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[drama 2008] Robbers 불한당

Guest o-cha

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I can't believe myself. I actually cried. And in a single episode, I cried for at least 30 mins. I'm still shocked. I've never cried so much watching a drama. Darn, Lee Da Hae's such a wonderful crier.

Ep 14 of Robbers was by far the strongest, most powerful and most BEAUTIFUL episode I've seen of Robbers. It took me 14 episodes to realise that the whole crux and essence about Robbers all this while, was about ACCEPTANCE. And it was this word which kept circulating in my mind while I was watching Ep 14. It was just ALL ABOUT ACCEPTANCE. Acceptance of who you are.. acceptance of who the other person is, and who the other person is to you. And with acceptance, you just gain forgiveness. And with forgiveness, you gain love. And with love, all is good.

Ep 14 was no doubt a leap from Ep 13. It was in fact, by far, the best episode of all. Again I hate to reiterate, but I just have to say it out. Robbers is a melodrama right guys? But I realised that Robbers has totally revolutionised the ways in how traditional and conventional korean melodramas have been portrayed in the past. Usually, tearjerkers are soooo cliche and draggy, and some parts are just so repetitive that you get annoyed sometimes. But Robbers, is just unique. It isn't draggy in any way, and it totally smashed and crashed and destroyed all the melodramatic cliche-ness we've always seen. For example, if continued from Ep 13, normal melodramas would drag the part of DR finding out about OJ's sickness for several episodes. Make us cry and weep for a few episodes before making the girl find out about the guy..blah blah.. But Robbers did the exact opposite, by making Man Doo spill everything out to OJ in the very next episode. It was really a very very different experience for me.. because it was totally unexpected. And I liked it.

I mentioned about Acceptance. I felt very strongly about the word in particular because I saw it in DR's eyes and expressions.

The first scene of Ep 14, I was shocked. DR heard what was said, she thought OJ had betrayed her for the money. And she was devastated. But what DR did next after calling him all sorts of names just solidified the love she has and had for OJ. I was expecting her hurl bad words at OJ, but I was so not expecting her to actually console OJ at that very moment. She knew he had reasons for doing what he had done and she was willing to ACCEPT him. She was willing to understand him. She was willing to love him. That was it. My tears just came rolling none-stop once she said that.. I was SHOCKKKKKKEDDD!! This guy had just deceived you and sold you off for 10 Million Won, and you still wanted to defend him. DR's love for OJ was just THAT DEEP. After that, it was OJ's eyes which made me cry even more. He thought DR would totally hate him after that, but he was shocked (like me) because she tried to console him. And my take was that, it was even more painful for him to realise that this woman in front of him loved him so much, and it was also the exact reason why he wanted to leave her. The earlier he left her, the better. My heart just went out to him that very minute. :tears:

The next scene was Ho Jin and DR's MIL's scene. Actually, I was delighted that the scene was inserted into this episode. Or else, I would have been crying from the beginning till the end. It was also in this scene that I suddenly realised that DR's MIL actually felt guilty. She actually thought she's the source of all, of DR's wrath, of having to suffer twice without having the chance to live with a loved one. And she didn't want Ho Jin to be dragged into her misfortune as well. It was really touching because I didn't expect it to turn out this way. I thought she was hesitant because of DR, but in fact, she was worried it might affect Ho Jin too. Fortunately, he now knows of her feelings. And I actually smiled and giggled in happiness for him.. if there's anyone who can make DR's MIL smile, it's him alright. :D

Next fav scene - DR and OJ's scene at the cafe. The dialogues in that scene was just so beautifully written. And please don't mind me for being fangirly here, DR/LDH was sooooo beautiful in that scene (altho she was crying). When DR returned the brooch to OJ and told him that it was important to him, my tears fell again. This again, evinced how much OJ meant to her in her heart. Even if they can't be together and even if OJ didn't want her, she still thought for him, she still cared for him. And to the part of DR returning the ear-rings, part of me felt like it was DR's very last attempt to save their relationship? I don't know.. I thought DR still had hope, be it teeniest bit of it, that OJ would go back to her if she showed him the ear-rings and returned it to him.

