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[[Alice `N I N E]]

Guest JASON;

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Guest fallen-anjoOL



Yeah he did. DDD: Yami ni Chiru Sakura rocks though. xDD And Kowloon! :wub:

no nipples this time D:
^ :lol:!!

Thanks for uploading the scans. ^_^

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Nao's old band is Fatima. xD

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Guest 三日のモリっ&#

no nipples this time D:


haha! his jacket looks nice, i kind of want it ( of course, if shou had wore it before that'd be REALLY nice )

in the third page, shou's waist look so......... thinnn ( o u o )

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Guest syunikiss

woooooooooooooooot i translated the shou special from arena37 about his mental & body check ... i`ll start the A to Z tomorrow

btw in the survey he says his jeans size around the waist is 30inches so that probably explains why his waist looks so skinny ... because it IS skinny


How thick and how dense?

Short and thin

What is the shape like?

A pencil




Eye colour?

A little tea-coloured

What do your eyes look out for?



Please compare the shape of your ear to something

Nessie (Loch Ness Monster)

Do you hear anything right now?

Classical music

How soft is your earlobe?



Big or small?


If you were eating bread, how many could you eat, and what would you eat?

2 pieces of French Toast


Favourite smell? What smells are you sensitive to?

“Angel Heart”

Most unforgettable smell?

“Genghis Khan Caramel”

Do you like the size and shape of your nose?

I hate it …


How many piercings do you have?

Right ear: None; Left ear: 4

Mental Check

Idiot: 20%

Wanting to stand out: 15%

Innocence: 10%

Calmness: 2%

Challenge Spirit (Aggressiveness): 10%

Honesty: 10%

Gentleness: 15%

Tears [Like how easily he cries]: 10%

Anger: 8%


Strong or weak?

It’s weak because it’s throbbing

When does your heart throb the most?

When confessing

How many hairs do you think will stick up?



Please tell us the length and thickness

Head [of an organization. I think he made a pun?]


Is your stomach strong or weak?

Weak … it was injured when I was a student

What is the most amount of one food you’ve ever eaten?

CoCo Ichiban Curry 700g

What’s in your stomach right now?

After this, I’m going to be at the launch of a live [[so I’m guessing it’s empty]]

Hands and Finger

Big or small?


Which finger do you wear your ring on?

Thumb and forefinger

How many 1-yen pieces do you think you could grab in one go?

423 Yen

Are you good or bad at scissors, paper, rock? Which one do you often use?

Strong. Maybe scissors.


How much alcohol can you tolerate?

One gulp of Cassis Orange (5% alcohol)

How many points would you rank your liver in its current condition?

27 points


How big is your foot-size, in centimeters?


How far can you kick a soccer ball, in meters

2 meters


Hair quality?

Like cat hair

Amount of hair?


My hair has the life like xxx ! (Please fill in the blank)

Visual-kei life !


What is the shape of your head?


Right now, is there something coming into mind?

The image of tomorrow’s live (Kanazawa)

The number of wrinkles in your brain tissue (Please give a reason)

I probably have a lot, right

How old do you think your brain is? (Please give a reason)

47 years old? Even though I don’t know why


Please tell us how long and big your arm is


How times have you arm wrestled, and won out of those times?

Out of 5 games, I won twice


How many inches are your jeans around the waist?

30 inches

How many times can you spin on a hula-hoop?

2 times


How long is your leg? And which vegetable does it resemble the most?

Scallion [[spring onion]]

How man seconds does it take you to run 100m?

11 seconds

When lifting weights, how many can you do?

X kg? 40 times

Please do NOT re-post ANYWHERE else UNLESS you credit syunikiss@soompi or jaeho-x3@livejournal.com

i left out two questions i think ... i didn`t know what it was trying to say -____________-

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^omg you are awesome!! thanks for the translations!

haha i smiled and laughed at some of those, he's so cute. i didnt know he had 4 piercings o_O i thought he only had 2 haha. he doesnt like his nose? i think his nose is perfect!! haha. omgsh 30 inches?? O_O no wonder! haha

wow he can run 100m in 11 secs!! that's really fast! o_O

Thanks again syunikiss, it really made my day xD haha

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

OOOH, thanks for the trans.! :)

I wonder why he hates his nose. D: His nose looks perfect to me. :rolleyes: No, seriously though. xD

How many times can you spin on a hula-hoop?

2 times

^ :lol:

Thanks again, syunikiss! ^_^

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Guest 三日のモリっ&#

thanks for the translation x)

Most unforgettable smell? “Genghis Khan Caramel”

i wonder.. what that smells like. HAHAA .

fragrance has weird names these dayss... but it's funnn

my friend let me use her lotion, and the flavor is called "clinique happy" <--- !!?? i still don't get What exactly does that suppose to smell like haha

back to the point.. i think shou has a nice nose too, it fits perfectly with his face.

