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[drama 2008] Robbers 불한당

Guest o-cha

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cutiepie : thank you so much. You and mandalaywith are always ultra quick with download links. Much much appreciated.

mandalaywith : again thank you for the caps and the CB link.

alcyone : I think you should download..only 2 more episodes left. You've watch all 14 so far...don't you want to know the ending? :) . I think the outlook of the drama has picked up a bit since episode 14.... in fact reading the preview for episode 16 has given me a lot more hope.

Hmmm interesting proposition...

I'd take blind Oh Joon over dead Oh Joon anytime

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^ Yeap, I'd take that anytime too..

Anywayz, does anyone think that the direction Robbers' been taking in the recent episodes actually simlarises of that taken in the drama MISA? The hug in Ep 15 does remind me of Moo Hyuk hugging Eun Chae in MISA.. and actually the premise is somewhat similar..

Btw, here's another translation of LDH's message

Lee Da Hae: Jang Huyk deserves to receive the highest award


On February 24, on the occasion that the last episodes of the drama "Robbers" will be aired, the main actress Lee Da Hae sent her thanks to the audience and entire staffs of the film crew through her official website.

She wrote, “Hello everyone, I’m Lee Da Hae. Remembering all exhausting moments we’ve been though together during the past three months, I have personally assigned my very own version of the awards to all members of the big family-Robbers. Firstly, the new actor award goes to Kim Jung Tae; the best couple award goes to two elders-Kim Hae Suk and Son Byung Ho; and an award for kid, of course, will belongs to my adorable daughter-Jang Yu jin.”

Lastly, Lee Da Hae announced that the most precious award in her heart went to the actor Jang Hyuk. She said, “Jang Hyuk is indeed a very capable actor who causes his co-artists to have a mix feeling of reality and film. Not only had he given us many joyful laughs but he also brought forth many poignant moments throughout this time.”

In addition, Lee Da Hae also thanked all the film crew’s staffs who have been exhausted because of the drama, as well as thanks to all the faithful audience of Robbers.

The final episode of Robbers will be aired on the evening of February 28 .

Source: http://krfilm.net/f/14250-1-1


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thanks for the spoiler....^^ but it doesn't seem to be heading in a good way... =___=;; i'm still considering whether or not to download ep 15-16

sigh sigh sigh....(have no idea how many times i have to sigh....it's just that....kinda draggy....)

well..on a good side, it's the first korean melodrama which attracted my bf to watch for i dunno what reason....

isn't that the truth how someone can look at the same show and really like it - and you're scratching your head saying...."whaaaa????"

But i think you should at least download the Low Quality versions of 15 & 16

- just to see how it ended - you can always delete it!

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This is what I can translate...not sure if this is correct though..hehehe

Dal Rae hesitated and pulled Oh Joon into Soon Seom’s café. Oh Joon, with his eyes tearing up, admitted to everybody at the café that he does not know when he would die. Oh Joon wants to live with Dal Rae but realizes that he can’t erase the fact and left the café. Meanwhile after having a great time with Soon Dae, Jin Goo went to look for Dal Rae to confess to her that he wants to live a happy life together with Dal Rae and Soon Dae. At the same time, Soon Seom proposed to Ho Jin that they should live together. Dal Rae was happy that Oh Joon’s blood pressure (??) is returning to normal (and then I’m not sure what the rest is…I think something about looking for a place to talk?)

From what I got from the chinese translations on the last sentence,

Dal Rae was happy that OJ's blood pressure has decreased, and hence she immediately suggested that they register to get married right away..

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So, Robbers is ending... at least there'll still be some more Hong Gil Dong episodes to look forward to the next couple of weeks.

I'd take blind Oh Joon over dead Oh Joon anytime

Me, too! Although it's quite cliché, but I'd rather have that than... the other alternative <____<

Anyway I'm sure glad that Oh Joon didn't push DR away and dragging things out, which would be a typical of melodrama thing...

Thanx everyone for the screencaps and translations ^^

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From what I got from the chinese translations on the last sentence,

Dal Rae was happy that OJ's blood pressure has decreased, and hence she immediately suggested that they register to get married right away..

ooh thanks ripgal ...sounds like a happy ending..hehehe.

You should choose your superheroine..here choose from one of them....


Batwoman is still available if you're interested :lol:

vis : sadly yes Robbers is ending :( . Oooh before I forget I really like your icon--so pretty!

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^ Hopefully yeah.. it'll be a happy ending..

Just pray that DR's sudden decision to get married won't push OJ away.. probably OJ knew that it was the best that DR knew of his sickness now, but to get married, I think OJ still, would feel hesistant about it.

HAHAHA chinggu..thank you for the list

I was actually thinking of what possible superheroines could actually fit me..:lol:

I'll take a look and I'll join you guys later.. SAVE THE WORLD!! :D

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^ Hei thank you for sharing the DL link chinggu..

That'll go right into my Robbers folder in my HD..hehehe..

Anywayz, I came across your MV in the baidu forum (chinese Robbers thread)..

