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Nintendo Wii: The Next Generation Nintendo Console

Guest 1SwtDeception

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Guest dudeman

Yeah...this thread is technically the umbrella for all things related to the Wii, including news and updates, so making another thread also about the Wii or changing the original name of the thread are not entirely effective contributions.

Your news, on the other hand, are definitely significant contributions. Effectively organizes everything that is to be said in a way that people won't have to hunt down such info all through the thread.

Yeah, that Wii firmware update was so random. I was going downstairs to wash the dishes when i saw the blue light blinking and I got excited (such as is my nature whenever the Wii updates once in a million years) and updated the blasted thing...only to be slightly let down after noticing the cosmetic changes that, if anything, only made the Wii Menu look more distracting. I don't mind having the clock, but I only wished it looked cooler. I do like the changes to the Wii shop channel; navigating it is so much more interesting now; it allows me to see how many games each signed company brought to the VC (and also allowed me to see just how disappointingly little Square Enix has released for it -- only one title). C'mon Square Enix, bring on Chrono Trigger already!

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Guest Amicus

square gets so much money rereleasing games from their library at full retail. why would they want to do it on VC.

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Guest Take Five

square gets so much money rereleasing games from their library at full retail. why would they want to do it on VC.

i just want secret of mana to come out on it. that isn't out, is it? i can't access anything online with the wii at the moment...

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Guest dudeman

^ Like I said, only one SE game for the VC so far: ActRaiser. For me, it was...kinda fun, but the action part's a right pain in the rear.

And the real question is, why WOULDN'T they? The VC is like THE center for rereleasing games, and they should take more advantage of that to rerelease games that they still haven't done yet for any other console. (like Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana) Granted, they've already rereleased practically all of their old final fantasy games onto portables, but they have other great games that are just begging to be rereleased. Of course, I understand that, considering they're such legendary hits, we would definitely have to wait forever to get them, just as how we would have to wait forever to get games like Super Mario Bros. 3 or Super Metroid or even Super Mario RPG. I could go on.

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Guest AMIbunny
:w00t: A few days ago, i played the Wii for the first time! It was sooo fun, but my arms hurt after a while o.0 I love it, i want one lol
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Guest dudeman

Wow...this truly is metroid month...

And here I was almost thinking they wouldn't promote the game as much...

But man, this is SO cool!

Metroid NES on the 13th!

Super Metroid on the 20th!

...I don't think I need to say what's coming out on the 27th.

I love that preview channel they released so unexpectedly on us as typical of Nintendo's random update behavior...it was truly a welcome preview. And apparently there's still more to preview.

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Guest 1SwtDeception

My reply to my closed thread: I still say my thread is still worthy. If it must be, then be it, but at least change this thread name to how I had mine: "• Wii News & Updates"

I'm keeping the title as it is.

A thread isn''t necessary 'worthy' if there's already a thread about it, it's seen as a duplicate thread. Your post on the otherhand is worthy with its content. Just post in here or PM me and I'll update the first post with your news.

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Guest DKYang

Anybody beat the Mario Strikers Charged? Having a hard time in the Strikers Cup :(

I haven't and I'm stuck on the second cup. I ALWAYS loose in the semi finals, so I gave up and went to online play.

anyone up for Mario Strikers later? Im quite brutal.

FC: 004401 780744

Sure. :rolleyes:

Anyways, I'll post my code in my sig, so add me when you get the chance.

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Guest RS Trax

As some of you may know this month is Metroid Month! in celebration of the anniversary when the first Metroid was released on the NES (aka Famicom). So Nintendo is releasing some previews of the upcoming Metroid Prime 3: Corruption which will be the final chapter the Prime trilogy series. This channel can be downloaded from the Wii Shop at no cost.


So here are today's new classic games release within the Wii Shop's Virtual Console:




1 player

rated E for Everyone - Mild Fantasy Violence

500 Wii Points

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metroid


Shining in the Darkness

Sega Genesis

1 player

rated E for Everyone - Mild Fantasy Violence

800 Wii Points

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shining_in_the_Darkness




1 player

rated E for Everyone - Comic Mischief

600 Wii Points

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cratermaze

Following up, we'll most likely see the classic Super Metroid (SNES) on VC, so keep an eye out!


Now for Smash Bros. updates!

Pit's got a Final Smash move (Palutena's Army)

Pit is the captain of Palutena’s Army, the guardians of the Goddess of Light! It’s said that when he raises his voice to heaven, this goddess will appear:


Frankin Badge acts as a reflector.


