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Posts posted by daunte29
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Without these off the wall situations...this drama will only struggle to the end.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm sorry but it still bothers me the way the mistress considers everyone a part of her family. In Hawaii we have "ohana" but it is not something that you forced your way into. A space is created for you because you exude the feeling of being family. Not in this case..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The Curator is still good for a couple of more situations before this drama runs it's course.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    In China in the olden days for hundreds of thousands of years, it was common, indeed desirable, for the menfolk to have an official wife and several mistresses (chinese prefer the term 'concubine') - how many mistresses depends on the man's earning power not to mention libido. This is NOT my hypothesis..historically it's part of the culture of mainland China and predates the notion of monogamy. While modern western-educated folks may balk or pass judgement at this practice, the term 'concubine' and 'multiple mothers' were accepted vocabulary in THAT society in THAT era.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The poorer menfolk of course could ill-afford to indulge in this multi-spousal practice and so the rich and the richer had their fill of women and procreation. Modern Korea for many years, on and off, was colonised by China and if you go further back, what we call Korea today was indeed part of China.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hence when you look at family portraits from THAT era, you'd see additional adult females posing with the patriarch, who is usually seated next to his first official wife, plus an inordinate number of children, surrounding the adults. Now if the patriarch's own son or sons was/were old enough to marry, he/they too might have more than one wife, and additional offspring borne by his mistress/es. The huge (extended) size of that family portrait alone would represent the power and wealth of THAT family patriarch.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    If you think that was confusing, it was also the cultural practice for the kids within that extended family of mistresses (concubines actually) to have more than one mother. In historical China a child was considered to have more than one mother.so for example, a child might have up to four mothers, the first wife being the "official mother" – in spoken language called "big mother" – the others being regarded as unofficial mothers, in spoken language called "little mother" or "aunt". Now like I said before, this is NOT something for modern western-educated folks to judge - it WAS part of Chinese culture, which was partly adopted by the rich and powerful in Korea, and most certainly by the royal families in Korea. Even many of the millions of overseas Chinese who left China and migrated all over the globe practiced this system until monogamy became legal, and women of course became more educated and none the wiser.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Still, this custom served a purpose and was primarily a result of the concubinage system, where only the first wife by marriage was considered the wife and the mistress of the household. A concubine did not marry her owner. Her main duty was to provide a son to her owner, and any children from the liaison were not regarded as officially hers. But she was also brought into the household to provide sexual pleasure to the man and servitude to his wife.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    So thank our lucky stars the writer gave mr white only one mistress. And a son in serious need of bone marrow, which this writer says neither the birth mother's nor mr white's has been found compatible.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hi Natali just a qsn.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    hae in as black agent meaning? She is helping nts be a underground agent or she helping the terrorist side? Lol. Thanks! I am a bit confused with the plot, but I am absolutely obsessed with the drama esp the casts!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'll help to answer your first question: a black agent is an undercover agent planted into 'the other side'. The other term often used is 'a mole' - hence black agent. As for your 2nd question, I'll let you figure it out yourself which shouldn't be too difficult once more subs are up. Cheers!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank you all for your download links. Really appreciate it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've got to say that I'll watch anything that involves action (guns, fighting, etc) till the end. But after watching episode three, I'm not sure whether I want to continue or stop because the action scenes isn't really what I've thought it would be like. I mean, when Jung Woo Sung got hit by a car and went flying like 15ft off the ground and landed smack on concrete, he shouldn't be able to get up like nothing happened. That particular scene turned me off that instant. Argh, but it was just that scene though. Then again, it ain't real and just a show to entertain the viewers, so I think I'll keep on with this drama. Even though I'm only watching this for Oh Chang Suk. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    But yeah, the new ending theme goes well with the drama. Me like. Me like.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Jung Woo Sung's fighting scenes are good. Looks realistic. Love how Cha Seung Won's look fit the evil role. Still trying to get use to Soo Ae being an action star. Kim Min Jong's character is probably my most favorite at the moment. Lol. Was surprise to see Kim Seung Woo so soon. Hopes he stay till the end. And Sean Richard. Hm, his character is suspicious for some reason.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I second your comments abt the level of realism. I still don't understand why k dramas insist on showing us 'govt agents' who communicate using wireless earphones which are so invisible they must be embedded somewhere inside the skull....also notice everytime they speak , they must somwhow put one hand to their ear. So where's the mike, huh? Techno geeks or pure silliness by the writers.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    JWS fighitng scenes are good but I'm not liking his skirt-chasing (though I must say Soo Ae's short blue skirt does make her very delectable)...the writers should have given him more suaveness and savoire faire but he keeps coming across as a teenage skirt chaser whenever he's off-duty protecting ROK against terrorists.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Talking abt terrorists, that Sacha/Victor guy (who looks suspiciously like Ricky Kim with bad skin) who first impressed in ep 2 with the 'black rose blood ritual' was given such a bad ending by our writers...he had Lee Ji Ah's character Han Jae Hee cornered together with 8 or so armed 'helpers' but does he get the job done? Oh no...his 'helpers' whom I think are using toys r us handguns were easily despatched to heaven by JWS & LJA just like a duckshoot in a dark room full of steaming pipes...how many times have we seen a k drama gunfight somewhere in the basement with big pipes that emit steam when shot thru?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Then came the most embarrassing fight scene between a hunky scaree terrorist who let his blood drip onto a black rose in ep 2 supposedly for some revenge thingy. (My name is Sasha (woo..what kinda badass name sounds like a teddy bear) and I'm gong to kill Lee Ji Ah) and a sexy female govt agent in black trenchcoat - he goes one on one with her armed with a fruit knife and he even slashes her tummy at one point but unfortunately his martial arts was as lame as his name: the girl (LJA) blocked his every punch/kicks and thumped him back twice more whatever he could throw at her and no surprise he was despatched to the next world by 4 terrorist-friendly made-in-korea bullets...so did anyone count how many bad guys were killed that day by JWS while there was a cycling competition above them? I sure pity the onsite police commander who has to write up the report on the dead bodies in that basement. Hehe!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now didn't we see Sasha slash Lee Ji Ah in the lower tummy and there was even some blood splatter but in the next scene, she was seen comfortably drinking coffee with JWS...a kinda post-gunfight discussion. Knife fight? What knife fight? Can't you see my rock-hard abs can deflect any knife?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh, don't get me wrong...in spite of what I say here, I'm TREMENDOUSLY enjoying this drama, but action only - I fast forward all those scenes involving skirt-chasing and hormonal urges and long conversations between 2 men and I only pay attention to the parts I like - the proverbial cut-to-the-chase. In particular every scene involving Mr Cha SW must be digested. The man and his moustache is one of korea's national treasures.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yeah I know this drama has references to Athena Goddess of War, a covert organization so covert even Obama & Lee Myung Bak doesn't know about but why does the series director insist on blaring Gregorian chants? Do Gregorian chants as background music make the non-korean baddies more convincing, more european perhaps (my name is sasha so start trembling) or is the director simply a big fan of new age music? I'm so lovin' it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    oh gosh...izzit comeuppance time for the evil ex-director already? The finale is ep 174 and we're only now at ep 138.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Double gosh...the writer just had to insert (an almost) lovey-dovey scene between hottie girl in short pants Yunju and boy with the hots for her Jungwoo....her absolute mortified look of horror when Jungwoo asked permission to kiss her cracked me up...methinks she'd prefer kissing a bullfrog with a long tongue or perhaps a toothless crocodile.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyway today was another fun-filled episode...Jeonghui had all the good lines: first she snaps at her brother Jungchul for having lingering feelings for Jenny; then she confronts the evil ex-director and taunts her to no end; and lastly she yanks her house-husband's chains when he suggested going for a bridal photoshoot - I can't smile when I see you. - ahh...meltz our hearts to hear JH spout such sweet words of devotion, especially when she next accuses JS, Jungchul and Soonjin of gunning for the Nobel Peace Prize (donating one's bone marrow seems fashionable in k dramas this year).
































































































































































































































































































































































































