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Yoo Seung Ho 유승호 ユ・スンホ 俞 承 豪


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On 4/10/2016 at 10:26 PM, maryofbethany said:

@ilwoo_aein"City of Fathers", "4th Period Mystery", and "Blind" , Operation Proposal.. not yet.
taking my own leisure time slowly .. .hahaha. wow.. think since Remember is airing on april .. Yoo will start gathered his new fans in Japan. like myself, which is a late fan. think some japanese viewers who has not been won over by him, will be his new fan because of Remember.
Oh, i bought many of his DVD, actually i viewed many of his shows not thru web, but thru actual DVD...like what i always said, i am a late fan. i actually watch quite a few of his dramas, without having liked him, hahaha. i am not so 'loyal' as you since you are Into him right from the beginning... i think my first drama of him, was King and I... Master of Study... etc.. can't remember which, ohoh.. yes, Love Letter...etc.but when he finally became Leads, should be Master of study taht i watched...but i will go on to watch Operation Proposal, after my rewatching of remember.
i have fame of desire too, but don't really liked, because of the female lead in fame, the 'wife" you know... don't like her with Yoo.

yeah, i went over to try to see where Coco and woundedheart.and many others are at their own profile.. think some of them has completely left.

@maryofbethany just take your time because YSH will wait for you hehehe..I bought the dvd of those movies..As for his drama, mostly i watched it through web..The only dvd of his drama that i bought is "Miss You" :D Ohh yes, regarding YSH's co-star in "Flames of Desire"...Just like you, i don't like her with YSH :P


On 4/12/2016 at 2:55 AM, Berou Lalou said:

@ilwoo_aein i’ve watched flames of ambition on this website a few years ago: http://www.gooddrama.mobi/index.php/Home/Drama/watch/dramaid/1388.html.  i d'ont know if the videos aren't broken. the joseon magician movie has also been uploaded on the website: http://www.gooddrama.mobi/index.php/Home/Drama/watch/dramaid/2677.html

@Berou Lalou good for you then. I'm kind of lazy to watch it after i found out the number of episodes :phew: Maybe i should skip this drama because i don't like watching drama with more than 30 episodes :sweatingbullets: But i'll try to wach "Joseon Magician". Judging from its trailer, i think it's a good movie :) 



Fan-taken pics of YSH from Tokyo FM






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@ilwoo_aein  actually i am quite good with staying thru-out long drama, even 100+ dramas, providing the main Leads must be something i ship at that moment.... Yoo with that Flame of Desire... cannot lah! not compatable in 'class' or acting skill.. i better don't say so much, in case there are shippers of them both here lurking and read and gotten hurt by my words.
haha. i am opposite of you, i buy lots of drama and slowly watched, not so used to watched from website. movie harder to buy, so long drama need some dragging power...

hahaha. i noticed you changed SJK and Micky's(how to spell his name.. hahaha, sorry, i know spell wrongly) at ur Signature.

huh... I am not taking exam. i am watching my student, and preparing them for exams, and helping out admin for all kind of preparation for the whole 2 -3 weeks Exam periods, (not my main job scope, but lack man power, we always do multi-tasks).... oh, also act as one of the standby invigilator when Lecturers don't have time to handle the examinations... even running errands for leader's family personal matters from examination start to close of semester, thru out whole holiday to institution reopens (cannot get exam prep-students so i stand in)...  then the post examinations marks tabulations, and re-Graduation stuffs.... real lossing mind.
and of cause the youngest in family is taking her High School exam, and i got scolding for addiction to K Drama related stuffs day / night, now everyone 'semi-curfew' till mid May or end May Exam in my institution and family member's exam over.

thanks for the Osaka pics.. nice. am very stupid with posting with phone, without my laptop accessibility freedom, i can't do much. i keep posting rubbish with my LG. did saw his Osaka pic in Twitter and Facebook... etc. thanks God you did it.
thanks for showing us at least something latest about Yoo.

maybe i try again posting with my laptop here, not i can't use long hours like last time.

