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Posts posted by daunte29
































































































































































































































































    Ep 163 - Soonjin & JS finally make peace with each other after JS stumbles upon Soonjin's entry in her diary:- THINGS TO DO B4 I DIE. Aww...shucks...don't the title itself make your heart bleed?
































































































































































































    And do you know how Jeongsu stumbled across her mom's diary? It conveniently fell out of the kitchen cupboard, as if begging JS - PLEASE READ ME, IT"LL MAKE YOU CRY.
































































































































































































    So in typical k drama fashion involving mothers and daughters crying together and sharing the blame game, JS says I AM A BAD DAUGHTER, and Soonjin replies, I AM A TERRIBLE MOM. I think the scriptwriter is really telling us THIS IS A MESSED UP FAMILY SO DON"T TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY. Just look at the drama title - cryptic isn't it? And why is there not a single kleenex tissue in the kitchen to soak up those tears?
































































































































































































    Speaking of cryptic, Soonjin was even debating in her diary entry whether a white wedding dress would be fitting for a sinful woman like her and when JS read that, more tears rolled down her baby soft cheeks. In case you didn't see the 'hidden power' of suggestion, both mother and daughter are going to their future weddings NOT as virgins but I'm sure korean bridal studios have more than one color available exactly for such contingencies. Chastity not required, only vanity and lots of $$$.
































































































































































































    But there was a creepy scene showing both gyutak & soonjin dreaming about the son, and that brief nightmare made both fogies from a sleeping position to sit up straight 90 degress upright. What bugs me was why was the priest shown walking, er...make that stumbling, around in that eerie forest and then as expected lost his footing and rolled down some ways slamming against a tree.
































































































































































































    So was he acting out a one-man version of Jack & Jill going up the hill, playing dual roles of Jack breaking his crown and Jill tumbling down, or was the priest looking for the spot where he buried his childhood collection of barbie dolls? Perhaps it's better to make him stumble around and fall down in the forest instead of stumbling around the crowded streets of downtown seoul and then getting knocked down by a car with faulty brakes driven by a one-eyed drunk driver. Stairway to heaven?
































































































































































































































































































    Ep 162 today - To the townfolks of this drama - please be advised that sunday mass and other regular church activites will be on deep freeze indefinitely bcos our priest has run away. He has also turned off his GPS locator which makes it imporssible for our covert spy team from Athena Goddess of War to track him down.































































































































































































































































































































































































    We are fully aware the scriptwriter is responsible for making our priest behave just like his shameless biological mother i.e. when the going gets tough, the tough disappears. Our friendly town police has told us they're too busy chasing real criminals thus they cannot spare anyone to find runaway crybaby priests.
































































































































































































    Until such time when the scriptwriter allows the priest to return, we will likewise take our time in locating a substitute priest from another KBS drama. In the meantime please take advantage of the priest's absence and attend our origami classes conducted by our priest's half-brother and the hot girl Yunju. END OF ANNOUNCEMENT.
































































































































































































    Speaking of hot girl, I think we can now officially remove the title of Miss Ditzy from Jeongsu. Never mind that JS eye makeup was done by the same woman who did jenny's eye makeup, JS looked babelicious as usual. What's more the scriptwriter gave her permission to shout back at mr white and wrote her this one line: BEING A BAD HUSBAND DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BE A BAD FATHER. Put another way: A man can be a good husband but that doesn't guarantee he'll be a good father. Wah...even Jedi master Yoda would be impressed by this profound er..whatever.
































































































































































































    A DEEP ONE SHE'S BECOME THIS WOMAN CALLED JEONGSU - Not to mention her baby smooth skin would make all of us quite lame bcos sadly THE FORCE is powerless at improving facial complexions.
































































































































































































    Speaking of facial complexions, did you notice jenny's mum facial twitches when gyutak threatened to send her to a mental hospital? Strangely enough, she didn't deny gyutak's diagnosis after 162 episodes of her soon-to-be-lame dastardly acts. Indeed going to a mental institution might be good for her since she's running out of people (and reasons) to terrorise on a daily basis. The only thing is her expertise at snarling, making facial contortions and her other evil looks will be put to shame when compared to the really crazy citizens in a mental institution, the likes of Jack Nicholson.
































































































































































































































































































    Ep 161 today again promoted korea's No. 1 beverage choice for healing and soothing wounded and pained egos - SOJU. It's really freaky to know that in 100% of all k dramas, there MUST be a drunk scene and in 99% of the time the beverage of choice is soju.
































































































































































































    When Koreans drink, they do so to get drunk, or else there's really no reason for them to drink.
































































































































































































    Anyways I bet there were some of you who like me enjoyed the predicted fall from grace (but I think it's only a temporary dramatic device for some folks to sympathise with his 'pain') bcos if the priest doesn't get drunk, then viewers won't be convinced that he's been emotionally affected, get it? Altho I'm not religious, I somehow think this writer as usual cannot resist stereotyping even this priest as having only wafer-thin commitment to God - too convenient as it were. Think about it - this orphan-priest grew up for most of his life without the need for parental love AND after devoting himself to serving God as a priest, I should think that as a priest doing God's work day in day out, he would tell everyone in and out of this fictional drama that God's love is more powerful and the ONLY love he'll ever need.
































































































































































































    I really don't think a REAL priest will so easily crumble to pieces especially since a REAL priest would already have helped scores of his followers manage even worse predicaments. There'd be no rapid corrosion of faith.
































































































































































































    Indeed another different priest may well receive this news with sheer joy and happiness...that God has given him back his long-lost parents. It is something to treaaure and celebrate - not dive into self-pity and resort to accusations and passing judgement. Hey Changhui, were you ever a priest for real?
































































































































































































    From a priestly view, how can parental love or even the thought of having parents drive our priest to embrace bottles of soju? This is just too contrived. No, I'm not saying the priest shouldn't be emotionally affected - another writer could have given him some crying scenes, bowed in deep prayers and then as all trained priests would do, seek the counsel of a senior priest.
































































































































































































    Speaking of counselling, Jeongsu as expected is now regretting she ever said I WILL NEVER FORGIVE HER. In front of Dumb & Dumber, she still puts on a valiant front (I'm a hypocrite, she confesses to Youngju) but in front of Youngju, she turns to putty (I'M A BAD DAUGHTER) and for added effect, the director tells her to emote some tears while being hugged by her loser future hubby. Mister Hands-On Youngju should have taken advantage of JS vulnerable state then and there undert hat tree - So you're a bad dauighter, huh, now I'm going to bend you over my knees and give you a spanking...now tell me do you prefer bare hands or paddle? Oh darn, I left my paddle at home, no worries I'll use my long-fingered hands, ok my lovely Jeongsu? oops sorry, this is family drama.
































































































































































































    Speaking of family, I like Jenny today - her hair and makeup was fabulous and she did the thing we've been waiting for - she gave her pain-inflicting mum an expiry date: I DON"T WANT YOU AS MY MUM ANYMORE. Other than the obvious parallelism to Jeongsu's declaration agst soonjin, there was stark contrast to the way Jenny delivered her message of intent: she was icy-cool and deliciously sexy when she faced her bad-bad mum.
































































































































































































