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Posts posted by daunte29
































































































































































































































































































































    Here's a thought...what if the day comes when baby Haru is old enough to speak, he'd probably double-check with his mum: Mommy, was I born in the same hospital where auntie Namju & auntie YH were switched?































































































































































































































































































































































































    Can I do a DNA test now bcos Im not too sure my air-head dad is indeed my biological dad?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Even my pre-school teacher says you're so sexy and hot-looking....dear mum, you could have picked any man you wanted, I'm sure of it, so why did you pick that loser-face father of mine?






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Please mummy please..I don't want to wait 27 years to find out that I too was switched at the hospital. Uncle Gangho says he'll give us a generous discount if we go to his hospital to do the DNA testing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Dear sirena1712 & gerryg...thank you for your kind remarks. I'm just another weird k drama follower who thinks some 'serious' dramas are more hilarious than comedies..
































































































































































































    For example, I'm still wiping Saebin's wet tears left on my monitor screen bcos she did so much crying in the latest episode. It's only ep 60 so I was kinda wondering if this spells the end of JM-Saebin (not that I'm sad abt it) as it feels 'too early' to punish Saebin (and her birdbrain mother)....after all this is supposed to be a 100+ drama series. If Saebin is expelled from that house, then her 'fun moments' with Joo Ran and SY would be no more and I wonder what the writers would do with Saebin if she spends the rest of this drama with her mother. Me not looking forward to more airtime for that loudmouth.
































































































































































































    Maybe it's only me but Saebin's tears didn't move me at all altho I'm a sucker for actress Seo Ji Young aka Saebin. As expected, the writers took the chance to overplay that scene AND make fart-face JM emote a few tears as well. Both of them are getting what they deserved but I sure hope JM knows what he's doing bcos he tends to make critical decisions when he's highly emotional - from deciding to marry Saebin to dragging her back to her parents in a taxi, not in his own car.
































































































































































































    It's like JM thought he had bought a slim super sexy smartphone (Saebin of course) with smooth surfaces (Saebin's milky complexion) and rounded curves in all the right places. JM at first loved playing with his phone, spending long hours checking out her amazing features and pressing her buttons in all the right places. Then he quickly discovered his smartphone wasn't so smart after all, had malfunctioned (Saebin's 'false' pregnancy) and was getting more defective by the day.
































































































































































































    So it was only natural for JM to return the defective product (Saebin) to its manufacturers (her parents) and if he did so within the warranty period, he wouldn't have to pay extra. Or so he thinks.
































































































































































































    Alas for JM, he may have temporarily forgotten that if he files for divorce, Saebin can still bleed him thru high alimony payments. Indeed Saebin can also prolong his agony by NOT consenting to the divorce .... but I'm sure the writers are not going to use this splitsville scenario, not so soon anyway. The writers may probably make JM & Saebin sleep in separate houses bcos CEO Han's house just doesn't have any extra bedrooms for them to sleep separately.
































































































































































































    Did anyone notice how 'aloof, cold and impersonal' the granny (and even Joo Ran) was when Saebin's mom was summoned to the castle? Throughout her speech, the old hag averted her eyes from Saebin's mom as if to say: that big curly spacey hairstyle is so 1980s. Your retro look only makes you look even older.
































































































































































































    In K Dramas, talking to another with ZERO eye contact shows superiority status but if you try doing that with your teacher or your boss, you may end up with ZERO status instead.
































































































































































































    Here's the thing that amuses me: just by looking at the video CD shown to her by Joo Ran, granny develops TOTAL understanding of the root cause/s of the SB-JM matter...I mean it'd be natural for a real granny to at least have a talk with JM and discuss what to do, right?...before summoning the guilty parties to face judgement.
































































































































































































    As far as I know CCTV's are usually mounted at ceiling-high angles but there seems to be one CCTV in THAT warehouse mounted at waist or knee level bcos it was that ONE particular camera that zoomed in straight and captured SY's face as she knelt over JM. So next time you go shopping at the mall or supermarket, do beware of CCTVs that are positioned at waist level height or even lower.
































































































































































































    I support the idea that Saebin should be punished and severely at that, but what's the rush granny...it's only episode 60. You have plenty of time to put Saebin in her place or maybe the writers are going to kill you off as soon as you find out JM's complicity in the death of SY's first husband.
































































































































































































    For now it also seems SY is taking her stepmom role way too seriously...Soon Young dear, stop imagining you're an octopus cuz you don't have to put a tentacle in each of your family member's affairs and save them from harm.
































































































































































































    ...in just one episode, we saw SY 'save' Joo Ran from one of her Kama Sutra instructors wearing a dark purple shirt, then SY talks to JM about Saebin, then she gets (again and again) into useless arguments with Saebin who always blames SY for all of her self-imposed problems.
































































































































































































    In all SY's efforts to help others, she ends up either being shouted at or being blamed for things she's not responsible for. Good training for a future older nastier mother-in-law.

































































































































    Thank you, daunte29. After making BY drink the snake wine, Granny ordered YH, GH, Taemin and Namju to her place but BY sent everyone home. I wondered what was her motive for doing that. What did she wanted to say to them? I overslept and missed this morning's episode. Turned on the tv set and just managed to catch Namju's hysterical face. What happened? I'm also disliking Namju's bio mom more and more. When I watched that episode about her grandmother being Granny's savior, I knew she would use that to send Granny on a guilt trip so that she would not kick out her precious daughter.
































































































































































































    Hmm...I see what you mean abt Yongshim using the savior story but if you were YS, would you not do the same? YS is only doing what she thinks is best for her daughter Namju. Here's why I think so...
































































































































































































    Firstly her main purpose in meeting granny was not actually to lay the guilt trip but more to beg for her forgiveness and understanding that it's the ADULTS who should be blamed, not the children.
































































































































































































