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[Drama 2008] The Great King Sejong 대왕세종 大王世宗

Guest huangsy

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Guest b00kw0rm

Polaris, sorry I don't know.

I am wondering if Sejong has a brain at all?! Does he think his ministers would care if he goes on a hunger strike?! Does he think they have sufficient love, concern or respect for him?! His ego knows no bounds.

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Guest Priscilla

Just finished SEJONG episode 59. I must continue, but I wanted to write while my emotions are still fresh.

I knew our king's passionate, but OMG!!!~ To go to the extend he went...

Yes, to FAST for several days for his gifted slave... that's something that his court officials scorned... and to play in his mind that he should (though he knew they wouldn't listen), force his officials to fast also, that they might be more understanding of the famine that the lower class was suffering...

When the 'spy' scholar asked him why he was doing this, if it was merely for the advancement of science, the king told him that it's more for Yung Shil. That life had played a funny trick on him, giving him so much talents but he was unable to develop them merely because he was born a slave. The scholar replied that "he was born that way, and aren't we supposed to accept what destiny makes of us?" But our king... he told him that if that were the case, he wasn't supposed to be the king. He was born as the 3rd son, and not the Crown Prince... He was saying that we make our own destiny...

He didn't know that he was touching such a sensitive nerve in this scholar. For one thing, he didn't know that this scholar was a 'spy' who betrayed his confidence so many times in the past. The other thing he didn't know was that this same scholar had a birth secret... His mother belonged to the lowest class in society... In fact, an 'outcast' of society.

But what really touched me to tears was more towards the end... when Yung Shil, unable to bare seeing his king suffering for him, decides to throw his new title away... And our King... rather than accepting Yung Shil's (and his own) defeat, covers the slave with his own umbrella, refusing to accept Yung Shil's request, to give up his dream of a fairer world.

Yung Shil: "Your Magesty, please don't put your kingship in danger for me!"

King: "You are more important than my kingship! The longest I could rule would be~ what, thirty years? But what you would accomplish would be a legacy that would last for hundreths and for thousands of years! I cannot give this up!"

The people who saw this... how could they not be moved by such actions? It surely moved a most unexpected person. It moved the 'spy' scholar... so much that he decides to work against his real boss, the king's political enemy...

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Guest BudKor


Thank You for all the MU Links. Hope you can find more. If anyone else has a good link or can direct us to a MU link it would be greatly appreciated.


The Great King Sejong - Week 23

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Hi Priscilla, I had a different reaction!

Sejong had taken to his bed, weak from fasting. Then next, he is standing in the rain, holding a big heavy umbrella to shelter Yung Shil! I think he must have been sneaking food on the sly!

I was moved to tears by the Queen and the Princess. Very credible acting.

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last weekend's episodes were so sad and heart-breaking. Princess Jung-Soon died from basically amounts to a broken heart. or i suppose, stress on her heart from watching the conflict between her parents, and seeing her mother hurt so much because her own mother is a slave and she is unable to do anything... Poor thing. but her last wish was that her parents reconcile, i believe.

SOOOOo, i'm hoping we get something of that nature in this week's episodes.... i'm tired of seeing Sejong without his SoHun by his side.

i teared up alot for the little princess . such a sensitive child with love for her parents that she went through so much to get them to reconclied .. especially when she was sick and she only asked that one wish from her father , yet he say he cant . then she let go of his hands .it make me feel so sad for both her and her father too .the little child cant understand why the King whom everyone speak so greatly of , and the most kindest person in the world wont be able to grant her this wish ...so to stop her mother , his wife the Queen from hurting anymore

i know that it is not so easy for King Sejong to just grant her wish but somehow i do wish he could .just this once . at least make princess jeongso goes without much regrets . :tears:

then the next night when he came again and told her that he cant be the father who can grant her that wish . and princess jeongso wiped away his tears . i think the little princess know that her father hurt from all these too . sigh i wish King Sejong and his queen will be able to reconiled after what happen to princess jeongsu . at her last breathe .. the princess hold her mother hand over her father .and i think with her words she is telling her mother that King Seong hurt too

i so wish the royal couple can reconiled .yes it is indeed sad to see him alone without his queen .


Just finished SEJONG episode 59. I must continue, but I wanted to write while my emotions are still fresh.