    That's The Way...Aha Aha....I Like It.....Aha Aha.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thank heavens for despicable characters in k dramas...I'm sure some of you are also wondering why jenny's twisted mum have so much time on her hands (isn't she supposed to be a director of a nat'l museum or something?) walking around town and saying things that should never be said?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    But this pain-giving woman did everyone a huge favor today by being the only thick-hide person to tell the good news to the priest - the diner food you've been freeloading off all this time was cooked by your biological mum - and thank goodness for once this priest didn't expand his eyeballs on hearing the sur-prize. In fact his goofy looks suited the situation quite well, bcos now that he knows who his mum is, he surely will discover who provided the sperm and then heavens have mercy, he'll realize he was the result of an adulterous affair.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Was her loveless marriage to mr white justifiable? Mr Priest, we will eagerly await how you handle this issue of adultery by your own mum. And then 'throwing him away' at the orphanage to hide that act of marital infidelity will surely jar his priestly instincts and test his own anger management. Practise What You Preach. For sure, the theme of 'forgive & forget' will still prevail at the end, and today gyutak led by example by going down on bended knees in front of the 3 Oh siblings. That close-up of Miss Ditzy (who previously yelled I WILL NEVER FORGIVE HER) was way enough to soothe my injured senses at watching this plodding story.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Speaking of 'forget', you'd notice the writer hasn't included any scenes of mr and mrs white for the past 2-3 episodes now. How mr white will react when all the dominos have fallen should be interesting. Will he go ballistic or will he just feel proud that all his past suspicions of his two-timing soonjin have indeed been proven true? Another sucker punch for gyutak or will he ask gyutak monetary compensation for banging his wife? Will we see gyutak go down on bended knees to ask mr white to forgive him?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Whoa, so many questions already so let me add one more...why izzit everytime (and I do mean everytime) we see scenes of the priest interacting with members of his flock, the members are all women? Izzit so difficult for the casting director to find one or two male extras or is the PD indeed emphasizing the point that our priest is a 'ladies man' like his dad gyutak? Like father, like son or should it be, Like father, like Father....**Cute grinz**
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now that the pussycat has been left out of the bag, the writer begins his FAF mode - Forgive & Forget.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    As unbelievably silly as it sounds, Soonjin only tells gyutak half the story abt getting pregnant and giving away the baby to grow up in an orphange but stopped short of identifying the child. Man, she sure is the Queen Of Keeping Secrets but actually this is a common feature in 99% of k dramas, where the illusion of spilling the beans is so awfully perfect, just when you thought all has been emptied away, there actually remains one bean left unspilled. The last drop as it were.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    So in 2day's end shot, it was gyutak's turn to expand his eyeballs when Youngju and Wujin told him - we know you're thrilled to find out you're now a father and drum roll please....your son is the Father.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Get it? What a hoot!! This writer could be from the team that writes jokes for KBS GAG Concert.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Speaking of eyeballs, today was the 2nd time (or maybe 3rd) we heard that gyutak actually has become infertile due to an accident he suffered in America which permanently damaged his reproductive system - so this news of him being a father of a Father is a godsend (pun intended).
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Of course more fun signs ahead as we now wait for the Oh siblings to start calling the priest Brudder in addition to Father. To add even more noise and action today, Jenny threw her desk nameplate onto the floor in anger; a few episodes ago, her evil mum smashed Jeongsu's desk nameplate in the same way...geez it sure seems the lifespan of those transparent somewhat thick glass nameplates are way too short and both mother and daughter are so fond of breaking things.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Speaking of breaking, the evil woman still do not realise that her chances of destroying people's lives are dwindling by the moment. Yup, she's the embodiment of the cliche that says, They just don't know when to stop. Her game is up bcos Gyutak & Soonjin have cemented their bonds even stronger now that the secret is no more, doigface is going to remove himself from gyutak's family register and of course she hasn't realised the priest is the only legal heir to gyutak's wealth. However we didn't see much of dear jeongsu today except meeting Youngju under that TREE and that shady tree has been used time and again and will be used in the finale episode as well. Even a tree got more airtime than the diner woman today.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    And still nobody has yet to anticipate mr white's possible violent reaction when he finds out that soonjin had a baby with gyutak....methinks gyutak should hire a few men in black suits and blacker glasses- the type that has body tattoos and uses korean baseball bats to pulverize other people's skulls - and protect his future wife from mr white.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Wise men say only fools rush in. But wiser men like gyutak just slam bam and thank you ma'am, and that's how this their-son-is-the-Father mess was born. How will mr white greet the news? You slept with my wife so I went ahead and married another woman - your son now helps people to meet God while my son might meet God sooner than later bcos he needs bone marrow. Thank you scritpwriter!

































































    The trials and tribulations created simply by those unwilling to find out the truth is always mind boggling to me. Everyone is condemning Sunjin to Hell because of "throwing" a baby away. Dramatic decription if you ask me. Wasn't sure if this was covered but is the Priest older or younger than JH?
































































































































































































    IN her sob story yesterday, she mentioned she had the priest while Jeonghee was still very young, and the rest had not yet been born. She added she didn't commit suicide (after discovering her grandparents had lied to her abt the baby's supposed death at birth) bcos of JH's young age. From the writer's perspective, JH & the baby 'priest' would have grown up together and maybe ended up smart & smarter.
































































































































































































































































































    FIX THIS...that's what JeongHee being the eldest, essentially told her stewpit mum today.
































































































































































































    Finally JH lived up to her role as being the eldest bcos the writer gave her sensible things to say, especially the part where she told her adulterous mum that the priest should be told abt his DNA (God created him and it took an adulterous act to make him but it was a drama scriptwriter who gave him life, and a church SUV and lousy jokes).. We might also learn from JH 3 important words to utter to househusbands who have loose lips - YOU BE QUIET!
































































































































































































    JH pressed the silly mum to reveal everything: THE PRIEST'S EMOTIONALLY STRONGER THAN ANY OF US. Dang right!! If a priest cannot handle his own shortcomings, apart from helping others' with their problems, then he shouldn't be wearing the black tunic.
































































































































































































    I'll spare all of us the (over-acted) emotional riff-raff in 2day's episode by avoiding them entirely. And I won't even begin to deal with the major black-hole of a plot-hole concerning how an adult woman can be locked up by her own grandparents. In another drama shown 2 years ago, there was also a similar 'situation' where the adult woman claimed to have been locked up by her grandmother who objected to her relationship with a married man. Methinks our k drama scriptwriters have been reading one too many fairy tales about princesses locked up behind thick castle walls bcos they make it sound so easy to prevent and stop an adult woman from going out of the house. Indefinitely. Unless of course they happen to be living remotely in the mountains. Or it can only be made believable in k dramas.
































































































































































































    Certainly they want us to believe that those old folks who lock up their adult family members are built like ex-Olympics heavyweight wrestlers or weightlifters, strong enough to immobilize an adult female should she try to do a prison break from home, eh?
































































































































































































    So you've disgraced our family name and committed adultery and therefore I'm going to lock you up in your room and throw away the key, including the spare one. As for your boyfren gyutak, I'll just offer him enough money for him to go to the US where he'll hibernate until the scriptwriter brings him back to Korea.































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Up until yesterday the adulterous mum wanted everyone to keep the secret from the priest at all costs. Actually her logic (and the writer's of course) is flawed. Soonjin got pregnant by Gyutak while she was married to mr white. Now how do you think mr white'll react when he hears the news (after the whole country has already known abt it)? Even if he didn't love her, and suspected erstwhile that she was sleeping with that punk, and so shouldn't feel too betrayed, the confirmation that another man planting his seed in his wife is NOT something his manhood can easily accept. Or maybe in revenge, mr white made Soonjin bear Jeongsu, Jeongchul & Jeongu in quick succession.
































































































































































































