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Posts posted by Eng

  1. K-Netizen comments about IU winning in Music core. This is quite positive. I'm happy. :D
    The original link is here: 
    Article: 'Music Core' IU wins #1 following 'Music Bank'... 'at the top' even without broadcast appearances
    Source: Financial news via Naver
    1. [+1,556, -207] Congratulations!! The song is so sweet and easy to listen to. 
    2. [+1,413, -177] Digital domination
    3. [+1,056, -162] IU fighting!!! Hit daebak ♥ 
    4. [+801, -98] IU can be hated for her viewer ratings but never for her singing talent. It's difficult to achieve a feat like this without broadcast appearances. 
    5. [+362, -46] IU shines the brightest when she's a singer
    6. [+293, -47] I like the song. Actually, I've liked all of IU's compositions. They're all so sweet.

  2. This is the tutorial how to become the member of IU Daum fancafe. Thank you so much Squishy for this big effort. It means a lot to us. Cr. iujjang @squishy_blob
    You can check the original tutorial from this link. http://iu-jjang.tumblr.com/post/72262293317/tutorial-how-to-join-ius-uaena-daum-fancafe
    [Tutorial] How to join IU’s Uaena daum fancafe
    Part 1/3 : How to create a daum account(The following tutorial is accurate as of 5 Jan 2014.)
    1. Go to DAUM.NET. Click on “회원가입”.tumblr_inline_myvw8hGcKa1qz9xe6.jpg
    2. Click on ‘이메일가입' (the option on the right side).
    3. Type your email in the 1st box and press the ‘인증번호 재방송' button. Check your email and enter the verification code (6 numbers) in the 2nd box and press the '확인' button. (Check your spam mail or all mail too in case! If you exceed the 10 min time limit, press again for another verification code.) Type your name in the 3rd box and tick the two checkboxes then press '다음단계’.
    4. Next, an ID will be automatically generated for you. You can change it if you want (3-15 characters). Type a password (at least 8 characters), then press the ‘가입완료' button.tumblr_inline_myvx61W26k1qz9xe6.png
    5. Tadah! You now have a daum account and email account too.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 2/3 : How to verify your identity
    This can get complicated ㅠㅠ and most people are stuck at this step, but it’s necessary to verify your identity to join the Uaena fancafe, in case you’re an alien or robot or something… (Pictures below taken from 2am fancafe tutorial.)
    1. Go to the Uaena daum fancafe, scroll to the bottom and click on ‘카페 고객센터' (Cafe customer service centre). Then click on the '고객센터에 문의하기’ button at the bottom right corner.tumblr_inline_myvz319pzt1qz9xe6.png
    For “문의분류”, select “일반이용문의" from the dropdown menu.For “카페 주소”, write in your Daum username@hanmail.net (this is your Daum email address)For “제목”, write in “실명 확인에 대하여”For “내용”, write in “나는 외국인입니다. 아이유 유애나 카페 가입하기위해 실명 확인을 부탁합니다. 신분증 사본을 첨부합니다. 감사합니다! <Sign off with your full name as it should appear on your ID/passport>”Upload a passport or ID scan/photo. Ignore the rest of the stuff below.Click on ‘등록' to send the message!tumblr_inline_myvz44zMeb1qz9xe6.png
    3. They will probably send you a confirmation email to acknowledge your request. Once Customer Service approves you, you should get an email that looks like this to your Daum.net email.tumblr_inline_myvzdmlfqp1qz9xe6.png
    Note: (It wasn’t so smooth sailing for me though. They made me ensure that my member details were filled up here. Then I had to email the following and attach my passport scan again to send to csmaster@daumcorp.com
    - 아이디: (User ID)- 고객님 이름: (Real name as of passport)- 회원정보에 등록된 이름: (Name written in member details)- 회원정보에 등록된 연락처: (Phone number written in member details)- 회원정보에 등록된 메일 주소: (Alternative email written in member details)- 본인확인이 가능한 신분증 사본 첨부 (Passport scan attachment)
    And finally they were convinced that I was human. Yay!!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 3/3 : Joining IU’s Uaena daum fancafe
    1. On the main page of the fancafe, click on ’카페가입하기' on the left side and log in.tumblr_inline_myw0a1DMeH1qz9xe6.png
    2. Your identity should already be confirmed if you did Step 2 right. So you just need to fill in the answer to the question ‘IU 정규1집 타이틀곡 제목?(영어대문자로)’ / The title song of IU’s first full-length album? (in capital letters in English). The answer is ‘BOO’. Don’t forget the capital letters. Click ‘확인' to join and you should be in!

    3. But you soon realise that as a ‘Member’, you can barely do anything until you become at least ‘Boo’. You can then view most boards and see IU’s posts under ‘From.IU’, but you can’t reply to her posts, until you level up further. It’s really tiring and you have to apply and renew that every few months, so don’t bother unless you know Korean. Follow the instructions below to become ‘Boo’.tumblr_inline_myw0rn5bsW1qz9xe6.png
    4. On the 등업신청 board, type in the box at the top and make sure you lock your post so only the administrators can view it.tumblr_inline_myw15mOGy71qz9xe6.jpg
    5. Copy and paste the following into the box and change the parts in italics to your own answers. Click ‘등록' on the right to submit once you're done.
    1.) 이름 / 닉네임 / Daum아이디 / 성별 / 나이
    → Name / Nickname / Daum ID / Gender / Age
    2.) IU의 본명과 생년월일
    → 이지은 / 930516
    3.) IU의 데뷔 앨범명과 타이틀곡
    → Lost and Found / 미아
    4.) IU의 노래중 가장 좋아하는 노래와 그 이유 (30자 이상,특수문자금지)
    → Your favourite IU song and the reason (at least 30 Korean characters; no special characters allowed)
    5.) 카페 활동과 관련하여 각오와 IU에 대한 응원글 (엔터금지, 특수문자금지)
    → Why you want to join the fancafe and support message for IU (In Korean; don’t press the enter button; no special characters allowed)--------------------------------------[ A note regarding your choice of nickname: ]
    6. If you’re successful, by Monday or Thursday, when you click on ‘내정보' on the left, your level should change to 'Boo'.tumblr_inline_myw2bloMJT1qz9xe6.png

  3. [TRANSLATION] 140103 IU replies to fan’s comment on her fancafe post - 8:08 PM
    SeungLi: Anyway, who is History’s T.O…..? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ (Note:The Inkigayo MC made a mistake and introduced a non-existent member from History called T.O. Perhaps mixed up with EXO’s D.O? loll)
    IU: Our History members will just have to promote more actively in the new year!
    Translated by squishy with love

  4. [TRANSLATION] 140103 From.IU - Oh my oh my
    What’s going on? It’s not ‘See You on Friday’ but ‘Friday is Pleasant’! (Note: There’s wordplay here between ‘만나요’, meet, and ‘맛나요’, pleasant.) It’s made my day! Aigoo I’m so happy. Right from the start of the year to have such great news!! I was filming, then chipmunk (her manager’s nickname) was so excited he sent me a kakaotalk message. Aigoo I’m so happy too eeyah!!! Yahoo!! ㅋㅋㅋ Thank you everyone~ Yijeongie did a good job for my award acceptance speech too. I’m most grateful towards our uaenas and Yijeongie~ Alright! Now that I’m on a high, I’ll have fun filming the last part to my drama. Everyone~ Ah happy new year!! This year has a good feel to it eh?? heh
    Cr. iujjang @squishy

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