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Posts posted by awsparkle








    EP 157




    MS, What do you mean you feel strange? Why? Are you sick or something? DB, I don't know either. I really feel nervous, my heart is beating real fast. Wha'ts wrong with me? PY, It's all because of me. You've been worried about me so much. That's why. The doctor allowed me to go home this afternoon. So you can relax now.




    HS, Did you find Mr. Kim? Sec, I'm sorry not yet. HS, Not yet? How long ago did I tell you? How long does it take you to find one person? Sec, All the staff have been working on it. HS, Did Manager DH come to work? I'll go to his office.




    PJ, Do you know him? What's wrong with him? Dr. How do you know him? PJ, I'm his family-in-law. Anyways, what's wrong with him? Dr., KJ should get surgery as soon as possible. PJ, A surgery? Dr., It might be a side effect from the car accident. He has a serious cerebral infarction. If it goes on not only will his whole body be paralyzed, but he could also die.




    DH, I keep calling Mr. Kim, but he didn't answer his phone. He should surrender his self quickly. Don't you have any ideas? HS, I'm going to find him. So you should focus on you work. Do you remember what I order you to do? Didn't I order you to draw up a plan to increase the sales of Camellia? DH, Yes, I remember that. You ordered me to draw up a plan to increase 15% in room occupancy and 20% in sales in restaurants and halls. HS, As I remember, I gave you four days to do that. Didn't I? DH, Yes you did. HS, You should work on it immediately. DH, I think we should find Mr. Kim first and let him surrender to the prosecutor. That's more important. HS, No, That's our personal problem. We can't take on heed of Camellia business. You should learn about the hotel management immedicately to run this hotel. DH, What are you talking about? I'm not ready to do that. Most of the shareholders and board members are concerned about your unproved ability. You should make all of them trust you. Then, they won't think you got that postion just because you are the Chairman's grandson. I'm still the President of Camellia. It means if I don't admit you. You can't be a CEO of Carmellia. Four days. As you know I'm not easy. Do you best not to let me down.




    PJ, What are you doing? Where are you going? KJ, Why are you here PJ? PJ, Are you asking me the reason? You fell down in front of me. KJ, It's not a big deal. You didn't see me okay? PJ, It is a big deal. Are you out of your mind? Where are you going? Why aren't you gettin a surgery? Where are you going?! KJ, I can't get a surgery right now. I need to meet the Chairman. I need to do my work. I have to find DJ. I have many things to do. I don't have time to get a surgery. PJ, You can't get a surgery because you are busy? It's not a matter that you can choose! You can die! What's wrong with you? Do you want to be cool in such a situation like this? KJ, You told me that I should clean up. I should clean up the things that I messed up. But I didn't clean up anything. PJ, What if you miss the right time to get a surgery? No! I'll call President Hong. Let DH and DB know. KJ, I have to find DJ right now. I have to comfort DH who's gotten hurt by me. Most of all I should help DH and DJ reconcile. I've been hurting DJ mom and Anna whose like an angel. Everyone! They've gotten hurt by me. Please don't make me a shameless person and a terrible father. I'll tell them after I clean up everything. So, don't tell anyone. PJ, You can't go like this. Let's go inside first.




    MS, KJ is late. Did something happen? He's always on time. DB, James isn't answering his phone. That's strange. PY, He's a busy man. I can meet him later. Why don't we leave first? DH, Are you ready to leave? Wow, look at my grandpa. You look really good in that suit. You look better in a bow tie. PY, You thin so? You know what? The nurses said that I look better in a patient gown as well. MS, I think you're okay to make such a joke. PJ, SO made me deliver this before you leave the hospital. MS, She cares about us all the time. How thoughtful she is. He only ate the food that she made yesterday. DB, We were waiting for James but he didn't come so we'll just leaving. PJ, I met him on the way to come here. He had something to do at work, so he had to go back. He asked me to tell you that he'll visit you later.He must be busy these days. PY, I know he's always busy. DB, I left my phone in the room. DH, I'll go get it. DB, I'll do it. PJ, DH you should go with you grandparents.




    SW, What about DJ? Did he call? Should we report him missing? He turned off his cellphone. If it's on we could trace him with that. HS, I'll ask you one thing. Are you really going to have that baby? SW, Yes. HS, What are you thinking? SW, Are you asking me that I'm thinking about reunite with DJ? My answer is no. You may not trust me. I've really loved DJ in my marriage with him. Although, we were in the worst situation, so we got divorced, but I still care about his every movement. HS, You mean you still love him? SW, I don't know whether this feeling is love or not. But I think that you've had the same feelings for your husband. Have you just hated him? Probably not. I think you're still in love with father. First, we should find DJ. I can't think of anything but that. HS, How long have you been pregnant? SW, It's been 15 weeks. HS, Take care of yourself. Let's talk about the baby after we find DJ.




    BY, I hope grandfather can enjoy my food. SW, Thank you. BY, Who? Who did you just talk to? To me? SW, Yes, Lee Bon-gee you! BY, What the.... You don't look crazy. Did you just say thank you? For what? SW, You took me to the hospital on that day. Thanks to you I could keep my baby. I'll have this baby. BY, Really? Seriously? SW you made the right decision. I'm so proud of you! It's the first time for me to think you're beautiful. SW, I have a favor to ask of you. BY, I knew it. What's that? I'll be generous. I'll do everything because you're having a baby. SW, Do you remember the spicy rice cake that you made when we were in junior high? It was awful because you put to much red pepper paste. I want to eat that. Make it later okay?




    PY, Where is DJ? Did you find him? HS, We're still looking for him. I'm sorry. PY, He might make a stupid decision. So you should focus on finding him as soon as possible. MS, You, You're a hotelier. Why do you have a long face? I know you have so much worries because of DJ's problem. Don't forget you're still the President of Camellia. Don't skip meals. And take care of yourself. I'm not concerned about you. I'm just concerned about the hotel. PY, You could've told her in different ways.




    PJ, I should buy you a lanyard so you won't lose your cellphone. DB, You're always nice to me, Thank you. You're a good friend! By the way BY's uncle. Why do you look like this? Are you sick? PJ, No I'm not. I'm not sick. Your father probably be waiting for you. DB what's wrong? DB, It was James. James was in patient gown. PJ, You're probably mistaken. Let's just go. The Chairman is waiting for us. DB, I'm sure it was James. I saw him! PJ, You could be mistaking. James is not here. Let's go. DB, Please? It was James! James, why are you here? Are you sick? Wha'ts wrong? KJ, I'm fine. I'm just getting a medical checkup. Don't worry. I'll be fine. DB, You seem to be sick. PJ, Calm down. He should get a checkup now. Let's wait outside. Calm down, he said he just had a medical checkup. He's be fine. What's wrong with my James? Dr., He collapsed again. It doesn't sound okay. Can you call his family? He should get surgery as soon as he finished his medical checkup. DB, Surgery? What surgery?