    Then of course the priest can NOW actually think of retiring from godly service bcos he'll be the rightful heir to gyutak's wealth, ahead of the evil woman's grandson, especially since dogface will also legally remove himself from gyutak's family register. That makes the grandson for all eternity legally NOT related to gyutak anymore and of course the boy was never even carrying gyutak's bloodline. So all that the evil woman has been scheming for comes to nothing -- from zero to zero. After 174 episodes, she'll spend the rest of her life wondering why her twisted facial contortions didn't achieve any tangible longterm retirement benefits.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Today's revelations again reminded me that morning k dramas exist bcos only to make us laugh. The funniest moment was when JS was 'forced' to tell JH that the discarded baby is the priest...and then JH acted like she's just been injected with H1N1 virus. I wonder if her reaction would have really killed her if she was told the poor baby was someone else instead, say, the neighborhood mobster or the town doctor.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Most k dramas who use this abandoned baby story usually centers around the fact the baby grew up, left the orphanage and disappeared into thin air. The 'DRAMATIC discovery' is made only halfway or late into the drama. Not knowing what became of that 'poor' child left at in a 20th century orphanage with caregivers and warm beds and nutritious food provided by welfare services is always more than enough for ALL k dramas to condemn and sentence the mother to eternal damnation. Normal folks like us will never see the logic and one-sided biasness that k drama scriptwriters have about orphanages or of women who give up their infants. Doesn't it occur to them that the woman will most probably have a good reason/s for doing it? Would abortion be a more 'acceptable' solution?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    This witer seems to enjoy using the snowballing effect - first JS found out about THE SECRET and went mad, so mad she fired herself out of a director's job, then it was JH's turn to know THE SECRET and she too went bonkers, and next is Jeongchul who already showed us in the end shot that he's capable of expanding his eyeballs. Care to wager who's next on the list to learn of THE SECRET - Gyutak, Minhyuk, Yunju, diner woman, mr & mrs white, the priest? That should give enough dingbats for the writer to stretch this drama to 174 eps.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now that JS has stopped crying and started giving the I-won't-ever-forgive look, she had a telling encounter with her sinful mother by asking her 3 questions b4 saying what all the grannies already know: THIS ISN"T SOMETHING YOU CAN COVER UP.:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    1. How long are you going to hide this? 2. Do you think runnig away will solve the problem? 3. If you disappear again, what do you think will happen?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now in typical k drama fashion, Soonjin didn't answer those questions and the only thing she said is : JEONGSU AH.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Actually this is a very economic method used in ALL K DRamas for saying NO or I DON"T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT - you just utter the name of the person bombarding you with all this sensitive and unwanted questions. Works like a charm. Soonjin is also showing us why she's the mother of miss ditzy - nowadays soonjin wears only 2 expressions, the main one being the scared puppydog downward look (please don't torture me with your questions) and the other one is expanding her eyeballs while looking at the source of that irritant.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Since Soonjin didn't answer our lovely JS's questions, I'll do it for her:
































































































































































































































































































































































































    1. How long are you going to hide this? For as long as the PD and scriptwriter wants me to, so that we can prolong this drama as much as possible.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    2. Do you think runnig away will solve the problem? I don't solve problems. MIddle aged women like me know only how to react to problems.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    3. If you disappear again, what do you think will happen? Actually I have no more places to disappear to since you already know abt the orphanage. Unless the scriptwriter teleports me to another drama like Secret Garden or My Princess, then nobody from this drama can find me. HEHE!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Talking about disappearing, this is actually the best time for soonjin to vanish bcos as you can see, THE SEcret is becoming more and more exposed. But I think the writer will make her FACE THE MUSIC so as to give evryone a chance to spew saliva at her face but the person who won;t condemn her will be the man in BLACK. I'm just guessing here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    And if you fast forward, here's why this drama was meant to be a comedy - Soonjin is going to end up marrying Gyutak who provided the sperm to create the priest (the priest will officiate at their wedding even) but now Soonjin is being condemned by her own family members for throwing away the baby bcos if she had kept the baby, that baby would now be living with them and might end up as the third leg of Dumb & Dumber. How's that for an alternate scenario!
































































































































































































































































































    To say that a truckful of cow excrement has hit the proverbial fan would still be a tiny stain in the sky-high levels of moronology this drama has achieved. Nobody except the writer will understand that Soonjin is willing to abandon her family of leechers (and Jeongsu), make all of them unhappy, angry and confused, just so she can be near the baby she abandoned so many years ago?? She believes that staying near him would atone for THAT sin of giving him away? To think that KBS moronic higher-ups would pay and finance this sort of cow dung drama, time and time again...**eyes rolling**
































































































































































































    Yes, the writer has now made Soonjin one extremely irritating-very annoying person to watch, and those of you wanting to shake her, please go ahead...when you're done, I'll terminate this sorry-excuse-for-a-writer by suctioning his brains out from his ears and nostrils. I've nothing against country women who live simple humble lives but even a woman who has never attended school would never do what Soonjin is doing....causing pain and disharmony among her own family members for the sake of one, a priest no less, whom she still hasn't publicly acknowledged as her own bloodline. She 'abandoned' him once so she won't ever do it again? Err...did anyone tell Soonjin to take a good look at the abandoned one...he's twice as tall as her and his job is even more respectable than her current kids (except for silly Jeongsu who fired herself).
































































































































































































    Her 'great sin' is NOT that she abandoned the baby so many eyars ago - that act of leaving him at the orphanage for whatever reason, has resulted in a good outcome, don't you think? Furthermore, isn't a priest supposed to represent the link between sinners like herself and the Almighty, a tangible link to ask for forgiveness? But NOO...OO..in order to prolong this drama series by 10 more episodes, the writer wants Soonjin to continue to act like a hardcore weeping moron, based on the simple premise...if she doesn't tell, and Soonjin today also wants JS to NOT TELL, everybody will live they were. IGNORANCE IS MORE & MOSTLY BLISS in k dramas. Make that 'PISSed".
































































































































































































    In a nutshell created by our writer, Soonjin's 'original' sin is no longer a single sin but has multiplied several times bcos in spite of the fact her pussycat has been let out of her bag by the evil woman, by Youngju & Wujin, and by her own daughter JS - she's still NOW is lying to ALL her 5 family members (4 offspring + minhyuk) plus even the man who provided the sperm to create the priest, and her circus act for the past few weeks has been hiding, crying and saying sorry, and to emphasize that ONLY she's suffering, in every episode she cries and says sorry.
































































































































































































    Luckily for me, Yunju was given one short scene today, politely stalling for time bcos once again the sexually-awakening Jeongu wants her to join him and mum live in the countryside. A few episodes ago, Yunju did tell Jeongu that it would be better if he stayed put and continue his origami classes at the church and certainly Yunju would be there by his side, helping him fold papers for the rest of their lives.
































































































































































































    So an alternate story arc might be that Jeongu's intensive testosterone buildup propels him to suddenly tell Soonjin: Mum, I want to stay here and I don't want to follow you and the priest to the countryside. The reason is I want to mate with Yunju. Wouldn't that statement give another chance for soonjin to gape and open her eyes as big and wide as saucers?
































































































































































































    From the very first time when Soonjin ran away from home, it was also widely publicized that Jeongu cannot sleep if mommy isn't around...well, she's run away twice now and in the latest escapade, she even spent a longer time being away, happily scrubbing orphans' backs and doing laundry instead of caring for her dear Jeongu. That to me is a sin way bigger than her history of sins bcos it's just downright irresponsible. Unfit to be a mother - check! Unfit to be a human - double check!
































































































































































































    Somehow k dramas love showing characters who are guilt-ridden but no matter how messed up they are, they are still very able to do the following very well:
































































































































































