    She also mentioned the adults (BY, Dr Cha, JG and herself) were only selfishly doing what they thought was best - I think YS's short speech to granny spoke volumes about the role korean parents play in traditional korean customs and society - that ultimately parents shoulder the blame for their children's actions and this Confucian teaching, among others which may puzzle western thinkers and western-educated folks, is steeped in korean family history, cultural and moral values ever since Korea officially adopted Confucianism in the 12th century during the Goryeo era.
































































































































































































    That's why BY's past and present actions may be interpreted as a perversion of that Confucian moral teaching bcos her actions not only were pre-meditated and selfish but has severely affected the harmony and happiness of two families, indeed 3 families if you include Gangho's.
































































































































































































    Secondly in that same episode, YS also saw Namju's room for the first time and she knew Namju would never feel comfortable living in their humble dwelling. Previously Namju had also told her she could never imagine living outside the creature comforts of the Cha's household. Namju's 'confession' is no different from a real person who's only known the same materialistic lifestyle that she's had.
































































































































































































    Rightly or wrongly, YS is fulfilling her role as Namju's mother, to protect Namju bcos she knows Namju's pain better than anyone else and this was the same woman who was willing to plant a garden hoe into BY's skull if only she wasn't stopped. Even in the exaggerated world of k drama, parents will always be protective of their own flesh and blood.
































































































































































































    To me, BY's character is a monster not a mother. What she did to 2 innocent baby girls is beyond reprehensible, beyond cruelty, in whatever society you may live in.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ep 142...whoever previously said YH has not changed much should have seen dumpling girl today STOP Namju in mid-speech bcos clearly Namju was suggesting another harebrained ill-fated plan to save herself. The last time when YH went along with Namju's plan of marrying Taemin had only made YH realise that marrying perpetually sad-looking Taemin is not the 9th best idea in world.
































































































































































































    I'll bet YH's little heart was leaping for joy when Namju told her that granny now KNOWS everything and that she won't allow the planned marriage.
































































































































































































    I know I said it a couple of posts back but it's worth repeating. I have never seen a sadder man in k drama who was about to get married than this Taemin...for the past few episodes, he's been walking around with the same pained expression: like a man dying from yet-to-be-named disease aggravated by daily bouts of constipation. A man walking around who hasn't pooped for 2 weeks is indeed NOT A HAPPY man.
































































































































































































    Whoever previously was empathetic with BY should have reviewed today's scene at the restaurant where AFTER she purposely tightened the screws on Namju, in effect burying Namju deeper with no exit options, the camera lingered on BY's face brimming with hidden glee and watching Namju sitting at her desk being mentally tormented piece by piece.
































































































































































































    27 years ago, when BY switched the babies, she was only thinking about her own child and BY couldn't care less about that other child (baby Namju). 27 years later as we saw today, BY is still making every effort to make Namju's life as hellish as possible, in spite of the fact that granny now knows the truth and has expelled BY from both the house and the restaurant. Without knowing the details, BY still accuses Namju with a straight face of stealing Gangho from YH and that Namju had planned all along to take over as restaurant manager.
































































































































































































    Of course BY's most deplorable act to date was when without any firm proof (although she says she has proof from earlier when she directly accused Namju herself) BY feeds granny's peabrain mind with the news that Namju killed Dr Cha. The reason BY used this final trump card is of course to hammer the last nail to seal Namju's fate.
































































































































































































    OK..we know the old lady wasn't born with a questioning brain...if BY tells her Namju caused the world economic crisis, she'll swallow it. If BY tells her Namju is actually a KBS drama actress, the old dingbat wouldn't bat an eye. But if BY told her Namju stole her snake wine from the yard and threw it away, the old woman might probably check it out first, right? Or if BY tells her Namju stole some money from the restaurant account to buy cars for each member of Super Junior, granny would certainly investigate, wouldn't she?
































































































































































































    Therefore logically, if BY (the same woman you know who switched the babies and kept it a secret for 27 years) tells you that Namju killed her father, your son, would you not look into the matter further, instead of blindly believing BY? Tsk, tsk...bad move by the writers in making granny more absorbent than tissue paper.
































































































































































































    Oh dear Namju...who looks so pretty lying on her flowery-patterned pillow with full makeup on....if only she could stop seeing YH as a rival and start treating her as her sister, the same way YH is treating her. If only she could stop clinging to the hope of remaining as a rich dead doctor's daughter and remove herself from gollum-granny's scary world...in this episode to the next, Namju becomes a hero to zero faster than fast food.
































































































































































































    Interestingly during the flashbacks, when Granny repeated what Taemin said, "The heavens will be the judge", granny was looking directly at BY. Yeah, writers, we get that hint now.
































































































































































































    2 episodes ago granny called Namju The WRETCH but tomorrow granny upgrades Namju to YOU INGRATE....phonetically it actually sounds worse in korean but don't you just love the name-calling this drama drenches you with?

































































































































    I had thought Granny was angry with Namju for not telling her the truth about her real parentage and for instigating Taemin to propose to YH even when she knew that YH was BY's bio daughter. There was nothing about the babies being switched in the DNA report. That's why she was still civil to BY prior to Namju's revelation of the switch to Granny. But now I'm reading that Granny knew about the switch and blamed Namju. I must have missed some scenes.
































































































































































































    Your first 3 sentences are correct. If you've seen what we've seen, I don't think you missed any scenes. Prior to discovering the DNA documents, granny certainly didn;'t know abt the switch.
































































































































































































    Granny blamed Namju as soon as she read the DNA results, bcos Granny had suspected Namju (and her son and BY) was always hiding something from her, but exactly what she didn't know...that's why the old dingbat kept asking Namju, Don't You Have Anything To Tell Me? Asking this question in this manner showed granny was only fishing for an answer.
































































































































































