    HS, Detective PJ, why did you call me? Who's in the hospital? Why is he in the hospital? DH, BY thank you. You saw how much they enjoyed the meal right? BY, I'm so happy when I see people who enjoy the food that I cook. DH, I know that feeling well. I used to be a cook. BY, SW is going to have a baby. She has Mr. Kim's baby and she wants to have the baby alone. DH, She does. BY, She loves Mr. Kim. She decided to do that because she loves him. DH, Grandma said we can move into our new house by next week. after it's repairs ends. I'm happy anywhere. DH, SW having a baby? HS, Yes the hospital!. I have to go to the hospital, so get my care ready. DH, What's going on? Did something happen to Mr. Kim? Did you find him? I need to know. Where is Mr. Kim, no DJ? HS, Get in. It's not about DJ. It's about his father. DH, What's wrong with KJ? HS, Get in!




    KJ, Anna don't cry. Don't cry in front of me. DB, You shouldn't be sick. I hate it when you're sick. DH, What are you doing here? Why are you lying in the bed? Doctor I need to know wha'ts wrong with him. I want to know as well. Dr., Who are you? DH, I'm his son. I'm DH. HS, If he doesn't get surgery his whole body may become paralyzed? Dr., He must get surgery. In the worst case, he can die. By the way haven't you noticed his condition so far? I'm sure there were probably signs. HS, We've been separated so far. DH, If he got the surgery, what will happen? Will he be fine? Dr., I can't guarantee you because it's a dangerous surgery. We can't leave him just like this. But he delayed the surgery because he had something to take care of. He thinks that he wouldn't die or something. DH, What are you doing? KJ, I'm sorry to show you this. I have to go to work. I'm going to quit my job anyways, but I have to do the news today. I should look for a replacement. DH, You should get surgery now. KJ, No I can't do it today. I have so much things to do. If something goes wrong during the operation, I might not be able to see you and DJ again. I have to find DJ. I'll find him and make you and him.... DH, I'll find him. I'll do everything to find him. So please get a surgery. I beg you. How long are you going to hurt my feelings? So, please get the surgery. Father! HS, DJ it's mom. Where are you? Tell me where you are. Right now. Where are you?





    What kind of fighting DH and DJ have?I think its more like a fighting between brothers...DH need to make DJ learn that he has to take responsibility for what he has done and not just runaway and take his own life...its so selfish of him.DJ still has a child that he need to take care off and moreover SW still love him very much..Its not like he loss everything,he even has a brother that concern about his well being.




    DJ will be the one who throws the first punch as he always does. DH needs to give him a beating he will never forget. DJ still does not think he did anything wrong. As far as he's concerned he was protecting what was his. HS told him before it was not theirs to begin with but DJ refused to believe that. DH has mixed feelings for DJ. He's wants to protect him on one hand and wants him to surrender on the other hand. I don't think DH knows that SW is pregnant. Now that KJ is sick and SW is pregnant. DH will probably protect DJ and cover up the crimes if he repents and admits his wrongs. DH would want DJ to be able to be in his baby's life. Both DH and DJ know how it feels growing up without a father in their lives.  




    Correction...... BY did tell DH that SW is pregnant in today's ep.





    Why are DJ and SN being charged for their crimes only?  Isn't HS an accomplice too?  Although DJ and SN had done all the dirty work, HS was the one giving the shot.  Wtihout her approval, DJ wouldn't dare go ahead with his evil plot.  Besides, shouldn't she be investigated as to why she has so much money to buy GP's shares?  The shares were under her name.  So, where did the money come from?  Not forgetting that she has the authority over the Hainan project and she handles the large fund too.  I find it puzzled that PJ doesn't go after her but DJ and SN instead.




    Since DJ and SD did the actual crimes PJ wanted to catch them first. HS has admitted to her part in this and wants to repent and be punished for what she has done. She told MS if she were her she would not forgive her either. She said she will take as much punishment has MS wants. But before she does she wants to find DJ and return everything to where it was. Then she will pay the price for everything. As DJ's mother she would take the punishment for what he has done.  HS is still trying to protect her son at all cost. She needs to make him face up to what he has done instead of her taking all the blame.  He needs to go to jail. Right now he only thinks that he has lost everything. His father, mother, the hotel, SW and the baby. He's not facing the fact that he committed a crime. It's all about him and what he has lost.










    Written preview for ep 158




    도진과의 통화에서 들린 뱃고동 소리로 바닷가임을 알아차린 동해는 이전에 김준이 데려갔던 곳임을 직감한다. 새와는 동해가 도진을 데리러 떠났다는 사실을 전해듣고 봉이와 함께 뒤쫓아간다. 혜숙은 수술을 거부하는 김준에게 자신을 떠나 동백에게 가도 좋으니 수술을 받으라고 사정한다. 태훈은 붙잡는 새영을 뒤로 한 채 고시공부를 위해 절에 들어간다. 한편 도진은 동해가 찾아오자 말다툼 끝에 주먹다짐을 하게 되는데...




    Also heard in the currency of the time during KRC's belly and noticed that the sound Beach on the East was previously Kim Jun took this hinting to intuition. The new and the East coast road, Jin left to pick up the fact that heard Rod started with. Hye-sook's surgery denied Kim Jun-leave yourself to the Camellia is also pleasant to surgery should be assessed. Tae-Hoon is capturing new spirit behind and: to study section. Meanwhile a East is at the end of the argument get blows which ...





    Farhah1986, did YJ actually wanted to test BY's love for DH?  I wish I can understand what their conversation is all about but DH is obviously angry with BY for making such a promise to break up with him.  DH definitely won't abide to that promise and see BY leaving him.  The gift YJ has given to BY is so cute in fact.  Who would have thought that it's a provocative night gown and a sexy underwear for the couple.  DH and BY seem embarrassed.




    The conversation between YJ, DH and BY went like this:




    DH, What? Are you saying BY promised you to break-up with me? YJ, Yes, so that I was on your side a the meeting. BY right? DH, BY is it true? No way! How could you make such a promise like that? YJ, I know! Did you really think it made sense? BY, What's that mean? YJ, in fact I wanted to find out how much you love DH. So that I can give up on him. But I lost. I don't think I can love him as much as you do. You have no sense. Didn't you get it when you saw my present? BY, The present. What present?  YJ, I hope both of you live well. Otherewise I'll bother you again. DH, BY I can't believe.... Did you really try to leave me? BY, I'm sorry DH. DH, What's the present? What's the present that she talk about? BY,  Where did I put it? I totally forgot this. Thank you. Thank you so much. And I'm sorry. YJ, Come on stop being silly. People might misunderstand us. Hide the slip in your hand. BY, You know what? You're a really awesome woman. YJ, I know that. I'm the best in the world. So you should live well. Since you snatched DH from me. If you don't I'll kill you.










    Written preview for ep 157




    술녀의 집에 기남이 찾아와 꽃다발과 음식을 건네주자 술녀는 내심 좋아하고, 새와와 새영은 두 사람을 적극 응원한다. 눈앞에서 쓰러진 김준을 데려간 필재는 김준의 상태가 아주 심각하며 당장 수술을 받아야 한다는 의사의 말에 크게 놀란다. 김준의 상태에 대해 알게된 동해는 김준을 아버지라 부르며 수술을 받아줄 것을 부탁한다. 한편 도진은 혜숙의 지속적인 전화에 망설이다가 결국 전화를 받아드는데...




