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Posts posted by awsparkle

  1. I've given some thought to what Jang might do because JA is giving up everything for the baby, JA is her choice and she will not sit still for her chance being thrown away. Not because of JA but because of how it will reflect on her. I think in the shoe competition she will NR team the winner but it will be clear to everyone that JA's team won. Then she will use the loss to fire JA and TK.

     If not this she will investigate TK and find out he is her son. I also understand her feelings about NR, can you imagine having thrown away your child and the man you loved for money. Then the man you married to keep having money cheats on you has a child and wants you to play mommy to her, knowing what you had did to your own child. I don't think Jang raised NR but had to accept her, but she doesn't have to give her the company which is hers. NR is hurt by Jang not because Jang does not accept her but because she threw her real mother away to play daughter to a woman that does not want her. The father clearly has no time for her and only accepts her because she is his only child.Since by her own admission she is no designer why didn't she chose to go work for the father and take over his company one day.I think apart of her is want to make Jang acknowledge her for her mothers sake.

    TK is not going to go to America and work with Jake, his acknowledgement of his potential talent is enough , if JA sends him away without him knowing it is his baby he would never forgive her, if she tries to give the baby to him and the father and walk away he won't let her. He is going to show her that he is the man for her and always was. From the beginning TK has seen the softer side of JA he didn't get to see Medusa until he started to work at the company. In the beginning her words hurt him, they don't anymore because he know's her and see's them for what they are. Just like when he heard her refer to him being the sperm donor. He thinks about those words over and over again because he is trying to figure out what she means. 

    ES disturbed me this episode more than in the past, how he goes over to JA house as if he is of special importance to her. This time he at least called first, but when he received no response why did he still go to her house, why didn't the thought that she might be busy occur to him. Serves him right that he got athe chance to see the JA that TK see's.. I'm just glad that there is no face slapping water/juice throwing in this drama but then again that only happens to the Cinderella's not the Cinderfella's. 




    @IBELIS, I agree that ES is a good guy.


    He's doing every thing he can to be by JA's side. ES is the kind of man who plans out his life. He's in love with JA. It doen't matter that she does not love him. With his presence in her life and some pushing she will come to love him. His plan is to marry her and adopt her child as his.  After seeing JA and TK up close in the restaurant,  ES has figured out that there is an attraction between JA and TK  His jealousy reared it's ugly little head. He thinks of TK as some pesky little dog he can step over and disregard. TK is not a worthy opponent and he has nothing to do with his plans with JA. 


    With the simplest thing of trying to place a bow in JA's hair she moved away. He likes the fight in her, to keep that wall up and keep him at a distance. Realiity set in when he saw TK carrying JA. The softeness, serenity, the peace and tranquillity he saw in her face, is something he has not been able to break through and see from JA.


    I don't see TK leaving either. The proof of Jake wanting to take him to the US is all he needed to build his confidence that he does have what it takes to be a good designer. He finally has confirmation that JA does have feeling for him. He will not leave her side unless she pushes him away. TK can be a little slow on the intake at times. He hasn't put all the pieces together yet. The things he over heard JA say to ES about the sperm donor. What JA said to him about if he really wanted her to be with another man. I don't see JA telling TK he is the father. Once TK figures it out and asks her directly is when JA will admit the truth.


    The rumor about Jang being TK's mother would be a little late coming into  play with only six eps left. The pace would pick up but it would be to rushed with all the other loose ends to be solved.


  3. I like the second lead too which is probably why I keep going back & forth between the 2 men! But I'm inevitably more attracted to TK's pure heart. (LOL) Doctor seems a bit too perfect, focused and obsessive. (why is that a bad thing to me? I dunno!)

    So there are 3 mysteries I'm waiting to unravel. First, what happened to change NR's mind about JA - turning her from idolizing JA into hating her and wanting to fire her. I can guess it's all about CEO Jang but I still want details. Second is what the hell happened with JA and her father? Good LORD, he's a hateful, spiteful richard simmons! But you're right @IBELIS, the flashbacks we see - her parents clearly adored her. In episode 3, JA mentions getting kicked out of the house at 21 and living with a nice sunbae unnie? (this unnie worked for a multi-level marketing company - was that Jang?) And the last one is of course, who is TK's mom. That one for me has been the easiest answered - I've thought it was Jang from the beginning too.

