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Girls With Guy's Hairstyles.

Guest iya.donghae

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Guest Special Ed

I was wondering if any other girls encounter this stereotype: having a boycut automatically makes you lesbian?

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I was wondering if any other girls encounter this stereotype: having a boycut automatically makes you lesbian?

Tomboys are considered lesbians in the Philippines. So my visit there was really awkward. :mellow:

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Guest Kiratio

Hi! I've been going throught this thread and constantly thinking "I want my hair like that." or "WOAH. You guy's are bold!" And i wanted to ask, since I want to get my hair cut short (I have my mother's consent, suprisingly...) and will be doing so towards the end of the summer, when my face should be slimmer (i should be slimmer, really) I want to kind of... make sure (?)... that I wont look like a complete idiot. Taking reference from my profile picture, do you think I'd be able to pull of short hair? My hair's just over my shoulders now. I'd be happy if I got a reply, thank you! ^_^

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Guest nobody knows

^I personally feel like you should be able to pull off short hair

in fact when I first got my haircut my face was like

ROUND. like can't even kid around. if I had my senior pictures from before my haircut (cut it in Taiwan that summer) and compared it with the one in the yearbook (after I came back) you'd think I lost a crapload of weight, but I actually gained like 5 pounds

I feel like because I got a haircut that suits people with slimmer faces and pointier chins, my face kinda adjusted to the cut. CALL ME CRAZY I DUNNO

hi guys ~

I wanna thin out my hair even more but I'd be killed if I did

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Guest commedesgarcons

I was wondering if any other girls encounter this stereotype: having a boycut automatically makes you lesbian?

If that was the case then all female H&M models and international models would have to quit their jobs.

I think not.

Depends on the girl too. If you can pull it off, then it actually makes you more appealing.

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Guest enoki_panda

I was wondering if any other girls encounter this stereotype: having a boycut automatically makes you lesbian?

I get asked a lot if I'm lesbian or bisexual :P Cuz of my short hair, they're always like, "If you like boys, then why you want to look like one?" Frankly, it actually makes feel like, should I change just to shut em up?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest nobody knows


tried to change the way I style my hair a little bit, it's not very obvious >_<

but my friend's mom was like "oh, you changed it!" so maybe it is ?

it's not as voluminous

there's also a random blue streak there now '-'

I need a trim

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest nobody knows



my mom yelled at me for trimming the back and not for bleaching my hair 5 times for get an almost white blond colour for my bangs (it's whiter on the inside)

woe is mee

I cut and dye my hair when I feel stressed and now I feel even more stressed gg mom

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  • 4 weeks later...

I used to have really long hair but then one day i felt the urge to cut it shorter. I then cut it to short and now i'm regretting it cuz i look like a boy... :(

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Guest shururu

I was wondering if any other girls encounter this stereotype: having a boycut automatically makes you lesbian?

I get this a lot. A lot...

I can understand why some people would think that, but it's still rude to hear "Are you a lesbian?!"


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