    Drink Lady's House in the South, and bouquet and food hand runners drink like a maid, new and inwardly and young actively rooting for two people. Sight from Kim Jun took Phil re the status of Kim Joon and now very serious surgery that doctor's astounded at the end. Kim, Joon learnt about the State of Japan gave father Kim has surgery to take. Meanwhile a Hye-sook's ongoing phone hesitation will eventually pick up the phone to my favorites










    Ep 155




    Shareholder meeting












    DJ, We can't dismiss you and Chairman, Cho Pil-You? What's that mean? Answer me! DH, I have to tell everyone this before we vote. President Hong left me the whole shares that have the voting right from yesterday. DJ, What? DH, In other words, President Hong left the whole power to me including the right to speak at the shareholders meeting, which is laid down on the law articles of association, and the voting rights as she mentioned on the power of attorney. DJ, What are you taking about? No way. Something is wrong. You pulled a trick, didn't you? My mother wouldn't do this. What did you do? DH, I didn't pull any tricks. This is President Hong Hye-Sook will. As far as I know, she already told you about this. DJ, No! She wouldn't do this to me. She wouldn't do this! Shareholder, What should we do now? Isn't the result obvious? But, still we can't let Manager DH run this hotel! What are you saying? President Hong left him her shares. DH, Everyone! The Chairman just woke up! Head Chef, Anyways, we should have the vote, Mr. Kim. YJ, Since DH has his grandmothers shares, and President Hong's shares, the result is predictable. Still we should do it. Let's do it.




    Letter from Sun-dal









    I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise, when I asked you to meet me. There's everything on how Mr. Kim and I pocketed the construction funds and how we brought Chairman's stocks in this USB. I'm going to America to see my father. It's been a while since I met him, and I don't think I can meet him for a while. I'll give myself to the prosecutor and pay the price myself as soon as I take care of myself. I'm sorry, my friend. I'm really sorry.




    SD, You came to get me thinking I was going to run away? TH, It's not like that. SD, Okay, if you caught me I'll follow you. TH, It's not! I wanted to say I trust you. So come back after you meet your father in America. SD, Thank you. Since I met you, let me ask you of a favor. Tell BY that I'm sorry and live happily with DH. TH, You! Thank you for your decision. We'll do everything for you. SD, Thank you for saying that.




    Sorry everybody,   I couldn't finish the rest of the Ep because I keep getting disconnected and losing everything I put in. I'm not even going to try anymore. If there's something you need to know ask and I'll try to post it.





    I think the best part is when DH showed those papers to all shareholders....moreover with YJ  said they can continue the vote eventhough its meaningless because with DH and MS shares he's already defeated.What is the papers that HS give to DH?Whatever it is DH feel sad looking at DJ condition when he just walk away from the hall.BUt DJ never learn anything,he still don't want to giveup even after his mom turned her back on him but DH told him to stop because SD already give him all the evidence regarding all their wrongdoing.Looking at DJ condition now is quite similar with SW when all her evil deed exposed.I wonder what DH gonna do with all the evidence...when will DJ realize all his mistake and repent.I hope they show more happy moment for DH and BY in last couple of episode.




    DJ is probably scared right about now. He feels he has no one to turn to that's on his side. His mother turned her back on him. His father never was there for him. He's divorced from SW and treated her badly. He probably thinks he's going to jail since DH has all the evidence of his crimes and he has treated DH so badly. DH is not going to do anything with the evidence they will cover it up and keep it between the families. DH has been trying to make DJ realize they are brothers but DJ refused to accept it. DH will protect DJ and not turn him in. DH should let him sweat alittle. I want to see DJ on his knees in front of DH begging for mercy.   










    It was such a pleasure to see DJ's face when DH showed him those papers. He is such a baby. Of all places to go he ends up at SW's house. In their own twisted way they love each other.  




    I think KJ's problem has to do with his brain. I wonder are they going to kill KJ off to solve the conflict between the families.




    YJ had to spoil the happy moment between BY and DH. It looks like from the written preview she finally gives up and wishes BY and DH well. I think her wake up call was when she saw DH at the restaurant and everytime she touches him he pulls away and when he told her BY told him that she was going to be on his side. She asked him you thank me tha'ts all. She realized a thank you was all she was going to get from him.


















    Written preview for ep 156








    필용은 의식이 없는 상태에서 혜숙이 자신을 부르는 소리를 들었고 그래서 돌아온 것이라며 혜숙을 위로한다. 기남의 적극적인 공세에 마음이 흔들린 술녀는 기남을 만나 한번 사귀어 보자고 말하고 기남은 뛸듯이 기뻐한다. 새와는 김준과 혜숙의 앞에서 자신이 도진의 아이를 가졌다고 얘기한다. 한편 봉이와 유진 사이의 약속을 알게된 동해는 황당해하고 유진은 봉이에게 건네주었던 선물을 다시 열어보라며 두 사람을 축하해주는데...








    Phil Dragon is unconscious in Hye-lean calling themselves and so brought up by saying, Hye-sook. -M's aggressive offensive mind is shaken drink who remain meet and get acquainted once and let the remaining as play speaking rejoice. New and Kim Hye-sook gave and in front of the Qin himself also had a child. Meanwhile, Rod and Eugene Gets the promise between the East is takes and Eugene Rod passed to open her gift back and behold the two axis to give ...












    Thanks awsparkle for the brief summary.....now I have a clear picture what has happen in latest episode...




    Reading the summary...it seems HS really did transferred the shares to DH/PY.If that happen then there is no voting process needed to dismiss DH and PY because they are the major shareholders instead it depend on DH/PY hands now what he's gonna do with DJ.I think thats why HS meet with DH in the car before.HS don't want DJ continue his plan and at the same time he don't want anyone know about DJ wrongdoing so she ask DH to protect him no matter what the outcomes.




    I wonder what DH gonna said during the shareholders meeting and at the sametime prove his authority for the hotel management right.I don't think he will disclose DJ wrongdoing because it will bring bad image for Camillia Hotel.He maybe use his authority to stop the shareholders meeting from continue or just proceed with other matters concerning the hotel.Whatever it is DJ gonna be in shamed because he think he's gonna take control and dismiss DH but things happen the other way round.




    What is actually the text preview said?I don't think it mention anything about the shareholders meeting.




    I just cannot hide my excitement to watch the next episode especially with DH retain their management right while DJ gonna be humiliated in front off all shareholders.







    Loved it when DH told KJ, I'm sorry. I'm done with him.