    First discovery was what the DNA document revealed. Second discovery was from Namju who told her that indeed the babies were switched.by BY. Despite knowing Namju's not responsible for the switch, granny was hateful of Namju for two reasons:
































































































































































































    1) Namju is NOT her bloodline; granny was duped by her son & BY into believing Namju's father was DR Cha.
































































































































































































    2) Namju was hiding the truth from granny for far too long and bcos even when pressed, Namju refused to tell the truth , so granny felt more than just simple betrayal.
































































































































































































    In addition granny's mad at BY for doing that despicable switch and that's the 'current' state of affairs...very soon BY will again rock granny's world by using Namju as the scapegoat.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Would it be terribly unfilial if Joo Myung & Saebin move out from that castle and live on their own? Then Saebin would have more peace of mind and no need to obey her mother in law SY, right? CEO Han is not going to disown JM any time soon bcos the granny thinks the world of JM.
































































































































































































    Here're some valuable tips for Joo Ran who has the habit of diving under her bed covers whenever she's having a temper fit.....Joo Ran girl, you know your young stepmother SY is very quick on her feet and so the next time you escape to your room, just shut the door quickly and lock it! Then SY wouldn't be able to get in, and lecture you on ABC to XYZ things you don't want to hear!
































































































































































































    Using your bedcovers to hide under is not only ineffective and terribly juvenile but to use your bedcovers as a tug-of-war between you and SY is ill-advisable.
































































































































































































    Joo Ran dear girl...it's a definite NO-NO to have a physical contest with SY bcos your bony hips are not as strong as your stepmom's slim hips. Your stepmom SY has a firmer tighter butt and stronger hips bcos she's had to carry baby strawberry as a single mom and SY has done some real housework before she married your dad unlike you or saebin whose only housework you know is serving breakfast.
































































































































































































    Joo Ran dear...by all means annoy your dad by getting as many free nightly lessons from as many male partners as possible on the 500 Kama Sutra lovemaking positions but do watch the booze bcos your S-line body may turn into an D-line body when you're carrying an unknown man's baby.
































































































































































































    But fear not, your sis-in-law Saebin (who's experienced pregnancy before) will give you free walkthrough lessons on how to carry your unplanned pregnancy to fullterm, and with any luck, both JM & Saebin may even adopt your baby and raise it as their own.
































































































































































































    Therefore Joo Ran, just go ahead and enjoy your cheaty cheaty bang bang during your clubbing rounds but beware of the dangers of strange men wanting to be your OPPA.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Phew! today's episode was like watching a science fiction drama from an old episode of The Twilight Zone....
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Do you what's more scarier than a granny who makes home-made brew from poisonous snakes? A granny who can hear a flower petal dropping in the garden from way inside her fortress room. Remember today's scene when Taemin walks in the front door and proceeds to ask BY abt granny's weird questions at the dinner table, when suddenly granny's voice barks from way behind her room summoning Taemin to see her?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    What else has that old dingbat been brewing other than fermented reptile juice? I'm told that bats and mice have extremely good hearing at low frequencies, so maybe she's got a few more animal wine jars buried in the yard. If she could hear Taemin come home, maybe she'd also heard the prior conversation between Namju & BY, where Namju says she'll teach the doctor boy the 1000 positions of the Kama Sutra when they go to the US as immature man & wife.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Also I must have missed something along the way bcos I sure didn't know until today's ep 141 that both Taemin & YH could commuinicate non-verbally by way of sending brain signals telepathically. This is such a groovy trick and could be used for future k dramas where the actors just have to look and stare at each other, without speaking, bcos all the dialogue would be communicated via nonverbal means.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    The nation's special forces commandos might have a huge advantage in their covert ops if and when Taemin & YH decide to share their hidden secrets of silent communication.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    On the other hand, granny did make huge strides in showing the red card in today's ep - the Korean FA should consider sending granny to South Africa FIFA World Cup to cheer and support the national soccer team - VICTORY KOREA!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