    The (literally) jaw-dropping moment was when mr white's 2nd wife calmly asked Soonjin if she and mr white could get married at the same wedding (btw SJ & Gytak)...2 for the price of one, eh? The woman was there at the house with mr white on a humanitarian mission to obtain bone marrow for her suffering son and yet, she has the presence of mind to suggest something like that...good one, writer! Ask and ye shall receive.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Actually the evil woman, dogface WJ & chairman hong all did conduct a DNA test on Soonjin - a DO NOT ASK soonjin test. Apparently we now know that dogface WJ didn't do a DNA confirmation bcos he 'so wanted to be his son'. Jeonghee too had wanted to be chairman hong's daughter but her DNA test results said keep dreaming. What's with this chairman hong that so many misfits want to be his spawn? Go take a queue number and stand in line.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Many times before I've mentioned this drama is one of the funniest shows and I think this writer will become even more famous if she tried her hand at writing a 100% korean sitcom. Today we got another huge dose of disguised humor - that gallery scene where Youngjun offered to donate some artworks and the priest said he prefers NUDE paintings and to allay any misunderstandings - he clarified he WAS NOT joking. That was round 1 in comedic dialogue.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Round two was when Youngjun offered, What about checking out nude paintings of ME, and he said it while rubbing his upper chest suggestively? To which the happily smiling priest asked, When? The deal was even sealed with a hi-5 even.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yup, fastest way to bond with your neighborhood priest is to donate one (maybe two) nude paintings of yourself to the church. Nothing to hide; everything to see..
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Those two were such a hoot! Talk about deviant Catholic priests - I think the Vatican's about to get one more from ROK. It wasn't the first time too the priest let loose his vulgar side (did you see how shocked the evil woman was when she heard that word from the priest?) bcos a few episodes back, after the priest accompanied Jongwoo, Yunju to a paper-folding competition involving lots of other kids and their mothers, and Soonjin thanked him for looking after Jongwoo, the prest actually said, "Thank you for letting me. I saw so many beautiful women there."
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Everyone would have let that remark slide as a joke but now with his nude paintings of Youngjun on his appointment book.....hmm, I dunno. I wonder how ditzy JS would react when she finds out in future the priest has a nude painting of her husband hanging in his sacristy- she won't be the only one who knows how hubby looks like in his birthday suit.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Having the first two raw my impression is that ....
































































































































































































































































































































































































    1. Can you actually running and shooting people like that? Also how many bullets does a gun have? for me unreal!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    2. Killing people in hotel and building, where all the in house cameras?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    3. Cha Seung Won's fighting scene gives me a little headache, you can't really see the fighting all swirling felt like fake. Also seems like the opponent too strong for Mr Cha to have a winning position.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    4. Come on, the jumping into the car from the roof and so fittedly seated? is that even possible?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    5. The first kissing scene - I don't see any emotion, I much prefer the stills better.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    BUT I like ALL Jung Woo Sung's fighting scene - to me it's real I can see his punches. And I like his acting so far he's number one.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Su Ae and Mr Cha is not bad but not as strong as Jung Woo Sung - for me -)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    For those don't like Lee JiAh, give her a chance people she might become more stronger than Su Ae - I'm not her fan but just my impression.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Till next week for more Athena ...
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Have to go to work now or gonna be late.... hehehe






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    WARNING: Read this only if you have seen eps 1 & 2.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    TRAN...Yup, I agree with you on the cartoonish implausible action sequences, from firearms that don't require reloading to speaking into the wrist where there's supposed to be a tiny mike for intercom (ala US Secret Service bodyguards) but actress Soo Ae definitely isn't even wearing any mike attached to her wrist and no transponder beneath that skimpy dress) AND especially that jumping into the car seat from that height - duh...that would certainly fracture the lower spine not to mention rupture his family jewels beyond repair.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Unless of course, he's a 21st century eunuch, in keeping with (yet-to-be invoked) NTS regulations that restrict its national security agents from engaging in love trysts and carnal relationships bcos that 110% distracts the good guys/gals from protecting ROK from enemies near & far. Hehe!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Observe how Soo Ae and others like her can shoot and blast their enemies into the other world without blinking an eye or breaking sweat from all that running and fighting, and yet when a handsome guy with piercing eyes suffering from raging teenage hormones (Jung Woo Sung) comes a-courting...Soo Ae gives him her million dollar dimpled smile and JWS is reduced to putty. Somehow as in IRIS and now Athena, skirt-chasing and falling in love shouldn't be given equal treatment with protecting your country bcos the real world has shown us that ROK's enemies are NOT afraid to start bombarding your territory or sinking your warship, and then putting the blame on ROK itself for 'provocations'.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Of course some of us old enough knows Mr James Bond 007 started this (fictional) trend of espionage and bed-romping with one or more partners and JB always made it a pont to shoot, fight and kill dressed in black tuxedo, and drinking a martini, stirred not shaken afterwards.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    But then we find out here in Athena that there was supposed to be a dream sequence somehow and I think this lame excuse (& bad move) by the writers might next week drive away many korean viewers (especially the older folks not usually concerned with hot, good-looking actors) NOT impressed with such shenanigans. Even a video game has more realism! And there're 2 new dramas that reflect on more serious topics for viewers to pick instead of this Goddess of War whose leads are trying to manage both work (killing people left right and center and slitting throats) and love (kissing & undressing, er you know).
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I must say the action sequences by Cha Seung Won and his hit team were very well-choreographed but NOT the toilet breaking scene - with their swinging spinkicks powerful enough to smash all the urinals to smithereens (the toilet cleaning woman would have a terrible fit when she reports for work) but the endpoint still depended on a shootout with a bullet-dart pen??
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Come on writers, that is just so anti-climax. I mean you have one of the world's and korea's best MMA exponents involved in a death fight with Mr Cha SW and the fight ended with a plain old pen dart to the neck which resulted in INSTANT death? Either that dart is coated with the world's fastest acting poison bcos I've yet to see LIGHTS-OUT dying in less than 1 second. And no blood spurts....less work for the cleaning woman. Are these writers fresh out of ideas for death-scenes or have these guys been reading too many comics? Perhaps they've not done their mandatory military service, methinks.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    A shot to the head or knife embedded in the skull SHOULD result in instant death but a dart to the neck? Aargh, that just hurts, you moron!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    One of the funniest scenes of all time in k drama was when in the middle of the heated family debate today abt donating bone marrow for mr white's son, Jeonghui tells her househusband Minhyuk: "GO TO YOUR ROOM" and the slightly drunk puppy quickly gets up and aided by JS, obeys. This order to him actually departed from her usual command, "KEEP QUIET".
































































































































































