@Berou Lalou wave to you, God bless your coming mid-term, you said yours not yet right? mid-may, will remember and pray for you, you christian? don't mind i pray for you...? got to go... 'see' ya.

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On 4/3/2016 at 6:52 AM, Berou Lalou said:

 hi guys ! it's been a while i haven't posted anything... i'm busy and YSH has gone MIA, no news from him : (

i've gathered some gifs from his latest movie, the joseon magician 


cr: http://theninno95me.tumblr.com


cr: reinettewaiting.tumblr.com


cr: onehallyu.com


cr: theninno95me.tumblr.com




cr: yshbiased.blogspot.com


cr: yooseungho-home.tumblr.com


cr: theninno95me.tumblr.com



Hii thanks for his gifs,

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Thank u guys for all insta videos.He always appear with his cute as well as charming smile that's big positive point of his personality.

I found psh view bit funny regarding the dating ysh.I don't think he is immature or needs time to get the feeling of deep love.Idk y did she say this but its her POV.Love is gr8 feeling age doesn't matter.

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On Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 3:54 PM, ranbir32 said:


Thank u guys for all insta videos.He always appear with his cute as well as charming smile that's big positive point of his personality.

I found psh view bit funny regarding the dating ysh.I don't think he is immature or needs time to get the feeling of deep love.Idk y did she say this but its her POV.Love is gr8 feeling age doesn't matter.

Hi. Still not totally out of Exam-Freezing yet. But can steal a moment here there.

Re: his romance acting skill.  My belief is, YSH himself lack of open relationship, no freedom in developing a relationship freely and naturally. Even if he ever has an underground relationship loving someone secretly away from prying paparazzi,  his emotional journey mainly call for lots of restrains and secrecy thus very suffocating. Means even if have any secret love with anyone, he will not be giving himself chances to naturally display affection, and can't talk or share with people to discuss if got problem. Given that he is a very private person that drawn the boundary between his acting career and social life, thus he has to carefully  develop it at a very slow pase, mostly can't spend much time with any girl he likes.  So he lack a natural freedom to express and grow his love. Even that as he said, he has no time to spend on love life, even during school days, he will doubt whether they date him because of his identity and like him not as himself but a certain character they watched. Worry also that they Will tell about him to others, and he will not go to public place to eat or date, mostly walk or in the car. Means he will always feel bad and indebted to her, since he has tendency of protecting whom he loved and his families. He  hence won't have a deep history of dating many girls, so its more of his character that he has always never liked his open book life completely, hate having no privacy since childhood, without unable to social properly with peers as there always a gap . His teens life with whatever puppy love will be not that kind very dramatic. Of cause he liked girls before, but deep relationship with anyone, he still needs time and a trusting heart to welcome it, and experience it. For a good 16 years, he grew up very differently from the rest of us... his so call love life also should be a very diff experiences. poor boy! This is the price to pay for becoming the national brother and now the coming of age Teens Dream boy. Its like living and acting a 16 years Reality Show display his growth on screen under contract. Jim Carey had a show something like that .

So it's not a age problem. But more of a helpless stage because of his busy schedule and protective nature that he won't easily date anyone .. That why he won't have colorful history of dating.  Not.so much about too young. But a heart that has not prepared to open up yet.

Regarding this view: Is the very rare moment which I.disagree with my angel PMY who said this. 

Edited by maryofbethany
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On 5/3/2016 at 5:45 AM, Berou Lalou said:


:thumbsup::thumbsup:. You've pointed out so well his personnality. that's also the impression that i got from him. Whereas some people in the entertainment industry are open to romantic relationships and don't hesitate to date secretely, YSH chooses not to. He will like secretely but won't initiate anything. I will also add that is due also to his character, he seems to me someone who doesn't easily trust people,he needs time to open up to people. He said himself that he is an introvert person. I understand him because i am also one. Introvert people tend to distance themselves from people , observe them untill they make a move because  they want to make sure the people are trustworthy. Since he is very private and has protected untill now his private life very well, i don't think that the main barrier is the paparazzis but more his character.  i agree with you, he doesn't seem to be immature, on the contrary he is very mature. He does know very well that each step he takes impacts people that are dear to him. I feel like the day he decides to date someone, that person will be sort of " the one".

