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Posts posted by Blithenostalgia

  1. 39 minutes ago, Seriya said:

    Did anyone purchase the CLOY photobook published from Japan? I'm considering it, but given that I can't read Japanese, am wondering what the photo to word ratio is? Japan gets such good mementos. If only there could be more non Korean/Japanese language stuff available and the CLOY exhibition can go on a world tour haha.


    The SYJ tuk tuk is so cool. Glad MSTEAM included it in their video. MSTEAM is cute. The font they chose haha. They should run a contest or collaboration for SYJ fan art/videos, but maybe they can't due to copyright issues.


    I purchased it and it's all pictures! No words except the cover and the publishing details. Very high quality pictures too. Wihle I recognize a lot of them, there were also new pictures I haven't seen before. I decided to buy it as a "souvenir" of this past year and am really glad I did after hearing about their confirmation, feel like i have a piece of history. hehehe

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  2. 4 hours ago, eLizza said:

    We know Binjin have the best chemistry and even the industry people acknowledge them..

    However, as we don't have Best Couple award for Cable dramas, let us win this in Swoonies Awards..

    Binjin Swoon videos has the highest views in their channel and if they win, we can once again ask them for BTS or unedited clips of Swoon interview..(It is possible because HB-psh uncut Jenga video was released few months after MOTA.)


    The competition is stiff ..but let us do our best.


    it's such a close race, currently at 49%! really want them to win this most important award!

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  3. 4 hours ago, TotoroSY said:


    Summary translation of Carol Cheng's radio program talking about CLOY and Binjin

    Her radio program is called 口水多過浪花 (which literally translates to "More drool than spray" haha).


    Some background :

    Carol Cheng, who is a top tier veteran actress and host in HK, became a mega CLOY fan, and also a Binjin shipper/ supporter. She was part of the HK TVB drama peak era in the 80s, together with Chow Yuen Fatt (who was her frequent co-star) and later became a super host. One of the smartest, wittiest and funniest entertainer in C-ent, I love watching her acting and hosting. So to listen to her GUSH over CLOY, SYJ and later HB (she became his fan after CLOY, but has always been a YJ fan), and how she is like us hoping for Binjin to get married, is such an awesome thing to hear!! As she is a veteran in the entertainment industry, her words do carry a lot of weight and insight. Some of her thoughts might feel uncomfortable at first but she say it based on her own POV and her observation of the entertainment industry, so do read it with an open mind.


    For those who understand cantonese, you can also go have a listen to the radio show as per link and dates below. You will have to search/ fast forward for the segments on CLOY/ Binjin as its within a 1 hour plus program. But it's well worth it cuz Carol Cheng and her co-hosts' discussion and banter is so funny, witty and entertaining.


    So far, I have listened to the June 9th, and then backwards to the Feb 18th and 21st shows. I think Feb 18th is the first time she talked about CLOY and Binjin (after the CLOY finale). Here's a summary translation :

    (Please note as it is not word-for-word translation, there may be errors. If you notice errors, please feel free to let me know and correct me!) :


    Feb 18, 2020




    - Carol Cheng started by saying that she wanted to talk about CLOY which is the hot Kdrama airing now. She said that she didn't tell anyone she was watching CLOY as ppl has a tendency to give spoilers whenever she mentions she is going to watch a certain series.

    - Now she has finally complete watching it, and was gushing about how good CLOY is to her co-hosts, and how well both YJ and HB acted. CLOY is one of the best Kdrama she has watched in a long time, its really really good.

    - The scriptwriter (Carol knows she wrote MLFAS), director, scenery were all amazing, Also all the easter eggs in the epilogues are really good too.

    - She has always been a fan of SYJ and know she is a good actress, but now after CLOY she is also a HB fan cuz he acted so well. Before that she has not really watch his works and have only see his action shows (I guess films?), thot he is an action actor, but never thot he can act so well.

    - And now the whole world, millions of fans are hoping for HB and SYJ to get married.

    - She talked about the unique NK scenario esp how it does just not talk about the negative stuff about NK but the life and details of NK people with a lot of detailed research. There's also NK F4 who is with HB in the show. Everyone thot it will be a melodrama but it's actually a very funny and humorous show.


    - Then she started talking about Binjin chemistry, and why so many fans want them to get married. Carol said  that HB fans who call themselves Mrs Hyun even said they will agree if HB marries YJ.