    In any other drama, a discussion abt donating one's bone marrow to save a young boy's life would be no laughing matter but this writer is much too gifted to be ordinary. I really do suspect the writer to be female but we'll never know for sure.
































































































































































































    In the beginning, when dogface WJ was 'so determined' to dig out his biological mum (and how many countless k dramas have we seen contain this overused theme) I'll bet the scriptwriter didn't prepare him for the revelation. Daddy Gyutak in fact warned him several times to stop - gyutak must have also watched too many k dramas to realise that whenever the biological mum is tracked down, the news is always dramatically shocking, one way or the other - Why did you abandon me? You should have aborted me. Am I that worthless even though I'm your flesh & blood? And etc.
































































































































































































    For several episodes now, dogface WJ has been reduced to a crybaby...when was the last k drama you saw that had a MAN cry buckets of tears? I can remember actor So Ji Sub doing continuous waterworks in a drama from several years way back but this WJ character is really a weeping machine: he cries at home, he cries hugging daddy gyutak in gyutak's office, he cries sitting on the toilet floor, he even cries while driving the car with his jenny and son at the back. I was laughing so much that I too had wet eyes.
































































































































































































    Want another funny story? We now know that the evil cannot-be-fired director won the position of directorship of the prestigous national museum or something but she still chooses to return and maintain her position at that gallery in a small town. Or is she straddling both positions? Thank you for choosing me as your country's next President but I think I'll stick to being a fishing village head.
































































































































































































    This really puzzles me.. If Youngjun owns the gallery (after buying over the majority shares once held by gyutak) why is youngjun unable to remove the evil director? Why does he sit there while the evil woman again insults and reduces his darh-ling Jeongsu to a piece of office furniture?
































































































































































































    A REAL Youngjun after drinking himself half-blind would soon realise that hey, he could bring over and install his darh-ling JS plus the 3 female curators in his own gallery (Mun Gallery)...no more evil director, yeah? We do know 2 things abt Youngjun - he HATES to lose and his family (actually his mother) is RICH beyond compare. But sadly our Youngjun cannot change the script which says that until this drama ends, everyone MUST stay put in that gallery and continue to be terrorised by THAT woman or else she won't have anyone to glare at and smirk.
































































































































































































    Interestingly and all credit goes to the writer's gifted skills, the evil director and JH always stares down at each other whenever they meet bcos since their physical show of hairpulling and catfighting in the restaurant several months ago, that unresolved contest is still....unresolved. Methinks JH should gain the upperhand if she practices more bedroom wrestling with her puppyface Minhyuk. Don't move and don't scream. I'm going to extract your bone marrow for mr white's son.If you need to scream, do it quietly
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Haha...yes, the lady in the restaurant is a blabber mouth and walking newspaper rolled into one. Not only is this character present in many k dramas, rumor-mills like her exist in almost every office and organisations too.
































































































































































































    She serves an important function in this drama hence variations of her appear in most k dramas...her motor mouth reminds the ajummas and elderly halmonis (grandmas) watching this show of past events and places current happenings into perspective, lest the elderly folks lose track or misunderstand certain 'developments'.
































































































































































































    When you take a step back, actually Jeonghui and the evil director are very much alike - both are after chairman hong's wealth in their own ways, money/power are like flashing signboards in front of their beady eyes, both have zero respect for the human male species: while I dunno anything abt the evil director's husband, we do know Jeonghui has reduced her hubby Min Hyuk into an apron-wearing house-husband who according to mr white has improved his cooking skills by leaps and bounds.
































































































































































































    Since being 'imprisoned' at home, Min Hyuk still jumps when Jeonghui barks and he obediently runs to do whatever she commands. Aww...if only there were more sweet homely husbands like Minhyuk around, who said today being a professor is not half as fun or good as doing housework. And they say korean men are hard to tame. Hehe!
































































































































































































    Stereotypic characters like Jeonghui also exist in many other k dramas - they serve to make poverty (or being poor) seem like a disease. In the real world not everyone can be rich and wealthy and live a luxurious life - there will always be poor people and being poor doesn't always mean they're any less happy. but k drama writers love to depict poor (or poorer) korean folks as being totally obsessed in breaking out of their poverty trap. JH 'loves' chairman hong not as a future father but more as a potential bank account with unlimited withdrawals.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    If you follow this writer's logic (logic? wat logic?), the director of the gallery (jenny's mum) has more power than the new owner and new chairman of the board Yongjun. She doesn't attend staff meetings and she doesn't need to report to Yongjun. And Yongjun still signs her monthly salary paycheck? This 'evil' woman has given new meaning to job security and iron rice bowl. Her position in that gallery is even more entrenched than the current father-son dictatorship in North Korea.
































































































































































































    But I digress....Wanna know another gigantic plot blackhole the writer has given us?
































































































































































































    OK, Didn't we only recently see Jenny's evil mum act and behave like a typical neo-nazi when she continuously referred to Soonjin's family and her entire bloodline as 'lowlifes' with inferior genes as opposed to her own made-in-korea superior grade genealogy? Btw that's also how they grade superior Korean Hanwoo beef as the best of the best when it comes to cows. Hmm...jenny's evil mum and superior bred cows sure has a nice ring to it, especially with all the BS she dishes up week after week.
































































































































































