  4. I don't think I have ever liked a second male lead as much as I do ES. He could be the greatest guy for most women, I even like the way he walks, there is something very masculine about him, and to me that's a rare treat in a drama. I tried picturing him with one of the other women but their was no match. NR is to young and JA friend is to frivolous. JA and ES are very alike and I think that's part of the problem, she needs someone who can warm her. Her hard shell is a defense mechanism and I think that something awful happened with her father that made him change towards her and it happen while she was still young. He is always on the attack with her and she had no choice but to protect herself.

    ES likes the hard JA and if she were to change I think his interest will fade, he see her as a woman who challenges him and he find's that exciting. With all that he did to get her attention it made little or no impact on her and he found that so intriguing that he fell in love. TK see's something different, from the first he saw how hurt she was by her father's disapproval and she opened up to him like she has never done with anyone else. She thinks she did that because she would never see him again, but she did it because of the warmth and kindness she felt from him. He watched and listened without seeing her as the bad guy, he seem to simple understand what she felt. She needs that more than anything, someone who understands her and is on her side. TK said it his self that she is rude to him she hits him and yet he doesn't know why but he likes her.

    The truth is they get each other and they see who the other person is, ES is in love with JA facade, and that's whats sad because it's true that the facade is a part of her too, but it isn't who she is. I think JA also can appreciate ES and can see that he would be a good man for someone, it's just not her. Even though she is comfortable with ES she never has those little smiles she gets when she is with TK. TK treats her like she is a woman that needs to be protected. You can see the difference clearly in episode 8.

    When ES meets her dad he tell's her father that JA has the money and she strong she can easily take care of her self and a baby, then he guilt's the father by adding she may never have another child. When ES see her empty refrigerator he gives her a bottle of water to use. When TK see's her place he not only cleans it he goes out to the store in order to make her something to eat. He shows his concern for her by leaving milk on her desk because he knows that she is not eating. When he drags her to the rooftop and she has to pee she is like a kid trying to get him to see she has a problem and to solve it for her, he drags out a cart and runs her to the store so she can use the bathroom. When he tell's her princess your carriage awaits she had no problem getting back in. The importance of this is in she is not and invalid she could have easily walked to the store and back but she likes the way he treats her. He treats her like she is precious and delicate. No one else see's her that way.



    I said before that ES seems to be disregarding that fact that there is a father of this baby. After watching ep 8 I see things differently. He's only following JA's lead. She went from blaming TK for getting pregnant to disregarding him as the father.


    TK affects JA in ways she's never experienced before. Little by little he's breaking down the walls she has builded up. If the night they spent together didn't mean anything to her why keep throwing it in his face. He got it the first time. She's trying to make herself believe it, to keep him at a distance. JA has always been in control of her feeling but TK breaks her down. ES can't do for JA what TK can. ES brought her a machine to calm her stress and frustrations. Then he runs out and buy some expensive medicine to calm her down, but all it took was being around TK for her to calm down and let go of her troubles.


    I have a feeling that those designers who bailed out on JA are going to be so sorry. There's just something about Jake that's not right. Jake is too full of himself. If he's so great why is he there. There's bigger and better companies all over the world.  I wouldn't be surprised if he's a fake and his fame came from other peoples hard work and ideas.


  6. @IBELIS @awsparkle - yea, I'm not liking the doctor too much at all. Beginning of EP 7, it's all about HIM, that's all he talks about. HIS feelings, HIS thoughts, HIM being upset since she told him. Whatever dude. How is he supposed to continue liking her? WTF? Where did that come from? I understand he's upset about the abortion (he believes she already got one or is getting one?) But still. 

    Even when he's in her place talking, it's all about HIM (again) HIS dream of living with someone, HIS life, HIS anticipation. I'm officially off the doctor ship. 

