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[drama 2008] Who Are You? 누구세요

Guest yeohweping

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Guest Jinny617

Hahaha, wow, this topic goes pretty quickly. I went to bed and two pages sprang up.

I'm sorry, is it Wednesday yet? I was hoping that I would fall asleep and wake up next week.

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Thank you cococrust!! I cannot wait to download ep 13.

Does anyone know the ratings for the recent 3 eps? Just wondering if it has picked up....Thank you all.

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Guest clueless_pig

Here's the scene translation:

Seung Hyo: "If you're done taking a look, why don't you leave?"

Ho Joong: "How much are you worth? Blackmail's my line of work, you know. What could I extort from Cha Seung Hyo?"

Seung Hyo: "Like father and son -- you're the spitting image of Choi Chul Soo. If you and your father have a price, how much is it? Isn't your mother also famous for that? Meeting her, she was really something."

Ho Joong: "What, you bastard?!"

I would interpret it slightly differently:

SH: If you're finished touring, please get out.

HJ: How much fortune do you have? I work is leeching off other people backs. What could I leech off of president Cha Seung Hyo?

SH: They say father like son ... you're quite like Mr. Choi Chl Soo. If you and father were to combine your priors, how many violations would that be? Perhaps Mr. Choi Ho Joong's mother is also famous in that way too. Meeting her, she didn't seem like an ordinary person.

HJ: What did you say, you SOB!!

So I would say that he's not trying to blackmail SH but wanting to get some money off of him. He didn't try make a condition for getting money. Maybe that could be interpreted as "paid off" but I don't think that is what he's really after. He's mainly really pissed off that SH treated his parents, especially him mother, coldly. You can tell this by the way he reacted to how SH described his mother. He can say SOB since their moms are different.

thanks Pyoungsang and javabeans!

i can sort of understand where Ho Joong is coming from, and the fact that he just wanted to make Seung Hyo as angry as possible. But his actions here are still pretty awkard, in my opinion. I feel like the PDs painted Ho Joong as a very violent(?) and quick-tempered. Seung Hyo was harsh with his words, but he's been thrown away by the family before, so i think he has the right to choose not to rekindle the relationship with his real family, NOT because of the family's poor financial status.

unfortunately Ho Joong took it as such, and hostility towards his step-brother just got even biggers.

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Guest poisonliz2

:blink: about the actress Lee Mi Yeon isn't she the actress that act with Yoon KyeSang in "Crazy for You"? :blink:

“Just ask Young In who the last empress of the Joseon Dynasty was. She’ll tell you it was Lee Miyeon.” (Actress Lee Miyeon played the last empress in a TV drama.)

Seung Hyo can’t help it; he starts chuckling out loud.

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Guest Q_Park

Okay I'm back.

At the beginning of the episode I thought that what SH said to his parents was kinda harsh. And when YI and JH were at the gallery, JH really does like her and I guess that he's feeling guilty but still having the guts to lie to her about the situation.

How he's all like:

JH: 10 years ago, your father had made a contract with the gallery but I guess that didn't go well. It was planned that all of the paintings that he did in that period were to be sent to us but he didn't. In the middle of the contract he told us that he gave up on painting so we were like so that's the reason and we gave up. But we heard that there was a rumor that your father was trying to sell his paintings to another gallery. So we checked and that was correct. Because it was the price from 10 years ago, we were going to change it and we met about 1 month before his death.

YI: So even then my father didn't give the paintings back to you?

JH: Well, the other galleries were offering more money so . . . I guess that that could of happened.

YI: My dad isn't that kind of person.

JH: Before we met we really didn't know each other but after I met him I was kind of shocked.

<_< psh. I believe some parts of what JH said but other parts I'm sure that he is exaurating or adding it in to make him look like the good guy. (But you know what? I still love you JH~! :sweatingbullets: )

And for the first time when SH's mom was like:

SH's Mom: Why are you so nice to him when you treat your son badly?! Is it because this son has money? Because this son is the one that succeeded? Even though he is talking to back to you and looking down at you, you still treat him like this?

SH's Dad: I told you to shut your mouth!

SH's Mom: Look here, Chae Chul Soo's son. You are NOT supposed to talk disrespectfully. That's just not it. Even though you look down at someone you're not supposed to do that. If we were a rich and wealthy family, would you still treat us like that? You're saying that we're poor right? Right when you look there's nothing for you to take and you're afraid that we'll stick to you like ???

