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girls that play video games

Guest pdizzle

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Guest xFloOwuffBB

I'm a girl and I play video games. o_o

I was like Mad Pro at Need for Speed. LOL. o__o.


-Also waiting for Persona 4<3

I like playing the Sims too.. LOL.

Uhh. I play lots of games on the gc.


MMM.. online games.

I played.

- Maplestory for two years

- Ragnarok for two years

- Gunbound for a month. LMAO

- ROSE for 1 year

Ahaha. yeahh. i play lots more than that dont get me wrong o.o

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My older brother was a huge influence on my gaming background. I probably naturally have a weak spot in games anyways because of my competitive nature, haaaah. Here's a list of my gaming roots. The PC list is probably more memorable. :B

Console Classics-----------------------------

Nintendos + Gameboy:

- Duck Hunt, Lawlz.........

- Contra

- all of the Mario games you can think of, including Mario Cart and Yoshi's Island

- the Zeldas

- Secret of Mana

- the final fantasies II and III when Square and Nintendo used to be buddies

- Chrono Trigger

- Lufia

- Harvest Moon

- the Donkey Kongs

- Street Fighters

- Secret of Evermore

- Megamans

Playstations: (pushing it to modern day. I'll restrict myself!)

- final fantasies

- Dark Cloud I + II

- Grand theft autos

- Grand Turismo

- Metal Gear solids

PC Games-------------------------------------

Blizzard classics: Diablo I + Hellfire exp, Diablo II, Starcraft + Broodwar, Warcraft I and II (I consider III modern and not a part of my root)

And then of course the DnD based games: Baldur's Gate I + II, Neverwinter Nights

Then first person shooters: Half Life, Unreal Tournament 2003 and 2004, Deus Ex, Doom

Other strategy games: Age of Empires, Civilization

Text based: Zork (that's just old school)

Others: MechWarrior, EverQuest (I remember when the Iksar race came out :B )

I'm sure I'm missing VERY important Myako-root games, but bleh. I should compile an official list and post it on my website or something.

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Guest pprMNTE

I'm pretty decent at head-shots in Gears of War. Finished on Insane with my ex-boyfriend.

I'm also a fan of Halo 3, although it can get dull after a while.

As for PC games, I'm a huge fan of Battlefield (2142 and 2)!

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Hmm... i'm quite a gamer at times. I like rpg games such as digimon, suikoden, final fantasy, hoshigami but i don't really like those games that need to clear rounds such as pepsiman, megaman... i'm not good with those.

Fighting games such as tekken and car racing games such as crash team racing. Crash bandicoot is pretty enjoyable as well.

Harvest moon these kinds of games are my love, it's quite a girly game in my opinion though. hahaha

I'm not extremely good with these games but i'm pretty decent with racing and fighting games.

It's all because i love to play PSX when i'm small. But now i enjoy playing PC game more than video game..


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Guest sourelectric

I'm a girl who plays PS3 , PS2, GAMEBOY, PSP.

Man games are fun. I think more girls are playing games now cos of the Wii

lol even my mum plays video games ahah

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I play video games!

Devil May Cry - woohoo!

Grand Theft Auto - Running over people and attacking people HAHA!

Final Fantasy

Harvest Moon

Street Fighter

Unreal Tournament

Metal Gear Solid - I suck at that though lol

Donkey kong

Yoshi's Island


Crazy Taxi


Silent Hill

Fatal Frame

+ Tons of other games. I like all games :)

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Guest buymeapackofcrows

I find girl with an open mind and flexible so hot. 'Gamer females,' are interesting, most I've known are semi childish, so might act like early teens, but for me thats 'hot.' Also girls into mechanics and poetry FTW!

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Guest HydeistKeri

I'm a girl gamer and I like to pwn n00bs. lol

I'm not very skilled at fighting games but I love to play them (Soul Caliber woot). I mash buttons like crazy (gonna get carpal tunnel) and end up beating my bf, which really pisses him off since he knows combos and all this stuff that I have too short an attention span to learn.

I like to play Mario Kart because I can kick richard simmons at it. Omg I have beat my bf so many times he won't play with me anymore it's too embarrassing to him. So I got some more friends to play with me but I keep beating them too hehe I havent played much on the Wii (as much as I want at least) cuz I work a full-time job...so my score isnt high yet.

I cannot play shooter games at all (like CounterStrike omg). I get too nervous and jumpy and then when someone jumps out to shoot me I just go Ahhhhhh and die. XD BUT I had this one friend who was really cocky and he wanted to play with me cuz he knew he'd beat me..and ONE time I shot him right in the f***ing head and he was so mad. I rubbed it in too I was like Ooooooh I just pwned u in the face! U suck! And then he had to go off and pout for a long time. hehe

My favorite game is FFX-2 because I think it is fun to play all girl characters and get to kick richard simmons but also change outfits and stuff.hahaha I AM a girl after all.

yeah...immature XD

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Guest yatagarasu

I'm a pretty hardcore gamer. But I'm not professional. Maybe I fluctuate between hardcore and casual.

and I'm a girl lol. But I always say when I'm playing competatively that I'm a gamer before I am a girl....lol that's kinda not cool huh?

One time I was playing COD4 online and this one guy was like "you're a girl?" and I'm like "yeah" and then I got 30+ kills on him. Mwhahahah!

When I go to the mall with friends and we stop by the magazines. They pick up like people and seventeen and I pick up gamepro XDDD

I used to subscribe to EGM, Gamepro, and GameInformer, and the guys at Gamestop know me because I frequent there XDDD.

