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Posts posted by papulichan

  1. 10 minutes ago, dinhie said:

    @papulichan When I click save image it's just downloaded to my computer :D Keep posting awesome gifs & pics chingu!! ^^


    Yep ! Exactly ... it simply downloads the pic  to my PIC folder..... hahaha... Actually , I'm currently barely scrapping through my Internet GB until the monthly plan reboots tomorrow..... so , much for me and my Reply'88 marathon binges...hahahahah.....

    • Like 2
  2. 1 minute ago, carolinedl said:

    No but really! I am sure @papulichan would want to know as well - how do you guys post the DC pics?!? Ha ha ha ha... I know I suck with computers but this is ridic... I suck more than I thought!...............



    Hahaha... I wanna know that too !! When I save the image it goes right into the downloading html..... and then that's a richard simmons at times....haa..

    • Like 1
  3. 8 hours ago, dubuqueen said:


    You guys I just saw this post on tumblr :


    Source : http://sungdeoksun.tumblr.com/post/136378269151/reply-1988-episode-9-crossing-that-line-if-one





    Aigoo... i'm sorry sweetie... If my memory serves right that uri Taeki smoking in between his Baduk competition in China... That's when I think DS awkwardly enters his room...

    • Like 3
  4. 1 minute ago, wizengamot said:

    @papulichan will they release preview on tuesday? 



    I hope so...given the delay in the airing of episodes.... Normally if the airing is regular weekly during the live shoot... then the preview comes a day or two before the schedule episode... But, i hope they do get the preview out latest by Wednesday..... I mean give us something at least , even at the risk of being richard simmons trolled....hahaha

    • Like 2
  5. 5 minutes ago, wizengamot said:

    lol @papulichan what's this? hahaha!!! it makes me want to watch kill me heal me though


    HAHAHAHA..... chingu , since I was so tired about the gloomy posts of how the "tone" of certain TK-DS shippers is creating a slight annoyance on this thread.... I had a little fun...hhehe.... BTW, since Ji Sung and Park Seo Jeon won the BEST COUPLE at the 2015 MBC award.... 927264_531055900386875_329185401_n.jpg


    well, I thought it's about time Yona gets another HOT Oppa....;)

    • Like 7
  6. 5 minutes ago, kiklaminHo said:

    Hola chingus,

    here Ι am  first day of the New year reading comments ιn soompi and @MrsSoJiSub latest post brought me back  some....decades when I was a hardcore shipper in my first ship ever and wanted so badly JOsephine Mars and Laurie Lawrence to end up together in " Little Women" .

    My 10 years old heart experienced so much pain when that little brat of sister got him at the end that even after so many years  I feel a small chest pain when I remember this book.( I remember I was crying for days/months)

    Jo's pairing with the German professor felt and feels as a sugar coated solution to me.

    Still  " Little Women" is included in my top 10 book list and same will be with R88.

    Regardless the end  it always will be a series that I will remember with a smile.

    After all it introduced me to this guy

    Reply 1988-Ryoo Joon-Yeol.jpg

    sorry for the OOT .


    Aigoo..... reminds me of being 10 all over again...me too !! I cried my eyes out when Jo rejected Teddy's proposal..... I had the longest grudge on that German Prof. Bhaer.... :angry: .

    • Like 5
  7. 3 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:


    But honestly the story and show its self is the biggest clue. If you followed everything from beginning to end its been there. I don't know why leads are still being argued. Even if this is an ensemble cast (like Lost was) we still have a definite lead (Deok Sun here, Jack there) the lead's love interest (Junghwan here, Kate there), second leads (Taek here, and Sawyer and co there), and the obvious love triangle (Deok Sun/Junghwan/Taek here and Jack/Kate/Sawyer -I shipped SawyerKate so hard, yeah I got a type when it comes to love lines- there). It's not just a kdrama thing. It's a a well established genre and just storytelling in general thing that can be found in various places and works (even paintings and most definitely music aka every love song, has it).



    YES...FOLLOW THE PATH OF THE STORY... Chingu, you elucidate in the best possible way !! .


    • Like 11
  8. 47 minutes ago, namunamuyeppeo said:

    Sorry if this is quite out of the topic guys, but something came to mind and that is about how (if this is true) Mi Ok's dad is a gangster boss and the fact that Kim appa (kim sung kyun) used to act in a movie called "nameless gangster" and acted as a gangster. I can already sense a funny scene coming about Kim appa "acting" gangster-like when he first meets Mi Ok's dad later on when MO and JB decide to get married.





    OMG!! this movie is SO DAMN GOOD !!!! ah... it has  Ha Jung Woo too...ha-jung-woo.jpg?w=211&h=315.:wub:

    • Like 5
  9. News Article :- http://eyesonryu.tumblr.com/
    160101 -”The letter from Ssangmundong" New year’s message from the Reply 1988 casts to their fans Trans: Kim Jung Hwan (Ryu Jun Yeol)I am filming Reply earnestly during the winter and also filming at the beginning of this year. Because I got this warm project, I will work hard until the end as much as I am thankful (for Reply 1988) and I want to convey its warmth. I received so much love and support from many people during 2015 and for 2016, I wish to do various projects to repay the love I received.source: TVDaily

    160101 -”The letter from Ssangmundong" 
    New year’s message from the Reply 1988 casts to their fans 


    Kim Jung Hwan (Ryu Jun Yeol)

    I am filming Reply earnestly during the winter and also filming at the beginning of this year. Because I got this warm project, I will work hard until the end as much as I am thankful (for Reply 1988) and I want to convey its warmth. I received so much love and support from many people during 2015 and for 2016, I wish to do various projects to repay the love I received.

    source: TVDaily




    • Like 17
  10. 24 minutes ago, wizengamot said:



    It is because even before MO and Ja Hyun pointed out that JH might like her, she's kind of having a hunch. a gut feeling that he may have feelings for her.





    This is the exact sentiment that widely demarcates DS's crush over SW and her budding liking towards JH....She, blindly accepted her friends' conjecture about "SW liking her"...whereas here, she questioned the inevitable consequence of "what if JH likes her too"....So, she does have a slight hunch... Contradictory , to what many think about DS being "dense"...SHE IS NOT ! ! She has her own set of insecurities like every teen in the world has at that age. I think , if JH would have been a little more approachable , DS would have confessed.... And, it was getting there...BUT, then the whole mother richard simmons "pink shirt" incident happened ...images.jpg

    .and DS took a few steps back with the skepticism /fear being once again rejected..... And, once again she ask the same ol' question to DR..images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQTrMFjdK931RdkV_UofTj........


    Thus, IMO...DS really has budding feelings for JH....and now it is up to JH to work things out...


    • Like 8
  11. 13 minutes ago, fictionista said:

    Uri Jung Pal-i shooting Sun Woo and Taek appa behind the scene - 

    (apologies if this is a repeat post)


    Credit - eyesonryu

    I'm not sure why I so love the maroon sweatshirt on him. Finally some color other than grey/black/white. Gives me hope he'll wear the pink shirt some time too.


    Chinguya, no apologies for repeat JH hotness..... one can never get enough of all that sexiness...tumblr_njy4ngkugN1qgten1o9_r4_250.gif

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