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[[Alice `N I N E]]

Guest JASON;

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Guest xxdogluv

^they're all jealous of the mixed sexyness hahaha :D

& i always knew tora was kinda mixed since his complexion was much more paler than the other guys

anyway hiroto with red hair is awesome >_< <3

and he's showing his earring very clearly. he loves that peircing haha ^^

and i know Nao is always about food....where does he even find it all in one day O__O? but hardly any of them is about starbucks...has he kicked thehabit? hahaha.

& OMEGEE kra x a9 *0*

lol yeah his complexion is much paler than the rest of them. for some reason tora would make a good vampire XD hehe hiroto looks like a vampire w/ his red hair. :ph34r:

x3 i also love nao's emoticons <3333

HAHA nao too is an emoticon pro! :blink:

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^they're all jealous of the mixed sexyness hahaha :D

& i always knew tora was kinda mixed since his complexion was much more paler than the other guys

i bet they were jealous xD but those kids were so mean!

yehh true he is o_O i just went back to look at some of his pics and if you do look carefully he does look a bit mixed xD

x3 i also love nao's emoticons <3333

yehh i love Nao's emoticons they are soo cute especially his icon one xD ahaha

lol yeah his complexion is much paler than the rest of them. for some reason tora would make a good vampire XD hehe hiroto looks like a vampire w/ his red hair. :ph34r:

LOL yeh Tora would make a cool vampire now that i think about it o_O HAHA

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^^ Woahh, he doesn't look Japanese at all in the second picture. o_o And his nose is like BOOM...yeah.. -nods-

Spare me, please! >___>;

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Guest xxdogluv

LOL rawrrrr tora you're like a sexy vampire XD

i think everyone wants him to "bite" them 8)

YEEhaw: HAHA thats nice XP and kinda... awkward o_O

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Guest understanding_fiction

Humping dog


I received it so I think I'll try to use it☆

My color is new, woof1!!


My color is new, woof☆

[click for video]

I tried it on my computer...

( ̄□ ̄;)!!

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Guest miranduh

omg i love the hmping dog usb -_- i actually wanted one but it was like 120$ for 1gb ):

stupid nao surrounded by awesome chocolates and funky technology haha

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

ROFL, the humping dog usb.. xD

Did you guys see the video Nao made showing the usb in "action"? :P I laughed my head off. :3

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omg i love the hmping dog usb -_- i actually wanted one but it was like 120$ for 1gb ):

stupid nao surrounded by awesome chocolates and funky technology haha

woah you serious? that's so expensive o_O

^LOL yeh i watched it HAHA it's so funny but cute too HAHA

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Guest miranduh

yup but i think it's cheaper now ;| styll, lucky nao for getting one ^^ although i probably get annoyed with it after a short while.

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Guest understanding_fiction

yup but i think it's cheaper now ;| styll, lucky nao for getting one ^^ although i probably get annoyed with it after a short while.

haha xD and it could get pretty awkward

if i ever find anything cool, i wanna try sending nao something <3 and if it's weird enough, he's post it ;3

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Guest fallen-anjoOL


^ That's actually a good idea! 8D


Maybe we should come up with something from us soompiers. >D

(And I'd so laugh my head off if he posted it on his blog. Really. Then I'd feel all giddy. :lol:)

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How did you first hear about alice nine? I was browsing on some random site with mp3 streaming can't really remember which site it was hehehe :blush:

What was the very first song you ever heard, and your impression of it? World End Anthology, well it was the first rock song I listened to and whoa it was pretty cool!!!

What was your first impression of the band?Errr. . . perfect I guess. . . they have the looks and the talent

What was your first impression of ____?

Shou: Pretty

Saga: Sexy hehe. . .

Tora: Aloof??

Nao: Cute

Hiroto: Hyper

You've been a fan of alice nine for about how long? Almost a year and counting. . . .

Why do you like alice nine? Because they make awesome music and they are COOL!!

Do any of your friends also like alice nine? Hmmm my bestfriend likes Nao but she doesn't listen to alice nine. as often as I do which is almost 24/7

Who's your favorite member and why? Shou!!!! Because. . . .

What's your favorite song and why? WHITE PRAYER!!!! The song, the pv wow it's the most awesome song I have ever heard!

What's your favorite single and why? Hmmm. . . .white prayer hehehe

What's your favorite song off the album Zekkeishoku? World End Anthology

What's your favourite song off the album Alpha? White Prayer, Blue Planet, Kousai , Ruri no Ame, Eraser . . . . Wah! They're all good I can't just pick one huhuhu

What's your favourite page off the photobook Dive into the Sun? I wish I own one T.T

Whose compositions do you like the most? I dunno who makes the compositions but I like Shou's composition.

What's your favorite thing about each member?

Shou: he seems nice and a very good singer

Hiroto: Adorable and energetic

Tora: Cool

Saga: how he plays the bass hehe

Nao: his love for food Xp and his cool emoticons

Which member of alice nine do you find the most attractive? SHOU!!!

Which member of alice nine do you find the least attractive? I guess none because each of them look attractive. . .