    First to get her red card today was Taemin - YOU CAN"T MARRY YH, OVER MY DEAD BODY. Also the poor dumpling girl thinks she's walking the wrong path by marrying you...how do I know?...bcos it says so right here in the script.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Second red card was given to BY who was sacked as restaurant manager and told to leave immediately but crafty BY just stood there as if taunting the old lady WHY DON"T YOU MAKE ME?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    ....then as expected in ALL K Dramas, old lady collapses from the stress of shouting at BY and it would have been much better if both Mr Kang and Namju had "accidentally" lost their grip on her and let granny fall THUMP to the ground, HARD.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    3rd red card was to be given (and will eventually be given) to Namju and Namju already expects to be expelled from the house when she shares her story with YS - indeed Namju is granny's savior's descendant but BY will soon unleash her last trumped-up trump card on granny, and the silly old dingbat as usual swallows everything she hears - which animal you know is good at swallowing whole things, eh?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    With so much going on these days, where's the biological father of both the girls and what's he doing to help? The writers are so fond of keeping JG insignificant and in the background - once your sperm has done its job, your importance is over - and JG is always made to hear the latest news thru YS.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Maybe if JG went to talk to granny and took a sip of granny's snake wine, both of them could hammer out a deal for the two girls. Nah, better end this drama by ep 150.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ep 57 may have been funny for some viewers bcos of that silly mother hiding beneath the dining table of Saebin's home but for me, it was time-wasting, contrived and ridiculous.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    She's Saebin's mother so whats wrong with her and Saebin enjoying black bean noodles in the comfort of that cold house? OK, nobody else was at home but if you had half the brains of that stew-pit woman, it would have been wiser and proper to eat the noodles at the dining table and spew all sorts of ineffectual plans with Saebin, wouldn't you? Then she wouldn't have to helter-skelter when the empress returned home, right? She could just casually stand up, explain why she's there to see Saebin, have a takeaway meal and no harm done.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    That's why I blame the writers for overdoing that scene - yes, we get the point many episodes ago that Saebin's mother is about as dumb as they come .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Ep 57 could have explored and exploited more Joo Ran's continuing rejection of Soon Young. I'm now totally convinced that CEO Han was and is not a good parent. In k drama world and in the real world, there have been single fathers who face difficulties raising a daughter by themselves and so I harbor no delusion that CEO Han is any different.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Oh, Gangho finds out abt the impending wedding, and you can start imagine him crying to himself and declaring to HIMSELF his modified mantra - I'LL NEVER FORGIVE THE BOTH OF YOU. I'll skip the part where again YH activates her crying power machine. Later at ep's end, Gangho's family also finds out YH is marrying Taemin and they too go ballistic.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    At ep's end, the formal meeting of parents takes place at Gaeseong's restaurant special room. Grandma meets YS & JG and as a spiffy-looking JG dressed un suit and tie introduced himself to grandma as YH's father, she remembers seeing JG from way before...ep ends with grandma's perplexed look.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hope you'll have sweet zzz...dreemzzz inezjang.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    For the remaining 50+ episodes now that SY is the most powerful woman in the house after grandma, I think we'll see some changes to SY's character bcos I cannot imagine the old SY doing battle with Saebin, JM, JooRan and the birdbrain MIL.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The writers have already begun slightly changing SY's wardrobe, makeup and hairstyle to maybe warn us of SY's impending character transformation. How exactly she might change remains to be seen.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    We know for sure Saebin (supported by JM) will not leave SY alone to live a happily ever after fairytale life. They'll test each other in their new battleground initially and it's up to SY's better intellect and wisdom to repel attacks.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm also sensing one more thing...if she becomes slightly evil, it won't be bcos of selfishness like Saebin but it'll be to protect her family's interests (CEO Han & strawberry) and if she does become more evil, she'll be more effective than either Saebin or the MIL simply bcos SY is more intelligent than the both of them combined.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When you look back at Saebin's and MIL's 'accomplishments', they're actually puny and insignificant. Unless you think that snagging JM as husband was the MAJOR EVENT in their lives, which probably is judging by their standards. For all their large amounts of time talking and complaining, planning and scheming, both Saebn & her mother have actually achieved disproportionally low results. They're still a threat no doubt but it's nothing SY can't handle on her own.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    OK, writers start your storyplot engines and drive us thru this new chapter in SY and Strawberry's lives.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When Saebin married into the Han family, she only had her fart-face husband JM as her protector, and even then the sister Joo Ran managed to play breakfast pranks on her.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    When Soon Young marries into the Han family, she'll only have CEO Han as her only protector bcos Soon Young will have more enemies than Saebin did. Both JM & Saebin despise SY, JooRan also opposes her father's decision to re-marry, and JooRan and Saebin have somewhat agreed to put aside their differences and target Soon Young.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Furthermore Strawberry might also become a pawn when all these 'enemies' start thei scheming. Strawberry and Saebin will again be living together in the same house, and since Saebin is at home most of the time, she will have more access to Strawberry (assuming Soon Young continues to work). It'll be very interesting what kind of scenarios these writers have planned for us viewers.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    In ep 53 Soon Young has even started wearing DARK colored clothes when previously we usually see her in pink, light red, yellow or white office attire but today, she looked positively 'darker' when the office eunuch began his brown-nosing campaign bcos that old geezer knows that after the marriage, the power dynamics within their marketing section will most probably shift away from fart-face JM. Will CEO Han continue to make Soon Young take orders from JM after she becomes his wife? Or will Soon Young become a dutiful stay-home wife? We'lll have to wait and see.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Thanks for a well-written post, b00kw0rm...I totally agree with your comments bcos when BY switched the babies, she was only thinking of the 'possible' lifetime benefits for one baby, not the other. She actually couldn't care less what happened to the other baby and that's why I think the writers decided this remorseless character must be killed off in the end.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    That's why in recent past exchanges, first YH, then JG and now BYindeed asked her, What about Namju? Were you (BY) thinking of Namju when you switched the babies? Likewise now that BY wants to unswitch the two girls, is she thinking of Namju? BY has always been thinking of one baby over the other, innocent babies who have done nothing to deserve such terrible treatment.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And what kind of parents would not be able to recognise their own baby and bring home another's? This is why I slammed the writers right from the start for giving us this ridiculous background story bcos any parent, even a blind one, can remember the features of your own newborn, and it's UNBELIEVABLE for me to accept that JG & YS could walk out of the hospital carrying a different baby.