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ChuMills DejaVu

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Posts posted by ChuMills DejaVu

  1. @studentkkk actually give/put credit to picture that belongs to someone else or from a fanbase or a forum were unwritten rule actually. since many case already happens that why many people, fanbase, forum put their water mark/signature to the picture, and I notice that few of your pictures are haven't any mark that show the pictures are belong to you. even tho still we should give/put credit when we post/re-post it again. Keep up the beautiful works of SiSo art... I really like it when it pop up at my IG home:lol:

    I have been wondering, wny MBC haven't post the preview pict yet? :( 


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  2. @hannajo Yes, like you, i do believe in fate too. And allow me to share a part of a song that is one of my long time favorite. A song from Bosson the tittle of the song is Beautiful. 

    "I Do believe in fate, cause that's how we met"

    "You are so beautiful, so sweet, and just adorable

     You are a miracle, simply irresistible"

    "You are the finest thing that I've seen in my life

     You're everything that i ever dream off"

    "And when you walk in, you're amazing thing,

     You take my breath away"


    SiSo bring back almost all the old thing that i do, writing, photo editing, even a video making. makes me missed my old PC and laptop even more. This was like 4 or 5 years since the last and the longest fan video that i made. i think my skill a bit rotten, hahahaha...

    I really love watching and seeing the fan art, fan video and all gif. It help enlighten my heart and mind:lol:

    Even I'm not saying it but i really thankful and appreciate all the efforts of all the artist that made the fan art, fan video and all that cute and funny gif. May god bless you all my dear berries:wub:  

    • Like 20
  3. 1 hour ago, LeeK said:

    Watch the first episode at the "pre wgm interview".

    Soyeon when she answered  she like skinship is so funny...her facial and tone.....


    Since i started watching wgm late. Just want to confirm once again. 

    100 day contract is an old format of wgm when it started??

    @LeeK I think the concept almost similar, it just that in the first season of WGM no official written 100 contract. even the couple them self didn't know if their marriage gonna end. The PD just give theme a mission for them to do anything they want to spend they last day as a couple. but then at the end of the day, in their BRI the PD ask them if they want to continue or to end their marriage. But, the marriage will be continue if both couple agree, if one of them choose not to continue, they can't continue. 

    Actually SiSo is really special (despite their air time always short). SiSo is the first couple who have very detail individual interview, and being recorded, and PD-nim allow us to watch all that early process. They also the first couple with official written 100 days contract. they have a very beautiful house with a front yard (as So Yeon said it's look like house for the rich people) they have a nice car. So, its look like PD-nim like to show that SiSo is a successful newly wed couple.

    I know, we have been talking about this many times, but I will keep mention it. I believe that Si Yang came at the right time. Because PD-nim waiting for the right person for So Yeon. I do believe there are many men celebrity on the PD-nim list, with the same age, or even younger not with 6 years 2 months age gap. who suit So Yeon, but no, she's waiting, and then Si Yang came up with the highest score of similarities. I think we also have talk about it too here, that SiSo is the first couple with highest score similarities, 89% if i'm not mistaken. So, SiSo is special:lol::wub:

    Oke then, see you all around my deal berries, can't wait for tomorrow, the preview pict from MBC :lol:

    Have a nice day Berries :blush:




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  4. I'm back with a lot more better mood. I re-watch episode 25 again and again, make some screen caps to post in IG, and do some editing to few of it. i feel regain my mood:lol:

    thank you @studentkkk you rae so kind #bearhugsandkiss

    i have to admit even its short and edited unfairly, but this was one of lovely episode. I always love to watch they conversation when ever they in the car and when they eat. Specially this episode i saw So Yeon more talk active. She was like to talk about everything and anything, and some said when a woman becomes so talk active when she with a men, that mean she's not just feel comfortable but also trust him. and... want to keep close with him.

    the kitchen part... i have a good laugh as much i felt worried. and I realize how i miss that famous potato face of Si Yang. his reaction over So Yeon choice for replacing the roll pin with a plate was priceless:lol: Si Yang show how good his patient quality is. I love when So Yeon nudging cute and playfully after she saw his potato face. They look more and more like a real couple, just like their face, their facial expression. they become look a like.

    now i will watch the episode again, because i already have the recap, thank you to @thesuitelife547 you bright my day more.  

    see again later my dear berries... oh... i already vote again, and set the alarm again:lol: 

    have a sparkling sunday to all berries:wub: 

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  5. i try to cool down. i feel angry and now feel sad, feel heart broken and feel betrayed by the PD-nim. I admit that we have longer segment during the first 2 episode. But then after that SiSo keep getting cut off, SiSo mostly get 22-23 mnt per episode. once we get 28mnt, did I ask too much if i want to have 25mnt for SiSo? 

