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class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"[PICS] 140125 Kim Jaejoong’s WWW Asia Tour Concert and JParty in Seoul (Day 1) – Outside the Venue & GoodsJanuary 25, 2014 · JYJ3 Team

Outside the Venue

photo BeyUvUVCAAALIL7_jejujeju3.jpg

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photo BezFdFqCEAAa-A1_JaeObsession.jpg

photo BezHYMiCMAA_VDs_yo_yo0611.jpg

Long queue for Jaejoong J-PARTY concert goods despite the rain (via @PrinceJJ_)

photo Bey31pLCMAAd5sj_PrinceJJ.jpg

photo BezYJjfCcAAQCFl_JaeObsession.jpg

Staff distributed heat packs

photo BeyzjjzCMAEwfdf_yo_yo0611.jpg


Official Goods

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photo BezcT2CCQAAuBOj_kjj_onlylove.jpg

Credits:  @jejujeju3 + @kjj_onlylove + @100thero + @PrinceJJ_ + @JYJ_PH + @chunYna + 126days + yo_yo0611 + @jj_manse + @kjj_onlylove + @JaeObsession + @Lookkaew_SK  @cOOl_bOaRdEr7Shared by: JYJ3

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class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"[COMPILATION OF TWEETS] 140125 Kim Jaejoong’s WWW Asia Tour Concert and JParty in Seoul (Day 1)January 25, 2014 · JYJ3 Team

Inside The VenueBanners: “Believe in Kim Jaejoong and receive salvation” + “Noonas’ paradise is Kim Jaejoong” (Trans by: @The_little_pear, Source: @Herose1)


Banners: “Jaejoong ah, all the universe blesses you” + “Jaejoong oppa is going to hold birthday party with us!” (Trans by: @The_little_pear)


(Pics Credit: @jyj_j126, @Lookkaew_SK, @JaeObsession)



New VCROpening VCR is different as this is a brand new concert. Jaejoong sat a spaceship and came down to stage!! O__O (Via: @Vichellelicious)9+1#Rousing start with a mixed grey black furry coat. Bare chested of course. (Via: @pixelminor)ButterflyVoice is super powerful and reverberates thru the gym. In great form! Lots of flirting with mike stand. (Via: @pixelminor)First MentJaejoong: “Welcome to J Party!” He’s drinking water from a bottle, using a straw! Spit out water again! Ahhhh… (Via: @Vichellelicious)JJ: “Hi everyone! I’m so happy to be with everyone this year! It’s raining today, everyone brought their gifts?” (Via: @Vichellelicious)Jae: Let me drink water first. You guys not thirsty? Fans says they are thirsty. Jae drinks again and spit out for everyone elegantly (Via: @fourc_pyc)Took a sip of water and blew it at the fans. Screams ensue. He said welcome to the J Party. (Via: @pixelminor)Jaejoong after singing 2 songs, asked fans if he is sexy and even shake his hips.~ (Via @XIAkiss)Jaejoong has been having a cold for about a month.. Just when his nose block has recovered, his throat start aching. He was very worried that he might not have any voice.. After singing two songs, he asked fans if he has sang well despite the cold.. Also said as a single man staying alone, he drank citron tea and surfed the internet.. Knowing that everyone brought umbrella with them, he was then at ease. (Via: @Vichellelicious)Rotten LoveOne of the better renditions of rotten love. Power! (Via: @pixelminor)Jaejoong said tomorrow is his birthday, everyone will bring presents for him right? (Via: @MegWu0312)Jaejoong: “Now is… Before the next song, it’s changing clothes time! I’m only changing clothes! KISS B~~” (Via: @Vichellelicious)Kiss BNose bleed. He just gyrated his hips a little while talking abt being sexy. And then stripped the coat into a white rhinestone studded shirt. (Via: @pixelminor)KissB without the sofa. On the stairs instead. (Via: @pixelminor)He wants to hear the guys yell. (Via: @pixelminor)Jaejoong is looking for fan boys!! First thing he said when he found them: “You came alone?” ㅋㅋㅋ (Via: @Vichellelicious)(Pics Credit: @STAR_LENG, @Lookkaew_SK)



Now is GoodNow is good with green ocean (Via: @pixelminor, Pics Credit: @NaMjjeje126, Mirai)



JJ: Daebak fan support! It’s so good to do it with me! I’m a single man, fan boys please scream! Girls pls don’t! (Via: @Vichellelicious)KeshouKeshou. Beautiful. (Via: @pixelminor)Bathed in spotlight singing keshou. It’s like an angel serenading. Fans listen rapt. (Via: @pixelminor)Jaejoong singing “Make Up” now~ His handwriting are all now showing on the screens~~~ (Via: @Vichellelicious)Heaven (ft. Gummy)While singing HEAVEN, the screen show A Moment To Remember (Via: @MegWu0312)Jae tried to hold Gummy’s arm and she playfully kept swatting him away. They kept laughing. At the end, they had a friendly hug. (Via: @pixelminor)After singing “Heaven”, JJ wants to hug Gummy. She hits him, don’t let him come over. They both started laughing.
It was a funny sight. Gummy said to fans: “I’ve reminded him not to do this, must think of the fans’ feelings!”
(Via: @Vichellelicious)
Special birthday video starring Jae. He’s setting up a room for a party. And writes the invitation for the J party. (Via: @pixelminor)(Pics Credit: StarLeng)




