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Posts posted by popdedi

  1. I really hope he is declining work because he wants to rest and nothing else.

    His contract with Salt ends in March 2023 (apparently according to multiple clarifications from Salt back then). Let's see his next move.

    Chanced upon a blog that translated many of his past interviews. Insightful. For those who are keen: https://thetalkingcupboard.com/category/interviews-articles/




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  2. @EInfinityTo find Edition items in 11st Global, use the korean brand name of it. Meaning, search for 에디션 센서빌리티. Similarly to find nau items, search for 나우 and under "Categories", choose "Hiking/Outdoor." However do note that most of these sellers only ship domestically so I hope you can find a way to get the items to you! Good luck!

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  3. On 11/24/2021 at 8:49 PM, haifa234 said:

    Hello everyone!

    This might be not related, but I'd like to know if anyone here knows how to order from Nau? Do they ship internationally?

    The thing is, there is one bag that KSH used in Homecha that caught my eyes :wub: i want to buy it if I can. Plus i want to support KSH's ad too. 


    Please let me know if anyone here knows how to order from Nau.

    Thank you in advance! :fullofhearts:


    This is a good question that I tried to find answers to too so I thought I would share my experience. I may miss some points though so if anyone else has better ways please share! I also want to support the brands that KSH endorses!


    Trying to buy from Korean brand websites is mission impossible for a non-local. For authentication purposes, you need either a Korean mobile phone number or a Korean ID issued by a governmental office. Even if you did manage to get past this stage, you will need a domestic address because they likely only cater to the domestic market.


    Just like what @egluvsnupimentioned, try 11st Global or Gmarket Global to find sellers that ship internationally (I see nau and Edition items available on Gmarket but as always, buyers beware!). A last resort will be to buy from 11st or Gmarket and if they only ship domestically, for you to use a shipping forwarder service (e.g. something similar to comGateway) and get the items shipped to you.

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  4. Random thoughts:


    1. Choi Young Ah: Karma will come back to haunt her. To be living her life as if she did nothing wrong, posting on Instagram etc shows that she thought nothing of what she did. But of course to her, it was just a "misunderstanding" so why should she not live her life as usual? She is the epitome of evilness. She lost her trophy boyfriend simply because she was not eligible enough with her repeated lies and he was still kind (foolish?) enough to grant her that final dose of respect by not disputing her version of events right at the start.


    2. The media-play: KSH simply apologized. He did not admit nor deny the allegations. But his act of apologizing (instead of defending himself!) = KSH admitted to all the allegations that he is a true jerk which is why he is apologizing. After hearing a one-sided story, the media went on a rampage to capture readers' attention with the headline-grabbing news articles. Netizens piled on with their destructive comments and we witnessed the terrible aftermath. Salt being radio silent (apparently even with the advertisers) also contributed to his reputation/reliability being torn to shreds. Words really can pressure and kill.


    3. Inaction on false claims: Salt/KSH not taking (legal) action against her even after the 2nd Dispatch article sets a very bad precedent. There is no accountability and she can still go on living her life as if nothing had happened. You can accuse someone about something but you must be armed with evidence first to do so right? She just simply wrote false claims to bring him down in the most dramatic fashion possible and got away with it (seemingly so). How is this possible? Unless something else went on behind the scenes...


    4. 2D1N: The last few episodes of 2D1N were heartbreaking. I didn't know that there was a way for a person to be seen on TV (somehow) but not be heard. KBS taught me that it is definitely possible. I watched 2D1NS4 from episode 1 because of KSH but I grew to love the whole crew. I was thinking of whether the result of him staying or leaving the show would had been different should he have chosen to defend himself right when the allegations first erupted and my conclusion was he still would have to leave (whether by his own discretion or otherwise). However, the way that KBS chose to edit him out was very disrespectful. He contributed his fair share to the show and so why would it be so difficult to grant him a graceful exit when he is not a criminal? I hope I will be able to watch the unedited episodes on KBS World TV YouTube channel one day but I guess it will take more than a miracle for it to happen. Ravi should be enlisting in the military soon so perhaps the original plan was for KSH to exit at the same time given his busy movie schedules (he was supposed to film 3 back-to-back movies from November till April) but his exit happened earlier than planned.


