance together was awesome!  It was only ~46 seconds but Yunho was beautiful to watch.  OMG, I loved his hair!!

Wish Boa all the best with her new album and comeback.  Only One is a beautiful song. 


Uknow Yunho Hwaiting!!  Jung Yunho Hwaiting!!























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Guest yoyo_yoyo

@Miyun: thanks for trans Dear <3 and I want to say to his fans "thank you who always protected Yunho"   ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

I love his hair  :x


YunBoa like as Tom & Jerry :))


credit: onpic + baidu

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Guest lovelyunho

cat1177, thanks for the photos.  He looks tired in the practice pics but pretty nonetheless. 

Yo!!!!, it's been a while.  Thanks for the pretty pics of Yunho and fanarts.  The fanarts are adorable. 

No new news of Yunho but I guess we'll see some new pics of Yunho this weekend for SMT in Tokyo. 


Uknow Yunho Hwaiting!!  Jung Yunho Hwaiting!!


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Guest lovelyunho

Yunho sent congratulatory wreath to M! Countdown~


cr: dcyungall

Yunho's wreath is the second one from the left. 

It says:  I am the first era/generation MC Uknow Yunho and Uknow ? It's already M Countdown's 300 epidsodes!

Love Yunho's sense of play on words with his name!  Smart Yunho :)


Uknow Yunho Hwaiting!!  Jung Yunho Hwaiting!!


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Guest lovelyunho

More pics of  beautiful Yunho at airport heading to Japan Aug 3, 2012~




credit: on pic

Yunho's cool jacket is by JoyRich~


credit:  dcyungall


THSK rehearsed 'Sky for SMT Tokyo'!!!!!  Please, let there be fancam of this performance!  Looks like THSK is having a special setlist just for SMT in Japan.  Very envious of fans who get to be there to see them perform.

Uknow Yunho Hwaiting!!  Jung Yunho Hwaiting!!


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