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[[Alice `N I N E]]

Guest JASON;

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

Fivestarstory has translated a couple of magazine interviews, their CD Data competitions (or whatever they are, lol. ^^") and their Q&A from their Secret Garden website. :)

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Guest ztech24

^Thanks for the links you two.^

I did a google search and found this one.

It quite funny and extremely long. You might have read it already~~~

But, I like alice nine ten times better after reading this interview. They're all so smart and talented! *runs off to drool into bathtub*


PS> Oh yeah~~~ There's the pictures from some Tsubasa pamphlet I've never heard of. But these pictures are great and there's signatures too! Click here. It's under: Gallery>Pamphlets>Tsubasa Privilege Pamphlet. *runs off to continue wallpaper*


Maybe I've looked at too many pictures, but has anyone else noticed how many moles Shou has? LOL~

Plus these, I've also seen the one of the middle of his neck and one on his chest (what?! He shouldn't have worn such an open shirt. <_<). Just an observation, neither good nor bad. Wait, it's Shou. It's good. ;)

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^ lol thnx for the link

and yes ive noticed shou has a lot of moles

on his back and everything

i think he might tan on his spare time x]

even then, he's still white hmmm..

there's some on his back in eraser


so appealing

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Guest mentalfiction

^ hey thanks for the link youu ^^

Both of you.........

My friend wasn't in school today =.="

Sorry guys D=

Oh well, I'll ask her some other time.

*scurries off to read interviews*

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lol ^np ;]


since on the gazette we're kinda having a discussion over english lyrics

i was wondering has anyone read the tsubasa lyrics

this part

"Does daydreaming satisfy you?

Reality comes from your sensibility

utsuriyuku naka de kawaranai omoi he

I've made up my mind,

To stand on my own two feet.

itami sae daite mamoru tame utau yo"

second verse i think

the english at the start of it.. isnt really understandable "reality comes from your sensibilty" i cant even make that part out o_o"

does anyone else see the same thing i do?

or hear .. x]


actually i hear it a bit better now.. but reality sounds like "realicikty" xD

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Guest mentalfiction

^ Haha, realicikty

It's so cute.

I love Tsubasa, it's such an awesome song.

And yeah, I do get that they speak in English, but can't quite make out what they're saying.

I can some of it, and well it just sounds like gibberish 'cuz I understand half and not the other so that doesn't matter =P

I checked the lyrics and they say:

"Does daydreaming satisfy you?

Reality comes from your sensibility"

Which is the same as what you got. So yeah, they're probably saying that.

At least it's easier than the Filth in the Beauty lyrics ;D

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Guest ztech24

actually i hear it a bit better now.. but reality sounds like "realicikty" xD

That made me laugh! LOL~ "Realicikty!" :lol:

That whole line in Tsubasa sounds funny:

"Doose daydreaming satsssfy yoo? Real-aty coom frun you senshhii-bee-ty." :blink:

Whatever you say Shou. Whatever you say. -_-

LOL~ That song is so awesome though. I don't really care about the funny English parts. :P

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Guest 三日のモリっ&#


sometimes i never realize that shou is speaking english until i check the lyric.

it's pretty funny :( haha, as much as i don't want to admit. (likelikeliek..stray cat )

shou, can i be your...english teacher? HAHA. (even though i still probabbly have some accent)

but anyways, i still like the english wording of jrock songs though; well, most of them

it actually has abstract meanings. haha & not filled with cuss words.

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Guest ztech24

:lol: I saw your post and read the lyrics for Stray Cat! *dies* I HAD NO IDEA! I really thought it was all in Japanese except for, like, TWO sentences. ROTFLOL.

That's just hilarious! We should both be his English teachers!

I love love love alice nine, but this is just so hilarious. *falls onto floor laughing*


PS> I just updated my signature and got a comment on Shou's picture right away. You gotta see the comment: Click Here. <_<

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Guest choco_chan


i didn't know SOME of you LIKE sagaxshou pairing too :D *waves hardly*

heyheyhey friend me friend me xD ~

hm, i agree that the song Q. shou & saga did such an amazing job !

esp i didn't aware of saga has a very good voice <3 *loves*.

SAGAxSHOU ichibannnn <3;

btw, when i searched about that REINA VALENTINE on google ... it says she's not Japanese right?

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Guest 三日のモリっ&#

PS> I just updated my signature and got a comment on Shou's picture right away. You gotta see the comment: Click Here. <_<

................. i literally laughed. (at the comment)

sorry, aha i'll stop. now.

it's frustrating when people always say they look like girls -_-

but anyhow, that proves jrockers are pretty people haha.

i have been wondering about htis fo ra loonggg time, and i m sure other ppl too

i've always wondered, what exactly is shou saying in the beginning of velvet?

it's not part of the lyrics

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Hey fellow alice nine fans ^^ lol I feel like im new here again haha :sweatingbullets:

Anyways I just visited here after reading shous entry in his blog and I found out he was just released from the hospital. I dunno if this news has already been posted here but anyways here is the link to the translation of his blog entry in case you might want to read it as well.

SHOU released from hospital after he got his tonsils removed

translation credits to alice9_diaries

I hope shou kun would be better in no time. To be confined for ten days in a hospital sucks. . And it was really thoughtful of Nao san to visit and bring shou those belgian waffles while he is confined. :blush: And awww he mentioned that it was the only visit he got, I feel so bad about that. And him mentioning the bucket of blood is really creepy. . . :blink:

And shou saying he thought he was going to die kinda scared the crap outta me. No! he shouldn't be talking about those things.:tears:


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^ LOL zomg

only one visit..? o_o"

tora? hiroto? saga?


he's like me, i get scared when i think about going hospital x]

i dont wanna die x]

@ 三日のモリっカ: yeah in stray cat i only heard a little english

but when i checked the lyrics i was like wow

but then i got used to his voice and what he says in that

and now i can make out the words

just not what he's trying to say x]

fobs 8D

used to love stray cat btw.

when i first heard it

i couldnt find the song cos on myspace the person called it

sutorei cat and i got so confused

@ ztech24:lol, zomg people these days, they dont know pretty men when they see them x]

@ choco_chan:i dont think she's japanese o_o, the name begs to differ?

@ snowytearz:lol yeah, you're right, e.g jewels x] and thats the only i can think of.. or know of

but a lot of bands use non-japanese/asian people

gazette with fitb

nightmare with dirty


shous language in a nutshell:

hard to understand or make out

but sexy :]

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Guest fallen-anjoOL
btw, when i searched about that REINA VALENTINE on google ... it says she's not Japanese right?
I don't think she's english either. 'Reina' is Spanish, I think.
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Guest fallen-anjoOL

^ Hmm, maybe I'm thinking of the word 'reina' in Spanish. 'Cause it means queen, lols.

But then again, I have a friend named Reina and she's Japanese ... I'm completely lost now. -___-

Ahahs, 三日のモリっカ, I have no idea what he's saying in the beginning of Velvet either. ^^;

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