    And so, what was her reaction the moment she jumped to the wrong conclusion that WJ is the offspring of Soonjin & Gyutak? Blank. No talk of superior genes.
































































































































































































    Now if her rumor were true (and we know it's only a plot-distraction to prolong our enjoyment of this wholesome-to-goodness drama) it would certainly make her own grandson (product of Jenny & WJ) inheriting some of those lowlife genes from Soonjin's side, wouldn't it? But it NOW appears that the evil woman is transfixed on Gyutak giving WJ his inheritance and that includes Geonho, her grandson. So Shhhh...be quiet....all previous talk about lowlife genes is now out-of-the-window bcos MONEY & WEALTH rocks her world. The best DNA always has the $$$ dollar/korean won sign imprinted.
































































































































































































    Gyutak, who's suddenly now degenerated into an immature teenager, skipping meals, throwing tantrums and avoiding everyone, has already done one DNA test and found out that Jung Hee's dumbness did not come from his DNA. So what's another DNA test to verify which couple gave dogface his crybaby genes, right?
































































































































































































    Furthermore Gyutak's personal asst a.k.a. bloodhound Mr Kim has always been so super-reliable collecting covert info on everyone and everything that I think Mr Kim is sharing the same bed with the scriptwriter! So what's collecting another strand of Soonjin & WJ's hair, eh? One particular DNA lab in Seoul is surely doing a roaring business thanks to Soonjin who's so good at NOT telling and the evil director who makes gigantic leaps to wild conclusions therefore making everybody, including some homeviewers, feeling confused and distressed.
































































































































































































    Hang on...miss ditzy was already looking confused and distressed since the beginning. Haha! She was already warning us from early days.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Back in the early days of this badly-written and terribly-acted drama (and I cannot remember the exact episode) when Wujin was living by himself and things were lover-dovey with his subordinate, a.k.a. miss ditzy, JS did sleep with Wujin because the writer inserted a scene of them lying together in bed.
































































































































































































    ...prior to that post-coital scene, Wujin enticed Miss Ditzy by telling her to the effect that he wanted to 'mark' her as his woman and voila! next scene was them in bed together, with bare-shouldered ditzy smiling at dogface and dogface making typical promises men make after they've done the deed. What's implied in subsequent episodes is that since that first time, Wujin & Ditzy has had additional intimate relations because the writer took great pains to hint to us henceforth that it was common practice for ditzy to go running to his apartment like a female dog in heat...that's why when the breakup came, it was so hard for dogface to let go, and he pleaded with her to remember all the 'good times' they spent together in his apartment: Why aren't you coming to my place like you used to? I seriously don't think he was talking abt playing poker or video games in HIS apartment.
































































































































































































    Yes, JS did tell JH more than twice (and to her mother) that nothing happened between her and WJ and she was LYING thru her teeth...come on, do you honestly expect ditzy to tell her sister and mother, she was banging her own boss? Regularly.
































































































































































































    Add to that fact, ditzy for a long time kept denying she had no more feelings for wujin but she kept crying (thru more than several episodes)and in one episode, she finally told her mum it was so very painful to let wujin go. Urges can always be satisfied quickly but the memory of those urges aren't so easy to forget, huh? Common theme in k dramas.
































































































































































































    The writer is playing this "Is dogface soonjin's son or not?" deception to prolong the fact (and extend this drama by 10 more episodes) that the real offspring is the one who wears black and is usually seen with and shadowed by the hottie homeless girl in short pants who's right now thinking of marrying the mentally challenged boy after being rejected by one half of dumb and dumber. Aww so sad....is there no other man in that small town who'd fall for a hottie like Yunju? Does she really need to exchange bodily fluids with one of those brothers? Yucks, kill that thought.
































































































































































































    Not to worry...by the finale episode Yunju will be seen folding scores and scores of paper cranes and origami stuff with Jungwu, who apparently is very good and deft with his hands. By finale'e end, Jungchul will AGAIN reject Yunju (some people simply can't take NO for an answer but to be fair, it's the last rejection) bcos I reckon Jungchul knows the gallery has 3 more hottie curators and following dogface's sleazebag-douchebag style, it's okay to motivate your employees by banging them if you know what I mean.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    An action-packed episode no less...the MISTRESS has started throwing her weight around literally and the first victim the diner woman now feels like a basketball having been flung around.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    One should always take 2 steps back when confronted by middle-aged woman with brown-tinted hair equipped with a voice louder than a platoon sergeant....that mistress even had the balls to tell mr white in his face that his manhood isn't so big after all....didn't you like that scene where she rubbed her body against his and challenged him to die together? Like I said before, the taming of mr white is going to be a slow and painful one....73 more episodes.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    We already know k-dramas must REGULARLY insert scenes where characters get drunk and then stupidly say thungs which always happen to be true (when was the last time any drunk person in a k-drama said something totally untrue- hey everyone did you know I was born with 2 brains but they're located waist down?) - name one k-drama between 2007-2010 where nobody got drunk and was forced to walk tipsy-turvy along the street pavement calling for a cab or if the woman is really lucky, she'll get a piggyback ride on the back of handsome actor.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Even if the intoxicated female weighs a mere 40 kilos, in REALITY it still takes a man with the strength of an ox to carry her home, presumably several km away but in k-dramas, the lady's home is never far from where she gets drunk, why it's just around the corner.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Using the drunken stupor was how gyutak's lackey mr kim (a.k.a. diner woman's future boyfriend) found out that dumb & dumber have become part-time CSI (crime scene investigation) detectives collecting hair samples to determine who supplied the sperm for poor Jeongu. Then came the best scene at the end when mr kim relayed the info to gyutak and gyutak laughed and then he paused to think - as if to ask: didn't I underwent a vasectomy procedure bcos dear soonjin didn't trust condoms? Or did the damn doctor cut off something else? Man, that's the last time I'll ever go to a clinic offering discounts and early bird specials.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Warning: Spoiler alert for final episode...don't read unless you're Carmina.

