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girls that play video games

Guest pdizzle

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Guest Anri Lin

I used to be into MMORPGs and stuff [Maple Story, FlyFF, Audition, etc.] but eventually I got off it. I wouldn't say I'm a pro cuz I give up easily and I'm not that into challenges and what not. But yeah, I used to be, haha.

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Guest ♡ 雪雪

I play video games a lot and I'll admit I'm a pro-gamer (not profesionally-wise, but in the sense that I'm a hardcore gamer), haha. I play way more than my BF does (he's always complaining about how much I play) and I use to play as much as my brother does, but not so much anymore due to work and school. I tend to prefer "guy" games too, lols. As for games that I like that I can think of at the top of my head; PS3: Heavenly Sword, Assassin's Creed, BioShock, F.E.A.R (I have both the PC and PS3 versions), Unreal Tournament; 360: Quake 4, Gears of War, Ninja Gaiden II, Warriors Orochi; PC: World of Warcraft, F.E.A.R., Lineage II, Diablo II, Final Fantasy XI, Granado Espada, MapleStory. For 360 and PS3 games, I have basically all the games ever released for each console (my brother spends all his money on video games pretty much ALL the time), so pretty much we could open up our own video game rental store if we wanted to, lols. But yeah...when I get addicted to a certain game, I can spend 12+ hours straight playing it non-stop like how my brother does; and with MMORPGs, I only play to PK (I'm so boy-like, haha). xD

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Guest mochi.

I think back when I was a little kid, most of us girls wouldn't bother to play with video games and would instead play with our dolls. lol but growing up with an older brother and older cousins, I got addicted to the Super Nintendo. hehe plus I frickin' love my DS (; lol I love to play Super Smash, 007, Star Fox.. and then Guitar Hero came out. but Street Fighter FTW!

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Guest xkrn4lyfx
isn't the number one starcraft player in Korea a girl?

she's pretty too. haha

the number one GIRL starcraft player is in korea, far from the best and she is quite pretty

where are all these girl gamers at? all my girl friends hate games and find it boring >_>

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I play SSB, SSBM, SSBB (not as much since I don't have a darn Wii. I don't have a GC, either, but I have easy access to one since I often go to my cousin's house), Mortal Kombat, Fire Emblem (I try to keep ALL my units alive), Ninja Gaiden, Kingdom Hearts (though it totally doesn't count as a video game since it's like a Disney movie--which I love--with anime characters), Rock Band (I also don't count this as a vid game!), Zelda, Castlevania, etc.. I used to play Street Fighter/MK on the SNES, but I wasn't an avid SF player since I was so very young.

Yeah, it's fun being a girl gamer because guys usually rely on stereotypes to predict how good a girl is at gaming. For instance, I ttly pwnzed/surprised several guys at Melee when we had an unofficial tournament at school, but unfortunately, that was a long time ago and I don't get to play different people very often! I haz been deprived >:'( (Marth ftw, btw).

I love games, but I don't play online games. I tend to drift towards console or handheld games. I've been playing since 3, though of course I sucked at 3.. Before Kindergarten, I played Duck Hunt, Donkey Kong, Pac Man, and Mario on my Uncle's DS on school days when I had to wait for my older sisters to come home from school!

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Guest Sasarai

I got addicted to PS and PS2 RPGs one or two years ago. The only games i'd like to play are RPGs, i can play whole day just to finish the storyline. It's so exciting to find out what happens next in RPGs!! Sigh... but there are hardly any good RPGs coming out already like the old days. i can still remember how crazy i am playing the Tales series, Star Ocean 3, GensoSuikoden series etc you name it! I still kinda prefer cute 2-D graphic over 3-D too :mellow:

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Guest WildSevenGirl


Well I won't say I'm a PRO at games, but I'll say I'm good enough. xD

I play mostly PC games 'cause my parents are too cheap to buy me an xbox. D<

I'm pretty big on FPS (I play Nexon's Combat Arms, IGN: WildSeven) or anything with shooting (s4 League: WildSevenGirl/ijjiGunZ:ThiefxPsiren). I got Halo 1 and 2 and some Tomb Raider, so I go ADSFLKJSFD on that too.

>D I get bored of RPG easily. xD That happened with WOW, MS, Mabi, etc.

But yeah.

:D Games FTW.

(Oh and of course, afk from the computer, DDR. :D! I'm not that great though. D: )

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Guest CarolBB

Oh i <3 video games ^^ (:

well depends if its fun <_<


i mostly like computer games

and DS!! WOOT!

and im sorta of a pro x]

kekeke :D

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Guest lilinnocence

I'm a gamer. But the fact I get get many games on my hands is a problem. If I had money, I'd have a ALOT games to play!

I love my ds and ps2 and my gamecube.

RPGs are my friends.

Squeenix = <3

I'm no longer an online player because I found that it gets boring because of the lack of plot.

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Guest Cantabile

Haha, I love playing video games. Mostly RPGs, like the SMT Persona series. But I play Halo and Call of Duty from time to time along with Brawl. My favorite company would be Atlus~

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I'm a girl gamer. :D

I always spent my time watching my brothers play Final Fantasy when I was growing up... And I also played fighting games and racing games when I was younger and I always played on the Old-School Nintendo console when I was in Pre-K. (Especially that "Duck Hunt" game. I had the gun and everything. XDDD)

I'm more of an RPGer, considering I only play Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts and Pokemon and crap (they're all sissy games). Other than that, I play shooting games as well, but it's hard 'cause I'm a "noob", and I play SSBM frequently... when my friends bring it or when I'm at their house. I only have PS3 and gameboy advanced, so games are limited. :(

I rarely play 'cause I have no time these days.

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