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Posts posted by Eng

  1. Just left the concert. On the way back to hotel. Many fans came to her concert.

    As much as I remember for now, she sang

    The red shoes


    Between the lips

    Bad days

    Voice mail

    Forgotten season





    Love of B

    Modern times (Encore)

    Walk with me girls (with Choi Baek Ho)


    Another old song with Choi Baek Ho. She sang it on Sketchbook once.

    Another guests were MC from weekly idol.

    I will update more later. It's chaotic right now.

  2. Rice wreath messages for Pretty Man drama press conference (from top to bottom)IUdotcom- IU’s acting isn’t botong (average) right?- The non-botong (non-average) IUdotcom- Kim Botong’s name has ‘haja’ ;; Naeggeohaja (Be mine)- My acting is not botong (average), aren’t you going to watch it?- There aren’t quite enough flowers right..? There’s one on Botong’s neck though ㅠ.ㅠ - pff keke you’re called Kim Botong keke pff Kim Botong rofl (holding stomach)- You must be happy to have a name like Kim Botong that is as common as Jieuni~♡IU DC gallery- This lady is not average. The title is Pretty Man, but why is there a pretty woman in the show?- Don’t forget you said you’ll churn out a new album every half a year.- The special girl is back as an average woman. IU vs Kim Botong.- Kim Botong Sometimes I Want to Hug You like Crazy- The simple IU gallery that likes the Botong (average) womanIU daum starzone- Daum IU Starzone- Our IU who is not average, you’re our special star(zone)- The average girl who steals the heart of the Pretty Man. Cheerful. Refreshing. Delightful.- The difference between average and special in the space of a page! Looking forward to IU acting as the special Botongie!- A non-average romance, everyone watch out for Pretty Man- She’s not botong (average) though? We’ve already fallen for her devillish charm.- Most Ordinary Existence Kim Botong (average), but you’re Kim Teukbyeol (special) to meTranslated by squishy with love

  3. Full translation...so I posted the clip once again.
    131118 STARCAST 홍보왕 배수지 전화연결: 
    via @youtube

    [TRANSLATION] 131118 STARCAST ‘Line Star Chatting’ - Suzy’s phone call to IU

    I couldn’t invite her, so I’m going to call my good friend…


    Here it is.

    I’m going to call her now then.


    You’re curious about who she is right?

    Yes, but I have a feeling I know who she is.

    Is that so?

    Even her caller ringtone is like that…


    If the song is playing, I don’t think she’s going to pick up.

    Isn’t it?

    Promote, promote!

    Yes, please give your support to “The Red Shoes”.

    Let’s just shut our eyes~ Summer…



    Umm.. Could you pass the phone to IU-unni?

    She’s in the midst of filming right now..


    Is that so?


    She just went to film?



    When will I be able to reach her if I call again?

    Well… We’ll have to see how it goes. Sorry.

    Aww.. It’s okay. 

    She’s busy right now, we understand.

    She’s really busy so…

    That’s right.

    I’ll give a lot of love to Pretty Man. Hwaiting!

    Please send our love to her.

    Tell her to be careful not to catch a cold.

    Yes, alright I will.

    Tell her to do well for the broadcast.


    What a pity…

    IU’s filming for her drama. She must be busy.

    Now that we’ve temporarily ended our chatting session with our fans,

    let’s try calling IU again.


    Once again.

    Let’s try once more.

    Please, please, hopefully we can get through this time.

    We will.

    Unni, answer the phone call.

    Hurry and answer.

    Hurry and answer the call.

    Please hurry and answer.

    Aren’t you going to answer the call?

    Hurry and answer the call, are you the kind to run off like that?

    Really… She’s playing hard to get. 

    Hard to get keke..

    I’m going to take revenge.

    I’m not going to listen to ‘The Red Shoes’.

    I won’t watch “Pretty Man’.


    She’s not picking up.


    Really want to talk to her over the phone.

    She’s really busy, so I don’t get to see her much.

    What should we do?

    What should we do?

    What should we do~

    Currently, because she’s filming…

    She’s not answering the call~

    there’s nothing we can do.

    But if she’s really filming right now, she can’t answer the call.

    When we’re acting…

    we can’t talk on the phone.

    Then after the broadcast, I’ll contact IU-unni.

    Since we couldn’t talk to her over the phone…

    Oh, hold on!

    Who is it?

    IU called.

    She did?

    Really.. this is the 3rd time.

    I’ll answer the call then.


    Sorry, I couldn’t pick up your call.

    No, thank you, really, thank you so much.

    I didn’t want to miss your call,

    but ??? came.

    No, it’s okay.


    No problem.

    Have you finished filming?

    I was filming but it’s ended now.

    Ah you’ve worked hard.

    I’m so tired I’m going to die.

    Please don’t die. 

    Also, since you’ve started filming for your drama, ‘Pretty Man’,

    I should help you promote the drama right?


    No, not that.

    Thank you.

    Yes, hurry and do it.

    Now, I mean now.

    It’s a KBS drama that will start on Wednesday

    and air from 10 to 11pm.


    Pretty Man. Yes.

    Pretty Man.

    I’m acting as Kim Botong.


    I heard you had something to say to me, 

    no I mean, do you have something to say to me?

    Do you have anything to say to me, unni? *Acting cute*

    Of course! *Acting cute back*

    Say it then!

