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Posts posted by grainsofrain
























    i love gardening mama!








    it's so addicting!








    i keep saying.. okay i'm gonna fix this last wilting item.. and then i keep on going haha.








    i don't think it's that hard.. just a little practice to get accustomed to it and then it becomes pretty easy like cooking mama.








    love the mama series! <3









































































    Bought a DS Lite yesterday

    Wasn't really going to but I've been going to some boring places lately and I need entertainment
































































    So yeah.. I have a few games so far..
































































    But I wanna try some more..
































































    Can you girls recommend some awesome games?































































































































    Gardening Mama just came out so you should try that out :]
































































    It's cute & pretty fun so far.

































































  3. so many people complaining about how to fit into the storyline x______o!

    wait and see D:!

    i loveddd episode 23! and the scarf kiss but when she pulled him down, it was like so fast! wish it was slower :[

    ep 23 made me tearryyy!! :(

    i'm anticipating the spoiler scene where mama kang tears up; i think that'd be so awesome to sweet! i'd probably end up tearing up too.

    the only version where the mother shows some kind of endearing emotion!









    this isn't for me, but my friend's girlfriend wrote,

    "I'm eating curry right now... and I wish I could CURRY some to you :)"
















    ahahhahaa, I thought it was cute and sort of clever~
















    he responded with
















    "I'm eating in-n-out right now... and I wish I could in-n-out with you right now" -_______-
















    she didn't text back afterwards, ahhahahaha <3































    omg this made me LOL!!
















    cute ;]








































































































































































































































































    I don't think I could with somebody who's hardcore in their religion (ie. hardcore mormon/christians).
































































































































    I'd prefer someone neutral or someone who doesn't really have religion play a part in the life.
































































































































    I'm agnostic and my previous experience was that he was Catholic, but he doesn't celebrate it or anything and we didn't even talk about our religions.












































































































































































































































































































    This one's totally prettttyyy. Going to use this one.
































    Thhanks for sharing! ^^
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    random text from a friend...
































































































































































































































































    "You think this is a good pick up line? You're just my type... Hot."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    "boo! have good nap? =) or still sleeping haha =P nobody here =( lonely lol"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    always get random text from this friend ;b
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i will occasionally "check out girls." i think mostly in the way when i admire their body (shape) or style of clothing or simply what they're wearing. i prolly check them out more than guys. but i believe that's because guys don't have clothes that i would admire.. cus i'm not gonna be wearing it or anything.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but i know i don't like them romantically and with the fact that i've never possessed romantic feelings for any girl, only boys.
































































































































































































































































































































































































    "you look korean"
































































    "you look chinese"
































































    (so contradicting sometimes)
































































    i'm chinese.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    don't we have more girls than boys so naturally more girls would reply? =b

































































































































































































































































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