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Posts posted by oyeleyeolusina

  1. So.  SY essentially wants to take stuff away from MH in order to leave him with nothing but her; this is her reasoning, right?  Since she will have all his stuff at the end, he will have no choice (in her mind) but to focus his will and attention on her?  Does she think MH's feelings are like a hobby for him?  She certainly seems to treat them that way.  SY, honey - he's just not that into you.  He just doesn't care about you romantically. 

    SY is so crazy in her pursuit of MH, they is no reasoning with her now, MH has given her warning today when she called him over like she is his boss to never dare do that ever again.

    I also loved the way MH ignore SY when she came out of the board room after stealing more of MH things, MH was waiting for the meeting to end and when he saw her, she taught he was there to beg or ask why she is doing those things to him, he just walked past her as if she didn't exist and went to DH to ask where YJ was, I bet if they was a hole present, she was have hid in it after that dissing from MH

  2. I loved the way MH got YJ to come back in the preview, he was going to make a call to fire DH, then she agreed to return with him and in the preview, YJ will get closer to finding the truth about DH tomorrow, she went to the store that DH took her dad and the store owner told her dad came with a man and outside the store was the public CCTV, so if she can get her hands on those CCTV image, she should see that it was DH that took her dad away and left him to die.

  3. From the preview text provided by @c_gunawan541 provided, I see YJ is still as hopeless as ever in her delusions of what kind of person that DH that even as the relationship has ended he still able to manipulate her into doing what he wants.

    DH told TJ about MH getting suspicious about their relationship knowing that she would hide herself or do whatever she has to do to protect him and I hope YJ finds out soon the true character of DH or should I say his lack of character as he is a grown up man who should clean up his own mess up instead of leaving up to his servant, ooh sorry did I say servant, I meant YJ to clean up after him.

    I also see DH is joining hands with  JaeHa  to bring MH down, what losers the both of them and I can't want for MH counter attack on those losers.

  4. Man, I all ready stared to have that feeling of not liking SY all ready. Her scene at the company to vote MH out make me think is she going to become bad like DH. It be sad for her in the end when she find out about DH and what he did to YJ that she took the fault for him. I really hope MH can fight for his place at his company. It seem like next week episode MH is going to have it hard.

  5.   *slowly covers mouth* Wow.  Couldn't he have just said, "Don't know.  Don't care."  I just, I mean, words have meaning.  He knows what his words sound like divorced from full, comprehensive knowledge of the situation, right?  (BSB, you magnificent bastard!  That's for you, @cynkdf


      )  It's like he resents her.  Do you guys think DH resents YJ?  I'm asking because I really don't know what to make of his internal thoughts about the woman herself. 

  6. Watching the raw of episode 8 and it is actually DH that gave that guy the idea that YJ is a prostitute with his description of her when she walked into the room with MH, when that guy asked who YJ was, DH replied that she is someone he doesn't need to pay attention to, that she has a debt with MH and does want ever he wishes.

    Now hearing that from DH, of course the guy would have the wrong impression of YJ.

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