Which member of alice nine do you most relate to? Nao. . . I also like food hehe

What is ____ most physically attractive feature?

>Shou- love the eyes and his hair

>Saga- his back lol I like his skin hehehe

>Nao- smile

>Tora- jawline pretty manly eeehhh

What are your impressions of alice nine live? I haven't seen one personally but from what I've been seeing on videos that their lives are full of energy and worth the time. Very memorable. . .

How many alice nine CDs (singles, albums, mini albums) do you own? None at the moment but Ill by alpha soon hehehe

Do you own any other alice nine goods? If so, like what? No one is selling merchandises here huhuhu so I don't have any poor me. . . .

Are there are pinups or posters of alice nine up on your wall? None but I would surely put tons of posters on my wall if I have the chance to do so

What alice nine songs often play on your playlist? White Prayer, Ruri no Ame, Blue Planet, Eraser, 9th revolver, Kousai

What's your most cherished alice nine item?I would value whatever it is that I would be having in the future that is related to Alice Nine.

What alice nine item do you want the most? Their clothes Xp hmmm theirs cds and all collectors items of them

What's your favorite alice nine style (costumes)? White Prayer, Tsubasa and Ruri no Ame . . . I think the styles here are elegant and well awesome

What's your favorite ____-look (style/costume)?

Shou: He looks hot in his white prayer and ruri no ame costume

Hiroto: Tsubasa. . . he's totally rockin'

Tora: cosmic world. . . coolness

Saga:tsubasa. . . he looks good in black

Nao: White Prayer. . . he's firing up the drums go nao!

Please tell us your favourite CD jacket. Alpha

Please tell us your favourite CD cover. White Prayer

Do you or have your ever cosplayed alice nine? If so, which styles or costumes?? No. . . and I probably won't because I'll just damage the imgae

How often do you visit alice nine’s official homepage? almost eveyday

What do you think about the official site? whoever made the design of the site. . . hands down to you. . . very good job

Have you written any letters or sent any gifts to alice nine? none yet but Im planning to send a fan mail soon

Right now, if you could give the members a present, what do you think you'd give them? A necklace which they could wear on tehir shows hehe

What alice nine song makes you the happiest? Blue Planet

What alice nine song makes you the saddest? Kousai

What are your favorite alice nine lyrics? Jewels

What alice nine song have you been listening to a lot as of late? White Prayer of course

Which alice nine song do you like to listen to while you drive? lol I'm not allowed to drive yet

What alice nine song makes you want to get up and move (dance, hop, mosh, break, etc.)? White Prayer

What alice nine song would you recomend to someone who is interested in listening to alice nine? White Prayer and Blue Planet

How do you feel about alice nine's change over the years musically? Their songs improved a lot, they're not all rock which is nice since they're able to incorporate other genres without straying too far away from their real forte. It's nice to see their versatility.

How do you feel about alice nine's change over the years visually? I think that their looks became more natural as time goes by with less make up which I think is fine since their facial features are more prominent without all the make up on.

What is your most cherished memory of alice nine? Lol when I go one of their lives haha

Would you ever get an alice nine related tattoo?Nah, its painful

Have you ever named a pet after an alice nine member? No

Is being an alice nine fan a good thing? Of course, I became inspired XD

When did you realize that you were really an alice nine fan? I dunno the exact date I just woke up one day and all the songs in my playlist are all by alice nine.

What do you think about alice nine's fans? Broad minded

Have you experienced any kind of influence after becoming an alice nine fan? I want to learn how to play the drums haha I got inspired by Nao

I know alicenine doesn't really endorse anything but have they made you buy things you wouldn't have normal bought until you saw one of the members have it and you were like "i totally gotta have this!!! :spazz:"? Yeah I bought a necklace which somehow resemble one of naos hehe

Describe alice nine in one word. AWESOME

Describe _____ in one word.

Shou: Pretty

Hiroto: Hyper

Tora: Cool

Saga: Hot

Nao: Adorable

If you could spend one day with _______, what would you do?

Shou: Watch a concert and eat dinner

Hiroto: ask him to teach me how to play guitar

Tora: share a good laugh haha

Saga: faint haha joke stroll around with him *lol yeah yeah so old fashioned*

Nao: eating contest, tour akihabara

Honestly, who is the most perverted member? Err tora haha. . . I dunno

What role would you put the following members in? Please give your reason.

- Who would you marry ->SHOU

- Who would be your boyfriend -> SAGA

- Who would be your friend -> NAO, TORA

- Who would be your sibling ->HIROTO

- Who would be your pet -> . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

If you could meet only one member of alice nine, who would it be and why? SHOU. . . I've been dreaming of asking for an autograph and souvenir pic from him hehe

What would you like to say to _______?

Shou. . . do your best i'll always support you and the others! Ganbatte!

What would you like to say to the managers and staff? Thank you for keeping alice nine the way they are. Please guide and take care of them always

Something you desire of alice nine in the future? See them perform live

And finally, how will you always remember alice nine? A wonderful dream that exists in my reality

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