    With all the trouble that HS caused, the one thing is that she loves, is that hotel. She knew that the Hainan project needed to be fixed or the Camellia would suffer. DJ didn't care about that. All DJ cared about was taking the hotel away from DH. Whereas DH knew what was the most important thing that needed to be done. Even though she's uncomfortable with DH I thinks she gained new repect for him with his with business sense. DJ is going to be crushed and think his mother turned her back on him. Not realizing that she saved him from total distruction by taking everything away from him. The look on DJ's face when DH takes the hotel is going to be priceless. DH won't reveal in the meeting about what DJ and SD did. That would be bad for the hotel and the stocks. There's very few people who knows about it. So they will keep it between themselves. He's going to be troubled about HS, but he will forgive her because she did the right thing in the end.
















    EP 154




    DJ, You shouldn't have let me give the key to DH. HS, Stop whinning, it already happen. What happen, Manager DH? What?! How much? Okay. DJ, What? What's in it? HS, The gold. There are huge amounts of gold. No wonder he used to that his mothers gold has helped him a lot when he's had a hard time since he settled down in Korea. DJ, Why did you make me give him the key? DJ, DH will buy the shares with that gold and persuade the shareholders to drag us down! HS, We can't stop him. Camellia wasn't ours from the begining. DJ, Mother! HS, Anyways, I'll fly to Hainan immediately. I'll talk to the employees and continue the construction. That's what I have to do now. DJ, What about the meeting? HS, Just listen to me! Forget it! I said you should stop! DJ, No I won't! HS, Are you against me? Stop now! It's an order that the president gives to the assistant manager!




    KJ, This letter must be from the Chairman. Open it. (If someone except me read this sealed letter it means Camellia Hotel and I, Cho Pil-Young probably be in crisis. I prepared this gold at the same time when I established Camellia Hotel. I Cho Pil-Young, wish that this gold would be used for Camellia Hotel and its employees. May 1981. The Chairman of Camellia Hotel, Cho Pil-Young) KJ, The Chairman has a farseeing wisdom. DH what are you going to do? DH, I don't know. I feel like as if I'm in a dream. KJ, I understand. But don't forget that it's up to your decision. You can use it to guard your right of management or normalize the construction in Hainan. DH, I don't know anything. What should I do? KJ, The Chairman gave you the key of the safety deposit box, because he believed that you would make a good decision. Anna, Were there really a lot of gold in the safety deposit box, DH? DH, Yes mom. MS, How did you gather them? You haven't spent much money for yourself. He didn't even mention it to me. KJ, When I read his letter, I could see that he didn't want to have a situation to use it, even it if prepared it for a crisis. The safety deposit box has been opened that mean the hotel is in crisis. MS, Of course he did. He's prepared it along for the uncertain crisis in the future for many years. DH, GM what should I do with this? MS, You should defend your right in the Camellia first. We can't let HS take the Camellia. DH, I know that too. If I don't normalize the construction in Hainan right now, all the investors will step back. If that happens, Camellia definitely will fall down. MS, You're right. I know it won't be easy but you should decide it. That's what your grandfather wants. Anna, DH what are you going to do? DH, I'll think deeply and make a decision. Grandpa. I promise you that I'll save the Camellia Hotel. So, don't worry about it and wake up, please.




    TH, What? The Chairman's safety deposit box? And you found it? PJ, What did you just say? TH, And what was in it? What, the gold? PJ, what are you talking about? TH, PJ is here. I'll come there with PJ right now. Well, how can I explain. The Chairman asked someone to give DH a key when he collapsed. And that key is for the safety deposit box! Mr. Kim snatched that key, so he couldn't open it so far. Fortunately, he found the deputy and he could open it today. SO, Are you saying there was gold in it.? PJ, Not just gold, a hugh amount of gold was in it! Wow it's like finding treasures. TH, DH wants us to come to the hotel to discuss something. SO, I wish my SIL will be find with that gold. I don't want anything, if my BY can live happily without concern. K-Jae, Well it will be helpful to solve the problems of the hotel. Wow, the Chairman is an amazing man.




    SN, I called you to come early. Our reunion will be held at my house. SO, I'm surprised that you take care of me. SN, You know, if the girls talk about SW because she just got divorced , I want you to stop them. We're not just best friends, but also a family-in-law. SO, I know there was a reason. I have so much work to do, so I can't go. And, a divorce is nothing! If someone talks about it kick her butt! SN, She isn't thoughtful at all. I don't need you either. She lost her chance to have delicious food! CB, Mrs Byun it's me! It's me! SN, What are you doing here? CB, I'll explain. SN, Stalker! pervert! Thief! CB, No it's not like that! SN, You bad man!, CB, No I'm not! SN, SY call the police! SY, Stop! SN, He's been hiding under the table! Hurry, call the police! SY, Mom, it's not like that. I invited him! SW, Chef Bang. What are you doing here? CB, I heard Mrs Byun had a reunion, so I wanted to make some food for her. SN, Why? There's nothing between us. Why do you want to make food for me? CB, I want to help you. Besides, I don't want you to have a hard time. Besides, I really like you. I realized that I'm in love with you, when I first saw you sleeping next to me before. SW, Mom! SN, Don't misunderstand! I don't like a man like him! Look, You shouldn't want anything you can't handle. You're not my type of man! I hate you! CB, I got it. I know how you feel. I'm sorry. SY, Mom, you were so mean! I asked him to come. I thought you might be sad when your friends bring their husbands at the reunion. So, I asked him to come here. SW, You should have asked her first. You don't even know their relationship. SY, She was with him when she didn't come home. Am I wrong? SN, He's not the one! I can't feel anything from him! SY, He prepared the good you enjoyed a lot. He put all of his effort into this meal to think that you would be happy. You were happy while you were eating that food, huh? That's the feeling!




    BY, Gold? Were that a lot of gold in the safety deposit box? PJ, Wow He's the owner of the Camellia. Look what he saved. How could he collect the gold from along time ago? Did he know that the price of gold probably would be increased a lot? TH, What are you going to do? The meeting is right around the corner. You should buy the stocks right now. DH, There's no time. DH, Do you have another opinion? BY, You need to take care of the contruction and you should guard you and the Chairman's right of management as well. What should he do? PJ, There's nothing to worry. This is a war, we should defeat the enemy first! You should buy the stocks and make DH kneel down! And then you take care of the construction in Hainan. DH, I think I have to save the hotel first. If I leave the construction along, Camellia could be shaken too. If, grandpa was me, he would normalize the construction first. I have to normalize the construction in Hainan first. And then I'll prepare the meeting to meet the shareholders.




    HS, I'm going home. I'll take the first plane. DJ, What about the meeting? We don't know how DH will attack us! Meanwhile your leave to Hainan? HS, Listen to me Give up. There's no point to do that. You can't win and there's no reason to win. DH, When will you go to Hainan? HS, Tomorrow morning. Why? I decided to us the gold for the construction in Hainan. DJ, You mean you won't guard your right of management? DH, No, I'm going to guard my right in Camellia from you as well! Without Hainan there is no Camellia. What good is it to be the president without the Camellia? DJ, Don't pretend that you're right! Manager DH you can't take the Camellia once you're kicked out of it. DH, We'll see whe's right. I'll send the money when it's ready. Take care of the Hainan's situation with that. DJ, Don't pretend that you're right! It's disgusting. Mother don't take my word lightly. My life is up to your decision.




