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[drama 2008] Who Are You? 누구세요

Guest yeohweping

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I dl the rain scene clip of WAY episode 14 from Luv link and I rotate to 180° and flip horizontaly the video.

So, here, this is the same clip but much easier to see ^^


Wow...you rock...That's just so awesome.Thank you so much...:wub: :wub:

Maybe you can help us with the other video clip too...

Someone special is going to help us translate the preview video... :)

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I am ever filled with bewildering awe at the way the SOOMPI threaders share in teamwork.

Getting the preview.

Recording the preview and screen caps

and someone flipping it and posting it....

You guys rock my world every day!

THANKS for the best Monday in a long, long time!!!

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Guest Ishida21

Maybe you can help us with the other video clip too...

Sure, if I can help...

(the tips, with virtualdub:

- Video > Full Processing Mode

- Video > Filters > Add > Rotate > Ok > Around 180°

- Video > filters > Add > Flip Horizontaly

- Video > Compression > the same in: File > File information)

Here, the "new" preview of episode 14:


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Guest ~XoX~

I am ever filled with bewildering awe at the way the SOOMPI threaders share in teamwork.

Getting the preview.

Recording the preview and screen caps

and someone flipping it and posting it....

You guys rock my world every day!

THANKS for the best Monday in a long, long time!!!

I completely agree. Thank you sooo much everyone for working together to bring us the much anticipated previews/clips! I cannot thank you enough :D

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Guest jtranla

Who Are You Ep12 (Shinhwa) - 1.5gb

Part1 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NG60K4QT

Part2 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UT79BS4Y

Part3 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=I1CX35VQ

SRT http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RT06IHJ6

Note: ep12 Climax 1.5gb file has several video glitches at the beginning...so please use Shinhwa version instead.

So sorry...I will review the file before I upload in the future.

Thank you, LUV for all your gorgeous screen caps...can't wait for ep14 :w00t:

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Kristy and Ishida21...YOU GIRLS ROCK!!!!!!!! *hands out SH engraved soccer balls*

I'm sure I've already said this before..

but EVERYONE in this thread is AWESOME and makes it a place that I want to keep coming back to day after day....hour after hour...min after min...

....sec after sec.....okies...I'm rambling now...IS IT WEDNESDAY YET??!! :sweatingdrops: :lol:

The preview...*dies*

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Guest hnitao

everytime I come here there must be something that I want to see~~~ Thanks for the preview!

First time to see threaders are so teamwork becoz' of a drama!! So happy to be one of the "TEAM" !! :D

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Guest thunderbolt

And finally...the rain scene... :wub:

Oh, seeing the caps made me instantly teary. I'm soooo happy for our couple. :wub:

Luv, thank you for the caps!! *muah!*

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Guest Pyoungsang

Did someone ask for the rain scene??? Well, here.

Thanks to Luv, I got to see the rain scene upside down, mirror imaged while trying

to decipher the mangled audio. No, seriously, thank you Kristy!!! As a token of my

appreciation, a little translation of the rain scene. Enjoy, I know you'll love it. I know

I did, it might be the best scene so far in the show! WARNING SPOILERS.




YI: Hello?


YI: It's me.

SH: I know.

YI: No, just ... I was wonderng if you got home okay?

SH: I arrived fine.

YI: Yes (affirmitve). What were you doing?

SH: Not doing anything right now.

YI: Yes (affirmitive) ... Is it uncomfortable to phone?

SH: Comfortable, I'm not.

YI: Yes (affirmitive) ...


YI: Over there ... I'm going to say the words that we agreed to like starting today, do you want to listen?


YI: When you try to start something, I'm the most fortunate and


YI: I am the most ??happiest?? (audio was too muffled to be sure.)


YI: these words, I wish mister would like them, too. Did you see Leon?

SH: I didn't see it. I don't like movies where they shoot guns for no reason.


YI: Leon is a romance movie.

SH: Just tell me the point.


YI: I'm all grown up ... now, I just have to get older. I'm saying I'm strong.

SH: How old was she?

YI: Hmmm, was she 12?

SH: What did she want to say?


YI: Just ... that ... she loved very much


SH: Was it a happy ending?


YI: No, he dies.


SH: Who does?


YI: Leon does. Let us ... have a happy ending. We must. You understand, right?



YI: There's no answer, no indication, my inside is burning (heart is aching).

YI: Dumb dumb, if he hears these words, no matter how much hail is raining down,

YI: he supposed to run here saying he wants to see me.


YI: You don't know that either, do you, our lunkhead?











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Wow...Thank you so much for the translation... P :wub:

It's my favorite scene also...SH's voice is so deep here.

"We must have a happy ending...." wow...I'm so proud of YI for saying that. :)

It's true...I believe we can can create our own happiness...


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Guest funkygal56

nawww i feel sorry for jaeha tho >< hes so charming and nice to her..esp wen they both meet...but YKS is definitely my favourite :D

O.O cant wait to watch the rain scene ..makes me weak kneed jus looking at the pictures kekeke^^

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Guest m3LL0

I was the one who requested for the rain scene to be translated!

Thanks so much Pyoungsang for taking the time to translate it! Now we reallllyyyy can't wait until Wednesday!!

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Guest berkeleygal

I have a question about the rain scene. What is the significance of mentioning the movie Leon? I haven't seen the movie, but read the synopsis on wikipedia. It seems like there is more of a father-daughter bond between Leon and Matilda then that of lovers. Is this conclusion wrong? Did they start loving each other toward the end or was it Matilda's one-sided love? But, it seems like Leon dies at the end, protecting Matilda. So this means that Leon started loving her at the end? Can anyone fill me in on this movie and its relevance to this drama? I hope Seung Hyo doesn't die at the end, protecting Young In. They should have a HAPPY ENDING like how Young In just said.

This rain scene is so amazing. I can just see how Seung Hyo's emotions are melting due to Young In's words. He seems tired, but at the same time, doesn't want to give up as there is so much out of his control in this relationship (Mostly, emotionally). He can't control how he feels and he is completely new to this caring aspect. He must have been greatly touched by Young In's simple concern of whether he got home okey or asking what he is doing right now. I bet no one has ever kindly asked him that before. Aww, they are such a compatable match.

And, Young In assures that even though she is young, she is very strong. How must have Seung Hyo felt by that assurance and direct statement? Both Young In and Seung Hyo are aware that age is a very big issue in their relationship. I feel that Seung Hyo will do everything to protect our little Young In, because she might be too naive and innocent to understand all the dangers she might face in future. It's good because Seung Hyo is one great protector. He knows when to take action and how to smartly handle situations.

I have a feeling that this drama will show a 2 years later, etc. segment at the end of episode 17 to show us viewers how Young In grows up and how Seung Hyo and Young In live their daily life after all the things dealing with the ghost dad, the paintings, the murder case, etc. take place.

Thanks for the translations! I simply loved this scene. So simple, yet very meaningful!! I am completely smitten by this drama. :wub:

Also, can anyone translate the other preview scene (b/w Young In and Jae Ha)? I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

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