JParty Starts Now!! MC on stage now~  (Via: @Vichellelicious)The J Party has started! There are columns of balloons on stage now with red J Party balloons. MC made Jae wear the party hat! (Via: @pixelminor, Pic Credit: StarLeng)



Birthday cake rises on the stage and we all sing happy birthday to him. The back screen shows his age to be 28.99999. hahaha. (Via: @pixelminor)Fans singing Happy Birthday song to Jaejoong~~~ Screens now showing “28.9999″~~~ Hahahaha~ (Via: @Vichellelicious)Jaejoong says Junsu’s birthday present gives him the deepest impression!! Awww~ #JAESU!! <3 (Via: @Vichellelicious)What the lmao! The unforgettable present Junsu gave Jaejoong was 30 BOXES of cigarettes, 2 years ago. (Trans by: @The_little_pear, Source: @kaju0731)Stage is now set up as a dressing room. He talks about past concerts and fans. He explains the various outfits he has worn. (Via: @pixelminor)His favorite outfit seems to be the gold tasseled jacket. (Via: @pixelminor)Explaining his tummy tattoos now. (Via: @pixelminor)Showing shots of fans in interesting costumes from previous concerts (Via: @pixelminor)Dress Code: Kim Jaejoong Theme (Pic Credit: @aya_jae)


Someone came dressed like a cosplay waitress. He berated her and asked wasn’t the theme supposed to be about him? (Via: @pixelminor)Some fans had some boob and nipple appendages on them, and he said it was spoiling his image. (Via: @pixelminor)A fan holds a banner that says “Man that starts from 30 years old”… JJ: “Ahhhhhhh don’t do this, I’m only 29!” ㅋㅋㅋ (Via: @Vichellelicious)Two girls came in tee shirts with bikini design infront. He went OH YEAH. (Via: @pixelminor)Jaejoong asked fan: “You came alone?” Fan: “Yes” Jaejoong: “You’re very beautiful”~~~ >___<”  (Via: @Vichellelicious)MC: “Fans that dressed with confidence, please raise your hands!” JJ: “I like his clothes, make it reserve no. 2!”
Jaejoong: “The last person whom I’ll choose will get Jaejoong’s self-designed clothes!!!!” OMG~~~
(Via: @Vichellelicious)
fan girl who dressed as a KING won one of Jaejoong’s World Tour clothes!!! GOSH SO LUCKY! ♥♥ (Via: @Vichellelicious)JJ last minute decided to give the fan who wore KING costume a shirt JJ wore during World Tour, said it has his sweat on it!!! >< (Via: @Vichellelicious)He sat back on the sofa and the crew told him he has to get off cos they’re clearing it off. He got up embarrassed. (Via: @pixelminor)Special guests came! They are behind a screen. Jae has to guess who they are through their digitised voices. (Via: @pixelminor)Playing audio message from 4 people… but voices distorted. asking Jae to guess who it is (Via: @ohmyjunsu)1st one… sounds familiarrrr :D :D :D :D 2nd one sounds like gummy (Via: @ohmyjunsu)Q: What alcohol does JJ like? 4th guest says JJ likes champagne.. has lots of different types of alcohol in his fridge (Via: @ohmyjunsu)2nd(?) guest: JJ likes his fans the most. Fans cheer (Via: @ohmyjunsu)Voice distortion makes it hard.. to hear (Via: @ohmyjunsu)4th guest: If Jae drinks a lot (is drunk), he likes to show off his strength… arm wrestling (Via: @ohmyjunsu)Final question: Kim Jaejoong is addicted to working All 4 guests say O (agree) (Via: @ohmyjunsu)MC: “JJ, are you a workaholic? 4 ppl agree to it!” JJ: “We can’t possibly be happy everyday, we might be happy when we work~” (Via: @Vichellelicious)4 guests coming out now (back to JJ side) (Via: @ohmyjunsu)The guests are gummy (lol), Beast’s Yong jun-hyung, singer Lee Sanggon, Jung Seokwon (baek Ji young’s hubby). (Via: @pixelminor)Playing silly games with the guests now. Jae’s not very good at it but BEAST’s Junhyung is even worse! They’re trying to blow open a thick book, (Via: @pixelminor)Games starting now! Losers will drink drinks that are mixed with many yucky stuff in it! (*___*).  (Via: @Vichellelicious)They’re making a disgusting shot… D: Onion.. Soju… Lemon..
Added wasabi to the shot.. (Via: @ohmyjunsu)
Soju and onions are today’s punishments! Losers from 1st round chose onion, losers from 2nd round chose soju! (Via: @Vichellelicious, Pic Credit: @aya_jae)


