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Cho Seung Woo 조승우 | [Drama 2023] Divorce Attorney Shin/Sacred Divorce, 신성한 이혼

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@saturn, thanks for the translate, cant wait to hear your own Hedwig review ^^saturn. said:Some funny reviews from 2013 Hedwig.

A girl was watching through binoculars at 5th row. He scolded her, "From that seat, what do you want to see more with that? Will you see my pores?!"That fan answered in small voice, "Sorry, I have bad sight."Then he said, "I have bad sight too, but I see even your nose holes!"

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Guest ChiisaiH

I just found this video , JSW and SMA' interview for Gogo70 movie. Aw.. I want to understand all that he said but hopeless! However, watching him, watching his nature expressions, watching his humorous, and hearing his voice still makes me smile a lot !  :D Btw, he looked freaking romantic in that appearance! His long hair was really suitable to him! 
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Since we're in this " how hot he looks with beard and that zorro style " mode :x ... here , the BTS vid of one of my fav pictorials of him , for the Sept 2008 edition of Vogue 

Credits to the uploader
and this ( I know the pics were posted long time ago but oppa in B&W pics is always welcome :x ) :x .... oppa + guitar = ovaries explode :))
I'm still hoping to see these two in a drama or a different kind of movie 
@ tumblr 
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Guest ChiisaiH

does anyone have english subtitle of The Peach Tree movie? @autumn93 @saturn. @hiedi
Gwiyowo gesture he did when shooting for Hedwig ! Hella cute!10295728_301243246707069_564868120547349

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May.15.2013 Hedwig review (from DC CSW gall again)Yesterday was another actor. His performance was exactly same as last year. That means CSW changed the whole show by himself, during the terrible drama schedule. I can tell how much he loves Hedwig.Today was his 2nd performance. There was one more encore. Hedwig, Yitzhak and the guitarist, only 3 came out and sang 'The origin of love' acoustic version. In the middle, "Sing, I will chorus." Then went to the drums and played it! The audience screaming almost broke the building. While he talked about his past story, "I've performed with Korean ajummas band." Then the band members wore real ajumma wig. CSW turned around and saw them, burst into laughter, couldn't sing. Poor Yitzhak, she is supposed to keep solid face for the whole show, should not laugh. But today, Hedwig said funny words too much, she turned around and swallowed her laughs.Today's car wash, many people volunteered, but he went to a girl who didn't raise hand.Today's Tommy was a red hair teenager boy. Hedwig asked him, "Are you a highschooler? Then when you take a shower, you do not only a shower, but you also do something else, don't you?"The red hair boy answered loudly, "Yes, I do!" Hedwig burst into laughter. The boy received his handkerchief then the beer can too. After the show, he went to CSW and received his autograph on his bag. CSW recognized him and called him, "Tommy!"
BTW, today I went there to buy OST CD yeh~. It was sold out just after me. And I saw his new jeep at the parking lot. Damn cool. Now I'm listening to the CD. I'm a rock music mania, and OMG this is exactly my taste. I watched the Hedwig movie, so I was familiar to the English lyric. But the Korean lyric ( plus CSW's voice of course) is great! The music is strong and powerful but the lyric is so sad. The handwritten lyric book is so cute.
---------------------------------Magazine 'The Musical' May/2014 edition.
Cho Seung Woo2005,2006,2013,2014Memories of performance:At 2005 the first season, I instantly forgot my line due to the huge amount. I walked to Yitzhak Baek Min Jung nuna and asked what my next line was. At 2013, While I sang 'The Origin Of Love', an audio problem occurred, so I sang it in natural voice without mic. People said they were thrilled at the moment of mic turned off, but I was in a cold sweat. But during my military duty, I was in charge of audio effect. I believed it would recover soon. So I kept adlib performance. It was fun.Best scene: The first scene and the last scene.He comes out on the stage all dressed up splendidly to cover his pains of life. But when he goes out though the same way, he is wearing nothing after shaking off everything.Greetings: Hi. You might feel unfamiliar to Hedwig at first, but now you're accustomed to it a lot, aren't you? I can't say that I performed Hedwig very much, but while I performed for past three seasons, I felt a lot and I grew up a lot. And in this season which will be my last Hedwig, I want to find out a treasure-like heart which I couldn't find yet. Hedwig 10th anniversary, let's celebrate and be celebrated together.
Here are some Hedwig video & audio.