    - Carol explained to the other DJs about how Binjin debut almost at the same time 20 years ago, and YJ even debuted earlier. They then filmed TN in 2017 together (she explained how the film via monitor) and the TN promo happened where they travel in the bus together, and HB who is known as being rather stiff, ended up doing all the selfies, funny apps, wind-blow selfies with YJ. Many say how good they look together. Usually for top stars, after working once together, that is all. But HB said during the promo that he wants to film again with SYJ, and wants to act in a rom.com with her.

    - During Sept 2018, you can see SYJ celebrating birthday with HB. Then in Jan 2019, it is SYJ's birthday, and the January rumour and LA grocery sighting happened, and everyone was very happy thinking they will admit but in the end they still denied. Thinking that was it, but a few months later both of them accepted to star in CLOY together.

    - The 2nd lady MC Valerie said that many of her friends who never watch Kdramas, tell her to watch CLOY and how CLOY is the first Kdrama for them and keep saying how good it is and how addicted they are. Carol Cheng said that HB acts as a warm NK soldier and met YJ, and their r/s development while they are not dating but still have a lot of chemistry. The male DJ said HB's eye gaze is so attractive etc etc (haha, even guys get attracted to HB's gazes).

    - Carol Cheng then started to say that she don't think they will get married (don't worry, she don't think like this anymore cuz by Feb 21st she is hoping they will get married haha). Reason she gave is that both are Top Tier actors, and them being together is just too overwhelming and too much pressure (as everyone hope for them to be together). Also they have spent 20 years building their career to their current status, and though CLOY is a big success for them, they've also experienced career slumps before, and not every work is successful, so they will need to be extra careful in handling relationships. If anything happens, it will also impact their team (manager, PA, stylists etc) which is a big team relying on them for their livelihood. And if they marry and later split (she gave example of other celeb couples), there will be a big impact on their career, standing in the industry and also their team. She said sometimes it may be better star couples just stay friends. But when asked if she thinks they are together, she said their chemistry in CLOY is just too great, including their BTS,.... (i think she believe they have strong feelings for each other, or even dating). But they may still need to consider very carefully before deciding to get married.

    - Carol also brought up how earlier HB talked about if he has a girlfriend, he will do something special for her during her birthday, and so looks like now he has done it (you can see that Carol is torn btwn being worried about Binjin and the impact their relationship will have on each other, and how she also thinks and wants them to be together)


    MY THOTS :

    I think Carol Cheng's thots on marriage for Binjin is very rational and practical. She is after all a big star herself when she was young, and know the trappings and risks of being a star and idol. One of the male DJ actually raised up that she and frequent co-star Chow Yuen Fatt was also a couple that fans hope will become real life. But she said that for them, they have always only been good friends and colleagues so nothing happened. She also said that just like SYJ, fans always wish she will date each of her co-star (haha).  Anyway, this is only her thots and i guess she is cautious about marriage between such Top stars. Which I believe is the reason why Binjin is taking it very very slowly, and keeping it very very private, cuz their actions has major impact not just on themselves but others around them, including family, staff and fans.


    Feb 21, 2020



    - This program on 21 Feb has a lot of funny and happy discussion. 

    - Another friend of the 2nd female DJ who started watching CLOY and sent her a voice message (she played it) saying her husband said he lost his wife and her son said he lost her mom, and all she does is cry while watching it.

    - One of the male DJ is also got addicted to CLOY and cried 3 times watching it.

    - One friend (of Valerie's, the 2nd female DJ) was promoted to watch CLOY at 11pm, so he started watching and ended up watching till 12 pm next day. This friend said that:  firstly, he has never cried so much and secondly, he has not hold the same position for 12 hours for so long (haha!).

    - Then Carol said that for her who have finished watching, it feels like she is suffering from a break-up (loss of love) lol!!

    - On top of the funny stories about CLOY gushing, there is also an amusing one about HB. So Carol Cheng said they must invite this "professor" who is an expert on NK. Carol said she wants to know if there are really guys all over the street like HB in NK, if yes she will immediately go over there (haha).

    - The male DJ then said, HB is the ideal man, tall and broad shouldered, and killer eye gaze. He also said that his eyes seems to be always watery, then carol add he hold the tears and then at the right time the tears will roll out. The male DJ said his eyes seems to be reddish at the bottom, and it's natural, not make-up, always watery. Carol add she don't know how he does it. When he looks at you its always watery, and as soon its close-up the tears will fall down.