    DJ, My mother is leaving to Hainan tomorrow, so she can't join in the meeting. But I'll lead the meeting. We'll take the hotel as we planned. SD, Well didn't you say that she didn't want to. DJ, She can't turn her back on me no matter what. I'm her son. If we lose on the meeting, so that everything is revealed I'll be put in prision. She won't let that happen. She will help me if the time comes. She's my mother. SD, Mr. Kim. DJ, Our lives are up to the meeting. Or the both of you and I will be done.




    MS, Did president Hong change? DH, I feels that she's trying to help me. I think she changed her mind when grandpa collapsed. She made DJ give me the key. MS, President Hong wasn't a bad person. But, still you shouldn't trust her. People easily change their minds. She can change her mind again. Never let your guard down until the meeting ends well. What about DJ? DH, He is still trying to attack me. MS, Even if HS changed her mind it won't be easy because of DJ. DJ is the only one HS has. She can't turn her back on her son.




    DH, What's up? You said you're leaving tomorrow morning. HS, You know I won't be at the meeting right? I am very uncomfortable with you. It's awkward to tell you how I really feel. What should I tell you first? DH, I don't get it. HS, For Camellia I let myself be manipulated by DJ at the begining. I know it was my fault. The shareholders meeting, I can't stop DJ. I can't let the wold know about my son's wrong doing. I'm asking you a favor. I want you to think in DJ's postion just once. No matter what the outcome is. Then I'll think about the best way for everyone. Whether it's you or DJ and Camellia.




    DJ, Hello Mr. Park. Tomorrow id D-day. How are you? A threat? I just hope that I don't have to disgrace you when you live you life at a honest and capable hotelier. See you tomorrow. DH, Direct Parks weaknesse? Were you threating him? DJ, It;s none of your business if I threaten someone or not. You just work on the construction in Hainan with that gold. While you work on the I'll take Camellia. And you will get fired tomorrow. Got it?




    DH, I didn't mean it, but I found out wha'ts going on between you and Mr. Kim. Does Mr. Kim know that your took bribery? DP, What are you talking about? What bribery?! DH, I wish you don't make another mistake to cover up the past mistake. Please help me.




    YJ, DH! Did you come to see me? DH, No, I had to meet one of the board member here. And fortunately I meet you like this. I was told by BY She said you're going to be on my side at the meeting. Thank you so much. YJ, You thank me? That's all? Didn't BY tell you other things? Never mind. See you at the meeting.




    PJ, SD I told you that you can't avoid me even it you hide yourself. TH, SD please reveal the truth at the meeting. Before the shareholders decide to fire DH and the Chairman. I want you to reveal the truth. BY, Please, SD, I don't know what you are talking about. TH, My parents prepared this for you. My parents have made all kinds of kimchi that you like all night. They don't know who you've changed. They're worried about you because you looked bad before. Do you know how much thate we're concerned about you? You can take everything back. You can minimize your mistakes. You were not..... You weren't a bad person. PJ, Wait for him until he changes his mind. Besides, if he did it.. he will be a criminal. It's not easy for him to do that.




    DH, Granpa. I'm going to the meeting. You trust your grandson, right? Anna, DH good luck. MS, DH good luck?




    DJ, Did the employees make up their minds? CN, Yes, We made out decision. DJ, Good. Think which is good for your benefit. And decide well. CB, I'll vote for the Camellia's future not for my benefit. DJ, How are you Manager, DH? DH, I'm find. What about you Mr. Kim?




    TJ, BY You remember out promise right? Don't change your mind. BY, Don't worry and you should help DH in the meeting. YJ And this is for you. Open it when you get home after the meeting. I prepared it because you promised me that. BY, A present for me? Is she alright?




    SW, Really? DJ had the key? And his father is the Chairman's deputy? TH, I thin DH forgot to tell you this because he's been busy for the meeting. There was a lot of gold in that safety deposit box. And he decided to use it in the Hainan. SN, The owner of the Camellia will be decided today? Between DH or jerk DJ? TH, Kind of....... SY, I know you are on DH's side. SW tell me the truth. Whose side are you on? SN, Shut up! It's non of SW business. There's nothing between them. Anyways, I wonder which is better for Bang Ki-Nam? SY, See she has feelings for him.




    KJ, Hell Dr, Choi. What up? Do you have the results? Dr. About that I found something not good. You should get an additional checkup? KJ, I'll drop by at lunch time.




    Secretary. The meeting will start in 20 minutes. You should go now.




    DH, What's up? Why did you take me here? Sec, It's an order from the president. She told me to give you this. DH, What is this?, Sec. She told me to give you this before the shareholders meeting. DH, Are you sure? Is it really for me? Yes, ma'am I just got it.




    KJ, Is it necessary? Do you have to do this to DH and the Chairman? DJ, It's to late. I went to far to place everything back. You rather talk to DH, not me. DH, Kim Do-Jin! Stop now! I'm giving you the last chance as a brother. So stop now. DJ, What? Brother? The last Chance? DH, Yes! This is the last chance! DJ, Prepare yourself. Today is the last day for you to work at the Camellia. KJ, DH. DH, I'm sorry. I'm done with him.




    K-Jae, What time does the meeting start? SO, My Son-in-law must be really nervous. He probably be exhausted by now. How poor. There's nothing we can do for him. TH, Mom don't worry. We did our best. We should let the fate decide. SO, God, Buddah, and all the ghost take care of my son-in-law. TH, PJ it's from SD, PJ, Pick up. TH, Hi SD. Yes. What? Meet now?




    DJ, Now we're having the 31st shareholders's meeting of Camellia Hotel. Hello, Ladies and Gentleman. I'm Kim- Do-Jin, Assistant Manager of Camellia. According to section 24 in the Camellia's articles of association, I'm going to lead this meeting instead of the President who is out of town. I appreciate the shareholders who join in this meeting while you're are busy. All of Camellia's employees including myself have been doing out best to make the best hotel in the world.




    MS, I can't stay, I have to join in the meeting. Should I call detective Lee or BY to be with you? Anna, Neither of them. I can be with dad alone. MS, I should call Ms Kwan to get ready my car.