    And how cute is TK with that ring. And talking to the doc about her. ROFL! He's too adorable.
  7. Right now I think JA is being dismissive of TK because of his age and she is afraid of how he might react, after his drunken behavior in the police station I think she will figure out he has a clue already.

     It also seem that ES was starting to put it together about TK.Is it just me or was ES about face to sudden, he tells her off break the marriage arrangement leaves with his parents but still manages to beat her to her home. And then he's back the next nite bearing gifts, I didn't like how pushy he was about stopping by. I hate people who can't take no for an answer. It does appear that ES plans to be around,but has yet to ask about the baby's daddy.

    JA father just rubs me the wrong way,I hate how he always yell's and how he treats her mother, when she all most fainted he made no effort to catch her, then to top it off he tell's JA she has three days to abort the baby or never see them again. Some grandpa he will be. This drama is starting to get to many jerks, did they need to bring in a new one.

    NR is definitely interested in TK, maybe when JA notice's she will get jealous and start to treat him better. I also assume that with her decission to keep the baby that she has also decided to give up on being CEO, her career was on the negative side of the reasons not to have the baby list.

    Can't wait to see what 8 will bring.







    Yay Ji an is falling for Tae Kang and rightfully so. How dare ES let his dad tell her to abort her child! How cruel of him and who cares if everyone is mad ! Ji An has lived her life pleasing everyone why can't she do something for herself after what she got herself into? The crazy thing is Tae Kang is the most immature  one but he genuinely loves her and will do anything to be with her and take care of their child. I see him slowly growing up but their biggest obstacle will be approval from people around them and the parents. This is now my favorite because the OTP is slowly coming together and the second leads make you fee. for them but then you hate them too since you know they have a purpose behind being the way they are . I hope ES finds someone to love because he cannot love Ji An letting things turn out that way and acting  like that about her baby.





  9. I have always found ES amusing, but at the same time I found him a little strange. He has decided on his own after two meeting's the first being the blind date and the second being the trip to see JA parent's and a handful of phone calls, most of which lasted under a minute that he is in love and JA will be his wife.
    Nothing in JA character suggested that she is a woman that can be led by the whims of some man ES will have his work cut out for him. That aside I never saw ES as being a match for JA. I like her better with TK.

    On paper ES would appear to be the better choice, But for me his biggest draw back is he is a traditional Korean Drama Male, his reaction to her pregnancy and her thoughts on abortion showed us that. Also the fact that he as of yet has not contemplated who the other man is at all speak's volumes. He didn't wonder who the other man might be, if he is still around, had she told him about the pregnancy. Both of them only talked about what they felt about the situation. I also thought it odd that JA told ES but not TK. We have yet to see her even contemplate telling TK.

    TK has grown up with something that both ES and JA are lacking,and that is a parent who loves and believes in him unconditonally. This is what TK brings to the table, and it is way more valuable for JA as well as the baby then the status of coming from the right family, education or career. TK and JA are drawn to each other, it is clear every time they are in close proximity. Not once when they have had one of their accidents that make them end up to close have either one of them tried to extricate themselves. I can just see ES being dismissive towards TK when they finally meet, think that he is no competition. I think her friend will see it and think she is crazy. ES might also see it and become more determined to win her.

    JA may initially go towards ES simply because he makes more sense, she may even go so far as to lie to him so that he will give her up, but when she see him playing with NR and realizes that NR genuinely likes him it's going to be a different story.
  10. @IBELIS - OMG, I so agree. I hate her staff - they're a buncha whiny, disrespectful rude losers who don't really do any work. (except for the oldest one and the youngest one) 

    @awsparkle - great thinking! I couldn't figure out what ES's problem was at first but reading your post, that makes perfect sense. He's upset about the abortion more than anything else. (I don't think she knows that? What do you think?)




    The TK character is still a bit too immature and childish.  He has moments of maturity, like when he shows concern for her.  But his responses are a bit over the top, kiddie-like.  It should be interesting to see how he develops once he fully realizes she's pregnant.  The OB/GYN got shot by a cupid's missile and is now in love?  I don't know that seems a bit too fast for someone who played the field and definitely didn't want to get married.     