I knew our king's passionate, but OMG!!!~ To go to the extend he went...

Yung Shil: "Your Magesty, please don't put your kingship in danger for me!"

King: "You are more important than my kingship! The longest I could rule would be~ what, thirty years? But what you would accomplish would be a legacy that would last for hundreths and for thousands of years! I cannot give this up!"

The people who saw this... how could they not be moved by such actions? It surely moved a most unexpected person. It moved the 'spy' scholar... so much that he decides to work against his real boss, the king's political enemy...

i thought that things wont really prevail to the end . but i was in awe of how much King Sejong was determined that this time he wasnt going to give in anymore . .i love that line you have written . though yup king sejong does looked abit too healthy for someone who had been fasting and going without sleep but nevertheless i am still very touched by what i saw ...how much he is cherishing Jang Young Shil because of what he can do for the country ..the king really valued the people and his country more then anything .and do his utmost to do so .


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Guest b00kw0rm

While I felt some sympathy for Sejong, I wasn't particularly moved by his actions. He has shown over and over that he would go to the bat for others but not for members of his family. Yes, we know his hands were tied in the case of his father-in-law but could he not have gone to the Queen and been with her at the time she needed him the most? Its very hard to overlook that lack of action in a man allegedly called the gentlest and kindest man.

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Guest Priscilla

i just fin esp 60 yesterday such an eventful and touching esp when you see how the determination of the king that even moved those who oppose the appointment at first . they stood in the rain for the entire night and he asked Jang to just hang on there and prevail till the end ....


oh and that Minster Jo , gosh he is really a fox , sometimes i really want to strangled him whenever he start to create trouble . the minsters were at the pt of giving in ..to the King when he start to make them waver again ~!! but then he does say the most perfect words at the court .at the final scene of esp 60


:spoiler: :spoiler: :spoiler:

I watched this too!!!! At first, I was surprised to see that even the young idealist were opposing the king. But it wasn't just the young scholars... The king's right hand... and even his master... EVERYONE opposed him... poor, poor king... like the Queen said, he was indeed a lonely man... part of the opposition came because everyone believed the king was being too much of a dreamer, and that there's no way he could change the social status... They were just trying to protect him from playing what for them was a lost game. But yah!!!~ the king's passions were unleashed... and his followers were disarmed...

His right hand man Yoon Hwai the drunk, and the king's master, they tried to oppose him in pure frustruation... feeling the pain a father would feel when a child is making the wrong choices. But after witnessing the extend of the king's love for the slave & the nation... they both joined in the 'demonstration.' I was laughing my heart out when I saw Yoon Hwai joining his king under the rain... half drunk... telling the king that he wasn't sure if they were making any sense... that to play this lost game was still foolish... but that he was purely touched beyond any reasoning... at the king's devotion!~ HA!!! LOL!!! And one by one... all his followers fell... they decided to play this foolish game till the end.

What I love most about this drama is that it portrayes the heroes with all human frailty. I loved it when the king himself admits of his own weaknesses... that he is afraind... that he is running away. It takes a real man to aknowledge ones weaknesses... and a very wise one to even be aware of them! There we see the idealist scholars, proud and unwavering in their zeal to do the right things... but time and time again... one or the other is put in situations were a compromise of principles is called forth... and they all struggle... so realistically... in very human ways...

In this episode, they were opposing the king... and at the most crucial time, they admitted... that that real reason behind their opposition to the king's decree was that they were ashamed to see a slave be in command over them... they could not fathom in their minds that they should call a slave 'Nauri.' And as they admitted... they surrendered to the king's wishes wholeheartedly.

Honestly, I didn't like that the king is sooooo nice with Jo Mal Seng, his political enemy. In this episode, he was given the chance to destroy him, but he tells Minister HwangHee to let it go. Was he just trying to protect the 'spy' scholar from following on Jo Mal Seng's downfall? Or is it true that he just considered Jo Mal Seng his most gifted polititian that he didn't want to lose him? The best part of this scene was to witness the face of Minister HwangHee (Kim Gap Su). Did you see how his eyes sparkled with wonder? He was new in his dealings with this king... he didn't know him that well... I feel that Minister HwangHee was rather amazed at the king's magnanimity. That the king considered even his enemies his people, and he feels responsible for them. Can I assume that Minister HwangHee is another one who's falling under the king's spell? Woo woo!!! :P

And yes!!!!~ When minister Jo said, in front of everyone, that the only one worthy of taking the title away from Yungshil would be someone more gifted than that man... "and I am not such a person," I recognized this fox had finally surrendered... :yuppy: Too bad his 'skemings' don't end here...

