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Posts posted by oyeleyeolusina

  1. That preview is looking so mysterious, Did I just hear right, DH telling MH that he wants to steal SY from him like MH give a damn about SY.

    I see also in the preview YJ meets the friend that sabotage her in prison to make them take away her son.

    I think MH has started piece together thing regarding his ex girl friend, he saw the picture DH and YJ took on the day of the accident so maybe should know that YJ wasn't alone when the accident occurred.

  2. I don't know but on rewatching DH looks a little shifty when he was telling YJ San died of sepsis. An illegimate child with a jailbird would have looked bad for an up and coming prosecutor/professional and social climber, perhaps to appease his mother he gave San away justifying it's best for the child, when unconsciously he'd be thinking it's easier for himself. He can still cry because they may be tears of guilt and if that's the case then he's made another selfish move and beyond redemption.

    Perhaps I hate DH so much I'm beginning to think he's a bigger monstar than leaving a bleeding woman to die or leaving a forgetful old man to wonder the streets far from home! He could be monstar enough to forsake his own flesh and blood. I need more hints. All this thinking is beginning to drive me bonkers! Only a good drama can do that.

  3. I don't know why but just now, recently when I try to quote, I'm getting this weird quoting stuff around the post! Well, @saya2, even though Yoo Jung's father passed away, the deal between them may remain into effect because he saved her life! Unless, he don't want her to know that he rescued, helped her! As for what's wrong with Yoo Jung to be in that health condition, state, it's kind of hard to say! Is she stressed out from everything that happened or did she attempted suicide! Before, while crying, weeping of some sort and thinking to herself alone, she did asked her father what should she do now! Then when Min Hyuk found and took her, they're at the hospital, nothing of why she became the way she is was mentioned either! We may have to wait for episode 7 to find out! What's your take on that, @oyeleyeolusina, @robs2u, @irilight!?

  4. If he had killed YJ dad why would he show up at the funeral does not make sense .DH is a pitfall, coward, and unable to save the ones he loved without money or power. I believe he will get power and wealth and will start his revenge on k group and MH.

    He wouldn't have killed YJ dad directly with his hands but would have placed him in a situation where he knows YJ dad can easily be hurt or die, we see that YJ dad was found in a far away place seeing as MH started driving in the night but him and YJ only got to where her father was early in the morning.

    I wonder what right DH has if he seeks revenge, he was the one making the choices after all MH always gave him the chance to do what was right or what could get him the most benefit but he always chose doing what he could benefit from instead, so unlike all the pretty words he said about the type of prosecutor he wanted to be, what push come to shove, his true nature kicks in and he is willing to throw anyone under the bus if he can profit from doing so.

  5. I see SY is already jealous of YJ relationship with MH and they have not even started their romantic relationship yet, I wonder her reaction when they do start one.

    The reason MH wouldn't even look at SY at least once as a woman is because SY has too much pride and wants a romantic relationship with MH but on her own terms while someone like MH who likes a little freedom even when he is in a relationship wouldn't be comfortable with a control freak like her.

  6. But DH is no better than his mom if he hides YJ's dad or


     him somewhere. 

    @Iviih, IMO DH is worst than his mom, at least his mom knows that she is a bad woman and doesn't deny it but DH keeps on doing bad things while seeing himself as a honourable man, he likes pushing the blame of his action towards other people, In Episode 5, when MH came to his office and was telling him about YJ, he accused MH of blocking YJ parole and I loved how MH reminded DH that he was the one who denied YJ from leaving jail sooner.

    I wonder how YJ would react when she learnt of this as that missed parole caused her to lose her child and what would hurt most is the people who made her stay longer in Jail is no other than DH who knew the importance of her getting out of jail at that time.

  7. I forgot to add that when MH in the plane back from a business trip, he was looking at pictures of YJ activities on a tablet while he was around, he was looking with so much focus, that the flight attendant mistook YJ to be his girlfriend and commented on how pretty she is, when MH heard he gave that his signature smile, the one that looks good that is filled with sinister intent behind it.

