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Girls With Guy's Hairstyles.

Guest iya.donghae

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Guest maxiahero

hi i'm back! just cut my hair~~ this is my recent photo...


trying to dye hair during school break~ any suggestion?

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Guest mikamoui


IMG_1595-1.jpg [dunno, weird face ahha]

Yea...I only seem to look decent in mirror pictures <___< I tried doing a variety of angles to make it different though! :D

New hairrr. I kind of miss my Miyavi styled hair though, and omg...short hair feels GREAT XD I don't have to tie it up, and it doesn't get in my face, but my parents keep calling me ugly now. pfft.

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Guest W0nderB0yUlzzang:-

>< Aish I Really Need To Start Getting On Soompi Again

No way. I have a feeling that you're taller than me. Only 5'3"

I know what you mean. The little things that we do actually makes a big difference :D Ahaha. You're welcome.

*Coughs Under Breath And Looks Away*....5'1. -______-

That Is So True! You Should Have An Update :]

Wow, and here I thought this thread would never get bumped.

Yeah where are all of the hair celebrities at?

I can see your layers from that photo.

And the bangs looks pretty clean.

Mm, have you been to Saigo?

I think they offer a wide variety of androgynous clothing?

But the site is in Korean, so you'll have to find a Korean friend to help you out.

Well Now The Thread Seems To Be Progessing Again But Still A Little Slow... :/

Haha Wow U Really Have A Set Of Sharp Eyes On U For Analyzing Hair Huh? Do U Plan To Become A Hairstylist By Any Chance? :]

Ahh Thank You! They Have Some Really Nice Clothes! Oh Okay. Fortunate For Me,I Do. Do They Ship To The U.S.?

I Love Your Update BTW. Outfit And Hair= EPIC. I Worship U Man. Or Woman. Whichever You Prefer. :D

Ahhh. Its been so long since i been on just soompi in general.



Update! I been growing my hair out for quite sometime. So my layers were all the same and it was starting to look girly and bowlcuttish in the front. I also dyed my hair a nice gold brown color. :]


Before when I was going my hair out and after when I self cutted it like a few days ago.


Welcome Back To Soompi Then^^

Great Choice Of Dye Color It Really Suites U Well. I Wish I Could Dye My Hair A Color Similar To That...But Mother May Shave My Head Bald...XD

Great Hairstyle Too.

......You Are So Cute! There I Said It. Got It Out Of My System. -.-

beautiful hair EmYueAnh <3

I want to dye my hair but I think if I do it, mom will slice me into pieces T_T

this is my hair (last summer)


and now:



No, dont look at my nose >< HAHA

Is That Keroppi Your Holding? :D I Really Love This Picture Of You! I Just Wanna Give You A Hug!

Haha I See Nothing Wrong With Your Nose. In Fact, I Have A Friend Who Has The Same Exact Nose As Yours. It's Cute~ *pokes nose* :P

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Guest midi

Hmm.. it's grown a tad since this photo was taken

its lovely! and you look soo pretty ;3;

I think short hair can really add to peoples looks imo, like for example

mika nakashima is drop dead gorgeous w/ short hair but w/ long just average.

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Guest shapleyness

Yo, ppl~~ First time here~

First of all, y'all look totally great~ ^_^

I have a boyish cut too so I'll try to be here lots XD

This is how I look XD


I would have taken a picture with my glasses on but I got lazy

Anyways, nice to meet you~

and I hope to see more photos from all of you~

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Guest lambo

it does look nice on some ppl but sometimes the sad thing is you won't know if the person is a girl or guy. just like guys who looks like girls.

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Guest PunkReign

LMFAO yeah i got my hair cut into a asian muzzle-like look. iTS LIKE my sidebangs are pulled in front and i

messed up the back so some of the strands are standing up and the crown of my head is going in all directions

and my side bangs look realli hawt and my tail jus sitting straight on my back (aka i think i look hawt). So

yesterday i part my tail to my sides and i just started walking to 5th period. And i turned around to pick up my

phone that i dropped and i saw my friends looking at me like "WTF" on their face. nd im like "Hey guys...watcha

staring at" and one of my bffs is like "Sweetie from the back u look like a korean guy" and im like "DO I AT LEAST

LOOK LIKE A HAWT GUY?" nd then they like (friends => =o=_) "NO HOMO?"

-BTW i'll post the pic soon

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Guest gd_is_great

some gurlz here luk so hawt w/ short hair

make me wanna cut my hair but inoe im gonna miss long hair so ye

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Guest <3StrawberryPocky<3

Whenever I see this thread, I really want to cut my hair!! But......I'm growing it out, so I can cut it later to donate...... -_- I hate waiting for hair to grow...mine takes forever. Lol.

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Guest Totshi

It is many girls that fits good in boyish hair cuts! :D

I usually steal my hair cuts from Kim Heechul, Tatsurou (MUCC),

and Lee Jun Ki. XD Hahaha

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Guest b3li3v3n

Sometimes it's okay. Sometimes it's not.

I dislike it when girls have haircuts like a guy, walk like a guy, talk like a guy, dress like a guy, etc etc. It's quite annoying actually. If they truly like it, then it's fine. It gets worse when they just try to follow a trend, in which not a lot of people can "pull it off".

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Guest akut3nshi

saiyuki - Thanks ^^"

xstarx - yeah I'm sure everyone has already said it but....you look REALLY CUTE with that hairstyle *__*

' Elegance - top left photo, nee o.o in that one..my hair look so healthy and nice LOL it probably didn't look very nice an hour after I took that shot

ahhahaa yeah must be the fur jacket, not much of a huge resemblance between the two characters other than that XD

mikamoui - uwaaa I like how your hair looks! it looks really voluminous *is jealous*

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Guest _dax_

i got my head shaved (setting 1 on the razor i think..) for this cancer fundraiser at my school. big change, cause my hair was pretty long before.


01nc7: your confidence is beaming even with a shaved head.

EmYueAnh: very nice the color suits you

xstarx: lovely

Raix: have you decided or still browsing? May find some ideas here

mikamoui: wow semi-long to short.

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Oh really?

Haha, yeah well I just now noticed your names.

When I'm really lazy I just type whatever, like 'djaghjbhsg345689347q38y' that kind.

Hm, yeah they're probably different.

Oh~ so you have cut it short, guess I haven't seen it in this thread, or probably forgot.

So do you prefer long or short hair in general?

Because you rock both styles. :D

Yeah, it was awhile back haha...long time ago.

And I actually just cut my hair recently, but I dislike it a lot lol. It's too short for my tastes, worse than my avatar.

I actually can't choose. I like both to be honest, but I have to be careful what type of hairstyle I choose because it makes me face look longer/more mature if I get it cut TOO short or grow it out TOO long. Sigh.

Thanks. I'll post up photos soon of my butchered new hair... styled that is. It looks pretty bad not styled

Long hair :o *wants*

Big sexy hair. Sounds familiar. Those products are in red right? I was about to buy one of those huge bottles of hairspray because it was on sale a few days ago.

I want my long hair back too. Lol.

Yup, it's a red bottle! Haha go for it dude.

yumix: I love razored styles for some reason. Like...is that even the right word? hahaha I mean like yours. =x

I do too...that is my hair is too thin now haha.

Thanks :)

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Guest `Bou

mR. ellEn..

hmm, interesting, the first time I have heard of her.

She kinda reminds me of the Chinese, or Taiwanese tomboy ulzzang Nike:


Credit: Photobucket

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