    DJ, I believe that all the shareholders read the agenda that has the contents of this meeting at the gate before. We'll start the voting process for the matter of resignation of Manger DH and Chairman Cho Pil-Young. And we'll discuss the matter that President Hong-Sook and Kim Do-Jin's promotion. DH, Wait a minute! Before that, I have one thing to tell all of you. Everyone who is here can't dismiss me and the Chairman Chp Pil-Young. People, What did he just say? What's he talking about? What's that mean? DJ, Wha'ts that mean Manager DH?




































































































































    I think HS did transferred the shares to DH,  which would makes him the major shareholder.  HS had 25 shares of PY's added to MS's 20 shares gives him 45% in shares. She might have even given him hers, which would give him even more shares. DH having the majority of the shares would give him the controlling interest of the hotel. There would be no vote by the other shareholders because DH having the majority of share he takes ownership of the hotel. Resulting in him having the management rights.
































































    DH tried one last time before the meeting to give DJ a chance to stop but he pasted. So DH is taking him down. KJ makes me sick with his trying to get DH to protect DJ after all DJ has done. DH was like sorry can't do that!!!!!!!!!!
































































    If this is what HS did then YJ didn't do anything to help DH so the deal with BY is off. DH didn't need her votes.  








































    Written preview of EP 155




    필용의 의식이 돌아오자 말선과 동백 등은 눈물을 흘리며 기뻐한다. 선달을 만나기로 한 카페에서 필재와 태훈은 선달로부터 자신의 잘못을 뉘우치는 내용의 편지와 그동안의 카멜리아 장악을 위한 과정들이 담겨있는 USB를 받게 된다. 새영의 설득에 안그래도 마음이 흔들리고 있던 술녀는 기남에게 문자메시지를 보내고, 기남은 뛸듯이 기뻐한다. 한편 도진의 일고 마음이 괴로운 혜숙은 깨어난 필용이 자신을 찾는다는 얘기에 긴장하는데




    Phil say's ceremony came back for good and Camellia, tearful rejoice. Line to meet the Moon and Cafe Phil Jae and Tae-Hoon is a line from own wrong month regrettable content control of letters and in the mean time the Camellia for courses, the USB. New young's persuasion was emerging from the mind is shaken drink Lady is m with the ability to send text messages to, and remaining as play rejoice. On the one hand and mind even Qin, agonizing Hye-sook is waking up to find himself Phil ease stress on talk ...


































    GP had wanted to teach DJ humanity.  However, HS felt offended as if her son didn't know the theory at all.  She stopped GP from doing so, so as not to upset DJ any further.  HS is just too protective of her son.  This may be due to the fact that KJ has never loved her and has neglected her and DJ.  That's why she relies too much on DJ, making him feel that those who are not with them, are against them and they should be destroyed.  And it's why DJ has never felt remorseful when GP collapsed.  He hasn't visited GP in the hospital yet as he feels he is not in the wrong to go against GP.
































    HS doesn't know how to stop DJ now from becoming worse.  Even though she knows she has to stop DJ, she feels sad for him as well.  As a mother, what can she do?  That's why KJ has to step in to help HS, not just leave them alone.  He has wanted to be a good father to DH and DJ, yet he has not done anything for both of them.  Somehow, I'm feeling very frustrated with him.
































    HS should feeled saddened. She realizes that she created a monster who she no longer has control over. Since HS wants to put everything back in it's place, then cancel the shareholder meetting. There's no need for a vote. In honor of PY the meeting should be canceled until further notice. No need to vote then there's no need for YJ's help. 
































    As for KJ. He has not done one thing to stop his son. He always avoids confrontations. All DJ ever wanted from KJ was his love and attention, I think DJ is right in feeling that KJ favors DH. When KJ found out that DH was his son. He was so busy chasing after DH that he never even thought about how DJ must feel. He always left him dangling to go after DH.  







































    If SW finds out she will remember how BY helped her when see needed her the most. If it happens this way. SW would do something about it.




    1. Talk to BY and give her a pep talk and let her know  to fight along side her man wheather he wants her  to or not. Do everything she can besides giving him.




    2. SW would tell DH what she knows.




    3. SW goes to YJ herself. SW would be the perfect one to deal with YJ.


































    Noomma, I agree about the way BY feels. She feels small and useless in the world that DH has entered into. Her and DH have always fought their battles together, She's so used to being by his side and helping him, so now she feels she feels lefted out. YJ zeroed in on BY insecurities and took advantage. I wouldn't even be surprised if she told on herself. She's so bold and brass. She may slip up and say something that will tip DH off.
















    DH doesn't have a clue right now about how BY is feeling.  with him being so distracted with the hotel problems. To DH BY is his wife now and he's treating her like a precious piece of glass. The same way he treats his mother.
















    SW seems to be coming around. She actually and sincerely apologized to DH. What a break through for her. 
















    DJ trying to take something that did not belong to him. He had no right to that key. PY left it for DH. DH can now pull their butts out of a sling. DH used compassion in talking to the investors. That's how he was able to talk them down. HS and DJ only talked at them and circled around the issue. HS even tried to dismiss them when she told them she had something to do and had to leave.. DJ's whole augument with the sharerholders was that DH didn't know anything and was only put in the position because he is the grandson. With DH fixing the problem with the Hainan project. The investors will know that they can trust DH at his word just as they trust PY, which will bring over more shareholders to DH's side.
























    It's so sad that BY has to go through this in order to help DH. DH did notice that something is wrong, but BY covered it up. I hope he catches on before the shareholders meeting or YJ gets a conscience.








    So, DJ had to give up the key!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. That's one punch in the face. His own father was the delegate and he couldn't do a thing about it. I can't wait to see what's in that box, that put DH and KJ in shock..  








    I think BY and TH are getting to SN and he will turn on DJ because of the guilt of how much he's hurting the people who treated him like family and was there for him when his mother died.




















    My theory of who the other delegate is went out the window.  It seems KJ is the other delegate.








    김준이 필용의 대리인이었다는 사실을 안 동해는 도진에게서 열쇠를 받아 은행으로 향한다. 도진은 혜숙과 김준이 동해를 돕는다는 사실에 분개하고, 이를 보는 혜숙의 마음은 안타깝다. 한편 술녀는 탁자밑에 숨어있던 기남을 발견하고 깜짝 놀라지만 새영은 이 음식들을 기남이 준비했으며 두 사람이 잘해보라고 말한다. 이에 술녀는 기남이 자신의 타입이 아니라며 단호히 거절하고, 상처받은 기남은 잘 알았다며 술녀의 집을 뛰쳐나가는데...








    Kim, Joon this Phil was a delegate for the fact that not even the East Jin, which ought to take the keys to the Bank. Hye-sook was a and Kim Jun-help this RIM fact indignant, Hye-sook sees mind is deplorable. On the other hand, drink ayah was hiding under the table and found left and only be young this food to the South, has prepared two people said well. This drink in the South, his maid type and refuse, and found the remaining well and drink who ran the House of ... cyeonaganeun




















    EP 152








    DJ, You are the only one I can depend on. What am I going to do if you turn your back on me? HS, the Chairman is lying in bed because of me. I just can't ignore it. I already made my decision. First, I'll teach DH about management. And I'll place the rest of the other things back to where they were.