    5. KSH: I still believe he is destined for greatness with his acting prowess so I will look forward to his return (big or small screen)! Kudos to the co-workers and brands who stood by him. Hopefully he will be able to date freely now too. It will no longer be the KSH dating scandal when the public gets wind of it (I hope!) but PLEASE, can someone (not best friend B please. Best friend B asked KSH to forgive her initially!) remind him repeatedly to keep his eyes and ears wide open when choosing his partner? 


    6. Cultural difference: This incident is about an actor's personal life. An actor is human just like all of us. He is not perfect just like all of us so why should the Korean netizens believe he should be? I cannot help but feel that the overseas fans/supporters are much more rational in believing his hard work from theatre till now should not be for nought even before the Dispatch articles came out since these issues were supposed to be private and never made public.



    With that, I am off to watching his old dramas when he was the second lead. I've only completed Start-Up, You Drive Me Crazy, Catch The Ghost (this drama is too under-rated!) and HTCCC. Till his comeback, I shall entertain myself slowly but I will have to stop watching 2D1N because it is just too sad.

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  5. Thank you @Ohshfor sharing the Chinese-translated video. It was insightful.

    I've been a silent reader (thank you all for your sharing, I enjoyed them very much) and will like to pen down my 2 cents. Please bear with me.


    I don't buy into this being simply a "you broke up with me after giving me empty promises, I hate you so I just want to expose you to get an apology and oh I got an apology so all's good and I will remove my post." The timing of the initial expose was too immaculate. And I thought YouTuber Lee Jin Ho is known to go all out to reveal sensational insider information? His sudden turn of attitude to claim that this is just an issue between 2 parties is just as strange to me.


    I feel someone out there has every intention to ruin KSH. Who this person/organization is and what their ultimate intention is is anyone's guess. Initially I was hoping that the 25 Oct disclosure will help him but I guess either the person was threatened/paid off into keeping quiet or he/she is just another hoax. To take 5 days to reveal such information is also a very long time in this context. Also, I really wonder when his contract expired/is due to expire as there were news articles on Tuesday that stated it expired in early September but Salt later said there is still 1 more year. 


    I wish KSH strength to power through this and emerge stronger. I hope the brands see through this (non-criminal) episode and continue to support him too.


    That aside, his acting won me over. I watched Start-Up (only after the entire series aired on Netflix and only because people kept telling me it is a really good show) not knowing who he was after which I watched a few of his previous dramas too. I watched 2D1N from episode 1 too. To write him off just like that is a waste of talent. He has so much more to contribute in his profession and I look forward to seeing him back on screen in the (I hope) near future.

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  6. @luvkstyle@pixelsticksI am guessing the keyboardist at his fan meetings is Director of Soul, at least it seems so to me from his profile on Instagram. :)

    Speaking of the keyboardist, yes JG was hugging him from behind during the Singapore fan meeting as he was introducing the members of his band. However, judging from the reaction of the keyboardist, he didn't really seem to be enjoying the moment... Hahaha.
    Actually it's not the first time JG hugged him. I recall seeing a video from another recent fan meet where JG was literally breathing down his neck. Of course, all these were accompanied by loud screams from his hordes of fans. :tongue:

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  7. @luvkstyle @lisethvr

    I think Director of Soul is

    <blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:37.5% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div><p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;"><a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BROEx_uFA4r/" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;" target="_blank">A post shared by Lim Hyun Jun (@funky_jun)</a> on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2017-03-04T14:41:05+00:00">Mar 4, 2017 at 6:41am PST</time></p></div></blockquote>
    <script async defer src="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js"></script>


    Just a guess.

    A big hello to all. I'm a new supporter of JG (after watching Scarlet Heart) and was fortunate enough to attend his fan meeting in Singapore. He made a lot of effort to speak in English, which I am sure his international fans were very appreciative of. He invited his fans to attend the Encore fan meeting in Seoul, but I wonder if international fans will be able to understand what he'll be saying (I am assuming he will be speaking in Korean most of the time, but will he have an English translator right beside him?) Well I guess if anyone is lucky enough to get hold of tickets, maybe just being able to see him up close will be good enough. :):)

    Edit: Opps I do not know how to quote instagram posts.... Sorry!
    Here's the link: https://www.instagram.com/funky_jun/

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