    Dogface wujin is reading a story book to his son in the living room (looks like a toothpaste TV commercial with both smiling and happy music playing in the background), then Jenny walks in also smiling and she happily shows dogface the results of a home pregnancy test strip, yadda yadda yadda)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    The taming of mr white has begun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Today's episode ended with the arrival of mr white's significant other - the woman who's even more ballsy than Junghee and she will turn mr white into docile purr-dee cat in no time. This sort of drastic behavior modification's only possible in k-dramas and it's gonna be fun to watch mr white cower.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Just curious ... did this drama end on 23 October on its 174th episode? Seems like SJ & GT finally got married ... now I'm dying to know if Wujin reconciled with Jeongsu & under what circumstances. Wow, this drama has to end with the evil director on her knees but as I go over semi-fly's clips she's securely sipping her favorite wine in the comfort of her lovely home. She should be begging for forgiveness for the harm she caused SJ's family. Her own daughter Jenny is the biggest victim of her ego trips, her arrogance & controlling behavior.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yes, I've just watched ep 174 and it was the last episode. Without giving the ending away too much, suffice to say it was a VERY happy ending. Nobody gets killed by a speeding car or terminal disease, phew!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Those who were/are married stay married (get the hint?) and one of them will in fact increase ROK's population by one. As mentioned by Carmina, Gyutak & Soonjin do indeed get a church wedding officiated by the only priest in this town. The priest seems to have gained immense stature by drama's end and he 's like the pivot to everybody's blissful lives. Amen to that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Those who you, including myself, still following the drama on KBSW can rest assured that only one evil person remains in the end but she's lost her job and therefore all her power....doomed to live the rest of her life in self-imposed lonely anger..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The babelicious homeless girl Yunju becomes very pretty and even more beautiful than miss ditzy who seems strangely older.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I liked the way they showed the end credits....very creatively done for a k-drama. Now that I know the ending, it seems this drama will become even more enjoyable for me bcos sanity (and cool heads) will iron out all current complications.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Looks like this series is ending on 23 October 2010 with Ep174 as the last episode.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    GAWD, KBSW(asia) is only at Ep98!!! That's about another 3.5mths before it ends
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    New series taking over - Glad to Love You 사랑하길 잘했어































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Another 3.5 mths more of this funnier-than-funny show on KBSW, you say? Whoa, that's music to my ears. I'm so happy!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To be honest, I gave up on this drama after its first 3 episodes when it started its run on KBSW but came back after it had ran abt 20 or more episodes bcos I found worse daily dramas being shown - and with a little bit of tracking back, I for one now think this drama is incredibly comical bcos they all try so hard to be serious, and sometimes violent and emotional. Plus I'm a sucker for tall ditzy females with luscious lips.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This drama departs from the usual now-showing budding romance = marriage = splitsville bcos you've got more than one adulterer in this drama: some active, some not'; a clueless female employee who had an affair with her married boss who used to bathe with dogs and who now gets engaged to another man without ever having to say "Yes"; an older female director with neo-nazi tendencies who loved her boss from afar for 20 yrs and now prevents him from re-marrying bcos she works hard every day at seeking happiness by trampling on people of inferior blood; a priest who's always seen playing-spending time with a mentally-challanged youth and a babelicious homeless girl who loves wearing shorts or girly dresses. And I heven't even finished describing the rest of the clowns. So what's there not to like abt this drama? At least there are no annoying stay-home I-ve-seen-it-all grannies or housewives who always handles more crises in a day than Mrs Obama. Or annoying child-actors who love to cry and shed tears faster than a speeding bullet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wujin to JS: Are you getting married?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    JS: I think so. (once ditzy, forever ditzy).
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Huh? Did something get lost in translation? Shouldn't a better translation be "I guess so"?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Then suddenly the scriptwriter gives both of these two the power to communicate TELEPATHICALLY - another often used device in k-dramas along with characters talking aloud to themselves - I never knew inner thoughts could be so deafening.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Gyutak to Myeongsuk (jenny's evil mum): How much did you give Jeongsu's father?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Myeongsuk: Huh? (activates dumb look)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Gyutak: How much did you pay that man to oppose my marriage to soonjin?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Myeongsuk: Chairman! (activates dumber look)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Notice that for a good several minutes, the evil neo-nazi woman does not answer the question but sidesteps the issue by using the following responses:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    - the man came to me first































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - are you trying to pick a fight with me?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - wujin doesn't even share a drop of your blood.....bleh bleh bleh....you deceived me clear and simple































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    - you don't think of wujin as your son deep down inside
































































































































































































































































































































































































    But thank goodness the scriptwriter gave Gyutak these wonderful lines: Don't dodge the issues by tokking abt WJ
































































































































































































































































































































































































    What follows this was so seriously funny it made my morning complete bcos Gyutak summed it up lucidly:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    You think you can become happy by trampling on others and hurting them? How will you become happy by preventing my marriage with Sunjin?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Then the evil woman says telepathically: If I can't have you, nobody can.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Methinks the writer was inspired by an old 1977 Yvonne Elliman song "If I Can't Have You" featured in Saturday Night Fever OST.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Then we saw a sad man and a inwardly gleeful man....before & after dogface WJ saw lusty eyes YJ plant a chaste kiss on Jeongsu's ripe cheek, he had the same constipated look. After all the forceful kissing in the past, YJ now plants only a kiss on JS's cheek? - I would have lip-locked JS at the very least bcos she looked marvellously alluring today with her hair let down.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh, did anyone notice that since yesterday (and today) when YJ accelerated his marriage proposal, he never once uttered those sweet words, Will You Marry Me? His cheesy line of the day was "You have the warmth of a warm autumn day.". Yup, he (or rather the drama crew) prepared flowers, champagne, and even a ring but he never once formally proposed even though he squatted down to insert ring on ditzy's long fingers.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    And in keeping with the theme of tying the knot, ditzy wore a dress that bore similar striped patterns of 19th century american prison uniforms. How apt!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    However the funniest man today was the grounded professor who looked positively housewifely with his pink apron. Even the way he hustled to pick up his girlfriend's phone from the garden bushes and the smile across his face shows he's a long way away from regretting his infidelity.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Junghui really gives new meaning to the notion of Scarey Wife.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    More than twice mr white has told Junghui "You have No Womanly Charms" which is an understatement bcos she makes up for her lack of femininity by being totally husbandly and the de facto man-of-the-house - until mr white displaced her authority. Now we know why Junghui screams and shouts at mr white in almost every episode bcos she's still sore at losing out to a man more ballsy than her.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    She has been supporting (and sending their daughter to some boarding school) her wimpy-professor husband who has done only one correct thing so far in choosing a mistress who's young, sexy and worships his shadow. The pretty young thing buys a cellphone for him 24 hours after it was confiscated by scary Junghui. 10/10 marks for being the ideal other woman.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    OK today's episode was in fact very educational....here's how you punish a two-timing cowering husband using Junghui's methods:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    first you tell him he's grounded indefinitely until your mood changes from very angry to angry.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Second you cut his allowance in half, which is less criminal than cutting his manhood to pieces.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Third you confiscate his cellphone so that all incoming lovey-dovey messages are read by you first.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I guess these 3-prong actions would also include no kissy-touchee with wifey any more.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wait a sec...is she punishing her husband or is she punishing her son? Yeah, we saw today he promised Junghui to be "a good boy" henceforth but HIS sweet young thing for some reason, has NOT got the message to stop chasing his pants. Are we going to see more slapping and maybe hair-pulling between JH & the girlfriend in Round Two?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Gyutak had often asked "How did Soonjin ever get married to a man like mr white?" The same question could also be asked how did JH ever get married to wimpy professor, and even produced a daughter? Like mother. like daughter, eh?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Didn't we have another FUN-filled episode today?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    So for once I won't flame the writer for being so comically ridiculous and I'll just zap in on the characters whom I hope are getting paid well for all the ludicrous lines that they have to spout 5 days a week.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hmm...I think if given half the chance, Jenny's mum not only wants to rock the world but RULE the world. I'm sensing her rapidly increasing neo-nazism racial supremacy ideology being played more and more since she has finally gone ballistic upon discovering that dogface genes are NOT from superior
































































































































































































































































































































































