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm just speculating here that none of the 3 writers have never ever experienced that special moment when a parent holds his/her newborn for the first time and sees the tiny features of your own flesh and blood. Call it imprinting or whatever, that first meeting and first touch between parent and child establishes a bond like no other. There is no way on earth a parent would leave the hospital carrying a different baby...only in k drama world.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    In today's episode, we saw all 5 principal players together in BY's office...if not for the deliberate P-R-O-L-O-N-GING of the storyline, the writers could have made the 5 of them settle some outstanding issues - but they made JG look so silly bowing down and asking YS to go home. Go home? What for? YS didn't do anything wrong by confronting BY, did she?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    JG himself has still some unanswered questions for BY regarding the law suit and stepping into the office, he hears that BY is accusing YS and Namju of murder, and all JG does is tell her to go home? Jeezz...zz
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The 5 of them in the same room would have presented a REAL opportunityfor them to tackle some unanswered issues but the writers copped out just so these issues remain under the carpet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now that Namju has a garden hoe, she should start digging her own hole to hide in when she's expelled from the Cha household. I was pleasantly surprised to see Namju still carrying a handkerchief bcos not even many young people know what a hanky is nowadays.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Are the writers that stupid in making that loud-mouthed mother-in-law re-possess strawberry? Yes, we know the reason why she's doing it but if you were Soon Young and you found out your MIL has forced herself into your house and taken away your child by force, what would a real Soon Young do? Add to that CEO Han, a well-educated intelligent man.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    A real SY and CEO Han would call the police, take back the child and then after that, a follow-up court action to put a restraining order on the MIL. That's why I'm going to see what interesting reason they would give the MIL to justify holding strawberry as hostage and using her as leverage agnst SY. SY has the law on her side and she should be intelligent enough to know it, provided of course our writers also are intelligent enough to make SY as such.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Or perhaps that scene was to make SY realize it'd be better if she marries CEO Han ASAP so that he could provide fatherly protection for strawberry from MIL.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    But as we all know, k dramas are notorious for not including real-life scenarios, what a real person would most probably do in a similar situation, bcos involving the police and instituting legal action to protect strawberry would make the MIL character powerless and insignificant (to me, she already is) and reduce her to just a chatterbox. And what would the FIL do if he finds out that she has forcibly taken strawberry away?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Besides that, it'd be interesting for the writers to let us see how strawberry would react by meeting the grandma, and then the child realizing that once again, she'd be living under the same roof as her 'auntie' saebin. JM's face would turn to fart and explode I;m sure.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    From the very start, Miss Dumplings is SUPPOSED to be dumb bcos it says so in the drama character profile so one shouldn't expect her to show any steep learning curve. She was and is meant to be manipulated by Namju and BY bcos if YH was created as a stronger female character who eats raw eggs for breakfast and wears studded leather jackets, then this drama would lose its only crying machine and (oh-my-goodness-me) love interest for our 2 male leads.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    In how many k dramas in recent history have you seen 2 doctors chasing after a girl with only high school education and nothing else except her 'blank' brain and dumpling skills? YH's was purposely made as a contrast and counterpoint to Namju's character - poor-rich, naive-manipulative, lowly educated-well educated, etc.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    YH is a typical drama character bcos many k dramas purposely MUST HAVE a main lead who's dumber than the rest...why?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    So that this dumber character can serve as a moral standard by which you measure the other characters' shenanigans - the lower the standard (more stupid), the more obvious and clearer the actions of other characters.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    In other words, YH's character mainly serves to evoke sympathy from the many ajumma viewers (birds of a feather flock together, get it?) who will tune in daily bcos of a simple notion - if this girl is so stupid, how will this story end for her?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now imagine if YH was a street-smart punk-richard simmons girl who's already had 2 abortions, wears clothes styled by 2NE1, has full-body tattoos even in parts you don't want to know, and rides a motorbike to her dumpling restaurant - I think you'd be less worried abt this version of YH and be more concerned abt BY, Namju and all the rest.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    In today's ep ending, instead of having gangho's parents tending to the garden with only hand-sized garden tools they should have been cutting the trees using a high-powered chainsaw. Then a murderous Yongshim walking past would have picked up a better weapon to cut up BY into dumpling-size bits and pieces.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    BY: Ouch, you crazy woman, that HURTS!.I didn't know you meant something else when you said, Give Me A Hand.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hot damn...Can't you use a serrated butcher's knife like other housewives gone mad?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    OK wait, timeout...are you upset you didn't believe your own daughter Namju who told you abt the switch way much earlier or are you angry bcos it was my daughter YH who confirmed Namju's statements? Now you want to kill me bcos you believed my girl instead of your own girl?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    this new format is going to kill the show....what were those idiots at kbs thinking?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    one could clearly see even the normally funny jung juri was just a mere spectator in this 'new' episode.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    And they brought back that UNFUNNY guy kim taehyun who was recently absent due to his assault case at a bar...I was so glad to see that Lee Jun was sitting in his place but I'm not so happy now that he's back
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Plus I'm sick of again seeing Shim Junghwan in SGB S2 bcos I've never found this guy funny even though he thinks he is.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Even though this show had undergone changes in the past, the overall format had kept its overall flavor and the replacement MCs still gave enough positive energy to the show.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Now that hottie actress Lee Chae Young and 'Antifan Questions' Jo Hyun Mo are gone, this new format has lost that light-heartedness and casual humor of the past and suddenly has become way too serious quiz show and is so ponderous to watch.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm hoping more and more of the dedicated korean fans slam KBS daily bcos that's the only way to save this show from going under. And if indeed this show's ratings plunge within the next few weeks, I won't feel sorry for it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Saebin schemes, gives regular status report back to her mum - mum then encourages, gives some birdbrain advice.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    When something goes wrong, Saebin hits panic button for mum, them mum begins each sentence with "Aigoo' or "Aiyo" but actually mum's birdbrain cannot ever process information beyond her own narrow selfish motives.