Kyaa!!! “Jaejoong was pretty weak in blowing the dictionary so he was doing aegyo to gain another chance ㅋㅋ
Fans shouted for another chance when Jaejoong lost the first round, he thanked the fans and blew 150pgs ㅋㅋ
(Via: @Lovejj_26)
JJ lost the 1st time for “book blowing” game… Fans kept shouting to give JJ 1 more chance! JJ thanks all and he blew 150 pages! (Via: @Vichellelicious)Jae chose Dragundy to play first round against suk won. Jae won! Poor suk won has to drink that vile cocktail. Jae laughed at him.
Of course Mr. Joseon bodyguard quaffs it all.
(Via: @pixelminor)
Sukwon: For everyone’s entertainment, I made a sacrifice. Many people came to congratulate JJ on his bday. Ah.. I’ve lost it (cuz of drink) (Via: @ohmyjunsu)Jaejoong takes a sip of the cocktail and made a face. Then he had some chocolate to get rid of the taste. (Via: @pixelminor, Pic Credit @aya_jae)


Jaejoong drink the devil beverage too  (Via: @MegWu0312)Suk-won said: “This game is too easy for JJ, he has a PC room at home.” Woohoo!!!!Suk-won lost and he had to drink everything, tears flowing out. MC: “Because this is JJ’s birthday~” Fans all cheered!!
Jaejoong tasted the drink a little and went: “Oh~~~ ><” Think he eventually let Suk-won off…. Hahaha~
(Via: @Vichellelicious)
Jaejoong won 2 out of 3 battles in the Arcade game which is the fourth game against Suk-won!! YAY~~~^^ (Via: @Vichellelicious)Sanggon: Just now JJ said he loves alcohol and fans? Later if JJ has a chance to drink with his fans… /fans scream so couldn’t hear (Via: @ohmyjunsu)Lee Sanggon said…When JJ is drunk, he likes to BOBO…(and JJ said: he loves Fans and acohol), if there is chance drink with fans..  (Via: @MegWu0312)LOL Sanggon: Jaejoong will not throw his temper after getting drunk, he will do more skinship such as bobo (Via: @Lovejj_26)JJ says he loves alcohol and fans the most! If there’s a chance to drink with fans, and kiss them will be the best!!! .O.M.G. (Via: @Vichellelicious)Gummy: It was fun, please enjoy till the end. Happy birthday JJ /speaks Japanese too (Via: @ohmyjunsu)Junhyung: Happy Birthday to JJ hyung. I’m quite envious that everyone can be here together with him on his birthday party (Via: @ohmyjunsu)Jae voice over of a letter to fans. He expresses his gratitude and love. (Via: @pixelminor)JJ: “Thank you… It’s so fun… The games are far beyond my expectations! Is everyone ready?” (Via: @Vichellelicious)JJ once said that he will write everyone a letter when he has the chance. This letter appeared after J Party ended. The letter says: “Kim Jaejoong has many shortcomings, yet I receive so much love from everybody, I feel very blissful. From Seoul World Tour in November last year till now, I’ve seen so much of fans support, seeing everyone holding their hands, make my heart feel very at ease. I’m a person who do not know how to express this feeling, thank you everyone, I love you all.” (Via: @Vichellelicious)Luvholic  ft. Lee SanggonIt’s the first time I see jae sing luvholic fully clothed. He has a shirt under the gold jacket :P (Via: @pixelminor)BrighterGlamorous SkyI spoke too soon. He said he was too hot and took off the inside shirt during the Glamorous Sky (Via: @pixelminor)He asked if we were having fun. (Via: @pixelminor)Modem BeatA very punchy modem beat. With a powerful yodelly start. (Via: @pixelminor)Just Another GirlJust another girl. He shows one shoulder and covers back. He’s all angsty for this song. (Via: @pixelminor)Chanting Kim jae joong for the birthday boy to come out for the encore. (Via: @pixelminor)Fans are all chanting “KIM JAEJOONG!” now for 2 minutes!!! Jaejoong must be very proud of his fans~^^  (Via: @Vichellelicious)MineMine with the death glare (Via: @pixelminor)One KissOne kiss soulful rendition (Via: @pixelminor)One kiss is final song as jae walks away (Via: @pixelminor)Jaejoong: “I’ve specially prepared a song for everybody today as the last song! – “One Kiss”. (Via: @Vichellelicious)JJ sang “One Kiss” instead of “Paradise” as the last song today~ He smiled and waved while leaving the stage… T__T (Via: @Vichellelicious)Behind the scenes video to the tune of let the rhythm flow. (Via: @pixelminor)At the end of the closing video was the home party scene. Jae thanked the film crew and said hotdog juseyo before picking up a hotdog to eat (Via: @pixelminor)Day 1 Concert has successfully ended~!! Thank you Jaejoong for the beautiful night~♥ We love you~♥ (Via: @Vichellelicious)3 songs that JJ didn’t sing today – Ultra Song, Don’t Walk Away and Paradise. He did a sexy dance for a few secs at the start!!  (Via: @Vichellelicious)Winner of today dress code…she won the costume of JJ (Via: @MegWu0312)



