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Posts posted by Eng

  1. IU's message to IUdotcom regarding to Food van. Cr. iujjang @squishy_blob
    Original link: http://iu-jjang.tumblr.com/post/72550161160/translation-starcast-see-you-at-the-food-van
    Starcast - "See you at the food van"...IU has a good day with love from her fans.
    "Is it alright for the daughter of a bbq restaurant to treat everyone to a buffet?"
    This is at a filming studio in Gyeonggi-do, Ansung city, on 5th Jan. Suddenly, at one corner of the filming location, a tent was pitched, with the banner “Is it alright for the daughter of a bbq restaurant to treat everyone to a buffet?” hung up as well. Indeed, it was a food van from the fans, and a buffet at that.
    I’m IU and I live for my fans and for food. This is the buffet carefully prepared by ‘IUdotcom’. I’m full of anticipation. You ask where this place is? It’s the filming location of KBS-2TV’s “Pretty Man”. Thanks to my fans, I gathered strength to finish up my filming. Thank you.
    Well then, shall we go check out the spread that ‘IUdotcom’ has prepared for us?tumblr_inline_mz1893Svq81qz9xe6.jpg
    Firstly, these are the packages carefully prepared by the fans. They are full of lovely presents. Among the items is a sticker with my face on it. They said they made these so that the staff will remember ‘botongie’ for a long time. My fans are jjang jjang men~ girls.tumblr_inline_mz18fheckB1qz9xe6.jpg
    You’re curious about the presents, right? There are lots of tiny things. They even made an IU 2014 calendar. I took a photo holding the calendar. ‘The Red Shoes’ IU with ‘Aodrable’ Botongie. Which style do you guys find more appealing? I’m curious.tumblr_inline_mz18kuEVzh1qz9xe6.jpg
    More of IU’s proof shots. This time it’s the sticker. It’s a small gift, but we can’t leave it out, right? This time, I took the photo with a cute expression. If Mate oppa were to see me like this, I think he would say this.
    "What kind of expression is that?"
    The staff here are anxiously waiting for the food van to be opened. They’re telling me, ‘It’s tiring to wait for the buffet to start.’ I feel the same way too. The moment I saw the word ‘buffet’ from afar, my heart started beating quickly. I wanted to whine some more, but I just kept on waiting.tumblr_inline_mz18xtLLru1qz9xe6.jpg
    Fin.al.ly. The food van was opened. I queued up with the staff too and quickly picked up my own plate. Upon seeing the steaming buffet, I naturally started smiling. To be able to enjoy a hearty buffet at this secluded filming location…. I was so excited like a kid out for a picnic.
    I’ve gotta eat to my heart’s content today. You guys know that you have to go for 3 rounds when you eat a buffet right? Korean food, then western food, then dessert. That’s the way to enjoy a buffet. So if you see a chubbier IU in the final episode, please make sure to pretend as if you don’t know anything~ didn’t see anything~tumblr_inline_mz19bn6MN51qz9xe6.jpg
    "As for me, I like you, buffet~↗"
    Check out this awesome menu. There’s lots of my favourite food here. I couldn’t decide what to eat first. Sushi, bulgogi, yukhoe (korean-style raw beef) of course, even apples, grapes, melon, oranges, and other fresh fruits. Everything looks good. Indeed, we live to eat.tumblr_inline_mz19ibM9ff1qz9xe6.jpg
    IU getting some yukhoe honghonghong~♪
    It’s definitely not true that there’s a lot of food. It’s just that the plates are too small. I’ve decided to have Korean for the first course, since Koreans have to eat Korean food to gain strength. I carefully chose the items one by one to enjoy them. Eating outdoors made everything seem even more delicious. 
    Actually, during filming, it’s hard to eat proper meals. The same goes for the staff. We’re cold and hungry…. so even the strong Botongie finds acting tiring sometimes too. But with such support from the fans, she’s able to overcome that during filming. tumblr_inline_mz19steayE1qz9xe6.jpg
    After my meal, next up is the cafe van. I had a fresh smoothie here. Even the cup has a picture of Botongie. Gratefully~ I took a photo without realising that my hair was dishevelled. Doesn’t that bring out Botongie’s charm even more though?tumblr_inline_mz19wlhbrw1qz9xe6.jpg

  2. Have you guys ever watched this clip? I just watched it yesterday. I felt like crying listening to this song. Her voice was so emotional. I'm really touched. It's funny because I don't even understand the lyrics. She's awesome!!110604 IU - Good Person @ Immortal Song 2: http://youtu.be/NXw47yysv38 via @youtube

  3. What IU wrote together with her selca:언제나 깔끔하고 담백하게! 든든한 아닷 오늘 아닷 덕분에 긴 촬영 즐겁게 마쳤어요 얼른 자야지..헷 고맙습니다 꾸벅 탕수육이..으마으마하던 걸.. 스텊분들도 모두 좋아하셨구! 헷 촬영 이틀 남았네요 힘내서 집중해서 끝까지 즐겁게 잘 해낼게! 좋은 밤 그리고 좋은 아침 되세요 늘 고맙다 우리 든든한 아닷BdSJ1ngCMAAY2yG.jpg
    Always clean and plain! Reliable aadot. Today, thanks to aadot, I finished my long session of filming happily. I should hurry and go sleep right.. Heh thanks bow. The sweet and sour pork.. omgomg the staff all liked it! Heh two days left for filming now. I'll work hard and focus and enjoy it and do it well until the end! Have a good night and a good morning. Always grateful. Our reliable aadot. (Note: aadot is short for 'iudotcom') 
    Translated by squishy with loveCr. iujjang @squishy_blob

  4. BdN6g0pCUAA9Ygt.jpg
    Food support casts and crews of Pretty Man by IUdotcom fan cafe. I'm part of them. kekeke. The banner said "Is it alright to treat a BBQ restaurant daughter to a buffet?" LOL Cr. Squishy for translation.
    Today is the last day of filming.

  5. IU won #1 at Inkigayo this week again with "Friday". Wahhh...this is really cool. She succeed with her own song without any promotion. I'm so proud of her.BdM2VwKCIAEq8OU.jpg
    140105 SBS 인기가요 아이유 1위 - 금요일에 만나요: 
    http://youtu.be/g4rawfz3fKQ via @youtube

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