SH: I can't say that that's not it. I'm warning you beforehand but I don't want you to stick to me like ??? I really hate ??? (I don't know what that word is)

Both parents just staring at him. Wait~! HJ too. Wait~! IG too.

^ For some reason I felt really refreshed reading that part.

I was totally cracking up when SH just came into YI and YD's room. SH is drunk.

YD: YI's not here . . . yo. (Yo is something you say to your elders when you speak to them. It kinda sounds weird because I translated it.)

SH: Why is she not here?

YD: She's not here because she's not here. But if you ask why she's not . . .

SH: Okay. Let me change the question. Where did she go?

YD: I don't know . . . yo.

SH: Why don't you know?!

YD: I don't know because I don't know. But if you ask why she's gone . . .

SH: What's your name?

YD: Kwon Yong Duk . . . imnida. (Imnida is a polite way of saying I am)

SH: Hey Kwon. If you were my assistant I would fire you immediately. Why are your answers like that?

YD: Well why are your questions like that?

SH: Only your mouth is alive.

YD: No I'm all alive . . . yo. Let's go in . . . yo.

^ Haha that part was so fun to watch. But you know what was better to watch? When SH fell against the door and he leans on YI's shoulder.

I also like the part when HJ flirts with SH's secretary.

JS: 3 years younger than me and always talking rudely to me. How many times have I told him to call me nuna? (what boys call and older sister)

HJ: Pretty nuna. Oh, it's not a pretty nuna. Wow looking closely it's a pretty, cool and sexy nuna. (:lol:)

JS: *flustered* Why did you . . . oh, Chae Ho Joong?

HJ: Bingo. Ya~ our nuna has a good voice too!

JS: *smiling* This way please.

HJ: Ya~ the body is even better! This nuna has a perfect S-line.

JS: *happy and strikes a pose* President Cha is waiting for you. *really happy*

HJ: *smiles* Could I borrow a cell phone?

JS: You don't have one?

HJ: Oh come on, lend me one looking all sexy like that.

JS: *reaches for the cell phone striking another pose* *hands it to HJ striking yet another pose*

^ Funniest scene in that episode. I was laughing so hard.

When SH talked bad about HJ and his mom I was like oh no he didn't. Because no matter how much you don't like that person you can't just go and say something that bad about that person's mom~! *scolds SH and throws a dirty rag at him*

And last but not least the scene at the very end when SHD (Seung Hyo Dad) is in the car and going to the convience store.

SHD: *talking to himself* Hey Son Young In! Ah~ this is hard. How am I not better than Park Ji Sung? I too do a little bit of soccer.

Driver: Saying that PJS does a little bit of soccer is a bit . . . He does a lot of soccer. How can you compare yourself to PJS? That's a bit extreme.

SHD: Right? That's what I'm saying! What a guy!

Then they reach the destination and they both get out of the car.

SHD: Ah~ punk, I told her to stay still. Another job already?! Oh! Ah. . . I should of brought something to eat. Why couldn't I have thought of that? You bird head! You chicken head!

Driver: President Cha . . . you . . . here . . . should I go inside and get you something?

SHD: Ha Ha Ha Driver Pi, you go ahead and go home. *says that nicely* Ah! Hey you Driver Pi! Go home! Are you deaf? Go home! I already told you to go home! *says that in a regular SH attitude*

Driver: Oh okay.

Then after that SHD sees JH and YI together and knocks the ........ out of JH and vice versa. LOL

I think that this has been the longest post I've ever done. *goes back to the WAY ward and falls asleep clutching SH's jumbo size tweezers*

- Kyu

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Guest star17s101

hi i've been a silent reader here at this thread up until now and i gotta say that i really really love this drama :]

i was also wondering if anyone could tell me the ratings for this drama? ive been looking around but i cant seem to find any ratings..if there is a page could someone please provide me the link?

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Thank you so much P, javabeans, Kyu...:wub:

All your translations, posts will keep us going until episode 14. :wub:

Thank you everyone for posting. Welcome to Soompi.

I was watching this scene again and decided to make a new wallpaper :)





I know I shouldn't look at it for too long...because I would want to do something to it... :)

I made some minor changes and made it a little brighter...





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Thanks Kristy for the wallpapers! so cute!!

Pyoungsang, I can't remember if I thanked you for the scene translation..so THANK YOU!!! :lol:

Javabeans, thanks for your translation as well!