First Ment: Greetings
Rotten Love
Kiss B
Now is Good
Heaven (ft. Gummy)
JPARTY (Dress Coden+ Guests + Play Games)
LuvHolic (ft. Lee Sanggon)
Glamorous Sky
Modem Beat
Just Another Girl
One Kiss

Compiled and Shared by: JYJ3

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class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"[OTHER INSTAGRAM] 140126 GunHeenim shares a photo of Kim JaejoongJanuary 25, 2014 · JYJ3 Team

[PHOTO] 내동생 JJ 생일축하해 항상건강하고 벽에 똥칠할때 까지 살거라~ ㅋㅋHe is wishing: “Happy Birthday to my brother Kim Jaejoong”

photo e4f5f2d285d611e3ad2312bb969afd0a_8.jpg

Source: gunheenim IGShared by: JYJ3

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class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"So sweet  class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"[OTHER TWITTER] 140126 Kim Su Young shares more photos of Kim Jaejoong and the Kim’s FamilyJanuary 25, 2014 · JYJ3 Team


Jaejoong’s Sister Update:

photo 140126ksytw.png

[TRANS] ㅎHyuna who came back after watching uncle’s concert~^^ You’re number 1 in supporting uncle but why do you become frozen in front of him? Try to smile like grandpa and grandma~~ Hyuna yah~~ㅎㅎ

photo Be1QLWLCEAAkVoX.jpg

Kim Su Young’s Twitter Profile:

photo BbBkFvZk.jpeg

Source: @Shie486Translated by: @The_little_pear of PrinceJJShared by: JYJ3

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class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"[COMPILATION OF TWEETS] 140126 Kim Jaejoong’s WWW Asia Tour Concert and JParty in Seoul (Day 2)January 26, 2014 · JYJ3 Team

  • There are plenty of strange costumes today. Daebak! (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Some fans’ dress codes for today: Wedding dress, Pharaoh, Angel wings, Hanbok etc. O__O (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • There’s also fans dressed as Doctor and Little Red Riding Hood~!! Hahaha awesome~ (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Less than 15 mins to J Party part two (Via: @pixelminor)


  • Wow~ Even the blind-spot seats for today’s concert has all been taken up!! Jaejoong’s Effect~!! (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Jaejoong’s parents are here too!! Annyeong!! :D (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Banner for fan project today, during the We Love JJ video (Via: @pixelminor)


  • Day 2 starts now! RED OCEAN~~ J Party hooray! (Via: @Vichellelicious, Pic Credit: @mjwoo2010)