    pedigree...wait a minute, she actually thinks gyutak's of superior genetic stock doesn't she?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Somewhere along her 20-yr one-sided 'love' for gyutak's Elvis Presley hairstyle, she got sidetracked abt WJ's adoption. Her double whammy was made complete when WJ dropped the tiny bombshell that perhaps even her grandson was not fathered by dogface since Jenny had a habit of bed-hopping with countless males. Jenny's mum was even willing to 'give up' her grandson to WJ since he's not of 'superior stock' that is, he doesn't have grandpapa gyutak's DNA. Does it mean she'll finally allow Jenny to sign the divorce papers - yes, no?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Well if Jenny's mum thinks she's of superior race, can she clearly explain her own vertically-challenged body shape and that the top-half of her face seems worked on by plastic surgeons? If she's a descendant of the best korean genealogy class, why is she only a director of an art gallery? A high class person like her should at least be running a museum or own several art galleries across continents, don't you think?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    JungChul made 2 mistakes today...the bigger mistake was when he told our delectable totally babelicious Yunju to stop loving him bcos he has the hots for Jenny. Our sweet Yunju today never looked more ladylike oozing pure sweetness in her light blue dress and twin ponytails...man, if she asked me to go for a movie, I'd agree in a heartbeat instead of laying all that cow manure abt treating her like a little sister and all.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    The minor mistake he made was he should have used the dumbbells to slam the professor rather than punching his stomach.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    The funniest scene was the ending today...when YJ upped the ante by announcing engagement plans, we saw 2 shocked faces (soonjin & jeongwu), many happy faces but miss ditzy maintained her ditziness-very confuesed expression and folks, haven't you ever seen a happier woman in lurve?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm so happee I don't know how to look happee so I'll just look confused.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    What's the matter dear JS? Didn't you see this coming after lusty eyes forced his lips on yours in your office in front of your co-workers, then kissed your hand twice, and then gave you a his-chest-to-your-chest hug, and in all those close bodily encounters, neither did you protest nor voice your objections.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Remember that in k-dramas unwritten rule No.15, silence means consent.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    And only in k-dramas are they so fond of using marriage as a CURE-ALL panacea. Here're some current complications that's plaguing this drama:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    1) Miss ditzy clearly has no feelings of affection for lusty eyes and is still undecided on whatever needs to be decided;
































































































































































































































































































































































































    2) lusty eyes has been charged with plagiarism which hasn't been resolved but he looks much happier than b4 the charges appeared;
































































































































































































































































































































































































    3) Soonjin ever so often tells mr white "I want a divorce".
































































































































































































































































































































































































    4) Junghee every day tells professor-wannabe "I may want a divorce".
































































































































































































































































































































































































    5) Jungchul has yet to tell everybody "My new girlfriend may be Jenny...wait till I introduce her to all of you...she's a stunner". (yeah, right)
































































































































































































































































































































































































    So how does potential wedding bells between JS & YJ somehow erase all these complications beats me. **Sighs** Is JS going to wear the same confused expression and remain quiet when the priest asks her "Do you take this weasel as your husband till death do you part?"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ep 95 KBSW....KBS- B R E A K I N G...NEWS
































































































































































































    Jenny's mum (a.k.a. I can't stand lowlife people) has issued her latest presidential commandment to miss ditzy: Do Not Say A SINGLE word in my office.
































































































































































































    And can you remember miss ditzy's academy award performance after hearing that thunderous statement and being ordered to get out of the empress office?? She wobbled and hobbled back to her desk, as if she had just seen a nude she-male for the first time? Man, was JS ever suffering from the mother of all shocks?
































































































































































































    Whew! Groundbreaking!! No wonder jenny's mum smashed another defenseless teacup to pieces as if to say, Why does the scriptwriter keep giving me this kind of trashy dialogue? I thought he hired me only for my EVIL glare.
































































































































































































    Here'a another revelation today - After the priest made the sign of the cross (so that he wouldn't unleash his hidden mixed martial arts and beat the daylights out of mr white) and left the diner, mr white tells soonjin:
































































































































































































    I bet he's fake. He sure seems like it..
































































































































































































    Well, whaddaya you know? A fake priest? And an orphan some more? (READ: another abandoned child in this drama and that makes 3 - dogface WJ, the ex-babysitter who makes Jeongwu hot under the collar and the man in black with white collar).
































































































































































































    What the two-timing wannabe professor should get now are some FAQs, the dos and don'ts from a fellow adulterer - take your pick - mr white, soonjin jenny or dogface WJ. Maybe not dogface bcos he's been discovered, mr white's too brazen abt spreading his genes, jenny's way too emotional, so the best choice to give advice abt two-timing your spouse would be soonjin.
































































































































































































    Remember that this drama been selling the tried and tested idea that if you are trapped in a loveless marriage, it's ok to sleep around. Just remember not to get caught. And if people suspect you're twotiming, just do what soonjin does best...just look distressed and tell a sadder than sad story abt the pain of bringing up 4 kids who by the way 3 of them are actually still kids imprisoned in adult bodies.
































































































































































































    Then there were the chilling ominous words from mr lecher eyes Youngjun to miss ditzy: I've hungered to spend time with you until now. As if understanding he's also hungering for other parts of her body, miss ditzy keeps quiet and lowers her eyes shyly. Oh how lady-like!! True enough outside her house, YJ grabs JS again and gives her a tight chest-to-chest hug...me waiting to see how far and fast lusty eyes is going to 'force' ditzy into a horizontal position. Even Jungchul tells them to get a room, and says Take your time sis! I like the way he thinks, yeah!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ep94 KBSW
































































































































































































    Youngjun to JS: Anyway your lips were really sweet the other day
































































































































































































    Earlier, JS to Youngjun: Give me more time. I'm a little confused right now.
































































































































































