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Guest miranduh

^i like that lotion.. it just smells...XDD

How much alcohol can you tolerate?

One gulp of Cassis Orange (5% alcohol)

haahaah, i guess he doesn't go drinking with the boys~

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Guest syunikiss

ok i finished @_@ it took me like 4 hours ... and this page is gonna be one loooooooooooooooooooooooooong page

About: You can talk about xxx at the spur of the moment, with confidence

GAME. Especially RPGs [[Role-Playing Games]], Final Fantasy (laughs)

Afraid: The scariest thing in the world, and a reason why


Active: What time of day are you the most active? And what time does it finish?

12AM to 2AM is the best time where melodies float [[i think he's saying it`s the best time to compose music]]

alicenine.: What kind of band do you think alicenine is?

Anything like an ant farm!

Baby: The very first memories you have after being born?

My dad and mum's faces

Bath: Do you take long baths? Or are you more of a shower person?

Hooooot baths☆

Brother: What kind of people are your brothers?

Older -> A bikie

Younger -> Tomboy

Best: Please choose 3 of the best alicenine songs (based on today's feelings)




The reason -> Hot Feeling -> Energetic

Cinema: Favourite movie?

Edward Scissorhands

Clean: Do you like cleanliness? Right now, is your room clean or messy?

A clean room

Club: What extra-curricular activities did you do as a student?


Complex: Do you have a complex? Which part is it?

Poor speaker☆

Devil: Please draw an image of what you think the devil looks like


Damage: The thing that shocked you most recently?

My iPod broke ...

Distance: The distance to the prefecture where a long-distance relationship will be ok?

Even someone in Britain is OK!

Difference: What is the difference when doing a shoot with five people and one person?

There's no waiting time (laugh)

Energy:Your source of power?

Everyone's voices

Effect: Which artist influences you the most?

Although I can't write a lot, it's LUNA SEA

Episode: Please tell us a story from the latest tour

Saga-kun forgot his shoes so he had to go to Sendai in his slippers

Fashion: What are you concerned with, when it comes to fashion?


Food: Could you please draw your favourite food?


Fan: A word to the fans


Gentleman: What is your ideal male image?

Tetsuya Watari (Actor)

Ghost: Do you believe in ghosts? If so, please tell us a story


Girl: What type is your ideal woman?

A person with a strong nature

Game: Your favourite game right now?

"Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball"

Hiroto: What kind of a person is Hiroto-san?

A really cute guy

Happy: When do you get a happy feeling?

During lives and when I'm sleeping

Habit: What do you inadvertently do?

I blink a lot

Health: Are you health conscious?

I can't lend my mouthwash or restroom

Important: Please write 3 important things for a band

Friendship, pride and beliefs

Improve: What would you want to improve about yourself?

This is too serious

Innocent:Which member do you think is the most innocent?

Maybe Hiroto?

Japan: Please tell us what you think about Japan recently

Japanese culture is good, really good

Journey: Where do you want to visit the most?

Iceland. I like scenery

Justice: Which member has the strongest sense of justice? Please give a reason.

ME (laugh). Because I can only think that way (laugh).

Hiroto also has a strong sense

King: Could you please draw a king.


Kind: Which member is the kindest?

Isn't everyone?

Actually, Nao-san and myself are (laugh)

Kitchen: Do you usually cook? Please tell us your best dish

Beef and capsicum stir-fry / french toast

Love" Please tell us your ideal family structure

I want a son

Language: What language do you want to learn? Please give a reason

Kansai dialect

Like: What is your favourite thing recently? Please tell us about it

Oxygen supplements

Local: What are you looking forward to in this tour?

LIVE. That's all

Music: Recently, which artists do you like?

Fall out boy, The Used and abingdon boys school

Miss: Recently, please tell us a story about something you miss

My sunglasses and iPod was damaged when it was in my bag (cries)

Money: How much money do you have on you?

12462 yen and 72 dollars

Mail: How much messages do you send in one day?


Nao: What kind of a person is Nao-san?


News: What in the recent news left the greatest impression on you?

The earthquake in Niigata ...

Natural:If you went to a natural place, would it be to the mountains or the sea? Please give a reason

Mountains. I want to snowboard

Nickname: Please tell us your nickname when you were in school

I was called "nu~be~sensei" from the shounen jump comics

Off: Please tell us how you spend your days off

Shopping, go around to cafes

Old: "When I'm old, I want to be this kind of old man!". Please tell us.