    1. Cry; 2. Say Sorry 3. Do not explain yourself 4. Then cry some more 5. Continue saying sorry, sorry, sorry, 6. Most important of all, maintain that pitiful look and when harangued by others, just expand your eyeballs (when the camera zooms in for full face closeups), look horrendously surprised for a few seconds, then emote one single teardrop to roll down one cheek (just one teardrop will do to show your acting prowess) b4 running away to hide in your room. Oh yes, make sure you slump heavily to the floor, and then you can release the reservoir of tears and let them flow down both cheeks until the director yells CUT.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    To err is human, to forgive is divine but this k drama has given this saying a fresh spin. Today's episode totally belonged to dogface Wujin who travelled the neighborhood to sniff things out and put them in their places - first he talked with a still-crying Jeongsu under a tree; then he bounded over to Youngju to keep him up to speed; then he waggled over to the evil mrs kim to make her 2 offers b4 finally ending up in gyutak's inner sanctum.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Did you know other than his ambassadorial skills, dogface has actually achieved divine status? Let me explain: He told Jeongsu (who's now parroting one of k-drama's must-haves - I WILL NEVER FORGIVE HER) that he had already forgiven his deceased mother for giving him away altho he never had the chance to tell her personally that HE understood her painful decision. He also told her he was wrong to have boinked her many times even b4 his divorce was legal. His opening remarks were that everyone makes mistakes and that EVEN HE HIMSELF is NOT perfect.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now before you start thinking he's become such a sweet puppydog, look closer at the logic the writer is throwing at us - when wujin says even he's not perfect, but then he also says he's already forgiven his mum who gave him away. "To forgive is divine" and that's why I say he's elevated himself to divine status. Like I said in my previous post, in k dramaland, some people are MORE PERFECT than others.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    In keeping with the Top Ten Unwritten Rules in k drama, whenever a character is in distress, feeling self-pitiful, lost a job, finds out your parent has done something more despicable than despicable, that character must therefore replenish her supply of tears by wallowing in korea's favorite juice for sadder than sad people - soju. You'd notice I'm sure that when koreans drink soju in k dramas, they NEVER end up sober and they never stop at one bottle bcos the primary goal is to get drunk...that's why rookie korean actors/actresses in acting schools all must undergo compulsory and rigorous training in acting drunk. A k drama without a drunken scene or two is not a k drama.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    No second guessing needed as to why imported beer or hard liquor can never penetrate the korean market significantly; except for imported wines.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Drunk women in k dramas invariably always get piggybacked home, either by their boyfrens, or soon-to-be boyfrens (including the boss) and occasionally the neighborhood lecher. I'm sure our writer must have paused to think - who will piggyback our dear Jeongsu who isn't exactly petite and lightweight - tada!...brother Jeongchul got that 'privilege'!! Yes, we know that he only carried her from front door to bedroom in the studio set, a very short distance, but the pain on his face wasn't acting - I have a feeling he was actually huffing and struggling to keep himself and actress Kim Bin Woo from falling over. Hmm, I myself wouldn't mind giving JS a piggyback ride, no matter how short or long the distance **Evil Grinz**
































































































































































































































































































    Good news...miss ditzy finally quits working at the gallery, something that many of us have been wanting her to do since both jenny and the evil woman started terrorising her daily previously. The BAD news is ditzy quit while being temporarily insane due to the fact that I suspect she's NOT HOT on the idea of the priest as her half-brother.
































































































































































































    Just when you thought this drama couldn't get any more ridiculous, today that lunacy factor went up by 1 notch. The good thing was ditzy was given a lot of airtime and more dialogue lines by our writer to show her ultra rapid slide into temporary insanity....ohh, my lucky day at seeing actress Kim Bin Woo emote overloads of anguish, self-pity and irrationality, and with her long hair undone.
































































































































































































    For all you experts in moralogy, this k drama now tells us that committing adultery is NOT as bad as abandoning your baby at an orphanage. Soonjin can sleep with the chairman while still married to mr white (she's trapped in a loveless marriage, you see) but when she 'abandons' a baby at the orphanage, no sirree, that's a greater crime and a heinous sin punishable by having your hussy actions made into a morning daily korean drama for all Koreans to watch. Soonjin thinks by hiding in an orphanage and doing the orphans' laundry is atoning for her 'sins'? What about 'abandoning' her mentally challenged Jeongu at home?
































































































































































































    Wasn't it some time ago when we saw Jeonghui feeling extremely happy awaiting DNA results that might prove she's the chairman's daughter? If the DNA results were positive, nobody would even dare criticize Soonjin for bed-hopping. But once Soonjin or any other woman in a k drama is found to have left a baby at an orphanage, that causes a tsunami wave of immorality.
































































































































































































    For armchair experts in moronology (definitely morons would find this word intimidating), today we have gyutak to thank for bcos he laughed off the evil woman's vain attempts at securing her future cash cows. SO YOU SHOULD LAY OFF MY BACK & MY WEALTH. I think mr kim has just about given up all attempts at stopping that short evil woman from gliding into gyutak's inner sanctum. The last time mr kim manhandled her, he couldn't even move her out of the office and I think she positively enjoyed having a man's hands touching ALL OVER her body. Or the 2 single fogies could start dancing to MC Hammer's Can't Touch This.
































































































































































































    Talking about touching, the writer should touch on the stigma he created: explain what's so wrong in the abandoned baby turning out to be a priest? Looking at his half-siblings, (except for Jeongsu who has risen up to directorship and then promptly firing herself), most would agree his job is not half as bad. He has a shiny SUV (black of course) as his church car, he gets free meals, his office is even bigger than Soonjin's living room and he's even got his own posse in Yunju & Jeongu. His jokes are as flat as they come but hey, the Bible isn't exactly a manual for training comedians.
































































































































































































    But today's remark he made to ditzy when he saw her hurrying away carrying a box - in k dramas, when one quits one's job, it's mandatory to pack some office stationery into a box and then with a thousand pairs of eyes watching, the JOBLESS ONE has to slowly walk out of the office - the priest joked to JS: RUNNING AWAY FROM YOUR DUTIES? This priest is indeed becoming better at black humor - when the going gets tough, both Jeongsu & mum Soonjin escape by simply running away. You can already imagine the priest's next sermon for these two: You can run but you cannot hide.
































































































































































































    Methinks this priest is reading too much into kpop group SNSD (Girls Generation) hit song, Run Devil Run.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Folks I learned a new expression today from the diner woman who was replying to mrs white query abt soonjin's repeated running away: SHE'S THE CHAMPION OF KEEPING THINGS TO HERSELF.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Didn't we love today's end scene when Ditzy heard something she shouldn't hear and she so happens to be EXACTLY at the right place at the wrong time - THE right place being a shady tree for which she had to lean on for support after hearing THE SECRET ...man I tell you every other female in this drama except the evil woman, who hears THE SECRET always starts to SWAY from side to side. The sight of Ditzy walking in her jeans and T-shirt also made me sway from side to side, and that was the high point for me. Hehe!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Earlier, acccompanied by piano music, we got another dose of Philosophy 101 from (who else) Wujin who told Ditzy: NOBODY IS PERFECT. Even though I was absolutely transfixed on our lovely Ditzy for exactly 4.4 seconds, dang I swear I've heard that NIP statement from somewhere. Then again I've also learned that everybody strives for perfection in work, in relationships, in studies and in committing crime and some people are MORE PERFECT than others, as k dramas including this one always endeavors very hard to remind us.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Soonjin dear, you better hurry back home quickly or else there won't be anyone left alive waiting for you - Jeong Hee has just issued the order to her househusband - THE KITCHEN IS OFF LIMITS TO YOU FROM TODAY. To be fair, this time Minhyuk did make his protestations but we shall have to wait and see if he's brave enough to challenge his old lady. Evidently JeongHee is very unhappy and unsettled working at the hotel bcos as predicted, there're a zillion more customers & more work compared to the backwater gallery.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    No doubt this current mess was all bcos Soonjin didn't think smart enough - instead of announcing that she'll move to the countryside and follow the priest, she should have quietly looked for a new residence at the countryside, and then pretend everything is hunky-dory and wait until the priest moves to the countrydie...wait for about a week or so....then spring the surprise that Jeongu needs the priest and so, she's moving to the countryside the following day. Yes of course that would still make her leechers freak out and go ballistic but the after effects would be shortened considerably, and by the time those leechers start figuring out why and what, Soonjin & Jeongu would already be breathing fresh country air, and the priest gets his one hot meal a day.
































































































































































































































































































    After admiring miss ditzy's long hair and even longer legs today, it suddenly dawned on me that very few k dramas feature its characters as k drama addicts. Very few. Wouldn't it be nice to feature main characters in a kdrama who also watches k drama very frequently? I'll tell you below why this would make an original hit comedy.
































































































































































