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Luckily for both of them, the writers have made JM equally dumb when it comes to seeing Saebin's true colors. JM was always only interested in the color of Saebin's underwear but as we can still see, Saebin's repertoire of womanly tricks, cunning deception and sweetness-goodness-me words still works wonderfully well on JM.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    But I still don't think it's a case of 'like mother, like daughter' - Saebin is far more ambitious, cunning and amoral than her birdbrain mum.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    The same could be said of CEO Han and his utterly rude son JM. Somewhere along the way CEO Han and the 'suddenly now'-sickly granny didn't instil enough good values in his eldest son. With all their wealth, big house and rich pickings, I don't see any warmth between the family members - notice the way every family member seems to go into their respective rooms as if to cocoon themselves. Even the way they talk to each other within the confines of their home is very stilted and formal, especially during breakfast time.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Suddenly now I'm not too sure Soon Young herself will be happier if she becomes part of that family.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Todays ep again really insults our basic intelligence.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    If I was told that I myself or that one of my kids was switched at the hospital years ago, what's the most likely thing for me to do? I don't think I have to spell out the answer to you, right? I'll tell you one thing I WONT DO is sit on my richard simmons and do nothing like what the moronic writers are making Jeonggil and Yongshim do bcos it just ain't natural that ANY parent would allow someone else to take away your child, hospital switched or not.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    As parents, you'd want to get to the bottom of the truth, wouldn't ye? If you heard that the hospital was the one who made the switch, you'd go to the hospital straightaway, wouldn't ye?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Namju urges and pleads with Yongshim to stop BY with the court action. Actually there's no need to go to BY....but for dramatic effect, Namju can emote all she wants with the disbelieving Yongshim. For even higher level dramatic effect, Yongshim can get down on her knees and beg BY.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    What I or any parent would have done is to go to the hospital, tell them what you've been told, especially since the other party (BY) is taking legal action to unswitch the two adult women.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Yes, the hospital might think I'm a nutcase for making such allegations but not when they find out that BY has indeed filed for court action. Then the hospital would definitely need to explain itself and defend its reputation, and assemble its team of lawyers for damage control.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Dear oh dear Namju, I'm so sorry you're at the mercy of 3 incompetent ajumma writers who have been so divorced from the real world that you need to suffer the indignities of being called a liar and more.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    But wait...hold on...isn't the hospital part of the Gaeseong restaurant group? Now why would its restaurant manager BY start a legal action that could actually threaten her late husband's hospital's reputation?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Bcos even if she wins the case, the hospital would then face charges of negligence from Korea's medical governing ministry and most probably be forced to pay damages to the affected parents - JG-YS and BY.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    And if this was a real court case, even Namju and miss dumpling are entitled to sue the hospital further for damages due to mental distress.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The hospital would most certainly lose lots of $$$$ in the fallout, should BY win her suit....IF THIS WAS A REAL CASE.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Is that why the writers have deliberately swung our attention away from the hospital and worked so hard to keep the hospital out of the storyline? If the hospital is accused of making the switch, isn't it natural and normal for ANY hospital to defend its case? And since the hospital is being sued/accused by the late Dr Cha's own wife, isn't it ridiculously funny?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ep132 KBSW...thanks inezjang for your funny comments.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Was anyone else able to watch today's ep without tears? I was laughing so hard at one scene in particular bcos though I've watched many k dramas like many of you, this was the first time in k drama, I see a man making a marriage 'proposal' with a facial expression so sad you'd think his entire family had just died.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I'm of course referring to the Taemin-YH cafe scene, a follow-up from yesterday's conversation between the same 2, where Taemin told YH that perhaps Namju (of all people) could be right in suggesting that the best way to 'save' everyone was for him to marry YH. On the one hand you might praise Taemin for at last taking a stand against BY's court action - yesterday he told BY "I don't want YH as my sister....". Then he purposely left that sentence hanging so that BY could fill in the blanks herself.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    I've never seen any man (in a movie or drama, NOT counting comedies) ask a woman to marry him wearing a face sadder than sadness, and speaking in a voice more sorrowful than at a funeral eulogy. Taemin was nearly in tears as he made his 'request' to YH. For once miss dumpling didn't have to think for an answer bcos the question was not multiple choice.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    But then taemin nearly killed me with laughter when he 'demanded' her to explain, WHY WON"T YOU MARRY ME? Is it bcos of Gangho?
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Any sane and sound man seriously wanting his woman to say YES to his proposal would never demand an explanation in THAT manner; instead the best face-saving way is to wait for another day another time to try again.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Folks, do you also recall last week's episode when taemin using the same forlorn face gave Namju his rules of love from Dr Taemin's bestselling book, Loving From A Distance. The dialogue our writers made Taemin utter must be the most corniest ever written for a korean drama.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    After many times hearing Namju's pestering him to go after and pursue miss dumpling, Taemin basically told Namju, that even if he's not chasing YH, he's still loving her strongly from a distance as much as if he were closer.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    We all have heard of distance learning where one can get MBAs and such thru online enrolment with universities but distance loving is a new one for me. Or maybe the writers were inspired by crazed fan stalkers? Methinks Taemin will soon buy a state-of-the-art high powered binoculars with enhanced zoom to feed his voyeuristic habits.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    The intensely serious look on Taemin's face when he was 'teaching' Namju his distance loving principles was what gave me such a good laugh. As good as any comedy skit. What an excuse for a class-A wuss.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Instead of YH saying the obvious NO, the writers should re-write that scene and make her say YES. OK, Let's get married. Is next Sunday good for you? Namju also told me your granny can't wait so let's sign up for the Jang Dong Gun special wedding package for pregnant brides. Gangho would have a double heart attack when he thinks I'm already carrying your twin babies.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^^ Certainly it was Saebin's deception that he didn't know he was talking only to her intestines but he fell for her deception hook, line and sinker. JM fully got what he thoroughly deserved.
































































































































































