I can't stop listening to the OST..especially the instrumentals..

does anyone know where to even find the sheet music for WAY?

I have an urge to pick up my violin and play right now...

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Guest imurnumba1fan

gahhh.. end of ep.13 makes me want to screamm! lol. i wonder what'll happen next.

sighh..must wait til next weeeeeeeeeeeek.


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Guest berkeleygal

Thank you so much P, javabeans, Kyu...:wub:

All your translations, posts will keep us going until episode 14. :wub:

Thank you everyone for posting. Welcome to Soompi.

I was watching this scene again and decided to make a new wallpaper :)





Love the wallpapers! I just applied it to my background. Thank You!

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Guest kanshu

thanks Pyoungsang and javabeans!

i can sort of understand where Ho Joong is coming from, and the fact that he just wanted to make Seung Hyo as angry as possible. But his actions here are still pretty awkard, in my opinion. I feel like the PDs painted Ho Joong as a very violent(?) and quick-tempered. Seung Hyo was harsh with his words, but he's been thrown away by the family before, so i think he has the right to choose not to rekindle the relationship with his real family, NOT because of the family's poor financial status.

unfortunately Ho Joong took it as such, and hostility towards his step-brother just got even biggers.

If you go by what he father said to SH when they met in his office, it's not as much "thrown away" but that SH was adopted while the father was in jail for several years. SH's step brother seems to be somewhat younger, so unless you have a situation that SH's dad got married to the stepmom at a time before the prison sentence and SH would have been actually left behind by her, then SH being adopted to the US-parents was not throwing away.

Also, I guess that while the father, in his situation, agreed to give up SH for adoption, he probably thought he could at least keep up contact in one form or another and explain what happened to SH.

Of course, through SH's eyes, the situation looks a bit different, so he's reacting on the sense of being "thrown away".

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Guest Pyoungsang

If you go by what he father said to SH when they met in his office, it's not as much "thrown away" but that SH was adopted while the father was in jail for several years. SH's step brother seems to be somewhat younger, so unless you have a situation that SH's dad got married to the stepmom at a time before the prison sentence and SH would have been actually left behind by her, then SH being adopted to the US-parents was not throwing away.

Also, I guess that while the father, in his situation, agreed to give up SH for adoption, he probably thought he could at least keep up contact in one form or another and explain what happened to SH.

Of course, through SH's eyes, the situation looks a bit different, so he's reacting on the sense of being "thrown away".

This is true as his father broke down saying that they would not let him know where SH was no matter how much he begged or get upset. But in SH's mind, he was abandoned and he had hardened his heart over the years with much resentment built up. It will be interesting to see how SH and HJ and his father's relationship get resolved in the next 3 episodes. Stepmon Ba Son (just kidding ... she played that part in TWSSG) is probably not that crucial to the plot ... but I could be wrong.

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Guest Q_Park

*angry, angry* :fury: :angry:

I just read an outrageous article that mentions that the only ones that are competing are 3 Dads and 1 Mom and On Air, they don't even bother mentioning Who Are You? I guess that it's not good enough for them. <_<

But other than that I'm okay. *smiles*


What can I say that's better than a million thank you's for your translations!


a gazillion thank you's for your translations!!

So good to see you here!

Hey thanks. I'll say a million your welcomes back! ;)


Kyu!! You dear *hands cookies and a shiny pair of tweezers*

Thanks so much for those translations!!!

You too. I'll hand you that soccer ball that SHD was playing with in 12.

I got it just for you! lol

I'm bored so I'll do another translation.

It's that scene where JH is at the gym and HY comes in.

HY: I just met the director and PD and I just stopped by on the way. We were discussing where we should film the documentary. The ??? is gone. It turned into a manequin making factory. So we're just going to start filming at the New Spring Orphanage. I was wondering if we could open the paintings at the start of the show? (I really didn't know what she said)

JH: Well the order they are going to film it is not the way it is going to be shown on TV. Just right after they start filming, if the paintings become "discovered" they'll work harder.

HY: Okay, all right. Then I'll go to the orphanage first.

JH: In one week I think that the location of the paintings are going to be moved so we have to make our move before.

HY: What? How did you find out where they were?

JH: I have people. (I think thats what he means)

HY: Oh. Are you going to move the paintings into the gallery?

