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[[Alice `N I N E]]

Guest JASON;

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Guest yumi-chu

*tries to keep thread alive*

Saga's latest blog pic:


Another peace sign pic, tho it's been cut off at the bottom xD

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Guest mikamoui

lawl I saw that picture, and I was a bit creeped out >__< such a solemn face with hugeish eyes. lawl

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Guest MiuMiu80

Does anyone know about Saga's ex-girlfriend (Reina Valentine)? ((She is the pink bunny girl from Blue Planet PV))

Were they really dating? Why did they broke up?

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Guest mikamoui

There's a new article of alice nine. on music japan http://musicjapanplus.jp/specialfeatures/?...=174&page=1

lawl I picked out some of the things I thought were interesting XD

Hiroto’s guitar solo, although it was accompanied with Hiroto’s signature exaggerated, energetic movements of the body

Saga put his bass guitar to the side and headed towards the keyboard. Saga retained his precise playing style from while he was on bass

I want to see Saga on the piano/keyboard D;

And it seems Saga might really be taking English lessons.

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Guest yumi-chu

There's a new article of alice nine. on music japan http://musicjapanplus.jp/specialfeatures/?...=174&page=1

lawl I picked out some of the things I thought were interesting XD

I want to see Saga on the piano/keyboard D;

And it seems Saga might really be taking English lessons.

The Hiroto quote sounds like those 3 photos of him on his blog xD

Yeh I thnk Saga needs to take some English lessons tbh..

Especially when he wants to use "those words" to his fans which sounded way off according to Mendokuse :P

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Guest Vivichi

does anyone know any good sites where i can find nice alice nine wallpapers?

thanks for the links! ^^

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strawberrylove: haha i'm so sorry i've been lazy now xD been sticking on LJ 24/7 and barely checking here anymore :(

i'll try to post back here more here again ^^

Thanks for these links guys! those are new to me =D

MiuMiu80: apparently it was all a rumour, it was discussed in this thread last yr but yeh im pretty sure it's all a rumour =)

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Guest yumi-chu

A food pic from Shou's blog.. I wonder what the message says


And another from Saga's blog!


A mask?! :o ill? SWINE FLU? (nah joke xD)

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Guest Vivichi

^ OMG FOOODD TAT;; im hungry. i just woke up. LOL.

you know they shouldnt be worried about SWINE FLU. First because it isnt worst then the real FLU. Second because it goes away in a couple of days. THIRD BECAUSE THEY DONT LIVE IN QUEENS, NY SURROUNDED BY SWINE FLU INFESTED PEOPLE T.T;;

sorry. im really freakish about swine flu because i live in queens, and like almost everyone i know already got it and came back to school. i dont want it! Dx

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Guest yumi-chu

^ yeh I can relate, I live in London & it's scary to keep hearing about new swine flu cases coming up xD

Swine flu is so exaggerated tho, I know.. stupid media causing moral panic! >;3

I'm sure Saga is far faaaaar away from all this swine flu issue~

Maybe he was trying to be a ninja?! :D

Can't wait for mendoukuse to translate those blog entries. ^^

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Guest strawberrylove

^ Swine flu recently hit australia and im like :o

the media makes it sound so scary for us ><"

quite a few schools have been closed down by it. (i secretly hope myn does cus ive got exams coming up -_-)

lol ninja with a white mask? O__O"

hrmms saga dyed his hair black?

im glad that alice nine regulars here are coming back X)

now what happened to the others *^*

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strawberrylove: yehh the media in aussie is making it sound soo scary and there's only one confirmed case in the state i live in.

saga still looks good wearing a mask >< hope he's ok as well as the rest of alice nine.

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