EPISODE 61 started... :(:( And then... :tears::tears::tears::tears: throughout the whole episode!!! Again, I cried when Yoon Hwai was brewing the medicine for the princess... telling the king's master that he tasted not one bit of alcohol that whole day. He said:

"I'm willing to quit drinking all together. I don't know about others, but for me, to quit drinking would be short of a miracle... that might the heavens be touched... and spare the life of our princess."

It was more than just the princess dying... it was the whole reason behind her falling sick... the whole injustice of it... the unmet promises... or the promises even the king could not give... All the girl wanted was a fairer world for her loved ones... but she was not given the chance... not even the hope of such world ever happening.

And here is where the coins were turned. Whereas in the previous chapter the king's passions disarmed his people... this little girl's dying wishes would be a driving force that would make the scholars rise up to dream for a fairer world!

One may wonder why the king is so slow at bringing justice, and of clearing his father-in-law's name. EVERYONE knew he was innocent... But again... the king knew that in order to clear that dead person's name, others had to pay. In fact: everyone who agreed with that verdict in the past should be treated for treason... Unneccessary bloodshed... one that would bring more destruction than good...

Even the QUEEN knew this... AND I was moved ONCE AGAIN beyond myself with what she did in EPISODE 62. She said something like: "I know not much of politics. But this I know. That if a man is found guilty of treason, all the innocent family members must pay. I know how that feels, since I am one of the victims. I want to spare such pains to all those women involved." Thus saying... she wrote to the scholars to stop their movement... that she did not want to bring up the past... The king knew how hard it must have been for her to do this... and he was thankful also...

Ahh!!! And the words she spoke to him... as if she were comforting him... You see, it's during their moments together that you can feel the Queen's strenght... that she might be stronger than this magnanimous King himself... Would they... could their broken love be repaired??? :wub:

AT THE END OF THIS EPISODE, it is explained that soon after, a decree went out, freeing all family members of 'traitors' from paying for the crime. This meant that the mother of the QUEEN became a slave no longer. And then... historically... after King Sejong's death... his father-in-law's name, Minister Simon, was cleared of treason charges...

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Guest b00kw0rm


:spoiler: :spoiler: :spoiler:

One may wonder why the king is so slow at bringing justice, and of clearing his father-in-law's name. EVERYONE knew he was innocent... But again... the king knew that in order to clear that dead person's name, others had to pay. In fact: everyone who agreed with that verdict in the past should be treated for treason... Unneccessary bloodshed... one that would bring more destruction than good...

Even the QUEEN knew this... AND I was moved ONCE AGAIN beyond myself with what she did in EPISODE 62. She said something like: "I know not much of politics. But this I know. That if a man is found guilty of treason, all the innocent family members must pay. I know how that feels, since I am one of the victims. I want to spare such pains to all those women involved." Thus saying... she wrote to the scholars to stop their movement... that she did not want to bring up the past... The king knew how hard it must have been for her to do this... and he was thankful also...

Ahh!!! And the words she spoke to him... as if she were comforting him... You see, it's during their moments together that you can feel the Queen's strenght... that she might be stronger than this magnanimous King himself... Would they... could their broken love be repaired??? :wub:


I look forward to watching that scene. I know why his hands are tied. But I still feel that he could have gone to the Queen to be with her in her moment of pain. He need not have said anything but just be with her. It would have shown that he really cared for her and was not busy thinking about himself and his own pain. Like his Mom could not do anything but went to her DIL and just held her. What a moving sceen that was.

Sejong has to do a lot more to get me to feel warm and fuzzy for him :tongue2: At this moment, I don't really care what happens to him and watch the show just to see what's happening with the Queen.