    You'd notice most k dramas including the primetime ones (but excluding the historical dramas) feature main characters who're always very busy courting, getting drunk, pretending to study, pretending even more to work, vigorously chasing the opposite sex (love is ALWAYS at first sight in k dramas), hyper over-reacting at unpleasant news, then appearing nonchalant at everything and everyone else, being a pain in other people's affairs, plotting to inflict more pain in other people's affairs (this genre includes spy dramas like Iris & Athena Goddess of War), always have impeccable timing by being in the right places at the right time to overhear things or see things they shouldn't hear or see, always having the knack of bumping/meeting the very people you don't like (the ones you wish could drop dead instantly) in 'odd' places like cinemas, pubs/bars, restaurants and occasionally the restrooms - two people separated by space and time but invariably in k dramas, they'll bump into each other either inside or just outside restrooms or along lonely deserted hallways - Say, you look familiar...I gawt it....didn't we study in the same kindergarten but then you were suddenly teleported to America and now we meet again 20 years later in this overbright washroom...Dang! you still look the same!!
































































































































































































    You see, when someone gets wind of this idea of producing a k drama which features main characters in love with watching k dramas, all those templated situations and stereotypes that we see so often in many k dramas will become the storyline itself...two people not destined to fall in love will somehow someway engage in tongue contact b4 the finale or two people who were in love will somehow fall out of love and then fall back in love b 4 the finale.
































































































































































































    In between the 4 main leads, we can insert a few well-dressed clowns and low-lifes to provide the comic relief and to prove the point that loose lips do indeed sink ships, how about the entire second half of the drama, taking place on a korean cruise liner with enough kimchi to last for 1 year and unlimited fresh water.....the name of this made-in-korea cruise liner will also be the name of the drama - TITANICK - we wouldn't want to richard simmons off James Cameron would we?
































































































































































































    In the sad scene which parodies Cameron's Titanic, b4 our hero Lee Nah To (the character played by Leonardo Di Caprio) sinks to the bottom to become whalefood, our two lovebirds will discover they came from the same orphanage where they were abandoned on the same day by their respective parents who were in fact longtime neighbours - one household beset by mega-normous gambling debt problems gave away the child while the other household came to an untimely end with an unintended double suicide of a over-romantic father and a psychotic mother - the husband had told the wife standing on top of a tall building in downtown seoul - if you jump, I jump. Well they both did.
































































































































































































    While falling slow-motion down to the icy-cold pavement below, the wife scolded him, YOU IDIOT! Why did you actually jump?
































































































































































































    Hubby replied: I DIDN"T KUMP. I was trying to catch hold of your long hair but I slipped and so here I am falling beside you, about to smash into that ice-covered concrete pavement, for better or for worse, blah-blah-blah....SPLATT!!
































































































































































































    I was inspired by this series of flashbacks to k dramas of old bcos of soonjin's overblown over-acting today - her eyes became as big and wide as saucers soon as she saw Yongju who 'discovered' me at THAT orphanage, moments later her eyes became supersized yet again when Yongju mentioned the name "CHANGHUI', and then with one arm clutching Yongju and the other arm clutching her own (imploding pains on the way) chest, she pleaded him to keep THE SECRET - and then bcos she's a middle=aged woman, plonks out due to the over=stress on her system.
































































































































































































    Man, it was so damn fun to watch these veteran korean actresses go through their acting templates - in this case, the template for showing agony, mental distress, confusion, deception, and the commitment to keep THE SECRET, chest pains or no chest pains - and the trick is to emote all these at the same time.
































































































































































































































































































    The vanishing, make it SECOND disappearance, of soonjin was another hilarious episode. That lady was either a ninja, well-trained in the art of stealth or she has this funny-bunny urge to play hide and seek. If only this drama had the title Running Woman.
































































































































































































    "Please madam, I cannot find my mommy; I've lost my mommy" - if a little girl says that to the reception desk, nobody would laugh, right? But that was exactly what Miss Ditzy COULDN"T say to her staff when they saw her (yup, you've guessed it) perplexed and confused look (she looks the same either way) and then when she told the only person she could - her loser future husband - his first guess was SHE WENT FOR SOME FRESH AIR and when that didn't sink in with a now more distressed Jeongsu, he asked her, HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR MOTHER? WHAT IF SHE"S HIDING SOMETHING FROM YOU.
































































































































































































    It's never a good sign for an engaged couple when one partner uses poh-lize interrogation style questioning when all ditzy wants is someone to listen to her and comfort her by allaying her worries. Instead Youngju scored maximum points in being a douchebag for making ditzy exercise her frail brain cells. Those twin questions ended up pushing Ditzy into even deeper confusion who wore minimal eye makeup today so we could see her full-blown ditziness. Yeah, Oh Jeongsu is always in a daze but still one main reason why I follow this drama. Man, I'm about as ditzy as if not more than her.
































































































































































































    Later after reading the note Soonjin left behind for Jeongu, ditzy said THIS SOUNDS SERIOUS. Wow, that made me laugh so hard - yeah, the mum disappears not for the first time, switches off her cellphone also not for the first time, didn't turn up for the wedding dress fitting, and nobody knows where or why. Her 3 grown kids combined brainpower could only think of one solution - call gyutak (again) as well as the priest (again). And so the drama plods on again.
































































































































































































    Maybe all soonjin wants to do is lose a few kilos over the next few days so that she could squeeze into a wedding dress one size smaller. Did anyone think of that possibility, huh? And I wonder who will beat her to announcing what many South Koreans already know:: she's been stalking the priest bcos he's her long-found son (NOT long-lost son).
































































































































































































































































































    On the subject of facial expressions of that evil woman, there're also many korean male actors who have also perfected the art of looking dastardly, twitching their eyebrows, staring sideways downwards while enlarging one eye over the other, and most importantly, modulating the intonation of their vicious words.....I'm referring to one of Korea's veteran thespian actor Lee Duk Hwa but there are many other examples, actors & actresses who like koreankanak noted, must have spent hours sneering in front of the mirror.
































































































































































































    Kinda reminds me of the baddies in old James Bond movies (Sean Connery, Roger Moore) and the parodies in Austin Powers a.k.a. Mike Myers....
































































































































































































    Ah geez...looks like the bunny couple is no more up to their kinky-ness...they're back to their I-don't-like-your-face mode but for once Jungchul took everyone's words out of our gaping mouths: This is ridiculous.. Here's why....
































































































































































































    Mr White & wifey drops by the house in the middle of Minhyuk being scolded, tells everyone they've set a date for their wedding ceremony and demands that the Oh family pays for the wedding. I'm still wondering whatever happened to their son in need of bone marrow transplant and very obviously the word shame or shameless is NOT in their DNA.
































































































































































































    Yes, as expected Soonjin 'collapses' after being bullied by that evil woman - a k drama isn't a k drams without one or two people collapsing after hearing bad news or being verbally harassed. Yup, that evil woman had a good day today first harasing Soonjin (I KNOW THE PRIEST IS YOUR SON!) and then in front of a group of other gallery directors tells the daughter Miss Ditzy (YOUR MOM PLAYS AROUND WITH MEN & HAS MANY SECRETS)..
































































































































































































    And the writer wants us to accept and believe that Miss Ditzy is unable to fend off such ridicule and obnoxious behavior just bcos other directors were there to hear such news? Poppycock!! If your mother was being made fun of (to put it mildly) in the midst of strangers by someone older and senior in rank, are we still supposed to keep quiet? Would it make any difference if let's say miss ditzy's mom was a serial bank robber or a cat burglar?
































































































































































































    The saving grace for me in this silly episode was when mr kim tells gyutak. who was all ready to go for the wedding dress fitting, She's not at home & I can't reach her on the phone. Remember gyutak was recently left all alone at the wedding photo shoot? Tsk, Tsk, some people just dunno that history always repeats itself for sure in k dramas.
































































































































































































































































































    OH Jeongsu really looked fabulous today in her white power jacket and black dress, and she made gallery history by chairing her first meeting...5 hot women sitting together, but with Jenny flaunting contempt and cheap taunts and Miss Ditzy looking ever so confused but delectable at the same time.
































































































































































































