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Guest yurikah

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ok first off read the post, i did NOT insult them [as in dduk and joyeux]

i was saying what I thought

i cant remember if it was dduk or joyeux but one of them was obviously mistaken by what i said so i cleared it for them

and the other, i thanked them for being reasonable.

"everyone ignore her. hopefully she'll go away."

wow could you be any ruder?

just because i like gaspard better than rob does NOT mean i should be looken down upon or ignored.

its my damn opinion, its not going to change anything, so why are people making SUCH a big deal out of it.

you cant expect everyone to like rob as edward and i am "entitled to my opinion" too

i guess you have to re-read my post then...

i never said anything about insulting anybody...

what i meant is that they expressed their opinion (just like what you did about gaspard...)

if you can't handle the backlash then think about what you post before posting~

im done i don't need to talk to you about this anymore...

La La La La *covers eyes*


i have reverted back into a 4year old for this post...

its sad... <_<

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Guest KiBUm_Love

u saying they are entitled to their opinions too means that i probably went against their opinions or something which means i probably insulted them.

you might be done talking but im not.

what you said before, telling everyone to ignore me and such was very rude.

I'll apologize if you want me to for something i did wrong [which i obviously have no idea what]

but i think you owe me an apology too.

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Guest loveprint

wow could you be any ruder?

just because i like gaspard better than rob does NOT mean i should be looken down upon or ignored.

its my damn opinion, its not going to change anything, so why are people making SUCH a big deal out of it.

you cant expect everyone to like rob as edward and i am "entitled to my opinion" too

Come on. You're not stupid from what I can tell, but what did you expect when you came into this thread saying you think "robert patterson is FARR from playing edward cullen"? Take all the offense you want, but we know there are people who think Rob isn't right for the role. We've all heard it. It's damn frustrating to hear it over and over again. The residents of this thread LOVE Rob as Edward, so we all jumped at you. We are in no way looking down on you or ignoring you due to you liking Gaspard over Rob. It's because if we don't, this thread is going to become a war. Take it as you will, but I hope you can see our side of the situation.
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KiBUm_Love: Dude, no one is looking down at or ignoring you.

It's great that you like Gaspard better, and it's pefectly fine to express your opinion, just don't do it in such a way as to offend people. :)

This is a thread to discuss the upcoming movie not to argue. You're making a bigger deal out of it than it needs to be.


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Guest KiBUm_Love

ok. first off, i KNOW people in this forum like rob as e.c, and im okay with that and i respect that.

and i know people can be frustrating when they don't agree with you but [btw this isnt directed to you loveprint] im just saying that even if someone comes along who doesn't agree with you, you shouldn't be disrespectful towards them.

even words on the internet can hurt, and i know that sounds stupid but its called cyber bullying and its frustrating.

its my personal taste that i like gaspard over rob. i saw one of his movies and i liked it alot and i think gaspard is very handsome and when i FIRST saw him, i was like "holy crap! that's edward!!" yea. this little thing in my brain called my imagination clicked for me and ever since then i thought gaspard should be edward.

and i also think stephenie meyer described edward so beautifully that [for me] rob didn't cut it [lookwise for me. no offesne but i dont think hes very good looking. not everyone has the same taste].

but gaspard did, and edward being this mega attractive vampire IS an important part in this book

ok sorry for writing alot and i know people reading this are gonna be like what the hell is this girl saying. this is bs.

but this is just what i think.

and heartstation.

im trying not to make this a big deal but i just really feel that what someone said to me earlier was VERY rude and im not thetype of person to let that go easily.SORRY :[

and babieblue545[who posted below this post]

i did say i would wait to see if rob "Dazzled" me :]

so lets hope he does.

i am giving him a shot [not like i have any other choice ;] ]

but i guess im really used to imagining gaspard as edward, rather than rob.

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Guest babieblue545

The Gaspard/Robert argument has got to stop. KiBUm_Love, I understand that you are just voicing your opinion about your preference, but I think maybe you should give Robert a shot, you know? Maybe he'll swoon you in the end; maybe he won't. But I do advise that you judge how he acts and how he presents himself as Edward Cullen when the movie comes out. The reason there seems to be an aggression in the thread is because most of the people that come by here are prejudice of Robert as Edward. They haven't seen any of his previous movies/shows, etc, to judge him on his acting skills and presence. They only judge him by his appearance and their imagination of Edward Cullen.

I'll admit and say I wasn't too happy with Robert at first. That was way before I knew how well he could act, his personality, etc. After watching those clips and hearing things about him, I accepted him as the person playing Edward. I would rather have him play Edward than someone who is eye candy but can't act or convince me that he can be Edward.

If your previous post did not at all come off as being prejudice to Robert just because of his appearance, then I think we should all apologize. But if you were, that is most likely the reason we're all so frustrated. And even so, yeah, I guess we shouldn't be so hostile =='

So let's just end the argument and try to respect each other's opinion and whatnot!

- Jessica E.

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i don't want to fight on this thread anymore...

its frustrating, takes up my time, and wastes my energy...

and i don't want this thread to be shut down...

if you have a problem PM me

or talk to me on aim!


i found this pic of Robert in a cute-adorable-nerdy-rainbow sweater!


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Guest Special Kay

yeah come on people. aren't we all on the same side here (twilighters right?). no need to hate on eachother.

anyways .... muahahah rob in that rainbow sweater. :wub:

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New Article of Twilight: interview with Robert Pattinson

hopefully this wasn't posted... you twilighters are just SO QUICK!


thanks for the video link!!

yes, the cinematography is awesome. looks sooo good.

the whole biology scene just....excites me!!

Oh his eyes, they look so intense!!

i love what Catherine Hardwicke said about the chemistry and electricity

between Robert and Kristen.


is it December yet????

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Guest Steph1430262970


ughh i know huh T___T?

i'm excited to start next school year.

JUST for december XP

oh btw. twilight's gonna kick harry potter's butt <3

(coming from a hardcore hp fan o_o haha.)

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Guest loveprint

Speaking of HP, I know groups of Twilight fans who are going to boycott the HP movie for Twilight. They're going to download it instead. That is disgusting. =_=

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Guest Steph1430262970

Speaking of HP, I know groups of Twilight fans who are going to boycott the HP movie for Twilight. They're going to download it instead. That is disgusting. =_=

;o oh goshh!

that's a little overboard >__<

they should still respect harry potter,

especially for robert's contribution to hp D:!

edit: Yay! twilight page owned <3

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Guest Special Kay

^ why would they do that? thats stupid. i dont want people to think twilight fans are competitive and would do stuff like that just so the movie can make alot of money and stuff. -_-

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Guest Steph1430262970



if they're true twilight fans, they should be confident that

it'll do better than harry potter anyway +__+

i hope others don't see us fans in that way D;

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Guest jessyjess


I would NEVER do something like that since I'm a die hard HP fan!

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Guest Special Kay

yeah im a fan of both movies/books so its a shame that some of them are doing this. it seems a bit immature too <_<

we don't want to be known as either immature and competitive fans or weird stalker ... moms. :ph34r:

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what an immature thing to do.

specially since im both a twilight and HP fan.

geez, they should at least give some respect cause thats where robert pattinson made a name.

plus.. its just makes look us twilight fans bad like as if we're not confident enough with the movie.

*shooks head* people now are getting so sick...

im really ticked off right now since HBP is my fave book next to DH.. >.>

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