  • Birthday concert starts at 6.13pm with the opening video! (Via: @pixelminor)
  • VCR
  • 9+1#
  • And he appears dramatically at the top of the stairs, looking feral. #9+1 (Via: @pixelminor)
  • He feels different tonight. Expect naughty things, very many naughty sexy things. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Butterfly
  • Butterfly. Fans are super hyped up tonight. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Reaches the high notes effortlessly (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Today is J Party, he says. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Ment 1 with half exposed shoulder. Wae you make nose bleed? (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Jaejoong said that this is the last concert from the longest Asia Tour, everyone please show your passion! (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Rotten Love
  • Rotten love done in smouldering fashion. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Before “Kiss B”, JJ asked what happend to the light as it has been changed to purple. Fans shouted sexy!Yesterday JJ said that the lightings for this whole concert is sexy(Via: @pixelminor)
  • JJ today introduced that the next song is a little sexy that everyone likes! Requests everyone to dance with it~ (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Jaejoong danced a sexy dance before “Kiss B”!!! *____* (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Kiss B
  • Killer wink. Oh yeah he’s differently gonna be a bad boy tonight. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • He leads the crowds to wave the red slogan towel before throwing his to the fans. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Oii! Stop blowing water at the fans! (Via: @pixelminor)
  • While JJ was talking, fans were shouting “Kim Jaejoong”.. JJ: “You wanna drink water too?” Fans: “Yes!!” JJ spit water to them! (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • The male fans and assorted boyfriends made their presence heard with their yells. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • One guy yelled Kim jae joong sarangheyo. Jae replied he loves him too, then added too bad he likes girls. Keke. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • JJ: “The screams from fan boys today is lesser, please do it again.” One fan boy: “Kim Jaejoong I love you!”JJ replied softly to the fan boy: “I like you too oh~” >___<”(Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Jae tried to blow a kiss at male fan and the fan hid in embarrassment. Jae than threw him a flying slap instead. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Jaejoong found some other fan boys and gave them flying kisses!!! They all hid away! Could be the crew~~ HAHA~ (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Before JJ sang “Now Is Good”, JJ said after midnight last night, he received a text message. A very short message to wish him happy birthday. That message is from Yoon Do Hyun, someone whom JJ respects very much. After JJ replied Do Hyun, Do Hyun said that he’s sorry that he cannot do much, only can express his wishes via a text message. JJ is very thankful to Do Hyun. (Via: @Vichellelicious)Now is good
  • Looking pensive during the piano prelude to keshou. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Keshou
  • Fans aren’t even waving their lightsticks during keshou cos everyone is so riveted to his out of worldly voice. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Heaven (ft. Gummy)
  • Gummy duet for heaven again. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Haha they held hands a little, still laughed alot and did a little swinging hug at the end. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Jaejoong and Gummy started playing after “Heaven”. JJ didn’t sing, didn’t allow her to sing too. JJ hugged her and turn 1 round! (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Gummy takes the stage now. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • After singing “Heaven”, Gummy says Jaejoong’s soulful eyes makes people wanna laugh! KYA~~~ (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Gummy: “I will try my best to sing well, very envy that fans can be with Jaejoong. I’ve never had a party like this with fans. (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • J Party starts now!!! MC is on stage now~~ (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Singing birthday day song now :) (Via: @pixelminor)
  • OMG~~ Everyone is singing Happy Birthday song to Jaejoong now!!! JJ wears his party hat slanted one side! (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • MC: “Hi everyone, I’m here with everyone just like yesterday, there’s alot of fans today!MC: “Now let’s invite Jaejoong out! (cake comes on stage) To the last 20s birthday, happy birthday!!!”(Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Today’s cake has different figurines of Jaejoong when he debuted!!! (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Everyone shouted “1, 2, 3!” Jaejoong blowed the candles! Presenting specially prepared gifts and VCR from fans now! (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Birthday video with birthday wishes from fans, friends and even pets. Lol. (Via: @pixelminor)After playing Fans’ VCR, all the screens showed “Kim Jaejoong I love you!” Fans held their banner up and shouted I LOVE YOU!!! (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Jaejoong then turned his head back and was very touched… Jaejoong took a picture with everyone after that!!! (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Jae takes a pic with fans holding the birthday project banners in the background. (Via: @pixelminor)JYJ members send their greetings via video. Junsu in a sexy black pullover and chunnie in red windbreaker. (Via: @pixelminor)Yoochun‘s message to Jaejoong: “I hope JYJ can be together forever.” Awwwww~~~ T___T (Via: @Vichellelicious)Junsu‘s msg to JJ: “Happy birthday hyung! His age & looks doesn’t match~ Hope hyung has the best memories celebrating with fans” (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Junsu’s and Yoochun’s VCR was after Jaejoong took a picture with everyone~Junsu was in a sexy black pullover and Yoochun was in a red windbreaker(Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Haha Jae asked if yoochun had fan meeting today as well and fans yelled YESTERDAY. He’s so lost in time… (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Jaejoong: “I left the same message in the VCR to Yoochun for his fanmeet yesterday~” (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • Q & A:
  • MC: “What’s the aspiration you wanna achieve?”Jaejoong: “Look for a girlfriend? Hope activities for JYJ will be smoother.”(Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • MC: “What are your thoughts of your Asia Tour?”JJ: “Alot of people came for it, very thankful for it.”(Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • MC: “Which place is your deepest impression of your concert?”Jaejoong: “Nagoya~”JJ: “I actually couldn’t hold that concert, but eventually I succeeded, I cried very badly during that time.” T____T(Via: @Vichellelicious)MC: “Other than the fan dressed as soldier, any other fans that gave you lots of impression?” 
    JJ: “There were 3 high school male students in my Japan concert, I’m very happy.”
    (Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • The dressing room on stage interrogation session starts. (Via: @pixelminor)He wears the party hat perched jauntily at an angle. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Time to introduce Jaejoong’s self-designed clothes~JJ: “This clothes very manly, but a little pervy~” (shy smile)(Via: @Vichellelicious)
  • One of the self-designed clothes that Jaejoong introduced has many butterflies on it~ Butterfly~~~~~
  • MC asks jae to show wearing some of the concert jackets. Whenever he takes off each coat with only the skinny white tank inside, fans scream. (Via: @pixelminor)
  • Omo did he gain some muscles recently? (Via: @pixelminor)Discussing the tattoos again. (Via: @pixelminor)Examining costume themes in past concerts. First pic was a tongue flailing Tony Hong. (Via: @pixelminor)Dress Code: Kim Jaejoong Theme MC: “This fan’s clothes is very eye-catching.”
    JJ: “Very cute~”
    Fan replied: “I borrowed it!”
    (Via: @Vichellelicious)
    Someone dressed as kyung tak haha (Via: @pixelminor)A girl came in a white wedding dress. Marrying our birthday boy? (Via: @pixelminor)One girl poured soju over herself lol. Cos she said oppa likes alcohol. (Via: @pixelminor)So far his fave fan outfits are a cute police costume, the soju girl and someone totally clad in gold scales. (Via: @pixelminor)The cute police costume won. (Via: @pixelminor)3 fans who were picked by JJ: dressed as Soju, Police and one that was clad fully with gold. The fan dressed as Police won! (Via: @Vichellelicious)The fan who dressed as Police won a shirt that Jaejoong wore during his Nanjing concert! Wonder which one…. (Via: @Vichellelicious)The Secret Guests again!! (Via: @pixelminor)Five guests today,  (Via: @pixelminor)This group of guests is giving him a harder time tonite. (Via: @pixelminor)MC: “Does Jaejoong always bare his body?”
    Guests all said yes, not only the top, sometimes even take off his pants!!!! OMG.
    One friend disclosed: “JJ does not wear clothes at home. I wonder why JJ needs clothes anyways? It’s ok that he strips at home, but why does he also strips at other people’s house and sing?”
    (Via: @Vichellelicious)
    MC: “Is Jaejoong very arrogant?”
    Guests all said this is a very tough question… JJ treats all juniors and seniors very well.
    (Via: @Vichellelicious)
    MC: “Does Jaejoong likes anyone now?”
    All guests replied NO, and said always see Jaejoong on his own~
    (Via: @Vichellelicious)
    Jaejoong feeling very helpless being teased by his friends! Took out his party hat and threw at them! ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ(Via: @Vichellelicious)MC: “So Jaejoong likes man more?”
    Guests all said yes! All guests are male today, JJ focuses alot on Friendship~
    (Via: @Vichellelicious)
    MC: “Is Jaejoong a homely boy (aka Otaku)?”
    Guests all said no! One guest disclosed: “I’ve never seen JJ alone, it’s always JJ with a big group of people, including myself.”
    (Via: @Vichellelicious)
    1st Guest: Lee Sanggon, 2nd Guest: Jang Geun Suk, and the other 3 Guests are from Rookie Kpop GroupsAfter the guests introduced their name and group, Jae also went I am Kim jaejoong from JYJ. Dork!! (Via: @pixelminor)Playing Games with GuestsKJJ vs JGS- visual vs visual…all named by themselves (via @MegWu0312)JGS dunked all the onions into the blender eeee
    Jae dumps a ton of sugar into the blender too.
    JGS was helping to shake the blender and exclaimed that the mix was really smelly.
    JGS vs jae at the game machine. Both chose devil Jin.
    Jae won!! What an exhilarating battle.
    Lee sanggon finishes the vile mixture with a straw.
    Fans egg JGS to drink it all in one shot. He does.
    (Via: @pixelminor)
    Geun Suk won the “book blowing” game… There’s now soju and lots of onions in the blender… Punishment drink!! (Via: @Vichellelicious)Jaejoong blew the balloon very fast and it turned very big very quickly! His face was very cute while blowing it! Kekeke~ (Via: @Vichellelicious)Jaejoong won the Shuttlecock game, but lost Balloon and Book Blowing game~ There’s now raw sugar in the blender.. JJ fighting!!! (Via: @Vichellelicious)Jaejoong smelled today’s punishment drink and said: “It smells like puke!” Omg gross~~~ >< (Via: @Vichellelicious)Jaejoong won Geun Suk for the Arcade game!!! Score: JJ 3, GS 1! Jaejoong showed “V” pose and stick his tongue out!! CUTE!! (Via: @Vichellelicious)Jaejoong blew 296 pages during the “book blowing” game! Better than yesterday’s 150 pages! Awesome JJ <3 (Via: @Vichellelicious)Geun Suk said: “Jaejoong and I are very lonely, that’s why we’re very close. I will give him strength when he’s lonely & tired.” (Via: @Vichellelicious)J Party has ended~!The invitation video (Via: @pixelminor)Luvholic (ft. Lee Sanggon)Oh wait he is bare chested for luvholic again hehe. Yay! (Via: @pixelminor)He bares his shoulders during brighter. (Via: @pixelminor)BrighterGlamorous SkyPassionate with glamorous sky. Lightsticks are in frenzy. (Via: @pixelminor)Killer vocals during glamorous sky. Pitch perfect and powerful and totally charismatic. (Via: @pixelminor)The Jae Chest is all glistening with sweat. (Via: @pixelminor)Jaejoong: “Very interesting now that everyone is in high spirits!! Please have lots of fun everyone!!” (Via: @Vichellelicious)(Pic Credit: StarsInLoveJYJ)