    Isn't it dandy that so many people except Pastor Choi are suffering sleepless nights, loss of appetite, and spending every waking hour thinking of one burning question: who exactly is the priest in relation to soonjin? The evil woman, Youngjun, Gyutak, Dumb & Dumber, Bongsu (diner woman) seem to be afflicted with the same X-Files sickness while the priest himself walks around with Yunju & Jeongu in close attendance, oblivious to all the ruckus created by his impending transfer. For someone who's supposed to managing the Nat'l Museum (or something), the evil woman seems to have much more huge loads of free time mulling over the same question, talking to herself over and over while at the same time, hatching (or should I say trying to hatch) more scheming to secure Gyutak's wealth for her grandson.
































































































































































































    Speaking of transfer, the dumb & dumber pair are superbly living up to that name: both of them have no idea why they're being migrated to work at Gyutak's hotel and both think it's bcos they've done something untoward to cause that forced relocation. Suddenly Jungchul remarked: But why do we always go everywhere together?. The answer to his question lies in the writer who wrote those lines for him.
































































































































































































    Actually Jungchul's realisation is only partly true bcos he's never invited to join in JH & Minhyuk's (now) regular love exercises at love motels, witnessed by of all people, the diner woman Bongsu. Thank goodness, she only saw them coming out from the love motel, not their dirty dancing, or else she might later rape mr white or mr kim (gyutak's asst) while singing Roberta Flack's song, Tonight I'll Celebrate My Love For You...in korean.
































































































































































































    Those two nightly kinky bedroom olympics methinks has become too noisy and won't be healthy sex education for Jeongu.Well, it's the Rabbit Year and so they can boink all they like just like rabbits do. Honey Jeonghui, it's bunny time.
































































































































































































    Anyway while many people may think dumb & dumber working at the hotel would be a step up for them, actually it's a bad deal bcos they'd be working twice as hard or many times more compared to the quiet, few-customers atmosphere at the backwater gallery. The gallery has so few visitors you can hear mosquitoes cry even.
































































































































































































































































































    Did you know even police officers in Korea cannot get the history and personal details of any particular orphan without a written permission from the judicial office? Of all the BS and chicken manure this drama has thrown, today's fiction story tops the worst. The evil woman's hired dog somehow managed to put together a dossier on the priest after following him on his vist to the orphanage. Within the same day.
































































































































































































    I'm all for 'ignoring' real-world comparisons ans suspension of disbelief when it comes to movies and dramas - Hollywood CSI (and its spinoffs) solves cases where procedures and test lab results takes only hours instead of weeks, and uses some equipment that has yet to be invented - but to show an ordinary short stupid woman driving a BMW making only one phone call to her pte detective to get privy information AT WILL is something I cannot stomach. Nobody can just stroll into the orphanage office and then ask for the background info on one of the orphans and then you get instant results. Even if you pay huge amounts of $$$. Why?
































































































































































































    Bcos the personal particulars of orphans in Korean orphanages are NOT kept at the orphanage but at the provincial or district municipal office which also keeps the records of all births amd deaths. The release of these particulars require one or 2 layers of bureaucratic processes, in other words, form-filling, and providing relevant documents to support your request.
































































































































































































    Annoying characters, and weak plotlines do not rile me as much as when the writer does something that insults viewers' intelligence.
































































































































































































    OK, the saving grace and cooling balm for me was the increased airtime given to babelicious homeless girl Yunju, yesterday and today. Yesterday too Priest Choi showed off his swanky Batmobile....er....his church car which looks suspiciously new and a KIA SUV at that. To complete his babe magnet attire, he put on his designer Aviator sunglasses. I knew then and there Priest Choi is a holy man, undercover secret agent, ex-mobster pimp boss and part-time KBS actor all rolled into one.
































































































































































































    Speaking of designer wear, Miss Ditzy Jeongsu today finally observed the gallery's dress code by wearing a power jacket at her appointment ceremony. No wonder Jenny was the only one in the crowd not clapping or looking glum bcos Jenny's now reduced to just another office babe with luscious lips. But b4 you start thinking her promotion has also raised her intellect somehow, think no more...the next scene showed miss ditzy holding and talking to her office desk name plate all by herself.
































































































































































































































































































    For the past 3 episodes at least, miss ditzy JS has been wearing the same white jeans to work - now either the drama producers has been shooting 3 episodes non-stop or the wardrobe director has quit. Out of disrespect to the former evil director, JS has always never observed the dress code and actually I do approve of JS''s casual attire - accentuates her S-line body and curves in the right places and say what you like but I've a liking for tall, strong-shouldered women like actress Kim Bin Wu who plays JS. When a woman is that hot, she can wear anything, the less the better. I'm curious why future hubby Youngju hasn't bought her more clothes - ah I forgot, once the dating/courtship ritual is over, and the wedding date set, gifts and flowers stop coming aplenty.
































































































































































































    Anyway true to JS's character who navigates thru every episode in a daze-like manner, she trips/slips while coming out of the restaurant and the gallant man who catches her from landing on her butt is none other than dogface. Yup, you gotta hand it to the man for his canine reflexes. Of course in observing k dramas standing rules of couple tension, this incidental physical contact between ex-boss and ex-gf produced disapproving looks from both Youngju & Jenny, and JS immediate reaction was to quickly scurry over and stand next to Youngju's side - remember the old country song, Stand By Your Man?
































































































































































































    As if that didn't ruffle Jenny's fine feathers, Gyutak has promoted Miss Ditzy JS to become the new gallery director. Dear JS looked about as happee as a deer caught in front of the headlights - Who? Me? Is my director's pay higher than

    my sorry-richard simmons future husband?
































































































































































































    Now abt the evil EX-director: you should know you're nearing the end of your career in hatching devilish plots when you're now talking to yourself dressed in your pajamas, pacing back & forth in your bedroom and trying to figure out gyutak's decision to retire. We'll wait and see how happee she will be when she finds out JS and not Jenny is her replacement.
































































































































































































    This smart move by Gyutak ensures that JS will have to stay put and not follow Soonjin. His other smart move is to employ dumb & dumber to work in one of his international hotels but that news has not been broken yet to dumb & dumber. Things are certainly on the up and up for our characters of clowns.
































































































































































































    Speaking of clowns, the priest interrupted an important conversation betwn Yunju & Jeongu - Jeongu asked hottie Yunju to follow him & mum & priest and live in the countryside - I just realise that everytime Jeongu expresses his 'desires' to Yunju, he seems more normal than normal (yeah I know lust is still lust but do you blame the poor guy?) Won't soonjin get a shock when she too realises that in fact it's NOT the priest that has done wonders for Jeongu but actually this hottie homeless girl Yunju?.
































































































































































































    Our dear Yunju told Jeongu there's nobody in the countryside who'll attend his origami classes except cows and goats and a few dogs and cats, and she even gave him an inspirational short speech about wanting him to become a famous person, so stay put and no need to go to the countryside bcos she yunju will be there for him. Aww...that was so vanilla-smooth and touching of homeless girl. Remember the old Bette Midler's song Wind Beneath My Wings?
































































































































































































































































































    Did you see the relief on Mr Kim's face (gyutak's asst) when gyutak told him he'd be joining the migration to the countryside?
































































































































































































    Today's ep was a lesson by Soonjin on how to tell lies - badly - and one of k drama's constant reminders that any child left in an orphanage is bound to feel ABANDONED. First it was the homeless babe Yunju who tells everyone her family doesn't want her, then it was dogface WJ who wanted to look for his biological mother who abandoned him, and now it's the turn of the man in the cloth to share the same feelings of being abandoned. Just dunno why countless k dramas in the past always dwelt on the same theme of abandonment felt by kids in orphanages. Maybe many k drama scriptwriters were kids who grew up in orphanages, I reckon.
































































































































































