  12. @nancylee15 - how great would it be if JA and NR
    become friends? I'd love that! And it sure would be a nice twist for the writer to take! But they always have to make the 2nd lead female a snarky witch (I'm so tired of that) I'd LOVE it if they became friends! 

    @awsparkle - she does seem a bit schizophrenic, doesn't she?
    I agree @kayana20 - the step mom is just horrible. But I'm not sure I understand NR's determination to be named president or top dog or whatever. Why does she want that so bad? Because she's worked hard? Because she wants to be in charge? Or because she wants the power/money that comes with it? Or some obscure reason like...she wants to impress Daddy? 

  13. @HillaryTnT - I just read your siggy - we are (and have) watched some of the same dramas! I'm trying desperately to drag myself out from under the spell of QIHM and SU: FBB. Episode 5 of I do, I do is the first one to finally perk up my interest a bit. (I've been watching all along but wasn't that into it yet) NOW I'm fully invested

    @kayana20 - NR is annoying but so far she's like a fly you wanna bat away from buzzing around your face. She hasn't done anything horrible yet? (hope she doesn't) I know the writers are also trying to make us feel sorry for her (her step-mom CEO is a piece of work) but I don't really feel sorry for her yet. I hated any time 
    she spends with TK. 

    LOVE TK's dad, he's just awesome. HAHAHA! 
  14. Putting things in spoiler yellow for those who haven't seen EP 6 yet:

    I think she
    likes TK more than she realizes.
    (my two cents too 
    ) And I think she told
    him to get lost because she blames HIM that she's pregnant.
    (which is hilarious - has she forgotten it takes 2 to tango?) Hahaha! 

    Did she really
    fart and blame it on TK?
    OMG, I died laughing. 

    EDIT: Oh, I was kinda hoping he wouldn't see that
    "reasons not to have the baby" list.
    So adorable, he cleaned her house for her! And she thinks her Mom came - HAHAHA! He even cooked for her.
    Okay, I'm sold. I love TK. *grin* 



    I'm sorry if what I'm about to say upsets anyone. There is something about ES that just does not set right with me. He's just too perfect. Telling his friend he's getting married was a bit to self assured.  He and JA have met 3 or 4 time and now he's in love. Is he really in love with JA or is she just a challenge for him. That scene with the music and him thinking about JA was kinda creepy to me. I see no sparks from JA with ES. He might be the older more maturer guy, but I think life with ES would still be lonely and JA's coldiness might be softened but would still remain.


    As for TK he's childress, but he's also caring and loving. That's something that's missing in JA's life. There are sparks and attraction from JA when TK is close. She just doesn't know what it is yet. She's never experienced those kind of feeling. Look at how her father treats her and her mother.  I feel TK will be the one to bring out the softer caring, loving woman in JA.









    I'm sorry if what I'm about to say upsets anyone. There is something about ES that just does not set right with me. He's just too perfect. Telling his friend he's getting married was a bit to self assured.  He and JA have met 3 or 4 time and now he's in love. Is he really in love with JA or is she just a challenge for him. That scene with the music and him thinking about JA was kinda creepy to me. I see no sparks from JA with ES. He might be the older more maturer guy, but I think life with ES would still be lonely and JA's coldiness might be softened but would still remain.


    As for TK he's childress, but he's also caring and loving. That's something that's missing in JA's life. There are sparks and attraction from JA when TK is close. She just doesn't know what it is yet. She's never experienced those kind of feeling. Look at how her father treats her and her mother.  I feel TK will be the one to bring out the softer caring, loving woman in JA.







    The nurse is really getting on my nerves. JM has never shown any interest in her. Her being nice to JY to win her over is only going to get her feeling hurt and make her look like a fool. 





    EJ is so hateful, and selfish. Can't see what MS sees in her. What a slap in the face and disrespectful  to JA to give that money to MS's mother herself. To me it only showed how childress she still is. That move only drove the knife in deeper for MS's mother feelings towards JA. How selfish of her to hold on to that money for her wedding when her father needed help in keeping the winery going.  I hope MS realizes how childress and selfish EJ is and dumps her.