    I feel sad, even if they not gonna give SiSo their 23mnt at least please cut it right. Not just cut it like that. Give them proper editing.

    I'm sorry for my negativity... it just i feel really sad. We not even get the chance to see if the cookies are baked or not. #lesigh 

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  6. @hannajo thak you for the translation and recap for tomorrow episode. I kind of the same feeling as you that our SiSo segment will be shorter.

    @khairunni i have to admit that i always anticipate your post, specially when it Thursday, because you seem always get the preview article paster, hehehe...

    And @seesaw_love i keep repeating that video... they just really perfect for each other, just like the panelist said that So Yeon fit perfectly in Si Yang arms. And the way So Yeon calling Yeobo so... gentle and sweet child like while walk toward Si Yang and let her in into Si Yang embrace just.. beautiful... and how Si Yang mumbling aigoo then cares So Yeon hair... my delusional raised into it peack... and i don't care. Because they look so beautiful together. They perfectly beautiful... 

    Oh boy... its hard not to delusional... but let it be... ^^

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  7. @seesaw_love ahh... you are right. How i missed about that. We have been thought about it few weeks ago at our chat room. i guest have been to focus to my wishing list. 

    i set 6 hours alarm so i don't forgot to do my voting. i have been post at KSY Indonesia IG, also the reminder. I also post the link at SiSo pict from MBC IG update, hope it help. i will try to post at Si Yang IG on their pict together. i'd love to post the libk at So Yeon IG comment, but i'm a bit step backed because I didn't want to provoke any bad comment from the haters. its like two weeks ago a serial bad comment posted at So Yeon IG, regarding Si Yang flower joke. 

    i try my best to spread the news about the voting, hope we can pass to the next round. 

    Ajja... ajja... fighting!!

    • Like 11
  8. 7 minutes ago, seesaw_love said:


    I think i saw somewhere in this thread mentioned #siso200days is on 14 March, white valentine's day.

    I remember I recorded 200 days on 13 March.    Hence i did the calculation again.  

    27 Aug ~ 4 Dec inclusively = 100 days.   So end date has to be included.    #siso200days is on 13 March


    This date has been aligned with Korea and China as well.  


    I'm the one who mention about the white day. 

    you are daebak. you never stop amaze me. you are awesome berries @seesaw_love . then even SiSo 200 days are happens at 13 of March. it is still possible right for them to celebrate it along with the white days. they didn't have the chance to celebrate valentine together. white t=day can be a perfect time (its look like that I'm so pushy in SiSo celebrating their 200 days together with white days, hahaha...)

    hope MBC and WGM will give them (still with the same wish) an intimate moment, like trip to Jeju Island if gone to over seas country for romantic honeymoon a bit too hard since they busy schedule. spa for newly wed couple. romantic dinner near the ocean? (oh... that can be bad idea since the weather can be still windy and cold) well basically all the romantic package for newly wed couple. hmmm... did i ask to much? if it were too much, then at least let them have a proper kiss not just popo, hehehe...

    oke then.. have to be back to do my things... see you all again my dear berries^^  

    • Like 10
  9. 20 minutes ago, hannajo said:

    Just saw this on MBC's IG. Are we getting new/temporary panelists on the next episode?


    The lady is Park Narae, one of the hosts on JTBC's Take Care of the Witch.

    It's look like this week episode WGM gonna have new/temporary panelist. At least that what i get fromone of the berries from our group chat. and the other member also share the preview from tomorrow episode from Naver. 


    its used to @khairunni who share the preview and seem understand with what it wrote even using GT. i still get lost in translation with GT. Hope one of berries here who understand hangul will help to translate it.

    Have a nice day my dear berries.. anticipate for tomorrow sugary SiSo :lol::wub:

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  10. 5 hours ago, hannajo said:

    It just hit me that SiSo's 200th day is coming up soon... It should be on 14 March, right?

