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Everything posted by lilyphenix

  1. The para-olympics are not listed...?
  2. I misread the title and instead of "any harm," read "warm!" What is wrong with me! @partyon I had to pause due to work (I'm on a deadline and working day and night right now), but I can't wait to catch up!!! I miss the show!!!! I stayed away from the spoilers on this page.
  3. You've been doing lots of thinking and investigating!! 😂😂 I am honestly sooo puzzled by how this drama turned out, I have nooo explanation! At this point I am thinking someone lost a bet or something and though knowing all that needed fixing, lost the bet and had to film despite time constraint (maybe that's the problem?), or else! I am also obsessing with the money, and this point speculate that the person in charge of it lost it in that Macau Casino (was it Macau?) and just had to cut corner on the script and editing. Sigh! I don't know anymore, lol!
  4. I thank you for sharing your perspective and yes, many of acknowledge the mess that is the drama. At this point I am watching it for some of the humorous scenes... and maybe to see how worse it can get. I can't help but respond to your comment just from my personal perspective. Despite what the culture might be in my community (growing up and now), I am motivated to call out double standards and hold men accountable to higher standards as well, with the expectation that they show their partner/wife respect. TV shows can, indeed, help convey that message as opposed to condoning the status quo... On that note, I am also relieved that we are mostly past the era where tv shows made "forced kisses" look cool as if it is an okay and romantic thing to do. I can't believe the number of times scenes like that where integrated in shows, both Western and Eastern...
  5. Episode 10 got me rolling on the floor laughing! The story is so sweet, the acting so good, and there is so much comic relief, it is a good mid-week show! Thank you, writers and team!!
  6. I finally have a break and can comment! This week's episodes seemed loaded with lots of comedic moments, which I enjoyed: It is not often that villains build a fanbase, but despite the over the top acting, the mother in law got my attention because she was so funny in these 2 episodes! I mentioned having a fun drinking game while watching this show, now I want to take tea shots every time MIL screams! I also enjoyed the judo scene, minus the sniffing, which was another #MeToo moment in my opinion (what is it with it hitting on employees?!). The grandma having mad fighting skills adds to the show's commitment to portraying strong women as opposed to going the traditional "damsel in distress trope." The bodyguards reactions to sparring with the MIL were predictable, as well as Rain's actions, but I went along. The maids more or less discreetly having fun at the mistress' expenses... The twist created by the FL's handle of the out-of-wedlock son => funny reactions to that event from several characters, including her brother-in-law. As much as the show can be at times predictable, I didn't see it come. The mistress is a comical character, too... This statement is meant to compliment the actress' acting in episode 4. That said, I tried really hard to resist, but I have to agree with people's complaints of KHN's acting: why are her eyes devoid of expression? Why does she seem lifeless all the time? Robotic almost? Is she okay? Her mother-in-law or other nemesis (mistress) give more emotions to their storyline. I know some people compare the show's storyline to Blood Free, but even though the FL in Blood Free was cold, socially awkward and had had her fare share of life traumas, I think she did a good job in helping the audience connect with her character: her pain was visible (visible hints), her silences still spoke volume, and the trust in her bodyguard and annoyance or anger at him were conveyed in a way that built up the story and at times, the suspense... Just my two cents. My guilty pleasures in watching this show are: - Rain's coolness - The Mother-in-law antics - The mistress' cluelessness I am still distracted by the scene transitions, and still not at a point where I take the threats or suspense seriously. I also still don't understand why Wan-Soo doesn't seem to take her security needs more seriously, and though she insists on having full control of the foundation, we're past episode 4 now and it still doesn't seem as if she has an actual plan to keep her family-in-law in check, at bay, and she acts as if she is not aware they are capable of going as far as killing for their greed... She already knows they're criminals (frauds), why does she appear so nonchalant about it? Sigh. But Rain! 😁 lol! I want to know how the budget was split, and why it seems as if they didn't have enough money to deliver better editing. It's weird and way below Disney+s' standards...
  7. Yes, that shocked me too (she did spend years in the United States), including what looked like a lack of cultural awareness in touching the Saudi Prince and even embracing. The editing also shocked me, especially for a drama selected by Disney+ (aren't they paid enough money??). I'm thinking of turning any rocky scene transition into a drinking game: a shot of tea every time the music stops suddenly, the screen suddenly gets black and silent for a second or two (it feels longer, lol)! Love the showdown with the MIL Some people criticized the FL acting in the drunk scene, but I thought she was pretty convincing with her body language Does anyone have any background information on the painting in the poster? It is titled Buried in Flowers, and is by Pavel Svedomsky. I am trying to understand the link between that painting, and the story...
  8. I love your explanation too, and it is definitely supported by the lack of visual confirmations that something did happen. I think the writers have our/my imagination running wild with those scenes! 😄 Yes, amazing shot! Both your explanation and Rain's posture in that image make the bodyguard quite a hot and classy person! Looool!
  9. Please join the party and let's be entertained together! So often a viewing experience has been enhanced by the Soompi chats! 😉
  10. Talking of friendships and connections, this drama also highlights transactional relationships, which seems to have been at the core of Tae Jin, Joo-Song and the rest of their group's connection. Theirs was a different type of friendship, seemingly driven by self-interest and self-preservation, obviously greed, manipulative (meaning, could someone help advance their interest, or how to force people into advancing their interest, by any means necessary). Other points of reflection: how grief affected people differently. All key characters seemed to have had and handled their personal losses differently. Some lost a friend who was murdered, body burnt, and the murder was covered up: that's traumatic. Joo-Song seemed like he lost his mom early, and was despised by his father. Jae-Kyeong lost close friendships, following the murder in his high school, and threw himself into his work relentlessly, and relentlessly seeking justice by arresting criminals. Yoon-Jin went through the hardship of being separated from her daughter, and went from being principled in high school to taking bribes as a journalist in need of money to send abroad for her daughter's sake. Joon-Seo and his wife lost their daughter: Joon-Seo put his life on the line to seek justice and expose Jong-Soo and the gang, while Ji-Yeon succumbed to having an affair with Tae-Jin. The list can go on. The drama offered deep reflection on human nature, and a glimpse at what healthy friendships can look like or the values they can be built on. Last but not least, I really enjoyed the mentoring and looking after the younger one and his grandma. Young people need role models and mentors. I thought that was an important and powerful message.
  11. Ha! That's the piece I was confused about: because it was Joon Soo's wife, in the end I thought it was JS who has set up that birthday. Thank you for the reminder. @lebeaucouple, your analysis of the life lessons of the drama is beautiful and uplifting, thank you! 😊
  12. Am I the only one thinking that Do Yoon and Wan Soo did sleep together? Thoughts?
  13. I enjoyed the drama, though I was a bit disappointed by the finale, more specifically (last episode's spoilers)
  14. Thank you for the articles! Great first two episodes. I wonder why I am also curious about the younger woman team member Is she mole? Does she know about the corruption that is going, and is helping cover it up, or is she really as upright and ethical as she appears to be?
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