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I found this old interview (around 2012 before he filmed for Horse Doctor) about his interest on motorbike riding. I did the translation so I can share a little bit more on his personal life & interest. But I warn you, he talked about motorbike a lot here! Since it's an interview with Scooter N Stlye - the bike enthusiast. You can click the source link below for all his pics with his motorbike. Enjoy reading!
Actor Jo Seung Woo was an ordinary young man in 'Who Are You', a mournful hero in 'Classic', a naive boy in 'Marathon', a charismatic man in Tazza and furthermore this actor has an explosive singing ability when he is on musical stage. These days, he got hooked with the fun of riding. To relieve his old thirst, he changed his monotonous daily routine dynamically and there are many positive changes happened to him since then. I met him, the man who rides for the sake of fulfilling his ideals on long lasting romance.
Reporter: Hi, how are you? What kind of actor do you prefer to be called as?
Jo Seung Woo: Well, I'm not sure. Although I debut as a movie actor, what I really wanted to do no matter what is actually a musical actor. But soon, I'm going to appear in a drama too. So, how about being called as an actor who rides a motorbike?
Reporter: What you're working on right now?
Jo Seung Woo: Currently, my movie 'Perfect Game' is playing at the cinema. It is a movie about the life of the legendary baseball coach Choi Dong Won. Yang Dong Geun-ssi and Son Byung Ho sunbaenim also appeared in the movie with me. My childhood dream was to be a baseball player - a pitcher at that. But since I have the chance to play for the coach Choi Dong Won's role, I agreed to do it without thinking too much. And I'm also doing a musical 'Dr. Zhivago' until June. I play for the hero role named 'Yuri Zhivago'.
Reporter: Dr. Zhivago's hit success, a new movie release as well as your first appearance in a drama have become hot topic lately. Do you have any particular reason why you haven't done any drama only until now?
Jo Seung Woo: I'll have my drama appearance after 13 years of my debut since 1999 through movie 'Chunhyang' that was directed by PD Im Kwon Taek. It's just a matter of me keeping the promise I have with director Lee Byung Hoon. He was the one who directed  'Heo Joon', 'Sang Do', 'Dae Jang Geum', 'Yi San', 'Dong Yi' and many other dramas. I've always wanted to work with him but there's no opportunity for that. I've promised him that if there'll be a day that I decide to work in a drama, I'll do it with him in one of his work for a start. The opportunity comes this time through 'Horse Doctor'. Since it will be broadcast during the second half of the year, I'll go straight to shoot for the drama right after 'Dr. Zhivago' ends. The fact that it is a character based on a real person's life that used to be a veterinarian and went up to be a royal physician makes the role more interesting to me.
Reporter: When did you make up your mind to become an actor?
Jo Seung Woo: I think around my 3rd year in junior high school. I had a very shy personality back then. I only liked baseball and BMX bicycle. At that time, my elder sister was attending Kaywon Art High School under movie and theater major. Trough one of her regular school plays, she used to play the heroine role for musical 'Don Quixote' and when I watched the musical performance, I had a thought in my mind 'Ah, this is it!'. From that moment, the life that I had been living on with my shy and quite personality started to change. I also entered the same Kaywon Art High School and I lived with a goal to be a musical actor in mind. And then by chance I got casted for Lee Mong Ryong role in movie 'Chunhyang'. I lived as a movie actor since then. However, for me who had only been dreaming to become a musical actor and ended up being a movie actor,  I was having a hard time then. Moreover, the impression of the image that I had from my debut movie was quite strong, it was difficult for me to get another role. After that, I got casted in movie 'Wanee & Junah', and only then I'd be able to escape from Lee Mong Ryong's fixed image. The hero of musical 'Don Quixote' that I first watched at Kaywon Art High School at that time was Go Se Won sunbaenim who is still very active in musical until now.
(His own sister Jo Se Yon is also currently working as a musical actress) 
Reporter: In your opinion, what is the appeal of musical?
Jo Seung Woo: It is the deeply-moved feeling that can only be felt when you're on stage. It's hard to describe it with words. When I'm on stage, I get to feel as if I'm a nation which its people are strongly alive. When I'm on stage, I feel happiness and joy, touched and thankful at the same time. For each and every time I'm on stage, I feel grateful to God. It is because I got to watch 'Don Quixote' at an early age and started to pray."God, If you grant my wish, I will be a really strong believer and always be grateful to you!" That's how I prayed. Many years have passed after that and in 2007; the 7th year since I made my musical debut. Finally I was be able to play the role of 'Don Quixote'. In Korea, it was entitled as 'Man Of La Mancha'. I completed this play and received 'Best Actor Award' for this role at the Musical Awards.
Reporter: How did you start to have interest on motorbike riding?
Jo Seung Woo: I happened to know about 'Ducati Monster' in 2005 and that's how I got into motorbike riding. But then I was so busy that I didn't have the time to ride anymore. And then I went to army and I met fellow actor Ryu Soo Young there. He looked so cool when he's riding. Then I got discharged from army and in 2012 I decided to bike-riding again and I put that plan into action. Classic motorbike was like a romance itself. The bike that my friend Ryu Soo Young rode at that time was 'Ducati GT1000'. I heard from a friend that it is a neoclassic bike and I decided that I too should try riding it. As for me, once I start to like something, I'll become completely obsessed about it. And so I got hooked on motorbike and the bike brand that I'm crazy about is Ducati. If I have certain brand that I like, I'll put my unbound trust on it. There are certain brands that I prefer for things like audio, clothes and sunglass. For audio system, I prefer JBL , Marantz and Boss audio brand. For jeans, I like Diesel brand and I won't be disappointed with clothing brand like Dior. While for sunglass I always like RayBan and for bike, I think Ducati is the best brand. Although I also like 'BMW K1300S'.
Reporter: People around you must have tried to dissuade you, how did you convince them?
Jo Seung Woo: My mom has already given her approval coolly. My friends were worried at first, but since they know my driving style, they don't seem to worry about it anymore. Even for cars, I always drive them extremely careful. So there's no different with motorbike. Ah, there's one person that tried to dissuade me. Actor Hwang Jung Min! Yesterday he put a written note on my 'Ducati GT1000' saying, "Dude. Don't ride a motorbike! I'm going to tell your mom." And he even put a clump of grass on the bike's handle. It is the same kind of grass that we use in military camouflage you know. So, I sent him a text message saying, "Hyung-ah, about me riding a motorbike, my mom think it's cool!"
Reporter: Body is the greatest asset for everyone, don't you think you need to pay more attention  about your safety? Or do you have your own secret on safe driving?
