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Posts posted by grainsofrain
































































































































































































































































    I made this a while back, but I would like to contribute it to the shopaholic banning :].
































































































































































































































    I have a good chunk of them.. mainly cause I used to play a MMORPG.
















    This August, I'm planning on meeting 4 of them :)
















    One of my closest friend is my online friend, for now...








































































































































    Also...is anyone else addicted to Rittai Picross [basically 3D Picross]? I loveeee it. If anyone played & liked Picross, I definitely recommend this game. You don't need to know Japanese to play, but it'd be useful to check out this GameFAQs guide as there are some new rules. One of the new things added (other than the fact that you're working with a prism now haha) is a gallery feature (because when you complete a puzzle, the puzzle becomes animated XD) with different collections. Also, there are things like "No Miss challenge" and "Time Challenge" that are fun :]






























































































































































































































































































































































































    If you haven't played Picross....why :P Haha, but really if you find that you like games like Sudoku or Kakuro, definitely give Picross a try :]































































































































































































































































    I've come across it, but never really tried it out.
































































































































    So I'll give it a try (in the US version) since I'm running out of games to play ><.









































































    I was wondering what would you guys recommend?

    R4 or DSTT?
























    Anyone know a good website or a store in the US to purchase it?o_O















































    I've only ever had a DSTT so I recommend it.
























    I love it.









































    Can somebody tell me what "pen pal" would be in (Mandarin) Chinese? Or something close to it? Thank you!
































































    I believe it is "笔友" (bi you)
























































    i think my dstt is broken! it was working fine until one day i went to turn it on and it wouldn't load! it's stuck on the loading screen and it just doesn't load. i've tried reformatting it, taking out all the games and only putting one on, and downloading the new software, but nothing works!
















    i have no idea why it would suddenly stop working. does anyone know how can i fix this?
















    thanks in advance































    You should post your question in this forum: http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showforum=169
















    dedicated for DSTT help :]. Should be able to find an answer there.
































    So Japan announced that there will be Pokemon remakes of gold and silver.
























































    So I downloaded Magician's Quest: Mysterious Times and it's basically like Animal Crossing.
















    Same kind of style and everything.. except it's about magic & being a wizard.

















    Am i the only one the wished that Nintendo would actually make a new pokemon game for a change?

    The Mystery Dungeon series has been exactly the same for the last couple games now and now they are doing another remake
















    The last new pokemon rpg seems to be diamond and pearl, finished platinum recently and it was pretty much exactly the same.































    Me too! I liked the Mystery Dungeon at first.. but then it was just bleh afterwards.
















    And I didn't bother with Platinum when I heard it was just kinda like a remake but better.
















    I want something totally new!! ><"

    some news from nintendo.joystiq...

    - there's going to be a Cooking Mama 3 being previewed at E3 this year
















    - besides Gardening Mama there is a "Babysitting Mama" and "Crafting Mama" in the works
















    (im excited for this XD)































    OMG REALLY? I'd get all three!! I love the Mama games! I'm already bored with Gardening Mama though.. cause it just keeps wilting and I don't know what else is new so I stopped =.=
















    But babysitting & crafting sound so much more fun!! CAN'T WAIT!
















    I hope a lot of the games that come out won't be DSI exclusive.. that would totally suck.

















    ^ Oooo when you have time can you post pics of your new dsi?

    I'm trying to find new games, because Ninja town and Sims 2 cast away is getting boring to me.
















    Any recommendations? I don't like rpg games. just simple easy ones that don't take up too much time.































    What about games like I Spy? Or games like find the difference or sth.
















    I was trying to find more games to play the other day cause I was bored with my collection..
















    so here's a link: http://www.testfreaks.com/ds-games/
















    Has reviews and rankings.
































    That Rhythm Rally 2 is probably gonna kill me cause I don't know when I'll pass it.

    ^i don't know if i can do the lockstep one...then again, i kinda thought the same thing about fillbots. took me forever to get that down though.








    But I loved fillbots!! I wonder if there'll be an enhanced version.









  11. People, try to give a brief overview of the book or your OWN PERSONAL OPINIONS ABOUT IT so to help other people decide if they want to read it, too? ><

    Currently reading Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher because a soompier on here made it sound good.

    In the first few pages, I was already quite hooked. It's really interesting and not those where it's dull in the beginning so it's hard to go on.
































































































































































































    Omg, Rhythm Heaven is driving me crazy.
































































    In the Rhythm Toys section (after you get a medal), what's the Business Card game supposed to do? Does something change after awhile or what?









































































    there was alot but this one really made me realized how much i love him.

    me: babe, IM HUNGRY! I WANT FOOD








    him: babe, ima call you right back.








    me: ok...








    about 15 minutes later, he called me back. He was in front of my house with a bag of mcdonalds.








    i thought it was the cutest thing ever















    thatttttttttttttt, my friend, is superrrr sweet.








    and it's definitely something that reminds you just how much you're in love with him or fall more in love :b








    SO CUTE! so jealous.
















    I told him "have fun today?!?!" and then he said: (email talk)








    "have fun today" the day only starts when im talking to you :] <3

















    ^lol im like that too! after you fix a wilting flower, another one is wilting

    i think gardening mama is kinda hard too. the part where you shovel out a certain amount of soil, i always seem to take too much.








    i don't know how to shovel less?















    I think with that one.. you have to do it soft if you want to shovel a small amount and really hard if you want to do the big amount. That took a while for me to figure out lol.









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