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[[Alice `N I N E]]

Guest JASON;

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Does anyone know Lolita23q? I think Yuki[Gr] looks so much like Saga and Ryuto[gr] looks like Tora.

I heard from somewhere that Yuki and Saga are brothers, is that true? Anyone Know?

This is Yuki.


This is Ryuto.


weird, saga and tora came to my head too, when i first saw this band last summer.

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Guest tangledplugs27

I heard of that rumor also, but I have no clue if it's true.

One of the Lolita 23q members reminds me of Saga. Haha! I think it's just the eyes and nose XD I get confused. Is this Ryuto or Yuki?



(Screencaps from Lolita23q's Mikansei Sapphire".)

That's Yuki. ^_^ it might be the bangs over eye thing... but he reminds me so much of Saga. When I went to japan I bought all these magazines and Lolita23q was in it and when I first saw Yuki I was like "oooooh Saga~... wait who are the others"

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Guest miranduh

haha wow i never noticed that about Lolita23q before, i just like the singer *_* suugoi.

OT rambling - anyway jrock hates canada :( Mucc/d'espairrays/underneath cancelled on us X_X

must be the snowww ): wtf



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Guest 三日のモリっ&#

yuki & ryuuto does look like saga& tora o_o the first time i saw sou, i thought he looked a teeny bit like shou too XDDDD

anyways, don't know if it's been posted before but!!

in KERA february issue, many stars had to do a little interview on valentine's day & do a small illustration on it as well.

so here is alice nine's ~~~~~~~ (i was, too lazy. so i use my webcam XD.)


this is shou's illustration, of a heart banaki XD


here's nao & hirotos . the chicken is so adorable; reminds me of when hiroto has the red hair.


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Guest miranduh

omg i love hiroto's he really loves that eh? im pretty sure he designed something else and used that "logo" of his...but i cannot remember what it was ;-;

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omg i love hiroto's he really loves that eh? im pretty sure he designed something else and used that "logo" of his...but i cannot remember what it was ;-;

yeh same o_O when i saw it i thought it looked really familiar and i've seen it somewhere else that he used that... but cant remember either T__T

it's so cute though and Nao's haha aww xD

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Guest miranduh

i'll send you the pictures if noone can find them :) i don't wanna post because i have no idea where my friend got them...and i don't wanna offend anyone for posting elsewhere ^^; (& i have an exam which i SHOULD be studying for....)

well hiroto's chicken thing he draws it alot but im sure there is an actual product he made featuring it...

he drew it on his arm once haha and he did it on those autograph board things

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Guest understanding_fiction

from alice9 diares at lj

- i erased most, she said it would be ok for maybe one or two, once in a while, but not a lot -

2008-02-13 00:06:58




I went for a meal after the rehearsal☆

and I was surprised to find out that there was a beer called "Sakamoto Ryouma*"~

\xAD\xF4( ̄口 ̄)

There's a beer with such a name~

Mmhmm (´┏┓`)


* Sakamoto is rumored to be Saga's last name, which could explain Nao's amusement.

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Guest miranduh

ahha finally i see picks but they're new i wonder how the old ones look like~_~ now to see hiroto's!

man nao is always either talking about food or drumming haha ^^

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

Ehhhh.. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade but..

alicenine. diaries is a LiveJournal community that provides translations of alice nine.'s blogs. I'm a one-person team, so I will do my best to post the translations as soon as they come. Also, I'm not native speakers of Japanese, therefore suggestions and corrections are always welcomed and appreciated.

Please do not reproduce any of these translations anywhere without my permission.


Unless you have her permission. xDD

.. -gets shot-

But on another note though, Nao has a lot of drums. *o*

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Guest Atmosphere.


Who knows if they are really brothers!! O___o

maybe they plastic surgery on the nose? O__O or it's just coincidence or MAYBE THEY'RE COUSINS OR LOST BROTHERS :o

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Guest understanding_fiction

Ehhhh.. I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade but..


Unless you have her permission. xDD

.. -gets shot-

But on another note though, Nao has a lot of drums. *o*

whoa o.O i never saw that

i'll go ask her x_x;

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