    What should I say?

    Oh just… It’s giving you goosebumps isn’t it?

    You came in 1st right?

    Oh, ohh!

    I know all about it.



    Yes, thank you.

    Thank you so much.

    And you’ve lost a lot of weight too.

    Wow! Oh my, oh my.

    You really look like Megan Fox now. Megan Fox.


    Megan Fox?

    Oh my.

    You’re really pretty this time.




    Yes, you.

    Thank you.

    Your figure and your looks are the prettiest I’ve seen so far.

    Ah really? Thank you.


    She’s full of compliments for you.


    Thank you so much for answering my call.

    Ah I have to go for my next schedule (???)

    Okay. You’re really busy. Thank you so much.

    No problem.

    Stay healthy.

    Botong-ssi hwaiting!

    Hwaiting! Hwaiting!

    Be careful not to catch a cold.

    IU hwaiting!

    Thank you!

    Bye bye!

    Thank you.



    We only managed to get through on the 3rd call.

    It was so difficult to get through.

    Translated by squishy with love

  4. Lee Jangwoo "When I first met IU, I thought I should get to know her better quickly. I couldn't think of anything to talk about, so I asked her about dieting. She said she didn't eat anything but an apple a day, so I tried doing it myself."

    "After 3 days, I really felt like I was going to die, so I asked IU again. She said then, 'Oppa, you can only do it for a few days. I gave up after 3 days too. You really feel like all your fats have disappeared.'"

    JGS: IU is an actress I can’t mess with. She’s popular and I have to take care of her, unlike in ‘Love Rain’ when I fooled around with Yoona. Yoona and I have always been close. IU is someone I respect a lot as an actor, But with IU, although there are many scenes that we appear together, we work well without the need to practise in advance for important scenes. 

    [눈TV] '예쁜 남자' 장근석 "아이유, '사랑비' 윤아와 달라": 
    via @youtube

    Cr. iujjang @squishy

  5. More from Pretty man. I think she looks beautiful here but I actually miss the time she looked less grown up. Now she looks more mature but also more serious.






    IU, "Kim Botong just looks average but has an interesting personality. She had a crush on Dokgo Mate for 10 years, and even though she has no aim in life, hearing the name 'Mate' gets her attention immediately. It's a different feel from Soon Shin in 'You're the Best, Lee Soon Shin'."
    "If Soon Shin was about a pathetic and sluggish child reaching for her dreams, Botong finds love through Mate and learns discovers the world around her. It's like a mix of Lee Soon Shin and Pilsuk in 'Dream High'.
    "It might be tough on my body, but from the synopsis, Botong was charming and I enjoyed the comic, so I thought I had to take this on."

    Regarding idol singers taking on acting roles, IU said, "Many of them are still young and there are lots of things they want to try doing. If the opportunity arises, it's something joyful. To receive such an opportunity, there's a determination to work harder than others to deserve it too."
    'I was active as a singer too before I received proposals, but I've found acting to be really fun. I seem to be able to relieve my feelings of burden and stress that I get during my singing activities too."
    In reply to the question as to whether she cut her promotions short to prepare for the drama, IU replied, "My album promotions and drama didn't really affect each other."
    "I spent a lot of time preparing for my album. The plan was to promote for 4 weeks then rest and end off with a concert, but I received the synopsis in the 2nd week of my promotions. With the rest break, I felt that I could balance my concert and still do a good job for the drama"
    Cr. iujjang @Squishy

  6. 131118 STARCAST 홍보왕 배수지 전화연결: 
    via @youtube
    [Line Star Chatting] Suzy, "I haven't been able to see her much recently. Previously, when we met up, we could talk for 2 hours straight without drinking water." "I met IU through 'Dream High' but we weren't close then, it was only later that we got close through chatting."

    [Line Star Chatting] Suzy called IU 3 times before she finally got through. IU said, "Suzy really lost a lot of weight so she looks like Megan Fox now. Both her figure and looks are the prettiest I've seen," praising Suzy for the transformation in her physical appearance.
    Cr. iujjang @squishy

  7. Hi guys,
    I was away for a few day. Miss you guys. :) Thank you for all goodies. I went to Singapore as the original plan even the concert was already cancelled. It's really fun meeting Singapore and also many SEA fans. We had a small party and they also went to Karaoke together. Unfortunately I couldn't join them as my mother went there with me. Anyway, we all had a great time. Singaporean fans are really nice and such great Uaenas. They all seem mature even with young ages. I think like @akiahana89 said many times that Uaenas are likely to be well-matured. It's probably because IU is very mature herself. We are all similar. That's why we like her. :)
    @9jill9 I will try my best to share everything about our IU from Korea. I'm not a very good reporter but I will try my best. :) I wish all of us could go together and cheer up for our baby. That would be really fun. Thank you for thinking of me even I was away. I feel like we are family and receive a warm feeling here. :)
    @IU Ina Fanbase @akye Welcome guys! I'm so happy that there are more people here. I'm also shy myself. I started being soompi member due to our IU from YTBLSS. I was very shy at first. Rarely posted, just lurking around. Now I posted more because I really like everybody here. We are like family. Please feel free to express your feeling and thought about our IU. We are very open-minded. Please keep coming to our thread even it's quite slow sometimes. I will try to share more information and make it more active.

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