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:spoiler: :spoiler: :spoiler:

Honestly, I didn't like that the king is sooooo nice with Jo Mal Seng, his political enemy. In this episode, he was given the chance to destroy him, but he tells Minister HwangHee to let it go. Was he just trying to protect the 'spy' scholar from following on Jo Mal Seng's downfall? Or is it true that he just considered Jo Mal Seng his most gifted polititian that he didn't want to lose him? The best part of this scene was to witness the face of Minister HwangHee (Kim Gap Su). Did you see how his eyes sparkled with wonder? He was new in his dealings with this king... he didn't know him that well... I feel that Minister HwangHee was rather amazed at the king's magnanimity. That the king considered even his enemies his people, and he feels responsible for them. Can I assume that Minister HwangHee is another one who's falling under the king's spell? Woo woo!!! :P

And yes!!!!~ When minister Jo said, in front of everyone, that the only one worthy of taking the title away from Yungshil would be someone more gifted than that man... "and I am not such a person," I recognized this fox had finally surrendered... :yuppy: Too bad his 'skemings' don't end here...

One may wonder why the king is so slow at bringing justice, and of clearing his father-in-law's name. EVERYONE knew he was innocent... But again... the king knew that in order to clear that dead person's name, others had to pay. In fact: everyone who agreed with that verdict in the past should be treated for treason... Unneccessary bloodshed... one that would bring more destruction than good...

Even the QUEEN knew this... AND I was moved ONCE AGAIN beyond myself with what she did in EPISODE 62. She said something like: "I know not much of politics. But this I know. That if a man is found guilty of treason, all the innocent family members must pay. I know how that feels, since I am one of the victims. I want to spare such pains to all those women involved." Thus saying... she wrote to the scholars to stop their movement... that she did not want to bring up the past... The king knew how hard it must have been for her to do this... and he was thankful also...

Ahh!!! And the words she spoke to him... as if she were comforting him... You see, it's during their moments together that you can feel the Queen's strenght... that she might be stronger than this magnanimous King himself... Would they... could their broken love be repaired??? :wub:

thanks Priscilla for that preview to esp 62 and i am really glad that scene happen between the King and Queen , they had lost their child , it is time to seal up the wounds together if they can

oh regarding this Jo Mal Seng. here is an interesting article which i think is the incident when King Sejong let him off on his corruption scandal ~ ^ .ya actually i thought the king should stirke him down when he could ,othewise he will be just a major source of trouble .but i cant deny that he is a talent in terms of delivering what he should do in his post .

“King Sejong Collided with Law”


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Guest b00kw0rm

I do not know if it is the poor translation or what but I found this scene rather odd.

The king went on a fast in anger to challenge the ministers who opposed the appointment of Yung Shil. Yet the final scene of the episode, the King tells them that they have the right to overturn the appointment. Of course by then Jo MalSeng has reasons not to oppose. Then when all gives the green light, the King gives first a surprised look, then nods his head and beams like a proud father.

Reeks of hypocrisy and not just from Jo MalSeng!

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Guest b00kw0rm

No telecast last weekend? I noticed other dramas went on as usual. They pre-empt only this show so it means it is not doing to well in the ratings.

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Schedule may have been disrupted bec of Olympics.

Nope, they didn't show the Olympics games/closing ceremony. Some documentary on Confuscius (sorry, if I misspelt).

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Guest vmq6695

Some documentary on Confuscius (sorry, if I misspelt).

And the Confucius documentary (parts 3 & 4) should be broadcast on KBSWorld this coming weekend. It's slow-paced, but not bad.

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Guest b00kw0rm

And the Confucius documentary (parts 3 & 4) should be broadcast on KBSWorld this coming weekend. It's slow-paced, but not bad.

so they putting Sejong on hold?

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Guest uop1497

Does anyone here know where I can download Sejong with English sub. I love this series a lots, but unable to understand this series without English subtitle. Thanks

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Guest hasegawashun

.....until this very moment KING SEJONG is not shown.

Yea~same problem faced here in S'pore. ;(

Cant wait to continue the episodes. XP

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Guest b00kw0rm

Yea~same problem faced here in S'pore. ;(

Cant wait to continue the episodes. XP

hello, fellow Singaporean :tongue2:

Seems they showed a documentary on Confucius as part of the Olympics celebrations. They could have timed it during the Olympics or a greater impact would have been just before it. I do not know how many episodes this documentary has.

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