    Not only him but she had everyone else in that big lifeless house fooled. Very few viewers would empathise or sympathise with this JM whose only reason to marry Saebin was....???hehe...well put simply, his reason for marrying her was itself not based on love.
































































































































































































    JM doesn't even yet know that his darh-ling Saebin in fact has already dropped one from her oven and if he feels so-so-very disgusted now that he knows his swimmers have not done their job, how will he feel later when he finds out the whole ball of wax, especially the true relationship between Saebin and SY?
































































































































































































    I tend to like despicable characters like Saebin bcos I know the writers have a lot of fun CONCEIVING Saebin's character to do a variety of despicable things and how they intend to punish her, how many times thwy want to punish her makes me look forward to this daytime drama. Plus I'm a longtime fan of singer-actress Seo Ji Young aka Saebin from way back. Lee Yoo Ri playing SY is another bonus for me and Hong In Young (who impressed me greatly from Empress Chun Chu) playing the sister Joo Ran are enough motivation for me to follow this story.
































































































































































































    I only wish the writers would insert more scenes of the sister Joo Ran sabotaging Saebin at every opportune moment bcos it's always fun to see two women involved in catfighting. I'm also pleased to see that this drama's ratings is on the up and up - consistently within top 20 in weekly average ratings but top 5 in daily ratings as of this week (previously it was hovering between position 6-8 daily). Make no mistake...the korean morning drama viewers are hooked on this group of characters, especially when you have 2 nice guys now chasing after Lee Yoo Ri, aka Soon Young.

































































































































    I don't believe there will be any episodes for wed and thursday... I'm not 100%, but on sbs's website, i believe the next episode will be on friday. My korean isn't good, sorry

    I tried to read some of the preview written for ep 52. I believe the mother in law will try to use that promise SY wrote to keep strawberry(the promise she will never marry). Isn't SY the legal guardian of strawberry? I thought the laws have changed in Korea regarding guardianship of children, esp for grandparents if one parent is alive? I still don't understand how strawberry can be taken away from SY. Isn't she the legal parent? and how legal can that promise really be?
































































































































































































    The truth about SY husbands death will probably be another reason to keep SY and President Han apart. Are they ever really going to get together? and live a happy life? I really hate how drama's have all this angst till the last episode.. and then show how everyone is happy or remorseful in one episode. the writers work so have to develop stories, but then try to wrap everything up so quickly, and the viewers usually feel as if everything was rushed and unfinished in the final episode. I also hope they don't have an open ending for this drama.
































































































































































































    I wish more people would participate in this thread... and write what they think about the drama.































































































































































































































































































































































































    Hi anna410...thanks for the preview info.
































































































































































































    We the viewers know that strawberry is the child of Saebin, and that SY is only the legal guardian, so if the child is below 21, the law (in Korea) does permit Saebin or the mother in law, to take legal custody of the child but there are some caveats/conditions for that to happen:
































































































































































































    1. Either Saebin or the mother must prove to the court that SY is NO LONGER fit to be strawberry's guardian/parent due to mental illness, physical disability, criminal activities, etc
































































































































































































    2. The mother or Saebin must also prove that they are MORE CAPABLE than SY in taking over the custody.
































































































































































































    Furthermore, if this was a REAL SITUATION, SY can contest the legal suit and it''s up to the family court system to decide who the child will live with.
































































































































































































    But we also know K Dramas are notorious in NOT following the real laws of ROK, so these writers may take a few liberties.
































































































































































































    How legal is a (signed) promise not to marry? None at all. A well-educated woman like SY, if she was a real person, would make that promise in order to keep the child in the beginning but over time, as the child grows older, SY need not have to worry abt that promise bcos of 2 things:
































































































































































































    1. Passage of time will show that she has been been able to fulfil her role as a single parent and the child has grown to love her as her real mother and that bond is more powerful that any written note. IN the court's eyes, separating the child from SY might do more harm than good. The law would favor SY, if she was a real person.
































































































































































































    2. By marrying the CEO Han, the child would have even more financial and emotional stability than if SY remained single.
































































































































































































    If (we know it will happen) and when (we just don't know when) SY marries CEO Han, and strawberry becomes part of the Han family in that stone-cold castle, with Saebin and her childish husband, then how long can the writers hide the fact that Saebin is the biological mum?
































































































































































































    Or will Saebin be kicked out of the house by hubby Joo Myung before that happens?
































































































































































































    Since this is a 100+ ep drama, we've only reached the halfway point, so there's plenty of developments and subplots yet to come.
































































































































































































    I still cannot stand that loud mouthed bird-brain mother who begins every sentence with either 'aigoo' or 'aiyo', and to say that she's evil is actually giving her way too much credit. Both Saebin and the mum are 'more dumb and dumber' stupid than evil bcos they never consider what might happen when their lies are uncovered, and they think saying sorry is enough.
































































































































































































    Saebin was using the age-old drama-proven method of crying for forgiveness but she did not know the intense damage she did to JM's macho pride bcos that silly man once put his head to her 'pregnant' belly and said some sweet nice goo-goo things to the fetus, which we know never existed, so in fact he was talking to Saebin's intestines. How stupid can that man be?
































































































































































































    Saebin is now tasting her immature husband's reaction but for how long it will last will be anybody's guess. That idiot could start divorce proceedings OR in typical K DRama, start hitting the bottle every night and one late night in his drunken state, saebin will 'rescue' him from some danger and then everything is re-set to zero.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    Grrr....why izzit only in K Drama World that concidences, chance meetings and hearing delicious-naughty things behind closed doors are so commonplace? If any hollywood-produced drama or even japanese-produced drama uses any one of these lame dramatic devices, that drama would be labelled as insulting the viewers intellect. But evidently not for korean drama writers.
































































































































































































    It does seem that the city of Seoul, with its population of abt 12 million people, has shrunk in this drama. Imagine 12 million seoulites living 24 hours a day, with scores of cinema halls across the capital, screening a variety of films from morning, noon and night, and so what are the supremely incredible odds that Taemin-YH would end up in the same cinema hall as Gangho-Namju (out of so many cineplexes), and end up going for the same movie, same start time and (drum-roll, pleeze) sitting next to each other...all four of them.
































































































































































































    In yesterday's episode, the lazy writers did it too when they made Taemin-YH in one car and Gangho-Namju in another car arrive at almost the same time outside YH's place, and the stoopid girl, instead of quickly walking into her home, just stood there and waited to exchange 'pleasantries' with Gangho-Namju, only to end up being shouted at by him. This same stoopid girl shouts at her own parents to leave her alone but she takes all the abuse from GH? The logic is beyond awful.
































































































































































































    Tsk, tsk, even after the alcoholic facial and drenching at the lounge last time by that same person, when will she ever learn to NOT stop and talk to that bug-eyed doctor?
































































































































































































    In one episode last week, also outside her home, the stoopid girl was slowly walking up to her home when she suddenly saw Gangho-Namju vigorously tongue-dancing and exchanging saliva, and what does the dumpling girl do? Turn away from her own house and run clickety-clack dropping tears every one second.
































































































































































