    Then, SiSo 200 days comes together with the White Day. What a lovely coincident. Ahh... that remind me. this Saturday episode is baking cup cakes and cookies, so... may be SiSo cooking class will be learn to bake cup cakes and cookies for celebrating valentine day?. I know there was information that SiSo as well Bbyu couple doesn't have any filming schedule from 3 to 23 of February regarding the change of the PD. Even tho it already pass the date, but it will be nice to see our SiSo celebrating Valentine with cooking class ^^. and later on at their 200 days that comes together with White Day, they can have something more intimate? something fancy... thinking about it make me smile ear to ear.

    Let's make a wish for our SiSo 200 days, shall we my dear berries? our thread is an Alladin lamp isn't it? let see what else that gonna be granted from our wish list?

    Please let our SiSo have a fancy 200 days celebration, something that warm and intimate. amen..

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  11. @SamaraP Yes, Si Yang and So Yeon a lot more lucky. back then it is hard for Hyun Joong and Hwang Bo even for just a simple holding hand. nd to tell the truth, one of the reason i'm back into this shipping thing is that because SiSo short of reminds me of my times when I'm shipping JoongBo or they better know as Ssangchu Couple ^^.

    @yuar19ingrid I'm agree with you. that why sometimes i felt uneasy and worried over So Yeon, because She's has been missing a lot of things. She is living a life that not easy at all since the young age. well... the joke about age it is cruel but at some point it can not help it, in one or many ways either Si Yang or anyone will bring that up. Just like when they have their house warming party. and about Si Yang comment, i think that his instant reaction because he himself felt surprise and felt sorry for So Yeon.

    and i think it is not has to be a celebrity or actress or model with packed schedule to be lack in experience in having what the others thought as a normal date. because me myself have the same experience as So Yeon. due to my bubbly and impulsive personality, and lack of self confidence because i used to being bullied due to my appearance (am tan, boyish, and quite tall among my friends, and chubby) my case and So Yeon might be different but we experience almost the same. i never know how it felt holding hand on a date with my boyfriends (at the times) because i'm so shy and anxious. i really do understand how So Yeon feelings. and I really thankful to WGM because it help her to experience things that being missed when she's at her teenager and at her early twenty.

    about antis, i choose not to bother. i choose to believe in So Yeon. I think that she is smart and mature. and awesome in her own way.

    thats my opinion ^^

    • Like 15
  12. 1 hour ago, LeeK said:

    Just wondering,  is siso the couple with the largeat age gap in wgm? With a older lady? I only recall go junhee and jinwoon with 6. 

    Anyway, the ladies all take care of themselves so well....celebrities necessity. ..


    And the intro is so good....too bad there is only 1 "like" button


    SS501 Kim Hyun Joong and ex Chakra member Hwang Bo are couple from WGM season 1 with 6 years age gap. and if i have to use So Yeon calculation, SiSo not exactly 7 years age gap, hehehe...

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  13. 7 hours ago, kappy said:

    @larus and @ChuMills DejaVu - Your comments about So Yeon having a stunt double for the cooking segments cracked me up!  The thought of it is so hilarious to me for some reason.  I can see it now..

    Director:  Cue kitchen scene...ACTION!  (So Yeon gathers ingredients from frig and cupboards...Yes, yes..) CUT!  Yes, I also mean cutting segment now, so where's that stunt double?  You're up!

    But really @kappy the way she hold the knife make me nervous. Actually whenever she is at the kitchen I felt nervous. I do believe that she is can be a good cook but someone (poke at Manjjitnam Nampyonnim) to accompany her at the kitchen.  

    And.. I do think that stunt BTS will be very hilarious... just wait and see, kekekeke....

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  14. Regarding So Yeon role at her new drama. I really hope Si Yang would help her because i really felt nervous, the way she hold the knife really make me nervous. I'm not a chef but i learn how to hold the knife because i love spend times in the kitchen even tho I'm not a great cook, hehehe... 

    and i saw the scar too, that quite long, if it was from the kitchen accident it probably happens during cooking not cutting. that happens to me a lots 

    and @larus I really wish the PD will provide a stunt for So Yeon. 

    But aside than that, lets wish all the best for So Yeon drama, it start to air next week right.


