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Posts posted by awsparkle










    @aemi, I'm frustrated too with there being nothing developing with HJ and KS. Then thinking about it the writers try to make these dramas as realistic as possible. HJ was in a 15 year relationship that suddenly went away. She would have been able to deal with the breakup better if CH had not broke up with her the way he did. Now he's dating and talking marriage to IH. That's a hard pill to swallow. To her loving someone is a scary thing. So, she's now at the point of locking her heart away. KS's not going anywhere. He will stick by her side no matter what. HJ has to come to realize that KS is not CH. He won't run or give up at the first sign of trouble. He will open her heart again to accept love because of his unselfish, giving and protective nature. 






















    @jaewon, I looked at the preview again and the photos you posted are from KS's parents accident. KS is just getting one blow after another. Hopefully they won't kill off the grandfather.












    IH is really starting to like CH and he's just playing her to get what he wants. I think once he does marry IH he's going to turn cold on her and crush her to pieces.














    I have to see the subs but, I think what was stolen by TS and CH was of no use to DH. His people could not duplicate it. HJ nor KS wrote down what they did to make the last sample. All the information is in their heads and hands.






    TS is a sniveling idiot. He's like a child who will do anything if you promise them some candy. IM dangled that money and he bit. It's good KS didn't fire him. This way grandfather can continue to whip in into shape.


















    @jaewon, Hopefully that scene is where they show how KS's parents died.






    I guess this is where KS finds that HJ went to DH and made a deal. She should have talked it over with KS first instead of running off hot headed and making that deal with the DH.
















































    @jaewon, @lviih, I looked at the preview again and HJ does not look happy talking to DH. I think her back is up against a wall and she has no choice but to agree in making the propeller for DH. It might not be the wise thing to do, but the only thing she can do to help KS. DH is a powerful man and can stomp all over KS at this point. KS doesn't have the money or the resources to fight back. HJ does have kick richard simmons in her, but all we've seen is the surpressed HJ. Maybe this is the turning point that will bring back the HJ we saw from the beginning.












    SPOILER pictures from MBC site.






    KS looks so sad.




































    The preview is out http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/drama/mayqueen/preview/















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    @jaewon, HJ's character is so frustrating. I still think they didn't get the right propeller. DH knows they successfully made it and too get his hands on it he puts pressure on KS's business.


























    @jaewon, You are totally right. DH will use HJ and throw her out with the next days trash. She is so gullible and oblivious. What gets me with HJ is she does not practice what she preaches. She told YJ that IM is a bad person and she's seen that side of him. KS has told her the same thing about DH but she went back to work there.


















    @IBELIS, @jaewon, I agree that KS was just to calm. Even in the taxi he only asked the driver to speed up when he saw the other guys come in. Even when they got there he still seemed too calm. It seemed to me he wasn't going to try and stop them until HJ took off and ran. Something I also noticed watching a second time was the camera panned out and showed HJ and KS's bags in the office where they left DP. HJ's is on the desk and KS's is on the floor beside the chair where KP was sitting.






    I'm not going to get my hopes up that they still have the real propeller and designs. Who leaves that kind of important information out in the open. If CH or TS got the right one then it's just a matter of sloppy writing and directing.












    @jaewon, HJ's focus was on only two things. Being with CH and making her dream a reality. Everything else around her didn't matter. Since CH dumped her all her focus is on her dream now.  She lost one thing and refuses to lose the other one. Working at Chun Ji Group brings her one step closer to her dream. Whatever it takes she will endure it.The dirty workings and people of the company do not concern her. She discovers the faulty things. Points them out and keeps on moving towards her dream. She needs a real wake up call to make her realize that it's not just about what she wants to achieve. Hopefully the robbery and the accident wil be the very thing that will jar her awake and bring her out of her fog.












    GC stayed in that household and took that treatment because of his greed. It didn't matter what his son felt and needed. The hold time it was all about what he wanted and that was for his son to marry IH. GC can't be punished for his crimes because of the statute of limitation has ran out. Right now he thinks all is working out and he'll be riding on easy street from now on. Everything he's done will come back and slap his pompous richard simmons in the face. He will pay for his crimes through his son. CH's motive is to rise to the top and take everything away from DH. You can't take what is not there to take. Everything DH has done is going to come crashing down, but it won't be by CH's hand. Everyone CH stepped on and betrayed on his way to achieve his goal will be the same one's who will bring him and DH down.






    DH killed HJ's father and KS's parent in Japan. The statute of limitations for murder was abolished in 2010 in Japan but it extends back to any open cases before 2010 that have never been solved. DH can be extradited back to Japan to face criminal charges for his crimes.