@Berou Lalou hi, kekeke. you gotta defroze already? mid-term over mid May. mine ... a while later. not yet, almost there.....

like you said so well in a short and to the point paragraph ... " He does know very well that each step he takes impacts people that are dear to him. I feel like the day he decides to date someone, that person will be sort of " the one". your last sentence said it all.... the lad has a whole chest of emotions waiting to explore, and explode, but must be the right God-Sent lady of his life, he is too careful not to waste and ruin someone life, along his own. he can act emotional charged scenes, Remember's ep 16-20, and climaxed at ep20, is very good example, he carried Remember on his shoulder (NOT NAM GYEMAN!). the thing lacking is, he is not into those mushing swoony hot kissing scenes, or steps furthered into those escalating 'almost' bed-scenes (sorry for my crude languages, i got to go blunt), he is just not there yet, and he cannot go hanky-panky flirting scenes (like those some KDrama hunks did). he just cannot carry out that kind of touchy scenes... so i am very please he kept himself just right there.. and most directors that handled his films/dramas kept him right just there,.. Jaebal !

side note: felt bad if i didn't owned up.... you see, i have a '3-Self-twin' (my first self is a good nice christian girl who is just crazy about christian things and Jewish things . Third self is this secret Yoopie fan. But there is a Second self as a Avenger fan. haha you didn't see that coming right? means i have a godly twin and too ungodly bad secret twins within me.... haha, if my church members know my 2 evil twins steep in KD or Avenger,,, i am going to die...hahaha)  well i gotta owned up, i stole sometimes off amid Exam cool-down period promised to my family, to secretly drool over another of my 2nd secret identity, my 3rd 'secret twin self'  am actually secret fan of Avenger.)... lately my the other angmo idol Team Captain America and Bucky (Western idol) came to town... and my BFF girl friend (of cause not from church) literally beg me to sneak out from Exam-curfew, and pulled me to fangirling along.. and i actually touched Falcon and Bucky... i almost died that night.)
if i ever touched Yoo Seung Ho my angel, then i can start writing my own eulogy: "She has lived a fulfilled life, she touched Yoo Seungho and Sebastian Stan (Winter Soldier)." pull that on my tombstone. too bad, i only fulfilled half of my dying wish. 
felt this year is a Gift: first Ji Changwook (one half of my OTP) came, ok. then the Even more unthinkable happened: Yoo Seungho came (but i just cant meet him, i kicked myself everyday for this, breathing in some air for almost 5 days, and i didn't meet my angel)... then Avengers' Cap and Bucky came, and i did touched Bucky fingers when took selfies, and mid starstuck i said something really stupid to Bucky (i hated myself the whole night) . swore if Yoo come again, i will crawl and drag and beg to find ways to see him, of cause stalking from a distance. i won't throw my 'ugly face' along his path nor speak to him, but will gaze from a distance....... why i missed Yoo that chance.......... woe unto me wretched soul !

back to Yoo: after all things said, i still wish he can secretly find someone to share his load and love him back, a shoulder to lay his head in midst of all stress. introvert are like pressure cooker. all pressures self contained. very silly break down and have to reheal all alone, poor thing. he really need that "God-Sent-Only-One". God Bless, Yoo.

(add-on: that above was written on Wed, and last night Wed night, i just got this Major scolding by old man about influencing the young one to steal time off google her pop stars following my examples, the young one last min last night try to finish a paper that suppose to cover a few nights, and home color printer break down mid of night, cannot print that paper that need color toner... hahaha, my fault again... the same old "why she can and i cannot" stuff...so i maybe lock down again, until her exam over,. crap crap crap.)

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cr. http://www.imgrum.net/media/1251910743025017117_1741510023

allow me to rant, everywhere i google (anywhere recently my teen in family spoil her laptop, old man want me to share mine with me, i literally lost half of my precious little time to google...).. everywhere i google about Sundal Kim or Kim Seon Dal the show, it always about Xiu Min from EXO... SERIOUSLY?


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