Another beautiful scene - was MD and OJ's conversation in MD's house. The part of OJ narrating everything DR has and had done for him. All what was said was equivalent to DR's acceptance of OJ, for who he was, for what he has done in the past. It really broke my heart that OJ felt inferior of his sacrifice to that of DR's in their relationship. And I agreed with him.. he didn't really ask what DR liked, and what she wanted. But in fact, he's already given DR the best thing in the world, acceptance of who she was ( a widow with a kid) and his determination to change for the better.

Last scene of Ep 14, probably the best scene of the entire drama IMO - just did it for me. LDH just nailed that scene perfectly. She owned that scene - and with her strong and powerful words, my tears just couldn't stop flowing, even until after I finished it and went to washroom and came back, I was still in tears. :tears: :tears: I just felt so so so so so bad for DR and OJ - their love for each other was/is SO STRONG, and you could see HOW MUCH they yearn and want to be with each other. You felt the chemistry? It was just explosive, despite them not being together!

Given that, please in the next 2 episodes, give us more DR and OJ happy moments.. OJ can die in the end, but please more HAPPY MOMENTS!!!!

Sorry for the long rants...

Just wanted to say that, LDH and JH were just phenomenal in this episode. Kudos to the scriptwriter and director for giving us something so beautiful and cinematically brilliant... same goes to the filming crew who worked so hard thru winter to make this drama work.

Now, I just hope the quality persists in the last 2 episodes..

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ripgal - i'm right there with you.

This was the episode.

This was the episode where everyone is revealed as who they are -

The most glaring example is of JinGoo's father.

We met him as a senile old man - supposedly half deaf, screaming DalRae's name across a crowded room.

To when we see him emerge as the man behind the cruel moneylenders....

To Ep. 14 - where we see a most serious, lucid man - sipping tea from a 18 carat gold cup!

He's quite able to walk to his room and change the channels.

The senile man was just a ploy.

When JinGoo comes home drunk - do you see the look in his dad's eyes -

cool as a cucumber - weighing the price of his actions...

That's why I am still impressed that they chose to play the series Main Love Song - d

during the montage of the struggles that have brought ALL of them to that one moment in time,

in one night...

I've watched the ep. a few times - for me, it was that good.

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Guest imogene_af

Jo, couldn't agree with you more. What a wonderful review, I was just lost within Episode 14, I was washed over with them. It was just BEAUTIFUL with all the emotions and the layers as it comes full circle.

canyayasis- I remember going, "the music's off!" then they show the Pucca dolls and I just had to smile... and went, "No the music's perfect."

It will be really heartbreaking for me to let go of this drama.

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Guest sakura_dubai

omo omo~ very nice banners~ sooo cute and it tells story about both sides as well ^^ it's like it tells the story of this drama in simple banners..

thanx for sharing... luv it ^o^

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Thank you for sharing the beautiful banners.

I'm listening to Robbers' OST now.. and I'm starting to dread that it's gonna end soon. :(

canyayasis, you're right on spot - on the analysis of Jin Goo's father..

I forgot to comment about JG in Ep 14.. he was another character which showed immense development thru out the 14 episodes. Altho he didn't have that many scenes with DR, at least they showed how much he adored Soon Dae, and how much he depended on her for consolation (i.e. the pucca dolls). That scene was so precious.. when he had nobody to reach out to, the pucca dolls just appeared in front of him. At least...at least, Soon Dae still stands by him..

As for his father, I think he's a very complicated character..

But his confession about his actions in his past was very touching..he wanted his son's attention, but did it the wrong way. He knows practically everything, everything but his son. Hopefully he'll be able to redeem himself and JG will be able to forgive his father.. just like what DR told JG - open up to him and be frank with him. If he doesn't do so, and coupled with his silent character, his father will never know what's up in his mind.

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Guest sakura_dubai

As for his father, I think he's a very complicated character..

