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Posts posted by Eng

  1. Thank you so much @9jill9 for all IU's goodies and also the translation for the video. Sometimes I just wonder if IU really doesn't own "Nation Little sister" title anymore??? How come everybody still calls her that way and in every article? Also I'm not even sure who the current one is. Sounds like people still think of her as the current one.

  2. Choi Baek Ho and IU talked about each other on Red chair show.
    131210 tvN 고성국의 빨간의자-가수최백호-아이유컷.LAPUTA: 

    [TRANSLATION] 131210 tvN Red Chair - Singer Choi Baekho - IU cut
    Choi Baekho:
    (How was it like working with a young musician?) Not just me, but my fellow colleagues want to mix with the young musicians. (Is that so? But there’s a generation gap.) Thanks to the new connections I made, I was able to meet with more people. (How old is IU?) 21 years old. (So between the both of you?) We’re 43 years apart. (How was it like meeting her then?) It wasn’t difficult at all. (There wasn’t a generation gap?) Not at all. I’m not sure about her though, but not on my part lol. She’s like a pretty youngest daughter I would like to have. Thanks to IU, many young people got to know about my songs too. As I get older, I think I’m starting to cherish these personal connections more.  
    Hello. Because I was preparing for my concert, I haven’t greeted everyone in awhile. I’m IU. How have you been? (How was it like working with Choi Baekho?) It wasn’t stressful or scary at all. I was nervous though. I didn’t want to disappoint him and wanted to show him that I could do a good job. I guess there was that sort of pressure. (What about the generation gap?) He can totally match up to younger guys in terms of his charisma and energy. He was like a white tiger… That was the sort of feeling I got. (What about your connection with Choi Baekho?) It was an opportunity I didn’t expect at all. I met him for the first time and many amazing things happened, so we still continue to keep in touch. I hope this fascinating connection of us continues in future. I’ll continue to work hard to keep this connection going as long as possible. 
    Translated by squishy with love Cr iu-jjang @squishy
  3. I'm a bit worried with our baby. I think her voice was not in a good condition last night. I think it's a bit hoarse last night. I hope she doesn't have vocal nodule again. I think she needs to rest her voice. :( Vocal nodule is hard to treat once it happens and I saw many patients suffering from it especially singers and teachers. Luckily, she will finish her drama soon then she would have sometimes to rest.  I will be sad not seeing her often but her health is the most important.

  4. Ending comment of IU’s 131123 Modern Times concert in Seoul
    (During encore, after singing ‘Modern Times’) This is really the last song. (Aww…) I couldn’t decide what to sing for the last song. I wondered whether I should sing ‘Believe in Love’ again, but to end off with ‘Modern Times’ seemed befitting for the Modern Times concert, so I chose this song instead. It’s also a song everyone would know. The weather’s cold today. Thank you so much for coming down… so how was it? Today was the first day. (Yeah!!) I thought a lot about how to make it different from last year’s concert, but eventually, since I’m still the one performing, it’s kind of hard for things to change much. So I decided to focus on singing well. Rather than stages like ‘dance time’ last year, this time, I sang more ballads and just sang more in general. Was it alright? (Yeah!!) Concerts really pass by in a flash, wasn’t it really short? (Yeah!!) Even so, tomorrow I’ll have to do this again hehe. It’s already making me feel dizzy, but tomorrow will be even more fun. (sounds of protests) keke Who’s coming again tomorrow? Please look forward to another side of IU tomorrow. Ah I wasn’t sure whether I should say this, sorry for the awkward ‘Between the Lips’ sexy performance in the first half of the show. It was hanging on my heart so I felt I had to apologise. (Voices of support) I’m really sorry, but anyway since this is a concert after all, I thought it would be fine to do it. Yeah, I worked hard to prepare for the performance. Such a pity. During my next concert, I’ll be sure to bring a daebak sexy performance. (wooo!!) -giggle- Please look forward to it. I’ll really sing the last song now and bid farewell to everyone… I’d really like to talk some more, but what should I talk about? The musicians playing accompaniment in the background are getting tired though (kekeke) so I should hurry and finish up and bid farewell. This is a really awesome song. This is a difficult song and I was worried about whether I would be able to do a good job, but since this is the last song, I’ll do my best. The next song is ‘Secret’.
    Translated by squishy with love
    [FANCAM] 131123 IU talking to and singing for remaining fans after Moder...: 
    via @youtube

  5. IU's song request on Turn up volume (Yoo Inna). All that matters are loneliness.
    131202 유인나볼륨-아이유 신청곡-그게 다 외로워서래(김목인).LAPUTA: 


    Yoo Inna asked her why she chose that song and she replied, "Because I'm lonely... And I like this song, so everyone will like it too.. right?"

    Cr. iujjang @squishy

  6. I didn't see her managers at the concert even at the special encore or probably I didn't notice. There were so many people and many bodyguards too. 
    The funny thing is that she didn't seem uncomfortable having so many fans surrounding her closely but on the other hand, the bodyguards were worried and worked so hard. Like the times she went off the state and danced with audiences, it's very chaotic!! We were like screaming and calling her name out loud to get an attention. Really fun.