LOL @ Kirby ^

New Character: Pokemon Trainer


He should instead be considered Ash Ketchum since he looks a lot like him anyway. Pokemon Trainer will be able to use 3 Pokemon: Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard in that order.



New details on Super Mario Galaxy says the game will feature six worlds varying from size and style based on the themes of fire, ice, water, sand, fruit, and more. As inspired by Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES), Mario will be able to suit up as a Bee which enables him to fly, a Boo suit which enables him to become a ghost and be left alone by other Boos. Mario will still be able to butt stomp (or ground pound) and long jump. He'll also be collecting multi-colored stars which are used for shooting enemies, power ups, perform special attacks

The game is dated for November 12th in the US, others will get a release date around the same time.



The official site for Mario & Sonic at the Olympics is now open!


This is an upcoming online title for both Nintendo DS and Wii.



Not to mention another upcoming online title, NitroBike, will include multiplayer mode, and online mode with a minimum of 6 racers. The controls are just like ExciteTruck. It's said to be a next ExciteBike. Read IGN interview with developer Left Field Productions:


Check up on all the previous Wii News & Updates I've written @ my Xanga Blog

// Roth

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Guest Malice_Kaiser


Apparently you only control Pokemon Trainer between use of each Pokemon. That could potentially be awesome, but I dunno.

So I guess that's why it's not Ash? You don't really play Pokemon Trainer, it's just a set of three Pokemon you switch off between.

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Guest RS Trax

Okay, earlier within the week, we all were celebrating the fact that Wii has now caught up to XBox360's sales, no surprise there 'cause it's bound to happen, and are now racing head to head.


This graph shows total console sales from the launch of the 360.

The Nintendo Wii has officially sold 10,680,000 consoles in less then 9 months after it's launch on November 19th, 2006. The Wii surpassed the Microsoft Xbox 360 (which has been on the market for a year and 9 months) and nearly tripling the PS3.

Here's a proper breakdown: VGChartz


Today's Virtual Console Update!

You’ve longed for it, you’ve begged for it and now it's finally here. Nintendo's Month of Metroid continues with today's release of the ultra-classic Super Metroid® for the Super NES®. It's one of the many teasers to wet your appetite in advance of the Aug. 27 release of Metroid® Prime 3: Corruption for Wii™. You have a full week to dive into Super Metroid and explore the other great new games added to the Wii Shop Channel: Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master™ and Neutopia.


Super Metroid

Super NES

1 player

rated E for Everyone - Mild Violence

800 Wii Points

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_metroid


Shinobi II: Return of the Ninja Master

Sega Genesis

1 player

rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and Older - Animated Blood, Fantasy Violence

800 Wii Points

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinobi_III:_...he_Ninja_Master




1 player

rated E for Everyone - Mild Fantasy Violence

600 Wii Points

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutopia

More info and gameplay previews @ www.wii.com


Continuing on with Metroid Month, if you guys don't know yet, there's a Metroid Prime 3 Preview channel available for free download where you can view gameplay videos of the upcoming game. Two new videos have been added today. Be sure to check them out when you get the chance!

Also, you may test out the Metroid Prime 3 Demo at your local Gamestop/EB Games stores.

We've got another full week until the future masterpiece arrives. If you can't wait and want to spoil yourselves, you may find some real gameplay footage on YouTube, 'cause 1up crew has gotten a hold of the game earlier in the week before everyone else.

By the way just to show off some Metroid pride, earlier last week I bought myself a Metroid T-shirt; New in stock @ Hot Topic:




According to Datel staff, the new Action Replay for the Wii will not be usable online. Even if hackers make codes designed for online, it will not work. This will most likely come as a relief to Action Replay haters out there, and it will make online much more fair and fun. The release date for the Action Replay Wii is also delayed, and the new release date is February 1st, 2008.


New Brain Age 2+DSLite Crimson/Onyx Bundle:


It's a cool new color in the DS line. The bundle all together will cost $149.99 and hits stores around August 21st (tomorrow!).

If you're lucky, I read that BestBuy has a mistake of having fully red DSLites rather than a combo with Onyx black. So if you stumble upon it, don't return it cause it's very RARE~! \:D/

"The top half of the new Nintendo DS sports a smooth, glossy Crimson, reminiscent of a dangerous shade of lipstick or a cherry-red sports car. The bottom is a matte black – an Onyx yin that complements the Crimson yang."

"Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day is the sequel to the smash-hit original that got baby boomers and seniors playing and redefined the concept of what video games could be. This new title includes 15 fun new activities designed to help users exercise their brains. It challenges players in areas like math, memorization and even music."

Though there's been no release date for the UK.


Medal of Honor: Heroes 2

Producer of EA Canada, Matt Tomporowski, spoke with IGN about the upcoming Medal of Honor sequel about "Action Gestures" being a "huge part of the game". One such gesture will allow players to reload their shotgun by pumping the Nunchuk in a manner typical of that weapon. "We also have the bazooka which is of course a shoulder mounted weapon, so in-game you actually lift the Wii Remote up to your shoulder to engage the weapon," Tomporowski said of another action gesture. "When you fire it, you hear the rocket launching out of the chamber through the Wii remote speaker right next to your ear."

Up to 32 players will be able to compete online in the Wii version of Heroes 2, but no offline multiplayer will be available, allow players to "quickly and easily jump in and out of the online action anytime, default game preferences, but more experienced gamers will also have options for number of players per map, usable weapons and more, support of the Wii Zapper peripheral to both single and multi-player campaign. Heroes 2 will utilize EA's online service rather than Nintendo's Friend Code system, no voice chat but rather "quick chats" that "can quickly send important, audible, tactical messages to other members of your team in team based games."

Expected this fall.

Full interview here


Now onto Super Smash Bros. Brawl!

There's a new Stickers system, Yes the kinds that you put on your notebook or skateboard, that you'll be able to collect throughout the game. With stickers, you'll have an easier chance of gaining your trophies.


Princess Peach is back in Brawl.


Link's Special Attacks: his moves from the previous Smash Bros' are present in Brawl, now updated to Gale Boomerang which sends enemies hovering off the ground for a bit, his Hero's Bow+arrow, Bombs, and charge-up sword Spin Attack. All that, and Clawshot which'll be used to perform life-saving tether recovery by aiming at available ledges.

Samus will be able to perform tether recovery also with her whip.



I guess that's all the writing for today, I gotta get going.

Catch up on all my previous Wii News & Updates @ my Xanga blog

See you guys next week when Metroid Prime 3 hits shelves! \:D/

// Roth

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Guest RS Trax

For those who missed it, Wii has surpassed Xbox 360 sales and is leading the pack.




Metroid Prime 3: Corruption launches tomorrow! You may check out the demo at some stores like Gamestop or EB Games. All retailers will have it in stock by tomorrow. I preordered mine online, so it should arrive by Wednesday, hopefully.

The last chapter to the Prime series, considerably the best thus far, perhaps the best Wii title to date.

Reviews are soaring! IGN rating it a high 9.5 today.

Also, if you guys haven't seen yet, the final 2 video previews are available on the Metroid Prime 3 Preview Channel which is downloadable from the Wii Shop. you take a peek at Dark Samus.

Long live Metroid~

Oh, did you guys know House (from the Fox hit TV show House M.D.) plays a lotta Metroid? I remember seeing one episode playing it on a Gameboy Advance SP. In recent episodes he plays Metroid Prime Hunters on the DS, turns up the volume to see if the patient can hear it.

Official Metroid Prime 3 website now open!



Anyway, it's Virtual Console time! Today's new releases of classic games are:


Super C (Contra)


1-2 Players

500 Wii Points

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Contra


Ghouls ‘N Ghosts

Sega Genesis

1 Player

800 Wii Points

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghouls_%27n_Ghosts


Breath of Fire II


1 Player

800 Wii Points

Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breath_of_Fire_II


Smash Bros. DOJO! updates us with Diddy Kong, a Super Spicy Curry plate which when you eat it'll turn you to fiery hotness!


Yoshi's Final Smash move, Super Dragon, gives Yoshi wings and shoots fireballs


Petey Piranha makes an appearance as a Boss too.


You gotta save either Princess Peach or Princess Zelda.



Oh, and as a treat for saehoon, Ninjabread Man is coming out for Wii. \:D/


Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninjabread_Man

// Roth

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Guest dudeman

Metroid Prime 3 freakin ROCKS THE HOUSE.

I just got it today...

Wow...just wow.

It's pretty much THE GAME for the Wii

...FOR NOW, of course.

But man...you guys have to get this game, it's worth it even if you're not a metroid fan.

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