    (Men come in) President Hong here you are. I will say no more. I want my money back! I want my money back! HS, I'ts so sudden. What's that mean? Men, I trusted Chairman Cho but he collapsed. Besides the contruction was stopped. I need to step back right now! DJ, The contruction was stopped? That's not true! We stopped the contruction temporarily because of the climates. You don't need to worry about it. Men, Don't lie to us! Do you think we're stupid? We can't trust you! So give us our money back right now! DJ, We just started this. Why can't you take just a small risk like this? Men, Are you finished talking? I can't trust you! So withdraw my money! HS, You're to emotional now. We'll report to you about the construction in Hainan as soon as possible. Let's discuss it then. I have something to do, so excuse me. Men, You can't just leave like this! DJ, Step back. Man What? Step back?! You should stay out of it. DH, Everyone calm down. I want you to listen to me. Men, Who are you? Stay out of it! President Hong if you don't return our money, we'll let the press know about this! DH, Wait! If you withdraw you money now, it'll not just damage us, but also yourselves. You will probably miss the chance to earn a lot of money. Men, Who are you? Why do you keep interrupting? Oh you're the man who was next to Chairman Cho when we had Camellia's expansion ceremony? Are you his grandson? DH, Yes, I'm the Chairman Cho Pil-Young grandson. Please give us more time. If you give us just one more week, we'll normalize the construction in Hainan. Men, I can't trust you. We don't want to lose our money DH, the next shareholders meeting will be held in another week Give us the time until then. President Jung, you must be worried about your son who just had surgery, for stomach cancer. I know about it as well. And did the insurance company cover up the fire incident? You probably was surprise? How do you know? The Chairman told me everything. He memorized the names and hobbies, of the board members and people who helped the Camellia. And he told me this and gave me this note which he had carried for 30 years. He told me to memorize this in my heart not just my brain. I beg you. If you can't wait for a week, just give us four days to solve the problem. If there's a problem we're solve it immediately. After the week if you still think we're in danger, then you may do whatever you want. Men, Four days. If you can't resolve it then in four days we're done.








    SD, Let go of me. PJ, come in! TH, SD sit here! PJ tell me everything while I treat you nicely. You why the construction in Hainan stopped right? The construction funds disappeared so it stopped!. SD, I don't know what you're talking about PJ, Oh man, look at him. I'm sure you're involved in this! Tell me right now! You were scheming with the funds! Where did you spend those funds? TH, You and DJ reported Camellia to the IRS, so that the Chairman would sell his shares, and did you buy the stocks with the funds?








    DH, As you saw, you should tell me the truth. Why don't you tell me what you're hiding? Why did the construction stop? HS, DH Take a seat first. I'll tell you everything. DJ, The construction stopped temporarily because of the climates in Hainan. We already knew this would happen, when we started this project. They just don't know this. There's no secret. Don't mistake anything. DH, I think you still don't want to reveal the truth. If so I'll ask SD if what you said is true or not. DJ, SN can't tell him anything. I ordered SN to secure the additional funds so the construction in Hainan will continue soon. The, we don't need to tell the truth. HS, No I think I have to sell my stocks. DJ, You can't do that! The Chairman collapsed, and if they find out you're selling your shares, it's like we're letting the people know Camellia is in danger.! Mother give me more time. If you trust me, I can take care of all the problems. I'll show you. DH, YJ I'm sorry I have something urgent. I can't meet you today I'll call you later. BY, I just talked to TH He said PJ caught SD. DH, Yes, PJ took him to the kimchi factory. I'm going there now. BY, I'll go with you. DH, No no I don't want you to come. We'll probably use bad words I don't want you to see that. Will you call me when you're finished you work? Let's visit GP.








    BY, Wait I have a favor to ask you. The shareholders meeting is next week . Please vote for DH, Cook, BY don't request such a thing, a vote should be impartial. Don't you know? BY, I know it but it's unfair already. The president and Mr Kim are trying to take advantage of the Chairmand unguarded moment! Do you think it's far? Cook, she's go a point. BY, Please I beg of you vote for DH please. SY, SW are you alright. Are you eating because you're hungry or mad? SW, I'll take care of myself. And I'll have my baby. And I'll raise the baby alone. SY, You made your decision? SW, I've thought for a couple of days. If DH didn't want to take care of the baby, I'll do it by myself. Although I got divorced, I can still have a baby. I'll raise my baby. SY, I totally agree with your decision. You can do it well. Don't mind what other people say. Why do they meddle into other peoples lives? SW, For now this is a secret from mom, okay. I don't want her to worry about me. I'll tell her later in person.








    PJ, All man. SD listen. You used to be afraid of me when you were young. Le'ts just make everything easy. SD please. DH, Where is he. PJ He persisted in feigning ignorance. He drives me crazy! DH, The investors found out that the construction was stopped. They came to the hotel and asked to return their money. It's contructions should be completed next week! What happen to the construction funds? SD, I have no idea. Carmellia is in danger. Did you buy the stocks with the funds? Please tell us! SD, Why should I tell you such a thing? There's nothing between Carmellia and I. Do you know how many people work for Camellia? And they have families. What you did put all of them into trouble. SD, That's enough. Why should I listen to you? And as long as we're close you shouldn't do this to me without evidence. If this happens again, I won't let it go. TH, Is this who you really are? You did this for your father? Did you need the money for your dad's trial? SD, You don't know anything. TH, You can't leave like this. Follow me! Stand up, Stand up. What happen to you? It's not like you. You were a sincere man! You were always on the weak side. SD, What do you know? You've been sitting on the desk and studying the law books What do you know about this world? Don't give me a lesson. Yes, I'm changed If you don't hurt them first, they'll hurt you. That's the world. If you want to have something, your should take it away. SO, What are you doing? What happen? Wha'ts wrong with your face?








    DJ thinking to himself. about what DH said to the investors.








    KJ, Chairman, How long will you lay on the bed? You should wake up now. Wake up and correct my wife and DJ. MS KJ what are you doing here? KJ, I dropped by to see the Chairman. The nurse went out to have a meal, so I've been here instead of them. MS I appreciate your concern but I don't want to see you. When I think of the connection between you DB, and DH, I thank you. But your part of HS and DJ family. I can say you're the reason why HS did it. DB, Don't blame James. KJ, You're right. All of this happen because of me. I'm sorry. I'm leave now. KJ, Anna, did you follow me because you are worried about me? It must be hard for you to nurse him? Your face his gaunt. DB, I'm fine. You look worst then me. Are you sick? I don't want you to be sick. MS, DB what are you doing here? You should leave now. You're a well known person. You should be careful. And Keep my words in your mind.








    SO, Why did you fight? You're grown ups. Men usually fight to see who's stronger when their younger. TH you even have childred. PJ, Don't blame TH. He deseves that. SO, I blame you more. You're their uncle, You should have stopped them when they have a fight. If your father saw this what would he say? He'll probably be proud of you for fighting and getting a scar on your face. Why haven't you come over to our house? You don't look good. Do you skip the meals because you are alone? I won't charge you, so come to my house and have meals. My SIL will understand that. K-Jae, SD you came. What's wrong with your face? Did you have a fight? You're grown up. If your father knew this he would be sad. You should take care of yourself so that your parents can feels relieved. DH, I beg you again. Reveal the truth. Camellia can be in a crisis. SD, It's very annoying. Move aside. PJ, Listen to me. The truth will be revealed someday. When it ends up being revealed. I don't want to cuff you. Just turn yourself in when I advise you too I'll wait for you. DH, I'll wait for you. We need to normalize Carmellia before it's to late. Tells us where you spend the construction fund? I trust you. SD, Move aside. PJ, We will let you go for now You're in my hands. No matter where you go even if it's abroad, I'm watching you. Got it? TH, I think you should normalize the contruction in Hainan first no matter what. Whether it's the investors or the shareholders. You should put them at ease and trust the CEO's PJ, The problem is alway the money. Unless DJ admits his crime and returns the money, there's no way to get such a huge amount of money. DH, If GF was in this situation. What would he do to save the Camellia? Three burrows? PJ, What are you saying all a sudden? DH, He told me about three burrows before he collapesed. And He mentioned about it when he gave SW the key. I have to meet my GM and ask her. If she knows what three burrow means and what the key that he left is for.