    @Jaewon,  It was the scene when HJ and KS were on the boat just before the guy from Noble Company came. KS was looking at his computer and HJ came and sat down next to him. The blue print was on his computer. I hope they did get the wrong one so this story can move on past HJ always being the one to get beaten down.











    What didn't make sense to me was KS leaving all that important information out in the open on his boat even though he has cameras and alarms. The last blue print and thruster design was shown to us was on KS's computer. When HJ and KS were leaving the testing center HJ had the thruster. The next scene of them was HJ, KS, TS and DP celebrating their success. Hopefully both thieves got the failed thrusters and blue prints. The drama has been moving along, but very slowly. Things are starting to fall apart for DH starting with the incompetence and dirty deeds of IM. JW is on his trail in finding out the truth about his brother's and KS's parents deaths.


















    TS is worthless low life trash who sold HJ and KS out for money. I have no nice words to decribe CH anymore. He just sat there in that car and watched HJ fight with those men for something that belongs to her and KS. Even though he turned the car wheel to avoid HJ not to be hit he is responsible for hitting KS.












    @Bambiina, I feel your frustration about this drama. The writer lost this drama with the adult cast. To many things were and are still being dragged out. No movement growth or development in characters.  What bothers me most is that the writer has written all the woman in this drama as pathic, delusional, clueless, clingly, obsessed, naive, and airheaded without a backbone.. HJ's character is the worse given what we saw in the beginning. A young girl who was bright, spunky, and straightforward. We all expected to see the same and even better in her as an adult. All we've gotten is this weepy, closed mouthed person who no longer stands up for herself. Her character just stands there and takes verbal beatdowns and whatever hand that comes into contact with her face. I'm holding out hope that this writer gets back on track in the coming eps with the HJ they started her out to be.












    I agree that the drama is dragging. I sat through ep 23 waiting for things to pick up and some start of something with HJ and KS. All we got was them bickering. At this rate IH and CH will be married with 5 kids before HJ and KS get together.






    I watched the preview again and KS pushes HJ out of the way of the on coming car and gets hit.  I don't think its going to be CH, but IM who hits KS and CH witnessed it.






    Watch it here: http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/drama/mayqueen/preview/












    jaewon fan said: I just watch episode 23, i don't understand a single thing but i think Hae Joo is being stubborn again, and it's really getting into my nerve. If she go back in Cheongi that's fine but can she at least have some clue how bad is Jang Do Hyeon. or maybe start thinking why KS is being so on guard against JDH? Instead of helping, she is more like a burden now. I feel bad for KS because he is trying to help and keep her safe but she's not even aware what's happening around her. 














    @totes, There's no way CH likes IH that quickly. Pursuing her is part of his revenge plot to get to DH. He knows that she is naive, and starving for attention and love from a man. Also that she can't stand HJ and getting his attention is one up on HJ.








    CH was never able to protect HJ. He couldn't even stop his own father from abusing her. He's angry at himself because he couldn't protect the woman he loved. CH has shifted that anger onto HJ and DH. Yes, DH is a horrible man and abused his father, but what happen to his life does not lay at DH's door but at his fathers. DH had nothing to do with GC's crimes against HJ and her family. Everything GC did was of his own doing because he was too weak to stand up to DH. He stayed under that man's thumb for all those years and let his son witness his abuse. GC didn't care about his son's well being and state of mind. All he cared about was his greed to have his son marry into that family which would put him in a higher status.








    I understand HJ not running away with CH and chosing to stay with her family.  She always felt she was responible for her father being killed and taking care of them is a burden she has to carry. I get why HJ didn't want to tell her biological mother who she is. HJ didn't want to cause an upset in that family. Her mother seems to be happy and content also the fact of how IH and IM feel about her. Why she didn't want her uncle to know I really don't understand that part.








    I'm baffled how KS and HJ will get together with only 8 eps remaining. I think the writer lost their way in the telling of this story and spent to much time on other characters then who the story should have been about. May Queen who is HJ. It took them 22 eps before we even found out why this story was called May Queen. Has anyone heard if the extension was confirmed. If not then the only thing I see coming is fast tracking this story and another time jump.












     @Jaewon, I agree that KS is suspicious of DH having something to do with HS's death and he knows it has to do with that drilling site. The information that BH gave him is going to make him even more suspicious. The date of his parents death means something to him. Also the fact that the exploration was stopped when KW died, but DH has that site outlined on his map. KS will probably be the one to discover how HJ got separated from her mother, because HJ is not in the least bit curious as to how she came to be with the Chun family. Their her family and that's it. Will she even tell KS who her biological parents are or will he stumble upon it on his own.



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