JH: For a while. (Not sure what he says after this something about police)

HY: You know . . . the production team has shown an interest to Son Ha Baek's daughter. (IG's daughter, YI)For some reason they found out.

JH: What? What are you saying?! I already told you not to disturb YI.

HY: What are you saying? If you work just a little bit harder you can find out who Son Ha Baek's daughter is. How can you NOT put SHB's daughter in his own documentary?? If she is in there then people won't suspect our gallery, right?

JH: You can't! I don't want to go that far!

HY: JaeHa!

JH: If I said no, it means no~!

- Kyu

Edit: (I found out what that word meant, it was leach)

SH's Dad: Here, no here, sit here. If I had known that you were coming I would of cleaned up. It's been a long time since I've cleaned this place . . . ah! (To SH's Mom) Hey, go bring something out.

SH's Mom: What should I bring out? That beer that you always drink?

SH's Dad: Ah, do you want cola? Should I get you some cola? If not, how about some cider?

SH: No thank you.

SH's Dad: What? You came all the way here and I need to give you something! HJ's mom! Go out and buy some Cola and cider, the coldest and nicest one there. Eh.

SH: The DNA tests have come out.

SH's Dad: What? Well, no matter how poor and dumb I am, I'm not the type of person who can't recognize his own son!

SH's Mom: What are the results?

SH: It says that I'm 99.9% your son.

SH's Dad: Of course it does, of course it does, if it isn't mine than whose would it be? Hip hip hooray CCH, hip hip hooray!

SH: I accept it.

SH's Dad: Huh?

SH: I acknowledge that you're my dad, I will but that's where our relationship ends. I don't want to ever again come near me and make me uncomfortable. Please.

SH's Dad: I . . . I . . . What can I do to help your heart? I'll do anything and everything you tell me to do. If it's something dangerous I will do it. Let's release our regrets. Let's love and release our regrets and problems. I'll wait for you, this time your dad will wait for you.

SH: I'm sorry but I have grown without and I have no regrets and problems. I'm not just saying this and this is the truth. I have never once waited for you and if you do have any regrets and problems please put them away.

SH's Mom:Wow, I keep on saying that things can't be weirder than they are but I think that I've seen everything. How in the world do you keep track of your sons? Your life is good. You've drinking beer all your life waiting for him and he says to put away all of your regrets and problems.

SH's Dad: Won't you shut your mouth? Leave. Leave~!

SH's Mom: Hey, why are you always yelling at your son and now me? Your always yelling at me and HJ! Why can't you do that to him? Why are you so nice to him when you treat your son badly?! Is it because this son has money? Because this son is the one that succeeded? Even though he is talking to back to you and looking down at you, you still treat him like this?

SH's Dad: I told you to shut your mouth!

SH's Mom: Look here, Chae Chul Soo's son. You are NOT supposed to talk disrespectfully. That's just not it. Even though you look down at someone you're not supposed to do that. If we were a rich and wealthy family, would you still treat us like that? You're saying that we're poor right? The first time you look there's nothing for you to take and you're afraid that we'll stick to you like a leach?

SH: I can't say that that's not it. I'm warning you beforehand but I don't want you to stick to me like leach. I really hate leaches.

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thanks all for the detailed dialogues, hats off! people like me who don't understand korean, this was very helpful.

i really liked ep 12, many scenes, my fav was the car scene, where SH laughed (if im not wrong, first time he laughed out loud as SH & not as SHD).. it was so adorable that right now since morning, i had been replaying the scenes (call me crazy if you want) :lol:

the soccer ball conversation was so sweet, all those things that SH did at the orphanage (although it was SHD) but still he was so adorable!

the last scene at the secret painting hideout, the conversation between SH & YI was so nice and touching!

ep 13 was cute too especially drunk SH & YD scene and of course all our fav SH falling down at the doorway (he looked so sexy :lol: ) and leaning onto YI... SH telling his dad he just wants to make sure they don't leech onto him, IG telling SH that his dongseng is the 3rd person who might be involved and SH finding out some more truth... and yes the lift scene, when IG tells SH to greet the staff and after he does so, he looks down and roll his eyes to look at IG and later remaining feelingless when IG tells him he wants to take over with the OK.... SHD pretening to talk like SH in the car and messing up his clothes to make himself look bad infront of YI... and finally the punch & staring scene... i wonder how am i going to wait for another 3 days! :blink:

sorry for blabbering... i was just so into ep 12 & 13 :sweatingbullets:

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