Does that make me look bad???

I like all types of games. But I'm not a huge fan of sport games. I like sport games like SSX and some soccer games. But not like Madden.

I play a lot of FPS and fighting games.

I'm a big King of Fighters and Dead or Alive fan.

I play Killzone with my best friend

and Siren with my cousins


I'm NOT GOOD AT DDR! I'm actually horrible.

I just bought the RPG Infinite Undiscovery. I'm hoping its good. Lol.

And am currently waiting for Mirrors Edge.

My favorite game is FFX-2

No offense. I'm just putting in my two cents but I thought FFX-2 sucked.

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Guest HydeistKeri
I'm a pretty hardcore gamer. But I'm not professional. Maybe I fluctuate between hardcore and casual.

and I'm a girl lol. But I always say when I'm playing competatively that I'm a gamer before I am a girl....lol that's kinda not cool huh?

One time I was playing COD4 online and this one guy was like "you're a girl?" and I'm like "yeah" and then I got 30+ kills on him. Mwhahahah!

When I go to the mall with friends and we stop by the magazines. They pick up like people and seventeen and I pick up gamepro XDDD

I used to subscribe to EGM, Gamepro, and GameInformer, and the guys at Gamestop know me because I frequent there XDDD.

Does that make me look bad???

I like all types of games. But I'm not a huge fan of sport games. I like sport games like SSX and some soccer games. But not like Madden.

I play a lot of FPS and fighting games.

I'm a big King of Fighters and Dead or Alive fan.

I play Killzone with my best friend

and Siren with my cousins


I'm NOT GOOD AT DDR! I'm actually horrible.

I just bought the RPG Infinite Undiscovery. I'm hoping its good. Lol.

And am currently waiting for Mirrors Edge.

No offense. I'm just putting in my two cents but I thought FFX-2 sucked.

lol why would that offend me? not like I made the game. hehehe I'm just a weird combo of girly girl who likes games so that's why the whole outfit changing thing made it more appealing to me. Not to say I didnt like other FF games..but that one had a good combination of elements that suited me. :P

Omg tell me how Infinite Undiscovery is! I was just about to preorder that when I saw it cuz I was so psyched that Xbox 360 had another RPG (they are lagging like crazy in this area).

When I play DDR I fall and hurt myself every time....sooo not coordinated...

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Sheesh, I got into so many quarrels telling everyone how I thought FFX-2 sucks major... I'm so glad to find more people who agree. xD

I also think KH2 was made terribly.

As for DDR, there's a point on Hard mode I can't get passed because my feet simply can't physically move quick enough to hit the arrows.

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No offense. I'm just putting in my two cents but I thought FFX-2 sucked.


I'm definitely hella addicted to games, MMORPGs, RPGs, FPS, etc.

Anything, really, that can keep my attention, I'll play. And I can play DDR too. Lmao I'm actually pretty good at it, but some songs on hard I can't do. x[

My boyfriend says he hates it because he can't talk to me because I'm too busy playing games. <_<

Er, but yeah, people don't really expect me to be that game-player/anime-lover freak, so when they find out I love those kinda things,

they're like, :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

Yeah, but I always look at game magazines too. Although, reading those girl magazines (Seventeen, etc.), are never bad, but I only use them for the quizzes/horoscopes LOL.

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Guest yatagarasu

I'm not much of a manga/anime lover. I LIKE it but I LOVE video games. It's like my passion. I'm not really good at anything, but once I start playing a game I'll do my best at it. Makes me sound like a geek a little...maybe...

lol why would that offend me?

Maybe because you LOVE the game so much you'd hate to hear someone who doesn't like it?

I got into so many quarrels telling everyone how I thought FFX-2 sucks major

Yeah like that.

I was so psyched that Xbox 360 had another RPG (they are lagging like crazy in this area).

I'm for Sony when it comes to RPGs and for Microsoft when it comes to Multiplayer games. So that kinda affected me. I didn't want it to be on the 360.

I can't believe FFXIII jumped ship to 360.

It was remnicent of when Square Jumped ship from Nintendo to PS.

But you know, whatever makes money. More people buying games = more games being made= more games for us!

I will tell you how Infinite Undiscovery goes though.

As for DDR, there's a point on Hard mode I can't get passed because my feet simply can't physically move quick enough to hit the arrows.

haha yeah! I'm good at DDR using a controler! not the pad!

My whole family plays games!

My dad and I like ace combat a lot. He likes those times of simulation games.

My mom loves arcade games like centipede, galaga, and pac man

My sisters are casual. They like diner dash, cake mania, mario kart, and puzzle fighters

And then there's me. lol.

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Guest yatagarasu
Well, FFXIII didn't completely "jump ships" like you said. It's just not going to be a PS3 exclusive anymore.

Yeah, but you know what I mean.

It's just that PS3 has been doing kinda poorly. MGS4 kinda revived it, I thought XIII was going to save it.

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Guest papasmurf

my sister plays soldier front (basically it's counter strike but free), and she likes it, kind of because she gets scared when she's only by herself out of her team

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Guest mizz.pandora

Mmmm.. I love RPGs and MMORPGs LOL

But uh.. well, MMORPG is nice if u play with friends..

Otherwise u'll feel like.. um.. so lonely?? LOL

But I do make friends via MMORPG btw..

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Guest k9krazy123

lol my friend is a girl and she's like Insanely good at Soul Caliber o_o

and my sister She's good at tekken xD she pushes random buttons and wins haha

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