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    I like their new clothes.

































































































































  20. May I please request the piano music sheets to Eternity ~Memories of Light and Waves~ composed by Takahito Eguchi?

    I spent hours searching for it and nothing came up, not to mention that its impossible for me to buy the official book.

    - edit -

    I forgot to mention...this song is from Final Fantasy X-2.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Kevin's head looked really good in this. Yes the way i said it sounded weird, but his head looked really good. He's like...the new PD with the nice head. Though I still prefer PD's round head.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The last scene of kevin in the lake was really pretty. Though it reminds me of one of those scary movie....oh yeahz it was the Grudge, I think its jsut the colour of the scene. Hahahah.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    HyeSung's eyes were really pretty in the MV, but...why was he at a cemetery?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Anyways, YunAh said that she found new clips. ^^ so I think new clips are gona come real soon!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I hope their tour concert thing goes well. They're not appearing on TV that much but they're already doing a lot of concerts. *sighs* I hope they appear soon.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    Hmmm I hope they won't do this for too long. Its quite annoying considering the fact that we still dont have a HQ clip of them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The fancams! The dizzyness! The fan girls screams! The pixel boxes of LQ clips.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I think I don't want to ever lay my eyes on another LQ clip again after this.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Those lucky lucky schools.



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    ^Their clothes are always interesting (referring to the boys).

    That girl is one lucky fan. Aww she's sandwiched between them!

    Its cool how they made it to the headlines. ^^ Too bad there's no XING fans in Ireland that we know of.

    Well, I'm off to watch the clips! Thanks for sharing YunAh!





    ^Well just the begining. I think its the rthymn of the chorus. The melody is different for sure.

    xP haven't been here in ages.

    And we still don't have a HQ clip of XING. Just XING ENT. quality.




    Wahhh, so Yume is the leader. Well he is the oldest member, but I didn't expect that. O_O I thought that it was going to be PD for some reason. O_O

    Wheee, but at least we know something now. That's a good thing!

    Kevin looks really good in those pictures by the way! I'm becoming quite fond of his brown hair. Whee brown teddy bear. ^^


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