    The first statement shows indeed mr lecher did use lots of tongue action on poor hapless JS bcos lips can't taste, only the tongue can.
































































































































































































    Second statement shows miss ditzy KNOWS she's ditzy but when asked by lecherous eyes if she was angry (at being bent over and forced to open her lips), as expected she didn't reply and actress Kim Binu played that part really well by fidgeting, looking unconfortable and eyes wandering here and there.
































































































































































































    But JS shoudn't be acting so 'virginal' and all...I mean she'd already done the horizontal dance of love with dogface WJ unless of course our demure JS actually prefers it ROUGH, if u know wat I mean.
































































































































































































    I was happy to see today's devts except for the overblown crying and overdoses of self-pity...the scary wife who didn't know she was scary, the adulterous husband who blames his GF for acting reckless and then blames the scary wife for his philandering, the diner spinster who claims she didn't sleep with mr white after a whole night of drinking themselves blind, but the highlight for me was mr lustful eyes working on softening JS's (non-existent) resistance by kissing her hand twice (me wonder if those hands of hers are as sweet and as germ-free as her lips, eh?). But u gotta admit for a korean dude to kiss a woman's hand not once but twice does seem very 'eu-ro-pean', right? A knight in lusty armour rescuing a ditxy in distress.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    ep 93 KBSW
































































































































































































    I'm beginning to learn different techniques of slapping bcos today's episode again is filled with more hand-to-face action.
































































































































































































    Soonjin's method is to stare at your prey, slowly take 2 steps forward to close the distance, aim and then violently swing with arm outstretched and be sure to follow thru with a downwards arc motion.
































































































































































































    Daughter Junghee employs a more personal touch - first of course you stare down your opponent, then use one hand to touch and hold her chin ensuring both cheeks are open, then finish off by swinging the other hand to her cheeks, palm wide out.
































































































































































































    Ddin't you just love lusty youngjun for the umpteenth time declaring "Jeongsu's MY woman!", and in typical animal fashion, telling the other alpha male WJ to back off? Then in typical animal fashion of marking his territory, Youngjun marches into the office and plants his randy lips on the poor defenseless JS and proceeds to drink Chestnut Jelly's saliva., much to the dee-light of the youngest asst curator.
































































































































































































    Let me guess...is the writer truly living out his/her harlequin romance fantasies acting like male chauvinist pigs or izzit legal in ROK to grab YOUR woman in HER office and insert your tongue down her throat? Have to wait till Monday to see how miss ditzy will respond to being manhandled.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ep 92 KBSW
































































































































































































    Another hilarious episode which I'll call The Awakening of Dumb & Dumber. From discovering that THAT EVIL woman bribed her dad to return to discovering her own hubba is doing the adulterous kama sutra with that sweet young thing (who waited 2 HOURS in bright sunshine outisde his home)....and how did Junghee find out abt her two-timing hubba?
































































































































































































    Why, by unlocking her hubby's password-protected cellphone and reading all the lovey-dovey text messages NOT sent by her. I'll give the writer full marks for creative writing.
































































































































































































    Oh..did anyone else counted the number of times the writer made his clowns slap each other (AGAIN) today? I saw 3 smackeroos, one of which was followed up with water in the face (a morning k-drama ain't complete without the refreshing splashing-water-in-your-face incident, eh? Or saying silly things while being drunk). I must add that Junghee took the water treatment rather well bcos with her face still dripping wet, she gripped the woman's designer jacket and shook her really vigorously, many many times...it helps when you're as short as your nemesis.
































































































































































































    There's just so much love overflowing for physical contact in this drama, don't you think?
































































































































































































    Yeah man! There're more goodies...Jenny did something today she hasn't done in weeks...she gave her trademark SCREAM! This woman has that special ability to start talking in a normal tone and then suddenly end her sentence in a scream. Military drill sergeants could perfect their own parade shouting techniques from the woman.
































































































































































































    And then there was this scene of the 4 delectable (underpaid) curators sitting together looking-assessing at a painting - actually only 3 were looking at it bcos JS was looking down, literally downwards. By the time she realised her co-worker was asking her a question, a very-confused-looking JS looked up, glanced at the painting for less than 2 secs b4 dogface WJ came into the room and as usual summoned her to his den.
































































































































































































    Now how many times have we seen WJ stepping into the curators' room to 'save' miss ditzy from some embarrassing or harrassing situation? The man's timing is impeccable.
































































































































































































    So in his office, miss bemuddled gave viewers a lesson on how to tell lies while saying she didn't know a thing. Everyone except WJ could see she was lying thru her pearly-white teeth and luscious lips (and looking like her skirt just caught fire) and all WJ could say was: I'm glad to hear things are aw-right.
































































































































































































    Geez...I guess love (more like lust) can cause temporary blindness.and in WJ's case, it has also caused brain dysfunction - he's the ONLY dude who still is unaware mr white has returned and broken more cups and plates than a litter of puppies.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Good job, Carmina...even if you've not been watching semi-fly's links (or if you don't understand basic korean), I think your summary of THE SECRET makes logical sense. The latest screen captures do show the priest having more airtime and constantly showing the same unhappy facial expressions as the rest of the clowns, ....er....cast of characters.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wujin's constant tale of being abandoned (name one daily morning k-drama without a baby being abandoned) by a nameless mother (they usually are) is supposed to bring on viewers' (and ditzy JS) pity and sympathy, so expect more tales of lonesome despair from Wujin.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    A REAL JS would certainly, no matter how naive or dumb, stay away from this kind of man - why? Bcos WJ current lack of attention and care for his own son mirrors his own lamentations. He pretends to a victim of abandonment and loneliness but ACTUALLY he craves for them bcos he knows ditzy JS will fall for this kind of bleeding-heart stories. Classic self-fulfilling prophecy. WJ's one seriously sick puppy. He's got a son, a wife who always makes suggestive moves on him, and he still wants a girlfriend?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Indeed there is already a parentless-homeless character, Eunju, WJ's former babysitter who frequently walks around in shorts and her nubile young womanly figure always gets Jeongwu's hormones working overtime but poor chap will only end up suffering puppy love. Now if she could only lead the priest into temptation and eternal damnation - this drama might have its own spin-off...haha!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The tales of immorality in this drama is a tad becoming too predictable -
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    1) we have 2 married men (WJ & mr white a.k.a Yeongsu) who keep lusting after other women in order to make up for their...er...shortcomings and self-made loneliness.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2) we have 2 women, mother and daughter, (SJ & JS) who keep looking for love in all the wrong places, hence falling into an endless cycle of being manipulated and deceived by those same men
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    3) for variety we have another mother and daughter duo (Jenny & Myungsook) who instead of looking after the young boy and run the gallery properly, schemes and plots everyday bcos their own love lives are also out-of-whack - one's a serial nymphomaiac who's targeted ex-cop Jungchul so as to regularly milk him for information while the evil mum takes her frustrations out on ditzy Jeongsu since old-gyutak-doesn't-see-her-as-a-woman.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This circus of clowns in order to sustain its mon-fri tales of more immoralities must have at least one suspended SURPRISE ending, other than smaller surprises like which jerk JS MAY end up with, or whether the "professor"-husband of Junghee leaves her for the younger woman, etc but one thing is almost for sure...nobody will end up living happily ever after. Another given is that someone always gets slapped and plates and cups will be sent flying about the room- such good adult behavior for the young ones to emulate.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ep 89 KBSW
































































