Jo Seung Woo: I have searched a lot of accident images on my own. I identified the type of those accidents and I try not to create such situations for myself. And I also learn a thorough defensive driving. I've been driving car for quite a long time now and there's no accident  so far. It's because of my defensive driving habit, I guess. It is the same for motorbike too. After I first decided to ride a motorbike, I have already determined that I'm going to use as many protectors as possible no matter how hot, how cold, how uncomfortable or even how troublesome that would be for me. I have been keeping this promise that I made to myself. And always drive with a mind as if you're a newbie who's still learning how to drive. Don't be a big-headed. One's tour content and driving style varies depending on one's preference. Try to ride with people who have safe driving style.
Reporter: What kind of motorbike that you like?
Jo Seung Woo: I like the one with classic style. I can feel the charms of the old-style bike. I like motorbike with timeless appeal instead of the bike that is trendy for one short time only. Because I've started riding a bike that gives classic feeling, 'Ducati Paul Smart' becomes the bike that I like the most. And since I've came to know many types of motorbike and I could feel each of their appeals, I used to have a lot of favourite models before. Originally, I would be looking for Yamaha or Honda's old model but I've learned more about motorbikes and those knowledges are pretty helpful. That's why I still think the best bike for me is none other than 'Ducati Paul Smart'. I was so lucky that it was available after I was 'hunting' for it for about a month. I didn't think that it was going to be available that fast you know.
Reporter: You come here today by riding what kind of bike?
Jo Seung Woo: I come here riding my 'Ducati Paul Smart'. Sometimes, I use 'Ducati GT1000' when I go for a riding tour with my friends. Now I'm waiting to buy a 'Ducati 1199 Panigale Tricolore'. I've already booked my name as No.1 customer on the reservation list. All those bikes are too attractive to be ignored.
Reporter: It looks like that you have fallen over motorbikes very deeply, this is serious.
Jo Seung Woo: Bike made the immature teen I was into present Jo Seung Woo in his 30s. Riding itself is a pleasant thing to begin with. Speed is not the important thing but instead, the fact that I ride a motorbike is what's important here.
Reporter: Is there anything that you gain or lose because of motorbike?
Jo Seung Woo: Self-satisfaction. I'm not riding a motorbike to make someone else notice me. Motorbike riding is just something that I've been dreaming to do for such a long time. So it's just a matter of self-fulfilling. I feel that as if all my built-up thirsts for life all these time are getting quenched and eased while I'm riding a motorbike. In that sense, I gain a really great satisfaction from it. Something that I lose from motorbike riding? There's no such thing happens to me so far.
Reporter: Do you even ride motorbike on regular basis?
Jo Seung Woo: No matter how busy I am, I'll try to make some time to ride. I ride a motorbike as a transportation means to the theater hall. Even on Mondays when there's no concert schedule, I go to suburbs area for a tour. I usually ride together with Ryu Soo Young the person who enticed me with Ducati's charms two or three times a month. There'll be a sight of two Ducati GT1000s running on the road side by side.
Reporter: In future, what kind of motorbike you want to ride?
Jo Seung Woo: I want to ride 'Triumph Bonneville'because of the bike's history itself. Owning such a bike, riding them and knowing about its long history, I think just by having it, I could be as if I'm part of its continuing history.
Reporter: In your opinion, what is the fun of riding a motorbike?
Jo Seung Woo: I think, even though motorbike riding is a very common thing to do but it gives great pleasure to me. Riders are simple person. We always have interest on weather forecast. If the weather is good, we'll go to suburbs for a ride and to greet the nature. To find a great place with good air and great scenery where we can eat delicious food while having a chat with other people who tag along. There's nothing special about the story on how people live but still it can be fun to share and hear our little ordinaries of life. People who work in the same line as me are normally very sentimental. We do pursue our individual romantic ideals. Such as holding hands with girlfriend and maybe go to the theater or walking in the snow while listening to the carols, that sort of things that can move our hearts.  Or the two of us on a motorbike, driving down a quiet road while stepping on the fallen leaves. These are the kind of romantic ideals that I have. And to me, motorbike is the only means that can help me fulfilling those ideals.
Reporter: What kind of actor that you would like to be?
Jo Seung Woo: I want to be an actor that people wouldn't get tired of and always curious about for a very long time. I like the old things you know. The fact that I like 'Ducati Paul Smar't says a lot about how much I like the old style stuffs. Because even after a long time, they still retain their timeless appeals. Like the motorbike I mentioned before, it is a beautiful bike that I wouldn't get tired to look at even now. That's the kind of actor I want to be. An actor that people would never get tired of. This year, I'm doing all things that are different from my expectation. 'Doctor Zhivago' musical too is actually an unplanned work, so is my appearance in a drama. However, I think these happen since I started to bike-riding. Normally, I only do one work at a time and it has to be planned beforehand. But for 2012, I'm working on a completely different things from my laid plans. However I'm glad to have these kind of changes in my life. Many unplanned great opportunities come pouring in. I think 'Doctor Zhivago' and motorbike riding are one of the best choices that I've made. After I defer the idea to hold back my interest on motorbike riding, I think there are many good things happen to me. Therefore, this year I've decided to challenge myself. I've already challenged myself with this motorbike riding, so I'm going to challenge myself working on a drama.
Reporter: Do you have anything to say to some people who have preconceived notions about not to own or ride a motorbike?
Jo Seung Woo: I used to have prejudice too. I had my own preconceived notion particularly about riding a Ducati motorbike. But every bike has its own charms and once you come to love it, there's no turning back anymore. When I ride a motorbike, for some reasons it makes me feel somewhat healthy. It feels like as if I'm doing a physical training. Seeing a group of riders, I think I feel much safer. They are all genuine people. Rather than drinking liquor or hanging around the house listlessly, they prefer to sit on a bike and ride along a riverside or a forest trail, facing the nature. These are all romantic things to do. And riders know how to appreciate even a tiny speck of sunshine. Through their eyes they know how to look for the beauty in the wind and the natural scenery of the earth. Sometimes there are car drivers who strongly reveal their discomforts towards the loud exhaust noise but I heard that there is a certain slogan in Harley's stores in US that says 'For the sake of your life and your safety, turn up the exhaust noise'. To car drivers who don't ride a motorbike, by notifying their stands on that matter (motorbike-riding), they probably do that to protect themselves. But through the point of view of motorbike riders, bike-riding it's not necessarily all about revving up sound only but it's more about safely enjoying a ride together and helping each other. As for me, it is the best not to ride motorbike radically and instead, take a long time to enjoy the ride slowly .
Reporter: Any finishing words?
Jo Seung Woo: Motorbike itself is a romance. I want to live safely while enjoying romance for a very very long time.
** Sourcehttp://bikeing.net/board/view.php?seq=22&table=feature&page=** Please take out with full credit if you wish to share it outside soompi. 

