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Posts posted by oyeleyeolusina

  1. I don't understand Korean but I'm just giving my wild guesses and opinion. It seems to me like HJW was send to kill the prince. Poor couple, they don't seems to remember each other. 

    @jaewonfan Am thinking it was SN that send the message to WY that there would be robbing  and that is how SN and her gang were caught when Wang Go(the people she served after her mom's death) gave them order and yeah Wang Go sent SN to get information from the crown prince and kill him but she doesn't know WY is the crown prince.

  2. DH is too funny for words and this is more confirmation that he has really lost the plot, he seriously asked YJ in the preview if he apologized would she get lost, she just learnt all the bad things DH did to her even after she willing confessing to his crime plus having kept the truth secret and he thinks an apology, an insincere one at that would get him off the hook.

    That statement just showed totally disregard to YJ and if she didn't plan revenge before hearing that, she would dedicate herself to seeing him ruined after he said those words to her as he is teasing her knowing that she doesn't' have the power or influence to hurt him.

  3. What on Earth could YJ do for revenge? 

    Although she would really need MH help for her revenge as she doesn't have that kind of power but her revenge could be as simple as her stealing everything he has worked for and the things he still wants to have in the future before they can get to his possession, just slowly destroying him in the process.


    I see there are many hopeless romantics on this thread and expected this writer to give HW and JH  some happy scenes in today episode, seriously the writer is just following form and for the past 30+ episode they has not been much between those OTP so I have no idea why some people expected that to change just because today was the end of the result and are disappointed as a result.


  5. I think this story fit SY more than MH because she can't have the person she love she decided to take a revenge .

    Was that not the plan all along, MH marrying SY so I don't see how that is get revenge on DH, now if was MH marrying YJ that is a different matter as it would be pairing of the detonator(MH) and the explosive device(YJ), I can see DH been nervous and that been a revenge towards him.

    I can just imagine MH asking for YJ hand in marriage and telling her if she agrees he would write off her debt and as a result hand the ownership of the bakery back to her.

  6. MH dad is sick...so maybe he will die...this is the only way MH can be free and be with the woman he loves...

    I actually think MH dad is teaching MH a life lesson, if he says he needs someone when other people are opposed to that people, that he needs the power to make people not ignore his words.

    Plus the reason MH dad placed DH in a high position and is willing allowing DH to snitch on MH always in his presence on what MH is doing wrong and always telling MH how DH is cleaning up his mess is to make MH more motivated as the dad knows how smart his son is if he only applied himself, now that MH is showing some signs of maturity, it would soon be a time when MH dad makes the process of breaking DH.

  7. I think MH set DH to make him go back to security CCTV monitors to look whether the evidence of the accident that killed MH ex was still present as the only reason he came back was because of those security guys taking about their experience with MH in the elevator when MH came to the monitoring room earlier, when MH caught DH looking at the monitors in the CCTV, DH looked so guilty and I loved how MH keeps teasing him now he knows the truth.

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