Modem BeatVoice today is better than yesterday. Fantastic start to modem beat. I wish everyone could hear it. (Via: @pixelminor)Fans sing along to modem beat. Super hyper. (Via: @pixelminor)Just Another GirlThe chanting for encore starts. (Via: @pixelminor)At least three mins of lusty chanting and now mine. (Via: @pixelminor)MineAlmost everyone sang “MINE” together with Jaejoong!! WOOT!! ^^  (Trans by: @Vichellelicious, Source: StarLeng)(Pics Credit: @Congkr, @_MooN_J)



MentJaejoong: “Thank you everyone for coming! To the fans who have been supporting me after launching my album. Today’s a happy day!”
First timers who came might not know what I’m talking about, but I hope everyone cares about my album.
I feel that I have to sing this song to everyone – “One Kiss”.
(Via: @Vichellelicious)
Jaejoong: “Today’s the last day so I’m happier, truthfully thankful to everyone who waited for me!” (Via: @Vichellelicious)He makes it sound like there is so little time left before his military :( (Via: @pixelminor)One KissOne kiss amidst green ocean. (Via: @pixelminor)GREEN OCEAN FOR JAEJOONG TODAY! Fan event was a big success! Hooray!!! ^^ (Via: @Vichellelicious, Pic Credit: @mjwoo2010)


He says its the finale song. Fans are yelling noooo. Someone beside me is crying. (Via: @pixelminor)He does the 90 degree bow before walking off. (Via: @pixelminor, Pic Credit: EKJJ)


Fans refuse to leave and continue to chant his name.
Omg he reappears on stage!
He thanks the fans again.
Seems like Jae cried cos his eyes were watery.
Fans not wanting to leave.
(Via: @pixelminor)


Jaejoong has left the stage after “One Kiss”, but everyone does not want to leave, keep shouting “KIM JAEJOONG!”
Jaejoong came back to the stage, without microphone, shouted: “Please be happy! Thank you!”
T_____T SOBS (Via: @Vichellelicious)
[update] JJ came back on stage and shouted with all his might: “I’m very blissful, very thankful to everyone!” His eyes were all red when he wasn’t shouting… After shouting, he covered his face with his hands so as not to let fans see it… He then waved while leaving the stage… Fans were all crying…Now playing Ending BTS VCR… Everyone’s going to clap after the VCR ends before leaving… (Via: @Vichellelicious)A fan infront of me is sobbing non stop after the concert. (Via: @pixelminor)Day 2 Concert has successfully ended, like Day 1′s! Fans guessing Jaejoong cried…… KimJaejoong Fighting!! We’ll be here.


VCR Intro
First Ment: Greetings
Rotten Love
Kiss B
Now is Good
Heaven (ft. Gummy)
– Dress Coden: Kim Jaejoong Theme
– Guests: Lee Sanggon, Jang Geun Suk, 3 Guests from Rookie Kpop Groups (to be updated later)
– Play Games
LuvHolic (ft. Lee Sanggon)
Glamorous Sky
Modem Beat
Just Another Girl
Last Ment
One Kiss
Compiled and Shared by JYJ3

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class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"[LINE] 140126 JYJ Line Update: Jaejoong’s Surprise Birthday Party from C-ClownJanuary 26, 2014 · pvtse

Note: C-Clown is a South Korean boy band under Yedang Entertainment

{JYJ KR LINE, 10:18 PM KST}씨클라운 동생들의 대기실 깜짝 파티 공개 !

[TRANS]Surprise party by C-Clown dongsaengs in the waiting room!

Source: JYJ Naver LineVideo credit: Heeeewon2Translated & Shared by: JYJ3

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class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"[OTHER INSTAGRAM] 140126 C-Clown’s Rome shares more about Jaejoong’s Surprise BirthdayJanuary 26, 2014 · JYJ3 Team

Note: C-Clown is a South Korean boy band under Yedang Entertainment. Rome or Yoo Ba-rom is the leader of this band. 
They celebrated Jaejoong’s Surprise Birthday at the backstage of his Concert in Seoul

 Happy birthday 재중이형 :) thanks so much for the special guest invite! Had so much fun! :) hope u liked the card bro #romecclown #raycclown #juncclown#happybirthdayjaejoong #kimjaejoong #jyj http://instagram.com/p/johxvrite2/