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@saturn. Thank you! I love the fan accounts you bring to us! :D So excited for yours! Glad you got one of the last few OSTs! Poor that person right behind you though lol An actor who can adlib such a show is truly amazing! JSW seems to really enjoy performing as Hedwig! He sounds like he's having a blast, especially messing with the audience members! That's so sweet that he actually remembered 'Tommy'! Still so sad that this will be his last Hedwig!! :(( I would have loved to go watch him! This is like the only musical that there's such a close interaction between the audience and the performers! 
@hiedi Thanks for the translation! He's really good at promoting those (Ducati) motorcycles lol
@ChiisaiH Sorry bud, I also don't have the link for Peach Tree! :( Hopefully someone will upload it soon. It's rather surpising though since Gu Hye Sun has a rather decent fan base...
@the_girl_who! I actually like his new haircut! :D Gives him a rocker-like edge, plus it makes it easier to wear those wigs for Hedwig! 

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Here's a press conference clip for Perfect Game. It's from arirang so its subbed, both with English and Spanish. I LOVE JSW and YDG's relationship! Bromance is always so cute! Of course JSW also picks on YDG lol And who here also wishes they were Choi Jung Won? Lucky girl! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68ng8hMwiG8&feature=share&list=PLiusKXpv67jb3DuvH3QSKyXlTK0UC2kSl&index=16