    Today's episode was also a landmark for the priest Pastor Choi - he had more airtime and more lines than previously. You'd also notice that former househusband MinHyuk no longer wears the apron like he used to and the guy is so horny nowadays for wifey JH that he's even getting kinky ideas on how to play nookie. OK, mr writer, we already got the message that they're boinking everyday so please spare us any more scenes of their foreplay - the chap said he wanted to massage her cheeks (the facial ones, not those below) with mixed potatoes and sesame seeds - but he looked so eager, too eager when he instructed her to lie down.
































































































































































































    Alas the massage lotion-potion was spilt on the floor and silly Minhyuk quickly got down on all fours to clean up the mess.....he should have asked wifey to just sit on the potion (after removing the broken glass) and then he could massage her cheeks as promised, altho not the same cheeks he wanted..hehe! Hey, they're married after all and are entitled to fun and games in the bedroom. Korea has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, you know.
































































































































































































































































































    Thank you koreankanak for your kind words. I've watched k dramas for very many years and I too by profession am a scriptwriter and producer for a major japanese tv network. English is only my 2nd language but since young, I was brought up on daily british comedies and american cartoons side by side with my domestic japanese tv shows. Perhaps this mixture has somewhat askewed the way I view k dramas, especially the daily morning dramas that are broadcast for the korean housewives and homemakers.
































































































































































































    Some here may not agree with me but I find it fascinating (and hilarious) that these daily morning dramas even though they're produced and acted by different people, and the situations and locales and plots are different from its predecessor, somehow many of them contain very similar 'features'. It's almost like 90% of the k drama scriptwriters all went to the same scriptwriting school/university or were trained under the same professor who usually goes by the name Bae Yong-something, hehe!
































































































































































































    I don't take daily morning k dramas too seriously bcos I think they're not meant to be taken seriously - in fact I dare say that sometimes, the k drama's intended message (if any) is conveyed thru the ridiculous predicaments within.
































































































































































































    For example Soonjin's determination to follow the priest is based on 2 stated reasons but some viewers are distracted by the 'unstated' reason: that the priest may be her son.
































































































































































































    Firstly, Soonjin says she's doing it for the sake of her mentally challenged son Jeongu and the writer has inserted scenes of daily male bonding betwn Jeongu and priest with scenes of handholding (literally) between the 2 males - I would not want to see these two together by chance in the men's room - but usually k dramas will also throw in another 'mysterious' element: The second stated reason is Soonjin DID make a promise to someone in her sometime past to cook one hot meal a day for the priest until the day she dies. And to keep this promise she has to stay within cooking distance of the priest.
































































































































































































    Sounds ridiculous? Yes of course. Absolutely nobody real would realistically do what Soonjin is determined to do. But that's NOT the point.
































































































































































































    The point k dramas usually make thru their silliness and over-the-top scenarios is actually very basic: a promise in this case is STILL a promise. Soonjin as unreal as she is, is merely acting on a promise she made to someone - and by hook or by crook, thru thunderstorms, floods and blizzards of biblical proportions, she intends to keep that promise.
































































































































































































    Presently everyone within the drama and viewers included are laughing at her decision but those who stop and think and cease passing judgment may perhaps be reminded that when you make an EXTRAORDINARY promise to someone, who was perhaps under severe duress at that point in time - isn't it logical to go the extra mile to keep that promise, and most certainly to go out on a limb to fulfil that promise?
































































































































































































    Just because the situation is off-reality, it doesn't mean some human values are not being examined for us to ponder, if only for a few moments? Moreover k dramas typically care less about whether it's right or wrong....that's for the viewers to decide and that's why viewers end up in two camps - k dramas are more interested in generating feelings of controversies among viewers, one after another throughout the drama's long run, and if the reaction is strong enough (shown by the daily ratings) it just means the viewers are following the shenanigans.
































































































































































































    Thus the entertainment value is there, and folks, that's why k dramas will exist for domestic as well as international viewers.
































































































































































































































































































    For fans of the actor who plays the priest - real name Ahn Hong-jin 안홍진 - he recently also played the role of a Catholic priest in a little known arthouse-type movie called Enlightenment which came and went in October 2010.
































































































































































































    The synopsis says it's about two boys growing up in an orphanage (sound familiar?) and later one boy becomes a buddhist monk while the other you-know-who becomes a catholic priest. The monk goes on a 2-day trip, reaches enlightenment and then meets his orphanage buddy, the catholic priest.
































































































































































































    While most actors seriously avoid being typecast, it sure looks like actor Ahn Hong-jin may just make a lifetime career playing catholic priest. Here's the link for the curious amongst you:
































































































































































































    Enlightenment Movie @Hancinema
































































































































































































































































    The previous ep ended with Soonjin "I'm going to follow the priest" and today's ep "Oppa I'm moving to the countryside.". Folks, you don't need to watch THE GREAT MIGRATIONS on National Geographic: one's about to happen here.
































































































































































    Folks, you also need not tune in to Discovery Channel or Animal Planet to witness mating season for primates in heat: one's already happening here. In the previous ep Minhyuk ravished his wife in their bedroom after signalling his breeding intentions in their family toilet and today we got to see Minhyuk again satisfying his manly urges but this time on Ditzy Jeongsu's bed!
































































































































































    Yucks....JH had better change those sheets b4 Ditzy comes home after again causing (unnecessary) marital tension betwen Jenny & dogface. But surprise, surprise, Miss Ditzy when cornered by Youngjun's speech AM I OR YOUR JOB MORE IMPORTANT? she answered him with a classic k drama question, Why are you being like that? His question remains a question.
































































































































































    If I were Youngjun I would follow Minhyuk's alpha male example and just bundle Miss Ditzy to the nearest love hotel and do the horizontal mambo with her until next morning, and Youngjun being the gallery boss can always tell the gallery HR dept - Miss Oh Jeongsu won't be coming in today bcos she has yet to finish her oral report for me even though I've been hammering it hard to her but obviously she may have to get further down to see my point. I won't stop pumping her until I'm satisfied totally but all she keeps saying is Why is it always so hard? Oh boy!
































































































































































    If there's anything else to learn from this episode. it's about (lack of) simple communication. Soonjin switched off her phone so that she doesn't have to explain why she left gyutak standing alone at the bridal photo studio. Having her phone switched off also prevents those pesky people in her family and the diner and the church from asking THAT stupid question, Where are you, scooby-doo? As we know in k dramas, adults who go missing for less than 6 hours with cellphones switched off MUST always generate over-the-top reaction and make sure everyone fears THE WORST . More examples of bad communication:
































































































































































    Dogface didn't call Gyutak in advance to say he and Jenny were visiting him that evening. Dogface also purposely didn't call Jenny to tell her he cannot make it bcos he's hosting a very super expensive dinner with JS and the 'auctioneer'. Compared to his crybaby self a few episodes ago, dogface looks even happier now giving the impression "I'm just taking ditzy to meet my good friend. And if all 3 of us wants to go skinny dipping, why not?"
































































































































































    By not making a short simple phone call to Jenny, who stood waiting 30 minutes outside gyutak's office bldg, dogface may trigger Jenny's past psychotic self bcos some viewers may still not be totally convinced Jenny has turned over a new leaf and no longer allies herself with her evil mum.
































































































































































    But then if you were Jenny, wouldn't you first use your samsung cell instead of waiting 30 mins? Whoa, that's lame writing...and to add to that, a real WJ intent on mending suspension bridges and electric fences with wifey Jenny, would never agree to go with his ex-gf to that meeting which he helped set up? A real WJ would excuse himself bcos after all, come to think of it...dogface doesn't NEED to be there with JS.
































































































































































































































































    It's Xmas Eve folks and our mentally challenged Jeongu finally gets a present of sorts from Yunju...such a pity his mum hasn't yet taught him the meaning of the word 'fiance'. And using the imaginatively lame invitation to make love "It's getting quite chilly nowadays" Minhyuk finally gets to romp with one half of Dumb & Dumber: - if it was so chilly why are both wearng only t-shirts? Ahh...so that it's much faster to undress...hmm the wardrobe director thinks of everything.
































































































































































