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Twilight The Movie

Guest yurikah

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^ she was bitten in her wrist.

i remember bella touching that crescent bite on her wrist during new moon.

yeah.. there would be a lot of people who would continue saying bad stuff on the cast but at least maybe it'll lessen when they read that the people who usually hang out here doesnt appreciate negative comments.

SPEciaLKAY! you are so lucky! i wish i was there... you got top be close and see robert up close. i'll prolly clutch him like a baby koala..ahihihi... i wished they filmed here in connecticut.. our place barely gets sun these days.

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Guest Q_Park

SpecialKay, you're soooo lucky!

And that link that was posted here about that cars, the girls are a bit creepy but the commentary was kinda funny!

- Kyu

PS. Overnight this thread grew by like 4 pages. :o

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Guest som4tang

^^^ i thought she was bite on her right hand. cuz she had her hand covering her face and then felt james' teeth cut threw the skin. i could be wrong though. lo.

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Guest r0xanne

ugh..the bella they choose somewhat remind of her but edward is really NOT like edward..i see him as cedric in harry potter..i know its gonna be hard looking for edward but it would be SOOOOO MUCH better if it was henry cavill..oh wellss... even rosalie doesnt look like rosalie..for some reason i think kristine kreuk (lana lang in smallville) would be a good alice although she's not as pale..just an opinion.. = )

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^ Oh god, the "he/she isn't right for the role" thing again. How do you know what Rosalie looks like? -_-

The actors and actresses were chosen for a reason so I don't think anybody should judge until they actually go see the movie. & I know it's your opinion, but here's mine: Kristin Kreuk would not make a good Alice. o_o

SpecialKay, you're so lucky~

I would've loved to be an extra on a set like Twilight :D haha

I'm loving the gold contacts. ._.

My friend still has my Twilight.. I want to re-read it now. T_T

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Is it too late to join the Twilight family....lol....though I've been lurking around for weeks, everyday....LOLL......

I think all the casts for the movie are perfect, even for the small roles.....As you look at the pictures, you grow attached to the cast. Did I sound lame...LOL??? But I did, as I view all the pictures of the cast and on the set, I grew more and more to like them.....ROBERT is the PERFECT EDWARD...even more than perfect.

I seriously CAN'T WAIT for the movie in December, I might go insane....LOLLLLl...

Has anyone notice that all the people who made harsh comments about the cast are those who have like 2 or 3 posts? I say we just ignore them since they're most likely not gonna visit the thread anymore.....So just enjoy ourselves.

Okay, I'm gonna stop now or I'm gonna start to turn really lame

RobertxKristen aka EdwardxBella <33333333333333333333

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Guest loveprint

She was bitten on the palm of her hand. It's mentioned in New Moon and she got it when she held her hand up to protect her face when James went at her.

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Kristen's double has a bite mark on her wrist? Like I've said before, I'm sure it was on the hand. It hasn't been long since I last read Twilight. But I guess the movie can change it since it's really no big deal, haha. Hand, wrist - same difference.

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Guest jessyjess

Hand, wrist - same difference.

LOL yea. I don't think it's that big of a deal. The point is that she got bitten on her hand somewhere.

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Guest voyager

I just started reading Twilight after I heard the big fuss on the movie. I didn't read much of it, but I personally am fine with the casting... probably because I didn't really imagine their faces when I read it. And also... I watched some fanvids of Jae Joong as Edward and Chang Min as Jacob Black so my view basically became muddled.

Robert is very attractive, and he has this dangerous air around him that suits Edward. I actually had thought Gaspard Ulliel was fine for the part, but after hearing Robert was it, I was perfectly fine with that. After seeing some pictures of him as Edward... Holy fruitcake, yes he fits the role.

I'm not very familiar with the rest of the Cullen Cast but I think they all look super gorgeous.