    As BH is discovering TJ is smarter then anyone thinks. With BH's help I think he will be the one to save the winery. By right being the only son of BM, TJ has all the rights to the winery.





    What I don't understand is why anyone will not put MJ and MG in their place and call them out on their laziness and their thinking they are entitled.






    hmm... when i first heard that JM is appointed university professor in Jeonju i thought he's out of the picture for possible romance with BH but apparently it's convenient for him to commute to work from Deokcheon because of better roads ... his sister's family decided to have him stay with them. how convenient ... now everyone's back in Deokcheon ... except for Hong Baekgu. how sad ... i really miss his interactions with BH. :( and now ... i suspect MS's dad might have awakened his wife to BH's possibility as the best candidate to be JM's wife & standin JY's mom since the girl practically adores her eventhough she did kind of scoff at the idea asking her husband if he would let his daughter marry someone like JM and the husband straightaway say of course not and that BH's mom will have a fit at the idea. well ... at least she's self aware for now and not to mention that she's always taking hit at BH's mom so i doubt BH's mom want BH to be her sister in law. not to mention ... Koreans don't like complicated relationship ... because JM & MS will end up having same father in law. :huh:


    EJ is still smirking nastily at BH and looking uglier by episodes (or maybe it's me developing a severe allergy to her or there's something unflattering about her hairstyle) ... even GJ tells her off for her comments. and really i'm so worried about GJ's alimony bank book ... which no one seems to want to look at and kept passing it around except for MJ who's persistently trying to find out how much money GJ got from TW. if running off with GJ's alimony will mean we don't have to see the Mija couple for the rest of the drama ... maybe it's not such a bad idea? and from the preview at end of 109 ... i think annoying Malgu is up to no good again~


    i wonder if GJ will really take to the idea of furthering her studies overseas as YP and EJ persistently suggested to her. at least now BH is beginning to listen to TJ instead of disregarding him ever since they found out DJ is really BN and TJ is the only one who recognized him. i think grandma is going to die soon ... she told the family she saw or dreamt of her husband and her father coming to get her ... don't think she's going to see a great grandson but at least if she's not senile she would have been so comforted to know her beloved TJ has inherited the family skills at wine making.


    it's funny how after DJ/BN got over the shock/anger at being BH's brother and being abandoned ... he sulks at having to live with the name BN. hahaha ... i don't blame him. DJ is a much nicer name than BN. he was like it wasn't so bad when it was only TJ who called him BN. lol


    i wonder how many more episodes to go ... i think we should have a little BG ahjussi scene in 110 from the preview? did BH call him for more help or just to tell him about DJ being BN? will he ever pay a visit to Deokcheon? lol what will BH's mom think of him? in a way ... both JM & BG ahjussi are both similar in that both are way older than BH and are widowed and met her when she was 12 years old. so i'm not sure BH's mom will like either one unless it's raising a stepchild that bothers her more than being widowed or older. one a tall & handsome professor with a pretty daughter ... while the other is a rich short ex-gangster/loanshark nightclub owner who lived in a big house with 3 dogs named Baekgu, Hwanggu and Bok Hee... :lol:  ... eye candy or verbal repartee ... at least BG ahjussi has BN on his side? hahaha



    No your right about EJ and her smirks at BH. She's still a jealous, selfish little girl playing at being an adult. I wonder sometime if MS really has any feeling for the brat. He doesn'tt seem to push the idea of them getting married. I feel if he really loved her he would be begging his father to let them get married.


    MJ  and that husband of her's are just lazy bums mooching off the family. I must have missed something somewhere skipping over their parts. Where is their other son.


    Maybe if GJ goes away YP can finally move on and stop mopping around like a sick puppy.


    I also think GM is going to die soon. She's doing a lot of sleeping and talking about her dead husband coming for her. The two lazy MM's are going to have to make move soon on getting control because once GM closes her eyes they are done for. BH's mom and GM are starting to really see the greed in the MM's. What is it going to take for the father to snap out of his depression.


    I saw somewhere that this drama is suppose to be 145 eps.


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