  7. mumfu said:


    kumawo for sharing your trip to South Korea and IU's concerts with us here at IU Soompi.  Your account of the concerts and the feelings you expressed about uri IU especially the way she acknowledges people/fans by genuinely looking at them.... how excited you were when she made eye contact with you.... how she cares for her fans with the extra unscripted encores.... how she chats so comfortably with them ...how well she looks .... how 'normal' she is and how fantastic she sounds live, makes one thing abundantly clear to me I just have to go and see her LIVE IN CONCERT. 

    As a Uaena I love, adore, and admire this young lady but it is obvious to me through your experience ( vicariously ) that my appreciation of uri IU which is garnered only through the www.com is but a 'shadow' of the true essence, beauty and talent that is LJE/IU.  This is something I'm sure I couldn't truly understand until I experience first hand what you have and I see and listen to her in real life.  So this will be on the top of my 'bucket list' which I will get to work on right NOW....an IU concert.  I will put this on a wish and attach it to my Christmas tree.....so Santa can see it......kekeke!

    I am so happy for you. PS... Second thing-to-do.....start to learn Hangul.

  8. edensor said:
    Wuahhh... TFS Eng... your hair style kinda look like IU's hairstyle in your siggy kekeke...
    ===About what IU said in the end of Busan concert, wow... she must be thru alot of things. The awesome part is, eventho she said she doesnt satisfied but she still show us a quality on her concert. She must be so crazy with her busy schedulebut she manage to do it ALL...I mean... we watch Pretty Man until 4th eps and she is amazing there. Its her time when she prepared concert too right...
    This girl is just awesome...
    Everytime I see IU with her little tiny figure I always thought... that little girl life so many burden on her shoulder. She feed lot of people by herself (solo singer).Its such a wonderful feeling for me everytime I see IU like that...The little girl who do lot of things -maybe- more than us all in that age.

  9. More of IU talk at special encore. I feel like crying. T T
    [Part 3] (Fan: Don't be hurt) IU thought she was almost going to die. But to be able to make it to the last day, she felt that the stage was really something amazing. Thanks to everyone.. During the 4 days of the concert, she felt different each time. On the first day, it was like she said earlier, about impossible -> possible. On the second day, she performed 1hr of special encore after the concert ended, because she felt guilty. She was in a daze on Saturday and came back to her senses on Sunday, but didn't sing as well on Sunday compared to Saturday, so she sang for another 1 hr keke. Even so she felt apologetic towards the audience who had no idea and forked out the money and came to watch her concert, thinking the singer enjoyed the process of preparing for the concert, but that wasn't true. She felt that she had to be happy preparing for it to spread that happiness to the audience. Then on the first day of Busan concert, she was crazy and excited on stage, but when she returned to the , she wondered to herself whether she was just being excited by herself and whether this was what a concert was about. She felt that she focused too much on her feelings and didn't focus enough on the songs as she bounced around on stage. So she resolved to focus only on the songs the next day. From the opening, she didn't feel excited on nervous and focused solely on the songs, but she experienced a totally new feeling and now understood why singers cry on stage. In the 5 years since she debuted, the only time she felt like crying was shen Good Day came in 1st, but she told herself she wouldn't cry on stage, but the Busan audience made her feel like crying.hotelarrow-10x10.png

    -End ㅠㅠ-

    (Summarised from http://cafe.daum.net/IU/LqmG/7082)

    Cr. iujjang @squishy

  10. airbening said: Just a thought of mine.. Seeing PM and Hong Yoo Ra role ..she has mysterius aura and I can see IU with her black long hair and smokey eyes can fit into kind of HYR role too in the future.. I wanna see IU takes more diffrnt character, even if she take antagonist character in the future.. I will support her, all around entertainment uri IU.. Hopefully ur future bright as a sun :) Oh.. Can't wait to IU's first full length japanesse album :x Good night, chingu ..

  11. You can see that I wore my IU cap all the time. When I was at the airport before going back to Thailand, I was wearing my IU cap and holding my IU passport case. People must have thought that I was crazy and Surely they could tell right away that I was IU's big fan. keke.

  12. @airbening Haha. I took many pictures in Korea but they are not very good. haha. My camera is too simple as I don't like heavy camera. keke. Most of pictures also have my face in them. That's why I couldn't post. LOL.
    Anyway, I forgot if I posted this yet.  Sorry if I already did.


    This is from my camera during photo time. You can see that my seat was quite far behind.

    This is the concert venue. So beautiful. Like a church.

  13. airbening said: @Eng KYAA... Lot of pics and vids .. Looove it.. Thank you for sharing.. :x. Share with us more photo u've taken at korea :) sure, there's lot of beautiful places there. @9jill9 nice and objective review.. Thank you for sharing.. IU does have wide age-range fanbase ... And cutting lines from the article "...IU’s innocent charm is what brought a lot of families with young kids into the hall, so it’s still a bit of a double edged sword. " Interesting for me.. ;)

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