    Talking about undressing, isn't there a simpler solution for the priest to stay put like defrocking himself - if he resigns from the church, then he can even move in with soonjin and the messed-up family, seeing that Jeongsu would soon be married off to Youngjun. One spare room for him and Jeongu - yeah Jeongu would literally be in heaven sleeping next to the ex-priest EVERY night. Due to some previous promise Soonjin made (details unclear at this moment), she's supposed to make the priest ONE hot meal per day for the rest of her life. Talk about easy maintenance and good dietary habits - only one meal, huh?
































































































































































    Hands up, how many husbands out there get that promise of one hot meal per day for the rest of his life as long as he doesn't croak before wifey?
































































































































































    Actually the plotline now is quite simple: priests get transferred EVERY 4 years (or maybe only THAT priest is moved around due to his shrinking congregation wherever he is) and we were clued in today by the brotherly half of Dumb & Dumber that Soonjin and family too moved into THAT present house also exactly 4 years ago. Now true to his name, Dumb & Dumber could not remember 4 years back and so he asked soonjin, Why did we move here 4 years ago? I can't remember why? And we now should wonder how he was ever promoted to detective grade in the Korean Police Force.
































































































































































    The pattern is clear: wherever the priest goes, Soonjin will follow, with future hubby Gyutak (and asst Mr Kim) close behind. And her family of offspring leeches will do likewise. And since Jeongu now is also attached to the priest in more ways than one - him and the priest holding hands in front of Yeongju nearly killed me - he will follow the priest FIRST. Not forgetting the homeless hottie Yunju who will follow both the priest and origami master Jeongu. And for the sake of bone marrow, mr white and his mistress too will continue to stalk and impose themselves on soonjin's family. The family which follows the priest together stays together. Miss ditzy JS isn't so stupid after all for choosing to marry Yongjun.
































































































































































    Hey. someone should quickly tell the church authorities and put in some good words for the chap: - his origami classes are full-house and he even managed to get one nude painting (of Youngju) generously donated to the church. Soon he will preside over the weddings of Soonjin & Gyutak, followed by JS & YJ, and maybe mr white and his mistress.
































































































































































    The man in black already has a lot on his plate so it's much more convenient to let him stay put, THEN transfer him 4 years later. Perhaps by 4 Xmases from now, North & South Korea would become ONE country and there'll be more locales for him to work in. Amen to that!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Excuse me sir, why's the priest crying at the dinner table? Did someone die?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    No my child, nobody died. He's just being transferred.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Oh...but why's he so sad? Is he leaving the country?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    No dear, he's just being sent to the countryside, a place where the animals are always happy and the birds forever singing. Too bad the countryside won't have hot babes in shorts like Yunju following him around and he won;t have any more free meals at the diner as well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OK...about poor Jeongwu's non-accidental consumption of wine...didn't we hear in the very early days of this drama after the first time when Jeongwu accidentally drank wine and passed out COLD? I thought the priest later promised to hide his wine collection or at least do a better job of concealment by stashing the 'medicinal' wine together with his private collection of Kpop's Girls Generation toy figures (all 9 of them), Girls Generation concert DVDs and his collectors' edition of Buffy The Vampire Slayer DVDs Season 1-7.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This drama is becoming so dangerously funny I'd better stop having sandwiches and coffee when watching it - wouldn't want to have any accidents b4 this drama is over. Speaking abt accidents, did you see how happy Gyutak was sucking soonjin's finger when she cut herself today? The man was really into it, even increasing his suctioning power by hollowing out his cheeks and all, I'll bet even soonjin's bone marrow might have been sucked out by that part-time vampire.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    While on the subject of mouth/lip action, yesterday's episode raised the standard of kissing scenes in kdramas - remember how the slightly drunk Minhyuk was able to nonchalantly enter the bathroom/toilet while wifey JH was still sitiing on the toilet? Then after the vision of loveliness passed b4 his drunken brain, and JH had gotten up from the toilet seat, he slammed her against the bathroom wall and gave JH a lip-lock even the vacuum cleaner could do nothing about. Of all the places to make out, the toilet? Luckily this is a family drama and they had to uncouple but JH's face said it all....my hubby can kiss like a vacuum cleaner. No wonder the floors are so clean and dirt-free nowadays.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Not funny enough? The best was saved for last today when a sad-faced Soonjin told a stunned gyutak outside the house - I'm going to follow the priest.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now imagine you're gyutak....b4 you even dare ask her, What are you thinking, my future wife?...I think it's entirely possible soonjin just likes men dressed in black. And all this while, silly me was thinking only Yunju was following the priest practically everywhere.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    As you all know, K dramas follow certain templates and therefore the characters and plots are recyled time and time again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Leeches, crooks and people with no manners abound more than the 3 or 4 'main' characters who in the beginning usually suffer from flaws b4 these flaws are either corrected by the finale one way or the other or as in some cases, they die from some terminal disease or get run down by a vehicle with faulty brakes or drunk driver.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    In other words, if a k drama has zero annoying people or predictable recycled plotlines, it just isn't a k drama.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    On the flip side, the do-gooders like chairman hong personify what korean ajummas and halmonis (grannies) will tell their young kids: if you study hard or work hard, then you'll end up owning a hotel chain or a company that makes billions of $$$, and when you reach that level of achievement, you don't have to work so hard anymore (i.e. spend less time behind the office desk) and have lots of time to stalk the woman you once loved. By the time the story ends, you'll also win the girl, so to speak.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Put simply, k dramas are mostly about a boy chasing the girl who's also lusted by another alpha male, and the story spend abt 20-24 episodes b4 you find out who ends up waking next to her smelly breath for the rest of their lives. In k dramas weddings are always HAPPEE endpoints and the reasons why they get married or should get married is NOT as important as getting married first, then unravelling why they love each other in the first place. In k dramas love (and lust) at first sight is the norm unless one of the main characters is blind, in which case the drama is extended by another 20-30 episodes to compensate for the cornea transplant subplot involving a long-lost-rediscovered family member who was living where else but in the US (k dramas don't have a lot of countries as we have in the real world)...9 times out of 10 this korean from the US cannot speak a word of English...as pure a korean as the day he flew to live in America.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    In k dramas funerals are also happy endpoints bcos all is not forgotten but forgiven, and funerals are always an occasion for the actors to show their acting chops - korean actors/actresses are just so good at emoting crying scenes, and tissues are never used bcos it's more 'dramatic' to show real salty tears dripping down their smooth porcelain cheeks. Oh...men included.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This juxtaposition of the good and the bad, the haves and the have-nots all mixed up in a game of shenanigans is NOT actually a korean invention but derived from the accomplished greats in drama, opera and plays from Europe & the UK. Yup, if you know Shakespeare well and Italian operatic tragedies, the koreans have merely taken the essence from these European examples and made their k dramas an art form. To generalise, the koreans have transplanted traditional European & Scandinavian and Italian operatic and dramatic elements into their own unique templates and also borrowed heavily from the shakespearean theatrical tradition to augment the storytelling mode.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The moral of the story is always best told by the immoralities within that story.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    This also helps in remembering the story.- one stray dog run over by a car while crossing the highway won't make the evening news unless a overturned truckload of stray dogs escaped and caused pandemonium on the highway resulting in a huge chain accident. The hapless truck driver told police he slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting what he thought was a baby fox, which later turned out to be a stuffed toy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    In dramas excesses works bcos it creates dramatics, without which it cannot be called a drama. Protagonists flawed in one way or another completes the picture bcos if in a drama everyone behaves as expected, like the ordinary jane or joe, like the next door kim and lee, would you watch the drama and follow the 175 episodes faithfully day after day, week after week? Hell no, my own family and office mates have enough shenanigans, scandals and delicious dark secrets to last 2 lifetimes!! Hallelujah to that!!

































































































































































































































































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