    What a real YH might have done is coolly walk past the two smoochers, pause, give a korean-style snicker and say, Namju, did you know that this doctor NEVER EVER flosses his teeth? Phew!! Can't stand his garlic breath. That's the REAL reason why I broke it off with him.
































































































































































































    Hey, I'm all for DRAMA-TICK moments and suspension from reality but not when these lazy writers keep using lame tricks just so they could stretch the plot to 150 episodes.
































































































































































































    Watching the 4 of them sitting in the cinema next to each other is supposed to make us feel...er...what? I'm really not sure. Remember what Taemin said when he first saw Namju-Gangho there at the cinema lobby?
































































































































































































    TM: Are you here to watch a movie?
































































































































































































    Duh-duh, that's like asking a friend you bump into at the swimming pool, are you here to swim? Me? I jsut love watching half-naked wet bodies.
































































































































































































    Or asking your friend at another chance meeting, say at the restaurant, are you here to eat or are you here to make friends with that waitress?
































































































































































































    Namju should have ad-libbed and say, No, we're here because both of you are here. Guess what, big bro? You won't have a chance to do any hanky-panky with miss dumpling inside the theatre bcos bug-eyes and me are sitting right next to you. It's true. I'm not lying. Here...take a look...it says so right here in the script.
































































































































































































    Oh writers, please hurry up and throw the poop at granny's face.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    b00kw0rm...it's not the translation but again it's due to the poor writing exacerbated by the 3 writers own ignorance, and total lack of research. In the same way they're confusing us as to why Namju, in spite of knowing BY's imminent action that would effectively "push her off the cliff" is doing nothing but instead wasting time making useless counter-threats against BY and wining & dining with spaced-out Gangho and his parents. (for the dinner scene, Gangho has suddenly reverted to the Star Trek Mr Spock hairstyle...goes well only with hospital jammies but not his work clothes).
































































































































































































    One moment the writers make Namju share her desperation with Taemin that she's going to be abandoned/evicted from the Cha household, and the next scene she's a happy puppy having a nice meal with Gangho and his parents. What's stopping Namju from making the first move and file a court action charging BY with the crime of switching babies? BY tells her nobody saw her do the switch but the writers have forgotten that there are many loopholes in BY's story that it was a hospital error - the main one being when did she first know it was a hospital error and that if she knew about the switch, why has she kept quiet about it for so long?
































































































































































































    Also if Dr Cha told you (BY) it was a hospital error, how do you (BY herself) know he's right? Would you not question as to whether he's telling the truth? Did you (BY) conduct a DNA test on Namju & YH and compare the results with your own DNA sample? Why are you (BY) so sure that a switch did indeed happen? The only probable reason why you're so sure that there WAS a switch was that you did it. Or is this too difficult a hypothesis for a third grade detective to arrive at?
































































































































































































    It's not Namju's word against BY's bcos any REAL police detective can easily form the inference that I described above.
































































































































































































    The writers still don't realise that baby switching by mistake, in real life in ROK, is a VERY serious affair, chargeable under criminal laws, and so BY, in not reporting that it was a hospital error the moment she 'found out', is indeed culpable. Only in K Drama World can they get away from harsh reality.
































































































































































































    Another example of the writers low ignorance - for judicial purposes requiring DNA samples, you cannot just submit a hair sample, get it analysed and give the test results to the judge to make a ruling....no judge would ever make a ruling without the proper DNA testing protocols.
































































































































































































    In real situation, BY must first file the court action, which she hasn't done. Then acting on the court's instructions, all 3 of them - BY, Namju, YH - would have to go a medical facility appointed by the court to do DNA testing. There, the hospital staff would take a mouth swab (hair sampling can also be done) and these DNA testing procedures follow strict court protocols.
































































































































































































    These 3 writers always downplay reality bcos they think korean homeviewers are that naive, and actually most are, I think, bcos since this drama is a daytime morning drama, most of the viewers would be homemakers, senior citizens, etc.
































































































































































































    Lately the writers are still making boring Gangho acting as the sore loser taking revenge on miss dumpling in almost every episode now and YH's expected reaction of enlarging her eyeballs before running away and dropping tears every one second is becoming a bit tiring to watch. This delaying tactic is certainly meant to delay the moment when grandma finds out and then Namju would literally be pushed OFF and OUT of the Cha stone-cold castle, and starts doing Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep. Sigh...ep 150 is still 23 eps away.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    The writers are STILL torturing poor Soon Young. It looks like the pairing of Kyu Jin-Soon Young is NOT going to happen anytime soon bcos Soon Young is crying and crying and whenever the scene shifts to Soon Young or Soon Young and her 'daughter', that sickening guitar music comes on.
































































































































































































    I think the writers may have bluffed us on the title...Daring Women? Not quite. Which ones qualify as Daring Women?
































































































































































































    Cheating Women..Lying Women...Manipulative Women...should be more appropriate titles.
































































































































































































    Soon Young was fighting and standing her ground until she 'was forced' to quit her job. Thereafter she's seen crying and crying MORE AFTER she left that office full of stupid loud people, except for nice guy Sang Soo who looks out for her.
































































































































































































    That damn guitar music is doing a good job to induce viewers' sympathy for Soon Young's continuation of being bullied, being bad-mouthed, being verbally abused, being humiliated, and I bet you the writers are not finished with her.
































































































































































































    I think they're slowly going to make Soon Young feel sorry for herself even when she shouldn't. So expect to hear more guitar music everytime Soon Young's face appears.
































































































































































































    On the other hand, Saebin (my fave character bcos she's so transparent, so selfish and somewhat narrow-minded) is having a headache constantly over the younger sister Joo Ran who definitely has ONE EYE on Saebin. Let's see how long Saebin can keep her current secret from the rest of the rich and shallow family. That'll be a real hoot!

































































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