An old man that resembles HUD! [[a cowboy from a 1963 movie xD]]

Original: How old were you when you began writing your own lyrics?

16 years old

Pet: Please draw a pet that you want to keep


Play: A sport you want to try? Please give a reason

Tennis. I want to try smashing the ball

Performance: Please tell us about your view on live performances

I want to express music

Question: Please tell us what you're questioning recently

Saga-kun's future

Quench: Which place do you go to be healed?

The corner of my bed

Read: Please tell us your recent favourite book or manga

Ishida Ira-san's books

Relax: Please tell us your relaxation method

A long bath

Raw: What is your favourite sushi filling?

Onion and tuna fat

Room: Please draw the layout of your house


Shou: What kind of person do you think you are?

Like a robot [[i`m not really sure what he said -_____-]]

Saga: What kind of person is Saga-san?

Good-looking, spaced-out airhead

Sweets: What are your favourite sweets?

Mont Blanc

School: What is the most memorable thing from school?

Everyday with the track-and-field team

Tora: What kind of a person is Tora-san?

A knife and dandy person

Theory: Please tell us your personal motto

Know yourself

Trick: Out of the members, who is the prankster? Please give a reason

Me and Hiroto. We do it well

UFO: Do you believe in UFOs? Please draw a UFO

I don't believe in them but ...


Utopia: To you, what is a utopia?

A cream puff. It's yummy

Voice: What do you think of your own voice?

Sounds like I'm mumbling

Vacation: If ther was a long vacation, how would you spend it ?

I would go and study

Vogue: Are you the type to follow fashion? Or the type to not care?

I'm a mix

Weather: Please draw today's weather


Want: Want do you want the most right now?

Time ...

Long boots. I want it to be Autumn

X-mas: up to how old did you believe in Santa?

7 years old

Yesterday: What did you do yesterday?

I was with ARENA-san and the dog

Year: What is your target for the year?

First of all, make the best album!!

Zzz: Do you talk in your sleep?

I sing instead

Zoo:If you went to the zoo, what would you go and see? Could you please draw that animal


whooooooooooooooo that`s it -______________- once again,

please do NOT redistribute without crediting syunikiss@soompi or jaeho-x3@livejournal.com

fallen-anjoOL: yup ! i want to spread alicenine goodness, but i just hate it when people steal things, in general

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^OMG you are friggin AWESOME *bows to syunikiss*

Thanks SO much for translating!! wow 4 hrs!

haha Shou's drawings are soo funnny and cute hehe. LOL Shou must really really hate cucumbers o_O HAHAH i think they are ok. aww i wonder how he damaged his sunnies and ipod in his bag o_O

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Guest miranduh

^he sat on it >XD

Like: What is your favourite thing recently? Please tell us about it

Oxygen supplements

wth are these? lol also why is concerned with saga's future? ;0;

thanks for translating <3

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

Wow.. 4 hours @___@ So many translations. xD Thanks, syunikiss! ^_^

Afraid: The scariest thing in the world, and a reason why


Episode: Please tell us a story from the latest tour

Saga-kun forgot his shoes so he had to go to Sendai in his slippers


-points- He wants a dog? ^_^ Lol, he's concerned with Saga's future. o.O'

Anyway, syunikiss, I can repost them somewhere else IF I credit you, right? :sweatingbullets:

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Guest 三日のモリっ&#

wow thanks again for the translations ! they're awesome <33

ah, shou-san's drawings are so cute (especially the king.. idk why )

&&&& he was in track-and-field team during highschool?? haha, he does look like the runner-type, for some reason

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Guest fallen-anjoOL


Type A includes:

(CD+DVD) 1,890 Yen



2. (New Song)

3. Eraser -Memoir d'une fleur-



Type B includes:

(CD+DVD) 1,890 Yen



2. (New Song)

3. Eraser -Memoir d'une fleur-


Eraser -Memoir d'une fleur-

Type C includes:

(CD ONLY) 1,050 Yen



2. (New Song)

I took the information from my friend. ^^"

More info is HERE!

Fwoosh, look at their outfits. ;D I'll do a screenshot later. =]

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Guest superfreakk

Aw, thanks for finding that, Joanna. :3

Wow, Shou is so adorable. His drawings are so cute, plus they make me lol a lot. XD

Thank you for sharing!~

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Guest 三日のモリっ&#

ahhh new single (o u o )/ !! and they're new outfit is so..... fancy&velvety , quite sexy haha

oh so very excited, and it's released near my bday too. = )

i went on the movie website and on the poster it had alice nine as last in the cast list.

are they gonna appear in the movie? XD

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