    DH, GM, I have one thing to ask you. GF, mentioned that a clever rabbit prepares there different burrows for a crisis a day before my wedding. And he told me the owner must prepare another away just in case. MS what about that? When GF collapsed he gave SW a key and mentioned about the three burrows. Do you know what that means? MS, A key? Three burrows? What's that mean. I have no idea as well. DH,








    YJ our appointment was canceled. There's no reason why I should meet you there. BY, You should go, the shareholders meeting is near. She might be on your side at the meeting. YJ, You came? You said you wouldn't come. YJ, What should I do to become your wife. DH, I got married to BY. I'm BY husband now. YJ, Do you have to remind me of that? When you do it more and more. I want to have you as my boyfriend out of spite. I became a bad woman because of you. You know that?








    DJ, What happen? DH was going to meeting you. SN, Yes we did but, nothing happen. DJ, You'll get damaged first if something happens. And, there's no way that only one person can be saved. Remember this. You didn't change you mind did you? SD, No I didn't That won't happen. DJ, By the way the investor want their money back. Hainan project will come to nothing without their money! We need some money to continue the construction to set them at ease. SD, That's impossible. That's beyond our ability.








    DJ, No! We must secure the funds to continue the contruction. And we'll take this hotel at the meeting as planned.








    HS, Please Branch Manager. Why don't we meet and talk? I'm well aware of that. But Jeoneun Bank has been the major back to Camellia. Please help us. I'll get there soon.








    SW, Jeoneun Bank. The key was in the envelope. Is it for? SN, What are you doing to do about the baby? You can't just kill you time like this. SW, Mom there was a key in the bank envelope. Then what's the key for? SN, A key? A bank? I think it was for a safety deposit box. DH, Meet right now, What? You know what the key is for? I'm on my way.








    YJ, I'm sorry about before. By the way have you thought about what I told you? I told you to prove your love toward DH. DH doesn't have a chance to win at Mr. Kims meeting. Everyone believes that the Camellia is going to fall into the hand of the President and Mr Kim. Never mind. Tell you parents I said thank you. And I'll thank DH later in person. BY, Wait, If I leave DH are you really going to help my DH?








    SW, The key that the Chairman gave me was in that envelope. DH, Jeoneun Bank? SW, I think it was a key for the Chairmen's safety deposit box. And DJ might have that key. I've thought a lot about it and I'm sure I left it in DJ car. I serarched DJ care twice, but I couldn't find it. DH, Are you sure? How does it look like?








    DJ, This must be an important key. What is it for? SW, It's DJ. DH, Pick up. DJ, I'll ask you one thing Wasn't the key that the Chairman gave you in an envelope? Like a bank envelope. SW, A bank envelope?
















    You are right about HS...She actually relieve that DH able to settled down the investors.She can no longer rely on her son...DJ only think to get the hotel with whatever method instead he only make more damage for the hotel.Although they get the hotel they won't able to settle the problem with the investors and to do that they need a lot of fund.I hope what you said about HS give back PY shares is true.With that DH won't need YJ shares and he has enough to gain the management right.You are right about SD...I think he'll be confused hopefully he'll get his act together and do the right thing.DJ is so stupid and selfish, he know that the key is for DH and with that key DH may be able to save the Hainan project but he still didn't want to give that key because its mean all DH deed will be known in shareholders meeting.All he cares now is to get the management right but he didn't realize he gain nothing if the hotel face a dire crisis and he can't do anything to save them.








    About YJ,I'm agree with you.She may think she gain upper hand right now but she didn't know what is actually happening(HS want to resign while DH actually has something that can save the hotel).If all things run smoothly and DH gain the management right...all BY and YJ conversation will remain secret because YJ can't say that because of her stock DH gain the management right.I want YJ see how DH gain the management right without her help.It will show Yj that even without her help DH will able to solve the problem.















    I think the issue with YJ and BY will be resolved before the shareholder meeting so that BY can stay with DH. SW is always the first one to know something. Maybe she will overhear something and tell DH. She won't want to do it at first but since BY helped her when she needed her she will help BY in return. DH goes to YJ and puts her in her place. Let her know if it takes losing BY for her shares then she can keep them. DH has been to nice to YJ. He needs to put his foot down and send her packing. I don't think he will need her shares anyway.








    HS is going to have to hurt her son in order to heal him. What I don't understand is KJ he hasn't done anything to stop DJ. But he tells DH not to hate DJ so much and he begs of him to take care of DJ. That's another burden DH has on his shoulders.








    There are so many twist to this drama who knows.
















    I actually hope that DH and BY didn't need YJ shares to win during the shareholder meeting...so that it make it clear to YJ that DH didn't need her shares to preserve the hotel and gain the management right.YJ is too proud of herself that DH will need her so much so it will be great if something else happen during the shareholder meeting at the same time it will give her slap on her face and won't give her any chance to trample on BY feeling again.








    Actually I have a feeling that in the end SN will cooperate with DH and expose the truth during the shareholders meeting....If the matters about hainan hotel project exposed do you think all shareholders vote for HS and DJ.They maybe ask them to be responsible for the problem.And this is a perfect time for DH step up and solve the problem with the key that PY save for him.It will be even great if PY appears during the shareholders meeting.Although he no longer the major shareholder of the hotel but he is the person who establised the hotel so that he has a great respect and influence among the shareholders.With all HS and DJ misdeed exposed there is no reason for the shareholders to go against PY.








    Its just my thinking...actually DH also didn't need to be responsible for the hotel if he want.If the key that PY want to give him is actually an emergency fund which I'm sure worth million of dollars,DH either use it to help the hotel or keep it for his family.He can even moves abroad and start new business if he want.If he do that its only DJ and HS that responsible with the hotel problem which I'm sure they won't able to solve it and need to declare bancrupt and they will loss everything because of their own mistake and greed.















    I think once DH gets into that safety deposit box he will be able to save the Hainan project. HS was a little impressed with him when he settled down the investors. When he gets things back on track with the Hainan project HS will give PY shares back. As she said she's going to resign her postion. DH won't need YJ shares. He'll have enough for the right of managment position. Hopefully SD will get his act together and confuse. If he does it won't be at the shareholders meeting. That would put to much damage to the hotel. GP will probably not wake up until DH has resolved  the problems. YJ might think she has the upper hand right now but something is going to happen that is going to blow her hopes of getting DH out the window.








    Hopefully by the end of this week everything will start to be resolved.





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