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What a sweet letter! His handwriting is better than mine.
He enlisted to his military duty at Dec.2008, and the movie 'The sword with no name' is released at Sep.2009. Actress Sooae is famous for fried chicken lover, even CSW knows it.
Hi? Director and Sooae ssi, how are you doing?I am doing very well here. Really, it's been a long time. I can see you only through mass com, I miss you even more.Yesterday... I heard you completed the press conference well. How much you will be nervous... Both of you are timid style, so standing in front of  many people would not be easy for you. But for us, fluttering is big too. It's been already 4 years since this movie was planned, 10 months since the filming was over. After the 10 months of birth pains, finally this 'The sword with no name' comes out to the world. To me who is in military camp, this becomes one more gift. I feel like I am blessed unexpectedly. I am so sorry that I can's join you to the promotion activities... But I'm sure there will be good result.Maybe it's a little bit too much, but true heart can communicate, it will be the movie that all people can sympathize and be moved with each other, because we made it so.I'd like to tell you that all of you did a hard job.Dear all, cheer up and let's go for it till the official release.I miss you.. so much.. all.
And Sooae ssi!!At the press conference and interview... I'm sorry that I made you take photos with my poster. Looking at that, I had heartache. In spite of that, you kept smiling and worked hard even to my role. I appreciate you so much. You're a wonderful person!When I go out at the vacation, I will surely!! treat you fried chicken!! two of them. KK
I hope you guys all stay healthy and congratulations on the release.To the staff of 'The sword with no name' who were naive and beautiful a lot...
-- from Cho Seung Woo --
More handwriting from Hedwig OST CD

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Guest ChiisaiH

@saturn and @hiedi I want to click n times the "Awsome" button!!!! Many Thank You!!!!

@The_girl_who! http://tosarang.net/bbs/board.php?bo_table=torrent_movie_kor&wr_id=1014&sca&sfl=wr_subject&stx=HDRip&page=11  <--- download Raw Movie from torrent here.
http://www.mediafire.com/download/txjxxat5wr6h4f8/Perfect.game.2011.720p.HDRip.x264.AAC-HanStar+-+Vietsub.srt <---Here the softsub
To load softsub into the raw video, make sure that the name of sub and the video are the same. (ex: video name : PerfectGame.avi , sub name: PerfectGame.srt)
Hope that it works!

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Since the wonderful @saturn. translated JSW's beautiful and sweet handwritten letter to Soo Ae (Ha I LOVE the comment about the friend chicken :)) ) and the director of "the sword with no name", I thought it fitting to share the following pictures :D 

Jo Seung Woo relaxing with Soo Ae
Jo Seung Woo relaxing with Soo Ae
Camera man Cho :D
Camera man Cho :D
Jo Seung Woo with good friend, Choi Jae Woong
Jo Seung Woo with good friend, Choi Jae Woong

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Guest ChiisaiH


Old Video but I found it really funny! LOL~

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aaahhh I really like his gangsta hairstyle :x thanks fr the pics and subs @annagriss8 
@ChiisaiH thaaaank you so much , I loved this interview even withouth subs :)) thanks for sharing ^^
@saturn. , @hiedi , muchas gracias for your translations <3 
@autumn93 ... I'll love him even with a rastafari style XD 

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