And the person who uploaded your MV praised you for your MV-making talent! :D

She said you're definitely a PRO because you managed to capture all those heartwarming moments of DR and OJ in Robbers by incorporating such a beautiful song to match the scenes..

I was so happy when I read the person's comment..

You're getting famous BIONIC WOMAN! :lol:

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Guest imogene_af


Oh wow, Jo/Batwoman/Pink Power Ranger, I'm touched please send my thank yous to them and I really just felt moved by the drama, it's the beauty of the drama that captured that video, not me. :lol: I don't know if Bionic Woman can handle the fame! I might pull a Britney! :P j/p.

OMG thanks for the links mandalaywith, annchong, and cutiepie. I cannot wait to watch this!

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hohomania Here's the HQ version of "It's Not Goodbye" MV. Hope this helps and it works. :) Thanks.


thanks a lot ~~~

in the Robbers thread of krdrama(a chinese k-pop forum),

people have "created" several versions of Robbers' ending...

the happy ending is so unpopular there...

someone even thought that except OJ, DL could die at EP 16... :crazy:

just like <I'm sorry and I love you>, the famous korean drama in 2004...

guess that the screenwriter is actually a fan of <I'm sorry and I love you>...

so it's possible that two leading roles both die, just like that drama

since the screenwriter of this drama wrote too many sad and boring parts in this story

most of us have been "tortured" during these two months...

and your MV acturally brings so much happiness and moving feelings to us before the end of the story.

thank you all the same.


we are preparing a digital magazine for Robbers,

it will be a summary of Robbers, including synopsis, review, pics, music, fan made video and other stuffs...

this magazine will be finished and posted on about 10-15 in march, mostly in Chinese.

could you also upload HQ version of the "preview remix" MV?

eager to add your MV in this magazine... :sweatingbullets:,

and the credit...wondering which is supposed to add on your MV:

Amber Fan Art? imogene_af? or your ID on youtube?(can't recall it at once -_-|||...)

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Guest imogene_af

thanks a lot ~~~

in the Robbers thread of krdrama(a chinese k-pop forum),

people have "created" several versions of Robbers' ending...

the happy ending is so unpopular there...

some one even thought that except OJ, DL could die at EP 16... :crazy:

just like <I'm sorry and I love you>, the famous drama in 2004...

since the screenwriter of this drama wrote too many sad and boring parts in this story

most of us have been "tortured" during these two months...

and your MV acturally brings so much happiness and moving feelings to us before the end of the story.

thank you all the same.


we are preparing a digital magazine for Robbers,

it will be a summary of Robbers, including synopsis, review, pics, music, fan made video and other stuffs...

this magazine will be finished and posted on about 10-15 in march, mostly in Chinese.

could you also upload HQ version of the "preview remix" MV?

eager to add your MV in this magazine... :sweatingbullets:,

and the credit...wondering which is supposed to add on your MV:

Amber Fan Art? imogene_af? or your ID on youtube?(can't recall it at once -_-|||...)

Oh WOW. They want a real sad ending? Sad endings can be poignant if done with enough heart. We'll see how it goes.

I wanted to capture both the extremely sad and overly happy moments. The clock was inspired with what Auntie Mame once said that this drama is a pendelum of emotions, swings to extremes. plus with the whole 1 minute quote from Dal Rae.

Oh... a magazine? Wow. I'd like to see that. Thank you for taking the time to do so!

I have that MV saved here somewhere:

this was the first preview remix video from back in December:


LOL. I do have a lot of names, please just credit me as Amber/ imogene_af it's my real name and username.

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Oh WOW. They want a real sad ending? Sad endings can be poignant if done with enough heart. We'll see how it goes.

I wanted to capture both the extremely sad and overly happy moments. The clock was inspired with what Auntie Mame once said that this drama is a pendelum of emotions, swings to extremes. plus with the whole 1 minute quote from Dal Rae.

Oh... a magazine? Wow. I'd like to see that. Thank you for taking the time to do so!

thank you for uploading~~~ :lol:

frankly no one want a sad ending.

but after ep10 revealed OJ's incurable disease, many people's sweet dream broke... :tears:

since it's not a common disease, so if the drama ends in H-ending and OJ lives on, miracle is the only word i can tell.

considering this incurable disease, maybe this H-ending is just a weak and unbelievable miracle, and a S-ending sounds more reasonable or logical.

they cry, cry, cry...again and again, ep after ep, made us depressed to the bottom...now even a happy ending is not enough to make us joyful and smile.

the admiration to the actors and actresses is the only sense left to many of us...

those sad and happy moments in the drama, sometimes look nice, but sad feelings dominate, i think.

we would more like to look Robbers' screenwriter down, and put his/her name to our "blacklist".

never ever watch the drama written by him or her...many guys have said so.

making magazine does take time but we also share a lot of wonderful times.

just like Da Hae and Hyuk had a happy and wonderful co-operation in Robbers,

Da Hae and Hyuk fans work together to make this magazine, having fun doing it.

coincidence, isn't it? i thought it's amazing~~ :phew:

will post the magazine here once it is finished.