    Today's episode finally knocked into me that the title PMPW should actually be Horny Mom, Adulterous Woman. The buildup from the past 3.5 episodes finally convinced everyone the following 'facts':
































































































    1. Soonjin & Gyutak were still frequently having more than 'feely-touchee' sessions even after she got married to mr white.
































































































    2. mr white of course spread his time (and bodily fluids) with more women than he could remember.
































































































    3. a big question mark is raised by mr white over who actually sired jeongu, as well as the other grown-up kids, a question that gyutak didn't and couldn't entirely confirm nor deny.
































































































    The writer is in fact trying to drill in the moral, actually immorality, of this story - it's ok for soonjin to practise the horizontal mambo with both men bcos since she's stuck in a loveless marriage with a violent uncouth man, it's totally ok for her to de-stress by dong more bedroom exercises with gyutak. The writer insists that soonjin is NOT a wanton woman bcos for the past 10 plus episodes - she's been feeling torn between two men and feeling pained every time she sees gyutak. So it's not a case of an adulterous nymphomaniac woman happily doing the kama sutra but prithee pleeze, every episode shows soonjin suffering from 'no love' and pining for gyutak. Hmm....or it could be a bad case of a middle-aged woman suffering from withdrawal symptoms of nymphomania.
































































































    The writer wants us to accept that soonjin's adultery /u] is and was induced by circumstances 'beyond her control' and is fully justified bcos of mr white's violent and loveless behavior towards her. So folks, it's ok for wifey to be unfaithful so long as her husabnd is also unfaithful and violent.






























































































































































































































































































































    Take a second look, take a step back and you'll see the same pattern in Jenny's numerous affairs with unknown men she picks up at bars bcos dog-face wujin prefers banging his ditzy employee. Take a further step back and you might also notice that the writer has created a similar slightly modified story arc for Jeongsu who's also torn between 2 men - she thought that by using one unmarried lecher to thwart the other married loser, she would balance everything nicely and everybody lives UNHAPPILY ever after. But week after week, she's bullied by Jenny and JS looks as happy as a prisoner on death row.






























































































































































































































































































































    It beats me why the writer is taking such a long time to 'justify' soonjin's adulterous relationship past and present bcos I doubt if many viewers would buy that kind of 'argument'. Is gyutak truly her savior?































































































































































































    She threatens divorce many-many times, gyutak's lawyers we know are learning the ABCs of divorce, and even mr white told gyutak TODAY he'd sign the divorce papers provided a DNA is done to verify which grown-up adults in that household come from his loins. So what's holding up soonjin's move for divorce? Could it be there was a 3rd man she did the kama sutra with? Haha!






























































































































































































































































































































    For reasons best known only to the writer, soonjin now wants to back away from both Gyutak and mr white....therefore prolonging the sexual tension(?) for Gyutak....and giving mr white more time to work on the other middle age woman working at the diner. While gyutak continues to suffer a bad case of blue balls, mr white is only too eager to prove his manhood without the blue pill.






























































































































































































































































































































    Meantime the story is developing like an old dog chasing its own tail....slow, repetitive and occasionally trips, inducing laughter. But oh..I'm in no hurry to see its ending bcos I'm having too much fun along this story's journey....the destination may not be half as good and most k-dramas have proven me right.
































































































































































































    KBSW Ep 87
































































































    Waddaya know...the episode today began with 2 slaps and ended with a punch to the face......plenty of action in one single episode including a barrage of k-drama style insults agst each other's family without using a single expletive. Bravi!
































































































    Shouldn't the 2 old fogeys by now get a room or something? All these night and day quickie-meetings along street alleys is NOT cool anymore. Anyway it's good to see the dominant alpha-male lion mr white give gyutak a sucker punch (what did I say abt the two lovebirds getting a room instead of making out in the streets like delinquent teenage schoolkids?)
































































































    Today's ep also presents 2 contenders for funny ha-ha man of the moment award - First contender, Yongjun proudly tells mr white that his dad married 5 times. A while later in JS's room (yeah, the perv finally made it that far and could have gone even further) Yongjun tells JS a.k.a. Chestnut Jelly,
































































































    "Jeongsu, I don't love you bcos you have a nice father. I love you for you."
































































































    (duh? nice father? since when? BTW I sure do hope "I lurv u 4 u" sounds much better (more romantic?) in korean than it does in english).
































































































    Of course JS immediately becomes lumpy like wet clay after hearing these saccharine-sweet words (bet the script tells JS to look 'melted or lumpy") and yongjun grabs the chance and s_l_o_w_l_y grabs-embraces a melted JS into his arms, and the camera shows his 'pervertic' grin from behind her shoulders, and also JS's split second wry smile.
































































































    Split-second bcos mr white barges into the room and sees them in each other's arms and now 2nd contender for funnyman award -
































































































    Mr White was so happy at what he saw, he told Yongjun, while pointing at JS's bed, "Sleep here tonight". Goodnight young lovers, he says as he left the room and then 3.8 secs later, he vomited blood in the bathroom. Well. so much for foreplay.
































































































    I couldn't stop laughing at these two scenarios written by our erstwhile pathetic writer. The writer does seem to be improving in his comedic skills, day by day.
































































































    OK. obviously I'm not a female, but I think about the hardest thing a girl can do if her own father tells (orders?) her unofficial boyfren to spend the night in her own bedroom...actress Kim Bin Woo must have thought long and hard what expression she would have to wear following that remark...hence the face-saving blood-vomiting scene which by the way concludes with the bloody father (literally bloodied) telling JS & YJ to 'go on insde and sleep...to continue what you were doing,"
































































































    If I were Yongjun, I wouldn't mind testing the bedsprings with JS (and what's more with daddy's approval) but shhh...this IS a FAMILY morning drama, so conveniently, father's invitation wasn't taken up and THAT won't happen as yet.

































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