    How wrongs was that flight attendant, that is not a man looking at his girl, it is a hunter looking at his prey. :)

  8. The episode starts with MH looking at YJ as she left prison, DH arrives and to pick up YJ, in the car, YJ as asking about the well being of her son to DH, he doesn't reply and kept on changing the topic, DH takes her to the orphanage where their child is supposed to be and the woman in charge of the orphanage tells her that her son is died and shows her the death certificate, she doesn't believe her and goes to the area of the orphanage where other kids were playing to check whether her son was there, DH stop how and says he purposely didn't tell her that their son was died because of her reaction and tries to comfort.

    MH dad is in a wheel chair looking sick as he is under investigation from the prosecutor's office, when they are inside the house, he stands up from the wheel chair stands up and the whole family are surprised that he was just pretending, he tells SY that he would be needing her help and enters his study with MH and his assistant, in his study he talks about his case and tell MH the prosecutors that is charge, it was DH and another person, MH dad says that he has to observe them but MH laughs when he had DH name and said something along the line that DH is not an upright prosecutor is their is nothing to worrying about with him.

    DH and YJ are by the riverside and they continue having conservation about their son, whey they return to YJ house, the shop and house is littered with the red sticker, DH mom is there, she hugs and comforts YJ telling her to forget her son and continue living, she later goes away with DH and asked if he is really going to devote himself to DH while DH is telling her he need to keep taking care of YJ until she can get on her feet, in DH house, his dad is drinking soju alone and is whether why YJ never told them that they had a grandson and was saying YJ was not the type of person to keep that kind of information to herself.

    Outside YJ shop, MH is park outside and follows YJ to the supermarket, YJ is buying flour and other things needed for baking when she bumped into MH, he picks up her stuff from the floor and had it over to her but she doesn't even notice that it was him, she bakes a cake and takes it to a sort of memorial for her son, all this while MH is in his car watching her, DH come over to her shop but it is close and he is worried and keeps on calling but no answer on her end, she stays the night mourning and comes home the next day, DH is still waiting for her.

    YJ is bright again and starts looking for a job, DH comes over to MH office and tells his staff to start taking all the files from his office, MH was holding the the file he had on YJ, DH asked wouldn't he hand the file over, MH warns him that if he hand that file over to DH, his mood would spoil and tells him if he still wants to see the content, he is ready to hand it over to him, DH hesitantly put his hand out as if he wanted to collect the file from MH when his phone rings and his superior told him to stop and return to the office.

    In the office, DH superior was telling him that he needs evidence to go to MH office with a warrant and asked him if he has some personal vendetta with K group, DH tries explain that MH family are involved in illegal activities and pointed to MH father under investigation, after DH left his superior office he went back to his office and is surprised to MH waiting for him, He ask why MH is making an visit without notice, MH told he that he too paid a visit to his office without notice and invites if an outing, DH rejects and MH ask if he already has plans and he tells MH that he is it non of his business what he does with his personal time.

    YJ continues looking for a job, she goes to her old toll gate job and visit her old colleagues, she gets a job but get reject when her criminal record is known, that was when she gets a call from DH assistant telling her there is a party and she should come as a part time staff, SY is on her way to the persecutor's office and she sees DH, they chat a bit and she invites him to a party, SY later goes to MH ex grave to tell her that MH has been grieving for her for too long and it is time for he move on and says she will confess her feelings at the party.

    YJ goes to the party and see one of her ex colleagues from the toll gate, DH arrives at the party before MH and SY and is surprised to see YJ, he drags her out and in an indirect way tells her to leave, in the party, MH is alone and SY goes to chat with him, MH comes over too and shows him around to some prominent people in the law industry while SY is telling MH not to leave before the end of the party as she has something fun planned for him, MH is asking his assistant where YJ is and his assistant says he will go check, SY gets on the stage and sings while MH and DH are watching, MH assistant come over to tell him that YJ has left, he too left before YJ completed her song.

    YJ is at home taking care of her dad, when she hears some noise, she goes to the bakery shop to see some thugs asking her to pay her debt, she is getting bullied by the thugs and one of them is about to slap her when MH arrives and stops him, he tells his assistants to take the thugs outside and take care of them, YJ is surprised to see MH and asked he why he is torturing her, he now tells her why and finally YJ realises who he is, MH has also bought her house .

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