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    With uri Ajumma and her husband learning of the truth, JS has some powerful support now and KH has JH granddad rapped around her pinky finger, all the lies she told him, he believed and met JS to tell her that JH is the one who would be responsible for the bags leaking and told her how JH has helped clean up her previously situation and that is the reason that JH is struck with Luna team.

    JS in typical K-drama way decides to sell her design and quit working at Shinwa group to spare JH from taking responsibility and when JS met JH and JH asked if JS approached him on purpose, she said she did and this is the episode JS finally started having feelings for JH. 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    orapronobis72 said: You've likely seen this scene with subs. Methinks KH at that moment in her arrogance is under the illusion that JS is the same nice, trusting girl  she knew and she can manipulate. Her begging is sweet. But I want more grovelling from KH in the future. She and her evil mom deserve so much more. I can't believe their audacity to say that its JS fate to have everything taken from her. What a load of bull crap.
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    We can see a bit of the cause that JS directed at KH, she says father and both her adoptive dad and biological dad turned towards her direction and it is so funny as she needs to keep up her pretence so can't acknowledge her biological fathers existence in public.

















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