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girls that play video games

Guest pdizzle

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Guest chibimarukochan

I used to be crazy over video games , I would get addicted and play for days /weeks 'till I pass the level. Sonic the hedgehog games were my favourite. Now I'm not all that into gaming anymore, and I suck anyway. These days I still play a bit of adventure games ocassionally. :)

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Guest touya_ayu

really? my parents hate it. I've been playin' games all my life basically. Games rules! My #1 question dat I would ask any1 is, "Do u play games?" or "what kind of games u play?" lol wierd, eh? :lol:

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Guest SwEeT_NoOdLe_PoP

Yay ^^ (O___O) eh????

I'm a girl . . . i play games TT^TT

Is that wierd???????? TT^TT

YAY! I'm The Tekken Champion of my school MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^ (and in tetris and rpg games haha, bragging ^^" I'm a pinkberry haha)

(O____O) pinkberry????????? where'd that come from?????? ah i don't care i'm tired and sleepy (-_-)zzz

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Haha! Actually I agree that I don't see a lot of girls playing video games >_>

I hang out 90% of the times with guys...and they're ALL gamers one way or another...

So yes...eventually I grew on that, and for the past like 10 years, I've been playing different things =X

But the girls that I do hang out with, they're not really into it -____-''

Like, I guess they find no interest in that stuff.

They usually end up watching me and the guys play >_> har har? It's weird.

Our school also holds random tournaments for games.

My friends and I entered for Smash Bros Melee doubles =)

It's surprisingly to see how little girls play that XP



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Guest adidasyeah

LOLS!!! my ALL time fav is POKEMON STADIUM.....then its TEKKEN!!!!! WHOO~~~~~~

im the fighting type.//.^0^

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Guest hankyung

I play with my PSP when I'm in school during free time and my girlfriends are always staring at me coz I'm the only girl who owns a PSP in our classroom bwahahahaha I love videogames I play anything and everything right now I have 3 PSP games (one game costs 6525727263 thousand~lol)

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Guest IxAzNMuFFin

i'm a girl but you know

i loveee video gaming and everything but

personally i wish i was someone who could like own at sports

the only thing i'm good at is cross country

and that requires no skill -_- just super amts of endurance

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Guest Joanne <3

^ LOL. Want the rejection hotline? ;)

I'm no pro, but I like gaming. :D It's fun and is a good way to vent my stress... haha! :P

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^True...it helps with stress or to just simply get lost in the game without thinking about other things. Before I got busy with schoolwork this year I was always playing games and lost track of the time *maybe that's why my sister blames me for having insomnia :x* But I LOVE GAMES. Although I hide it from the world because nobody asks...

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Guest mayyeejeh

i'm a girl gamer... in fact i play a lot of videos games... finish all the final fantasy series (well, didnt finish ff12 because of college), kingdom hearts 1&2... i like fighting games also... tekken, naruto 3 & shippuden (is that how you spell it?) and bleach blade... (i sound like an anime freak too huh)

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Guest pausushikimbab

GOSH! im a girl and for me games are awesome blossom.. I'm always looking for different kinds of games. It has to have fighting and killing. 8D games are love.

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Guest ibooyou

Pokemon, yo.

I like Zelda a lot. Especially A Link to the Past, the Super Nintendo version.

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Guest Mellowdee

I personally don't see what people have against videogames (or people who play them, for that matter). I'm a fairly 'avid' gamer, and thankfully i can attribute this to having an older brother who influenced me A LOT... and some pretty lenient parents. Ahh... i remember the ages of old, when SNES was the biggest thing... *sigh* ... nostalgia can be bittersweet...

My fave games would have to be: GTA vice city, fable, sims2, VIVA PINATA, lego star wars (so cute), Kirby's Fun Pak (not sure whether that's the actual name), Animal crossing, Diddy Kong Racing, Super Mario World, blah blah blah..... yeah, i have a few ^^' ooooh, and MEGAMAN! He owns. Oooh ooooh, and Rampage.... yes, i do like eating people. oooh oooh and and and .... better stop now before my head explodes...

I think that i'm a pretty pro-ish gamer. I'm a fair challenge to my 'gaming-ownage/pwnage' cousins. And I wouldn't be able to LIVE without my games!!!! Yikes, it's like a drug addiction.... except better!

I want a WII!!!! *cry*... but i can't wait for Fable 2 though.... so i guesss i should be happy we got an xbox 360 instead of a wii.... but i still want a wii anyway. *hmph*

I also want my playstation (1) to be revived, coz i haven't been able to play it since we: a) lost 2 of the ball bearings, and B) my older bro punched it to try to make it work..... previously, it would work intermittently..... but after he beat it to a pulp...... it..... *sob* never made it...... *sniffle*. *sigh* It had some of the best games.

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