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Guest imogene_af


You are welcome.

Hehe, I like Robbers though even at the whole


plot direction. Oh Joon is actually lucky to have had an

aneurysm diagnosed, what is special about the sickness is there is no specific time given to you... he may have a minute or he can die as an old man unlike say cancer that will give you months or something.

, so I believe things are not that hopeless. I'm crossing my fingers. Hard. Ouch.

Aw, Hyuk and Da Hae fans working together? That's too sweet. *sniff*:tears:

Waaah I'm tempted to watch this at work! :lol:

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hohomania, thank you for the info about Robbers own DG Magazine! It sounds really cool..

I guess Robbers was disappointing for you. And I won't persuade you to change your mind about how the drama fared/or should have fared for you, cos I'm well aware that ppl are entitled to their own opinions. I've also read several comments in baidu, stating how the sad and depressing premise has lead some of them to stop watching the drama, and some more avoid watching the writer's scripts in future. I totally understand the feeling of having to watch your idol suffer in the drama, and not end up happy or anything. It's the worst thing to happen to anybody actually..

Robbers has actually been held out to be a melodrama in the beginning. So some of us were already prepared for something of this direction (some of us can be Kdrama writers already! :lol: Most of our predictions came true!). Even the sudden revelation of OJ's sickness did not surprise us at all. Cos we saw the signs.. but those signs were the exact things which led us to believe that there would be more than just crying over OJ's sickness. We saw forgiveness. We saw acceptance. And we saw LOVE between 2 injured souls. I personally thought the connection with the characters was really well executed in this drama. The fact that OJ might die's just something that in reality, all individuals have to go thru. And this drama's just showing how a person's acceptance of another can transcend beyond sickness and death. Sure DR will suffer, but it doesn't mean she will lose him forever. In fact, I think she will be thankful that one such person OJ came into her life and taught her to love again.

As for the writer, I think she/he did a great job, altho there were some apparent flaws. But again, nothing is perfect, and I don't intend to be over-picky over what's been given to us so far. The last drama I've seen of this writer was Piano. And it was also a depressing drama..even more depressing than Robbers, because the main leads do not end up together and the supporting male lead died just DAYS after he found his true love.

And about the comparison with MISA, yeah.. I realised that there were some similarities. And it's probably one of the reasons why I love Robbers, cos MISA was one of the best melodramas I've seen, despite both leads dying in the end (which I thought was the perfect ending for the couple...).

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Aw, Hyuk and Da Hae fans working together? That's too sweet. *sniff*:tears:

Waaah I'm tempted to watch this at work! :lol:

wonder that anybody named "che" or "cherry" PM u yesterday, asking for HQ mv?

that guy...a Da Hae fan discussing every detail of Robbers with us Hyuk fan in krdrama thread, including asking you for the HQ version, hehe... :tongue2:

most of us collect and edit materials, fans from Da Hae family mostly handle pics and captures,

and Hyuk fans working reviews and communicating to guys who will acturally put all things in the magazine.

after the drama <thank you>, hyuk fans made a digital magazine, so this is second time cooperating with those people,

but the first time working with Da Hae fans, you guys...i would like to say, are true masters! WOW! :D

this magazine mostly in chinese...pity that we can't make an eng version due to our poor english.... :tears:

anyway, through pics and music in the magazine, hope u will also have some pleasure, just wait for a few days~ :rolleyes:

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Guest mandalaywith

Robbers E15 TV Rating

TNS Nationwide 3.3% :tears::wacko:

P.s-Robbers E15 3.3% rating is 2008 korean Drama Rating in Lowest Rating. :blink::tears:

MBC drama New Heart E22 Rating is 32%(TNS)very hight~!

시청률 조사회사 TNS미디어코리아 집계결과에 따르면 27일 방송된 MBC 수목드라마 '뉴하트' 22회분은 전국기준 32%의 시청률을 기록했다. 이는 14일 방송된 ‘뉴하트’ 19회분이 기록한 전국기준 30.0% 시청률 이래 최고 수치다.

한편 동시간대 방송된 KBS 2TV '쾌도홍길동'은 13.6%, 종영을 한회 앞둔 SBS '불한당'은 3.3%의 시청률에 머물렀다.

credit- http://news.media.daum.net/entertain/broad.../v20140264.html

AGB Nationwide-4.9%

AGB닐슨미디어리서치 조사에서도 이날 ‘뉴 하트’는 30.3%의 시청률로 고공비행을 했다.

같은 시간대 방송되는 KBS 2TV ‘쾌걸 홍길동’은 TNS미디어코리아 13.6%, AGB닐슨미디어리서치 14.6%, SBS ‘불한당’은 TNS미디어코리아 3.3%, AGB닐슨미디어리서치 4.9%를 각각 기록했다.

credit- http://news.media.daum.net/entertain/broad.../v20140931.html

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WOW, the ratings for Ep 15's indeed very low..

But wth, New Heart's soaring high..and HGD's so popular.. Robbers' is just doing the best it can!

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