But his confession about his actions in his past was very touching..he wanted his son's attention, but did it the wrong way. He knows practically everything, everything but his son. Hopefully he'll be able to redeem himself and JG will be able to forgive his father.. just like what DR told JG - open up to him and be frank with him. If he doesn't do so, and coupled with his silent character, his father will never know what's up in his mind.

in fact, i think it's one of the best thing in this drama... the relationship between the father and the son.. it's really important and i think it's a prb not only in Korea, but everywhere.. but i hope they will find a way to understand each other and open their hearts to each other~

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What a pleasant surprise on a Sunday afternoon!

thank you for the SUBS - WITHS2!

You guys have kicked in to HIGH GEAR lately !

WOW - subs released everywhere for the 3 shows I'm watching .

No laundry today!

Only a nice cup of coffee and translations!

Thank you!

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Guest adorablesheng

ok ..... i think.... Episode 13 adn 12 got mixed up...

epi 12 is really epi 13

and epi 13 is some other drama...lol

this is for the ENTAL dl links... the one where its just ONE DL link...

is it just me? or did others get this too?

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ok ..... i think.... Episode 13 adn 12 got mixed up...

epi 12 is really epi 13

and epi 13 is some other drama...lol

this is for the ENTAL dl links... the one where its just ONE DL link...

is it just me? or did others get this too?

I don't even want to go that route as it was a nightmare to begin with so please back track a few pages to find out why :(. If you are still confuse, I suggest downloading it from Clubbox - yoonhk71, that's a good one

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Guest alcyone

i was shock on knowing who

Jin Gu's father really is

....and i hated the fact they inserted another twist on

OJ's sickness....let the man be happy, for god's sake...

Dal Rae deserves to be happy doesn't she? aw man...i don't want her

to face another heartbreak..........


this drama is great, but if they decided to

kill Oh Joon

....i'm gonna delete this drama from my HD......sigh................

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Guest ilovehanchaeyoung
Guest sakura_dubai

i was shock on knowing who

Jin Gu's father really is

....and i hated the fact they inserted another twist on

OJ's sickness....let the man be happy, for god's sake...

Dal Rae deserves to be happy doesn't she? aw man...i don't want her

to face another heartbreak..........


this drama is great, but if they decided to

kill Oh Joon

....i'm gonna delete this drama from my HD......sigh................

yes, i really really didn't expect that his father like that .... really..... but i guess they are making it's more complicated by the end of the drama... and yaaaaaa Oh Joon sickness... when will it end????

Dal Rae should find the happiness after her husband death and after being alone all that time... she should be smiling rather than crying.... :wacko::wacko:

As you said... if they killed Oh Joon in the end. it's really gonna be worthless drama.. even though many ppl like it but i think if Oh Joon died, then this drama is REALLY BAAAAAAAD !!

and if they let him live with a miracle in the last ep is also going to be stupid... i want something more realistic but also not sad....

Many this drama is 'SAD ROMANTIC' drama.. and they should have said so from the beginning because after going this far,, it's not fair to make us cry in the end...

can u imagine that they will let Oh Joon die but they will make something like Dal Rae will keep the memorable time she had with him in her heart for ever and then life goes on ................................. :fury: :vicx: :fury:

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ggaaacckkk...was offline for 2 days...so many things to catch up and comment on...

WITHS2 : Thank you so much you guys! You are a blessing for us.

annchong : thanks for the links!

hye091 : thanks for sharing lidongxu's beautiful banners.

canyayasis : hahaha...did you get to do anything else but watching dramas over the weekend? lol. There's Robbers & HGD subs, and Happiness live, right?

ripgal : Now you know what I meant when I said Da Hae owned episode 14. I'm glad they finally gave her a chance to really showcase her range in that episode. I cried buckets too while watching eps 14...I hope eps 15 and 16 will bring more joy...:lol:

sakura_dubai : I'm still hoping that we don't see OJ dying...maybe just the lingering fact that he could 'go' any moment..and in turn this will make OJ and DR appreciate every moment they spend together even more. I think I'll be quite happy with that ending.

alcyone : we all want Oh Joon to be happy too. Poor guy's been through a lot...and poor Dal Rae deserves to be happy too.

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