    - Then Carol said they are too matching (HB and YJ) and their chemistry is too strong, and though the 2nd OTP is also good, but HB and SYJ is just too strong and steal every scene, and she also hope they will get married.


    June 9, 2020



    - This is where Carol Cheng brought up SYJ's IG liking incident, how she liked 40 IG posts/ pix of her and HB, after the BAA was over a few days ago.

    - It's just a funny exchange amongst the 4 DJs, trying to figure out why SYJ did all the likes. And Carol said she herself has never liked other IG posts so what SYJ did was quite a unique thing as SYJ has not done such liking spree before. 

    - Carol Cheng kept wondering and asking why SYJ did that, since she never liked so many before, and it's all her pix with HB! Carol Cheng kept asking her fellow DJs what they think it means, is she ready to admit to the relationship? (the other DJs are basically quite useless in their replies haha!)

    - One of the male DJ kept saying he is worried about HB fans not agreeing (to HB being with SYJ) but Carol Cheng said most of them are OK with it ie supportive of binjin.

    - (*Carol also briefly brought up the fake rumour but won't put it in here)


    NOTE: I am still not entirely satisfied with the translation summary above, so may come back and add/ amend it after I listen to the program on 9th June again.




    I love Carol Cheng!! and find it so hilarious how excited she gets every time she talks about BinJin! for me, it validates that I'm not crazy delusional when one of the top actresses in HK feels the same way as all of us and gets excited about all the same crumbs! hahah BinJin affects everyone!

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  4. 7 hours ago, ElectricHearts said:

    I looked back though they still didn't give him the actor award at Seoul International Drama Awards for SeGa, they only gave it to the writer, director and the ost. Yes he won the Daesang at Baeksang then. I am not familiar with those that won instead from that time.


    However, yes outside of SeGa, his last acting nomination was for MOTA during Baeksanag 2019. Otherwise, he hadn't received a nomination for acting not till 2019 and till now. PIFAN he got it from box office - producer award like Jinnie. 


    I know acting wins don't matter to some SK actors especially if they won before, they shrug off not getting any nominations because they love what they are doing - also they love their fans and that is their main motivation to continue to act. Binnie has even said that his fans are the reason why he continues to act - popularity and all that doesn't matter to him.  However, I am sure it must be hard on them if they don't get recognized with a nomination at least. Instead they are stuck with reviews, box office numbers and ratings (show). No wonder as an actor you have to forget about these stuff. Critics were hard on him for The Fatal Encounter (even though it was a box office hit) and Hyde Jekyll Me had low ratings - I think it had mix reviews when I looked back but I  did like the show when I watched it in May and I do really love the OST. The OST was definitely loved back then. He is already a perfectionist at acting (even though he says he isn't really one now) You can tell how hard he is on himself still if he says he wants to know/is curious what the audience reaction is before he even starts filming CLOY or bringing up how he wish he had more prep time to film certain scenes. It was like he knew he would have done better if he had more time to prep. However, he portrayed RJH perfectly. I hope he understands this even when he doesn't get any acting awards for CLOY, he is loved by many of us and to us he is the best actor deserving of the Baeksang award and Hallyu award.


    For Jinnie, I think she is to the point now where she is really grateful to receive these awards but it is still surprising to her when she receives them. That is why she said that she believes she got this due to the international love and not just from Korea. I think she probably would have thought GHJ would have gotten it or someone else.


    However, if we go with what Jinnie said in her speech, then Binnie definitely has more international love due to CLOY than WTCB. WTCB was on Netflix later but it is CLOY that keeps making international buzz still since February. 


    Anyways, he is really working hard right now on Bargaining. I hope everything works out in the end for the film and hopefully can make festival circuit next year. I just don't want covid to mess up more of their opportunities especially if the film's potential can lead them to a future Oscar short list or Oscar nomination in the future. I think they should aim higher now and not just awards in SK. So hope not getting them doesn't bother them. 




    @blackbeannoodle people said his accent in Confidential Assignment was bad. It was actually better in CLOY


     very well said! A big reason I've become their (individual and shipper) supporter is due to their grounded and humble personalities and true, genuine passion for acting. Awards are always a bonus, but it's not necessary to validate their acting talent and skills and how immensely influential this drama and these characters have been this year. As long as they are happy and content and know that they have all of us international fans, I'm happy and content too. 


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