[PHOTO] 재중이형 오늘~대박 재밌었어요ㅎㅎ 사랑합니다! 쫌있다봐요~!~! 그리고 다시한번 생일추카합니당 ㅎ #romecclown #happybirthday #jyj #raycclown #juncclown #kimjaejoong http://instagram.com/p/joiQu4Ctfm/[TRANS] Jaejoongie-hyung today~ was the best! It was so much fun hehe We love you! See you later~!~! and Happy Birthday againㅎ #romecclown #happybirthday #jyj #raycclown #juncclown #kimjaejoong http://instagram.com/p/joiQu4Ctfm/

photo 66ff5606868b11e3a08d0e239001fb18_8.jpg

Source: romecclown 12 (@RoME_Cclown)Video Credit: Meg WuTranslated by: Rilanna of JYJ3Shared by: JYJ3

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Jaejoong and the ladies (day one of JParty concert).
Last night, the MC asked what JJs wants for the coming year.JJ replied "a girlfriend?" Then some fans groaned.JJ then said "Ok then, I will hope for a smoother JYJ activities."
Kim Jaejoong...it is absolutely OK for you to get a gf. And even be public about it.Don't listen to some of these possessive fans...Really, 29 year-olds should live their lives normally whether they are idols or not.
Go get 'em girls JJ!!!

835433778.jpg?1390706426Cr: DC  :P:)>- ;)

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class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"JJs fanboy...JJ and JYJ are artists that younger idols aspire to be like... class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"[OTHER TWITTER] 140125 AJAX’s Jaehyung tweets about Jaejoong’s WWW Concert & JParty in SeoulJanuary 26, 2014 · JYJ3 Team

Note: Jaehyun is a member of AJAX, a South Korean boy band signed with DSP Media, He is a vocalist and “face of the group”.He attended Jaejoong’s WWW Concert & JParty in Seoul (Day 1)

photo 140125ajax_jh_90.png

[TRANS] I came to watch Kim Jaejoong-sunbae concert which I had really wanted to see~ Even though I was all alone, I learnt a lot and it was really interesting!! I was waving the lightstick along with the huge sea of fans too~~

photo Be0yZy7CIAAjxosjpg.jpg

Source: @Ajax_JH90Translated by: @_AJAX101Shared by: JYJ3

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class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"[AUDIOS+TRANS] 140126 YooSu’s Birthday Messages at Kim Jaejoong’s WWW Asia Tour Concert and JParty in Seoul (Day 2)January 26, 2014 · rilanna



Happy birthday to you Jaejoongie hyung! Jaejoongie hyung is a person like Peter Pan, although he grows older, his visual ages backward. I’m also learning from Jaejoongie hyung so that I can become a person like Peter Panㅎㅎ. Are you with Jaejoongie hyung now, everyone? I want to attend and brighten up that place but… it’s so sad that I can’t. Today is Jaejoongie hyung’s birthday, I hope that it will become a place where he shares interesting stories and nice time with fans. Best wishes to Jaejoongie hyung! I wish everyone happiness and hope that you will create unforgettably happy memories with Jaejoongie hyung. Thank you. Happy birthday Jaejoongie hyung!




Jaejoongie hyung, thank you so much for carrying on with me for 10 years. Congratulation to you for being able to welcoming your 10 years anniversary and your great birthday like this. You have gotten busier now but I think you still have much more things to do in the future. So I hope that, whether in activities or in other things, you will walk firmly step by step, and we will be able to live a happier life together. I also hope that JYJ will keep going together in the future. My heartiest congratulations to your 10th anniversary and your birthday! We’re so busy nowadays that we can’t meet. But when we have time, we should have some soju together! Anyway, happy birthday to you! (via @The_little_pear)

Jaejoongie hyung, thank you so much for running along all this way for 10 years. I really congratulate you on celebrating yet again such a great birthday on your 10th year… Right now, you have been busy running all this way and you still have a lot more days to go… So, whether it is for an activity or any other kinds, whatever it is, I hope you will live a life where you can become even more happier, stomping forward step by step with assurance. I also hope JYJ will continue to be together/ be together forever. I sincerely congratulate you on your 10th anniversary and I also wish you a happy birthday. Lately, we can’t often meet each other since we are both very busy but I hope we can now definitely have one glass of soju if you have the time… Anyway, I sincerely wish you a very happy birthday. (via @Sheenathe6004)

Credit: 에몽 via JYJ DC GallTranslation by: @The_little_pear(JS,YC) of PrinceJJ + @Sheenathe6004Shared by: JYJ3

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class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"Oh JJ...after the highs there will be lows...We are here for you! Fighting! class="entry-title" style="margin: 0px 0px 20px;"[TWITTER] 140127 Kim Jaejoong Twitter UpdateJanuary 26, 2014 · rilanna


[TRANS] I.. After coming home, why I’m crying alone..Meanwhile, I think why I use these kind of sns..but, nevertheless I want to communicate with all of you.

[OTHER TRANS]I.. why am I alone in tears coming home..So that’s what this sns is for..But I had wanted to communicate with you all.

Source: @bornfreeonekissTranslated by: @theyoungestmin + rilanna of JYJ3Shared by: JYJ3

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