I'm still a bit iffy on Kristen as Bella- not because I don't like Kristen- it was because I don't particularly like Bella. And I always pictured her quite plain looking. Kristen looks really pretty. But seeing her act in other shows, I really think that she suits the role. She looks very... normal? That's meant as a compliment, not an insult. She looks human, albeit a pretty one.

Honestly, what in the world were Kristen-bashers imaging when they thought of Bella? She's not supposed to be vampire super natural gorgeous....

...I'm probably not going to see this movie because I don't really watch movies anymore.... T_T I'd love to though.

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Guest scorsagian

I was a little apprehensive about the cast too and only agreed with Esme, Alice, and Emmett's actors but now....I'm so thrilled because Robert can definitely be Edward....I mean when you have him in gear, with the make up and hair....GAH.....he's beyond hotness.

I have to admit that I was absolutely livid when I first found out he would be playing Edward but now...I'm just excited that there's going to be a movie at all. And plus, Robert can't please everybody because everyone has their own vision of what Edward looks like.

Anyway, I'm so thankful to all those people who 'stalked' the cast and set and brought us those wonderful pictures of them during the shoot. ^^ without those, I'd probably be screaming now...December is just TOO far away!

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Wow..Kristin's double is pretty, no wonder Rob spends a lot of time with her. Lol. But she has a boyfriend.

Am I the only one that wish the actors and actresses would hook up? Jackson & Ashley Robert & Kristin Kellan & Nikki. Lol

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Guest babieblue545

I have got to say that those girls are really creepy, haha. It's nice that they shared things with us on youtube, but... still. And I thought Twilightmoms were a little off. At least they introduced themselves to the cast.

I just started reading Twilight after I heard the big fuss on the movie. I didn't read much of it, but I personally am fine with the casting... probably because I didn't really imagine their faces when I read it. And also... I watched some fanvids of Jae Joong as Edward and Chang Min as Jacob Black so my view basically became muddled.

Robert is very attractive, and he has this dangerous air around him that suits Edward. I actually had thought Gaspard Ulliel was fine for the part, but after hearing Robert was it, I was perfectly fine with that. After seeing some pictures of him as Edward... Holy fruitcake, yes he fits the role.

I'm not very familiar with the rest of the Cullen Cast but I think they all look super gorgeous.

I'm still a bit iffy on Kristen as Bella- not because I don't like Kristen- it was because I don't particularly like Bella. And I always pictured her quite plain looking. Kristen looks really pretty. But seeing her act in other shows, I really think that she suits the role. She looks very... normal? That's meant as a compliment, not an insult. She looks human, albeit a pretty one.

Honestly, what in the world were Kristen-bashers imaging when they thought of Bella? She's not supposed to be vampire super natural gorgeous....

...I'm probably not going to see this movie because I don't really watch movies anymore.... T_T I'd love to though.

Yeah! Like you, I don't imagine faces! I only imagine the way they move, talk, and act. That's mostly why I like Edward so much; it's because of his presence and the way he carries himself. xP Anyway, I think you are the first person that I noticed that was mature about the whole cast (which includes you reasoning why you were iffy about Kristen instead of just saying: "Eww, I don't like her!").

And I also don't think Kristen Klerk would've been a good Alice. Kristen isn't really that great of an actor. And I think she would be better suited with long hair. Also, her features are very European... It's not something that I would picture Alice having. And she doesn't seem to have a spunky edge to her look.

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Guest jessyjess

I have got to say that those girls are really creepy, haha. It's nice that they shared things with us on youtube, but... still. And I thought Twilightmoms were a little off. At least they introduced themselves to the cast.

Glad that I'm not the only one who thinks so as well!

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Guest sweet_hunny

^ I agree. TMs made sure the cast and crew know who they were and it did seem too stalkerish but somehow I feel guilty because we are OBSESSED with the latest 411 on the movie :P.

Huh? Hardwicke changed the tiniest yet important part again <_<. We all knew Bella was bitten on her hand.

Haha today I was watching re-runs of the O.C. and guess who showed up? Jackson :lol:! Oh GOD HE IS SO HOT!

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