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  15. First kiss and love of appreciation for @thesuitelife547 for her continues love and efforts in making the recaps, may God always bless you my dear berry <3

    And @kappy thank you for the Eng Sub Episode link, me and the ladies and gent at our group being wondering about it, so You are come at the right time with the link. kiss and love for you to, may God bless you too <3

    Then @studentkkk welcome to the SiSo Paradise. My dear, you are not the only one. me too, face the same issue as you. there are times i felt in doubt to Si Yang, especially when i look at So Yoen and how she is starting to rely on him a lot. And then i watch their cuts all over again, and I notice that the way Si Yang looked at So Yeon never change, he still look at her with the same admiring gaze, still with adoration that show as like no other woman in this world except his Yeosin Anae. and that never fail to amaze me. and of course the hand holding, and in how their fingers really know their way to interlock, that my dear, that is a habit.a need, there are moment when they not say a word but their hands, their fingers, the way they touch, they show me that you don't have to say too much words to show your affection toward your couple. and its look like SiSo are so capable in making me fall in love again and again in every episode. so, i just let it flows, and enjoy it and put my doubt aside. 

    And about the joke? well sometimes it is a bit annoying for me, but then i realize that they becomes so comfortable with each other, and that also show me that their relationship are developing into another level which higher than they are before. just like many others berries here thought.

    lets share many other wonderful time here. 

    It is nice to be back here again... ^^

    have a sparkling night/day my dear berries <3

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  16. Watching today episode and the preview for next week over and over again, and suddenly this song play in my head. A Song from a Phillipins singer Christian Bautista 'The Way You Look At Me" and every single picture when Si Yang and So Yeon exchange their gaze, and when they look at each other play in my mind like a slide clips. I always love in how they look at each other. and when i saw that hug at the preview. the way Si Yang hold So Yeon, and in how he cares her hair while looking at her, i lost my words...

    I fall in love with them for the nth time 

    here is the song with lyrics incase any of you my dearberries like to hear and know the song and lyric


    i think i'm going to watch them again, before continue with my fanfics... who knows it will help gain may inspiration, kekeke...

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  17. On 19/2/2016 at 7:29 AM, Aina Aziz said:

    Done re casted my vote..siso cp fighting!!!

    Tq all the committees membersn contributers... to name a few @KalyanaV@jl_1908  @seesaw_love  @kappy @alou @thesuitelife547 @ChuMills DejaVu  @SamaraP @larus U are willing to sacrifice ur busy time to organise the entry even tho there is no payment or monetary reward..really salute u all . Tq I like u

    I try my best for our SiSo... and I really love to take part... hope we could pass all the part... ^^

    Lets do our best to vote later on... fighting ^^q

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  18. 7 minutes ago, LeeK said:


    Thanks. Just throwing the idea out. Will not be able to write.  

    1. Not talented in that

    2. Not a fan enough to be able to guess correctly her thought or action

    3. Will not be able to even fanthom how a lady think. Haha.

    aish... don't limit yourself la..., who knows... just wrote down what ever that comes to your mind, its look like you have so many things/idea. have fun with it, hahaha...

    Btw, its nice to meet you ^^v

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  19. 9 minutes ago, thesuitelife547 said:

    Now that you brought it up, I'm thinking about putting the 3 quotes into 1 paragraph and explaining them in said paragraph (they never said there was a sentence requirement just that there had to be 3 haha) and I was thinking of the possibility that we could add them when talking about the "Walk beside me" quote, like saying something about how like "the bracelet that had the engraved saying marked the end of the 100 days contract and signified the beginning of their unrestrained relationship" or something among those lines.

    i think we have the same thing in mind, hahaha.... i also will add that "Walk Beside Me" as one of the quote, that was like their trade mark after all, the words like belong to them, hahaha... for the other two, i have something in mind, quote from So Yeon and Si Yang. something that represent their charm. i'm still try to put it up all together. 

    fighting ^^q

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  20. @KalyanaV I think the introduction from @thesuitelife547 is already great, and if you  didn't mind @thesuitelife547 can i add a little detail of our couple, which is their 100 days contract. Because that was one of the highlight of SISO.

    and as for the poem, hope i make it right

    tittle : Tangled.

             The love bond.

             Dream summer Flower.

             Wondering heart in glimmering.

             How should we know uncertainty?


    this is the first time for me joining in this kind of contest and surely it is not easy.


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  21. Hi my dear berrie's... 

    Its been a while....

    I read about the contest theme...  may i give my idea? How with the "Touch" it represent how they love to hold hand, as like when "walk Beside Me" they like to hold hand, touch also kan discribe as eye contact... since our SiSo start to able having eye contact comfortably.... touch also can be use as in touch/communication since we know that our SiSo have very good and quite intense communication off camera. 

    Still try to make the peom... hope can make it soon.. also start to re-arange the plpt for the fanfics need some research first.. 

    Wish me luck my dear berries #hugsandkiss



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